Rejected Twice

By ashleylopez14268

4.4K 123 23

Zoe cambridge is a 19 year old girl who moves to a new town , she always wanted to go to a school called regw... More

chapater 1. moving in
chapater 2. school
chapater 3. almost dead
chapater 5. vampire
chapater 6. newbie
chapater 7. tutoring both
chapater 8. visitor
chapater 9. memory
10-...the room...
11. i can always reject you right?
12. failed. now im in trouble
13- anger issues and mate mindlink
14- our room
15- awake
16- period help
17- twins...?
18- memory
19- minnie
20- big day!
21- explanation
22- we have a date tonight
23-date gone wrong
24- torture
news!! what do you think "he" means?
25- hybrid?!
26- "what a perfect family dinner!!"
27- twins real mom.
28- katrina
29- "accident my ass!"
30- blake
31- baby on board
32- finally
33- witchy grandparents// past//
34- alpha gone sexual!!?
35-"whats heat?!?!"
36- hes a specialist.
37- its a....

chapater 4. finding out

215 7 2
By ashleylopez14268


" what are you " i said staring at him. " vampire " he said. i got so scared . this cant be true . i was about to run to my house but he got my arm ." don't be scared of me please " he said. i struggled to get out of his grip but failed. " let go eliot " i yelled. " zoe don't be scared please , i wont hurt you "he said. i was finally able to get my arm back . " i don't trust you , i don't even know you well enough to trust you not to drink my blood " i said. i felt tears slip out of my eyes. i ran back to my house and locked every window . i walked up to my room and cried on my bed. daisy layed next to me , i hugged her and fell asleep.

beep , beep, beep

i woke up by my alarm clock. who put it back on. i showered and brushed my teeth . i put on my flowered dress and my black flats. i got my book bag and phone then drove off to school. once i parked i walked in with jess. i got some stares . and some people asked if i was okay but i said i was. lie .jess stopped and walked in front of me." whats wrong you haven't talked a lot" she said. " i'm fine " i said. " no your not , you can tell me anything i'm all ears okay " she said i sighed. i looked around and saw eliot walking towards me. " uh...can we talk som-" i got cut off by eliot. i saw his friends behind him." zoe i know your not gonna talk but here me out.....don't be scared of us, or me , we wont hurt you i know it's scary to find out you live around vampires " he said. " is this why your so down today " jess asked." yes, i found out everything by searching it up then i ran over to Eliot's house and asked what he was and he told me " i said.

" zoe we wont hurt you we promise " she said. wait did she say we ." your one to " i asked." yes, we all are that's why you got a lot of stares on your first day ,dont be scared of eliot if he hurts you i'll make sure he dies the next minute okay " she said.i sighed and looked at eliot then his friends . " let me guess those weirdos behind eliot are vampires to " i said. they all turned towards me . awkward . " we are not weirdos " a guy said. " fine but when he gets hungry will his eyes turn red and his face get pale white and he will try drinking my blood and will his ski shine in the sun " i asked. they all laughed. " you watch to much twilight " eliot said. i do love the movie. eliot hugged me . again awkward. i felt the shock again. "calm down zoe " jess laughed.

we all went to class .i finished my assignment so i got up and placed it on the teachers desk.

after class we were walking out when she called me over to her desk. " is there a problem " i asked." no, i just wanted to tell you that you are getting better in your math problems " she said. " oh ,thank you " i said smiling. i walked out and saw jess eliot and his friends waiting for me. " hey guys ,sorry the teacher called me over"i said. hey all looked concerned.i smiled." what she tell you " luke asked. he's one of Eliot's friends. " just that i'm getting better on my math " i said. " so your not a smartie pants " tanner teased. he's eliots other friend. i rolled my eyes .jess put an arm around my neck." everyone knows zoe and i are smarter than you three " she said. i laughed . " thats just mean " eliot said clutching his heart sarcastically. that made me and jess laugh harder.

i was finally laying on my bed, with daisy next to me. I cant believe i live around vampires. i had a lot of questions going through my mind but then i remembered about my mom. uh oh, i haven't called her.i got my phone and dailed her number. she answered on the first ring." zoe baby are you okay why havent you called did something happen " she said. " sorry for not calling i totally forgot and i'm fine.....kinda " i said. " whats wrong honey you sound-" i cut her off." uh nice talking to you anyway i have to get going bye love you "i said and hung up before she even said another word . i let out a sigh that i didn't know i was holding in. i got up and started on my homework.

after finishing my homework i got back into my blankets and fell asleep.

i heard my alarm go off and i did the same thing i do to it every morning throw it across the room and wait till daisy licks my face. once again she jumped on me and started licking my face i quickly got up pushing her aside " no daisy off " i said getting up and walking to my bathroom. once i got out i brushed my hair and teeth then got dressed for another day with vampires. i wore a white top with high waist jean shorts and my black converse . i was ready i got my book bag and walked to the kitchen to feed daisy. i got a apple and walked outside locking my door. i got into my car and drove to school.

once i got out of my car i saw eliot there." hey zoe " he said. i smiled." hey where's the others " i asked. "waiting for us at the lockers , c'mon" he said . i just followed him. we where walking to my locker where they were waiting for us when someone stops in front of me ,eliot quickly turned. i saw the guy that wanted to kill me jason." hey baby girl " he said. eliot was about to push him but jason pushed him to the wall first. i gasped. " leave me alone " i said running towards eliot . he quickly go up and ran towards me really fast but i was pulled back by jason. " we're not done yet " he said. this is it i'm going to die right here right now good bye life. i turned and saw eliot about to run to me but jason had to ruin the moment." take another step she dies " jason said in a serious voice. " stop walking eliot ,stop walking i don't wanna die " i yelled. he did as told. " if you hurt her you'll regret doing it " eliot said. jason just smirked and got closer . i saw jess and eliots friends stop running .

" don't you dare lay a hand on her jason " jess said. everyone crowded around us making a circle. " please stop i don't have anything for you " i said. he chuckled." oh zoe, you do, your a gold blooded girl has eliot not told you , how much has he not told you anyway " he said. i turned to look at eliot. he looked angry and sad. when i turned i felt a something sharp on my neck . " nooo " i heard eliot jess and his friends yell. i saw jason bite me .i'm going to die . jason got pushed away by elliot. i couldn't move i just fell to the floor. jess rann towards me ." zoe...zoe stay with me....zoe" jess yelled. i used all my force to stay awake. " zoe please stay with me....zoe " eliot kneeled beside me. i felt myself get picked up by eliot ." MOVE" eliot yelled at everyone in his way.

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