Pretending | Newt & Thomas


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FOR LOVE AND ADMIRATION. - "Name's Newt. And it seems like you're my new roommate", Newt introduced himself t... More

14 + Epilogue


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Day 2

Newt was the one who woke up first that day, feeling too warm and trapped by the body still wrapped around his. He started wiggling around but was only squeezed tighter. "Goddamnityoubloodybastard", he muttered as he kept squirming. He really thought it couldn't get any worse until Thomas tried turning onto his back causing him to fall off the bed and - of course - he just had to take Newt with him. With a loud crash that must have echoed through the whole house Thomas hit the floor, Newt ungracefully falling on top of him before rolling off and landing right beside him.

Thomas groaned in pain and just lay there, letting the pain sink in.

"Couldn't you have gone down on your own? Why did you have to take me with you?", Newt asked, holding his head that had connected with Thomas's chin at the impact.

"This feels almost as bad as the time I fell down the marbel stairs in Rome", the brunet said, voice laced with pain.

Newt had to hold back the laughter as he imagined the scenario in his head.

"You're totally laughing on the inside at my pain, aren't you?"

The blond looked at Thomas. He isn't even looking at me ... how does he do that? "Maybe."

"You're evil."

"This is destiny, making you pay for what you've put me through."

Thomas groaned again as he turned onto his side. "I don't see how this is fair."

Newt got up off the floor and took pity on his friend, helping him up.

"This was a terrible start into the day", Thomas said as he flopped back down on the bed, feet still touching the ground.

"At least you had a good night's sleep - I kept waking up because a bloody octopus was wrapped around me the whole night."

"I did the thing, huh?" The brunet sounded sheepish.

Newt just gave him an evil glare.

"It's not my fault! I can't controle what I do when I'm asleep! It just ... happens."

"You're sleeping on the floor tonight", the blond replied, deadpan.

Thomas sat up. "That's not fair!"

"I don't care. I had a sleepless night while you were out cold - now it's time to trade."

"But, but ..."

"No buts!", Newt cut him off.

Thomas started to pout before a chuckle escaped him.

"It's the 'buts', isn't it?"

"I'm sorry."

"You're worse than a five-year-old."

Thomas grabbed Newt's wrist and pulled him onto the bed. "Now back to the floor-thing."

Newt pulled his wrist out of Thomas's grasp. "This is not open for discussion, Tommy. I need to sleep."

"So do I! Just one more chance, okay? I'll find a way. Maybe I could cuddle a pillow or something!" The brunet looked at Newt with big eyes. "Just one more chance. Please."

Newt felt his defenses crumble. "You can't keep doing this!"

"What do I do?"

"Give me that ..." Newt gestured to Thomas's face. "... look. With the big eyes and the pout and stuff. It's not fair."

"Does that mean I'll get to sleep on the bed again?"

Newt sighed in defeat causing Thomas to smile but before he could say something Newt interrupted him. "This is you last chance. If you get too close I'll throw you off the bed and take the pillows and blanket."

Thomas enveloped his friend in a big hug. "Thank you! I promise, I'll be good."

Newt immediately started to squirm. "I changed my mind! You can't even stay out of my personal space for five seconds."

Thomas pulled back. "No take-backs, Newt!" He jumped up. "Let's go get breakfast! I'm dying for Mom's vegan pancakes!" Grabbing Newt's wrist, he pulled him up and out of the room despite Newt's protests.

When they got downstairs everybody was already up and dressed - Newt felt terribly awkward in his pajamas and with his messy bed-hair. Thomas apparently didn't care because he just kept dragging the blond along and into the kitchen where Jody had already a plate full of pancakes. She greeted them with a smile. "Hey, boys. I already made you breakfast. I hope you like vegan pancakes, Newt."

"If they're anything like Tommy's, I'm sure I'll be fine. Thanks, Jody." He accepted the plate Thomas had gotten for him and joined him at the little table that stood against the wall, together with two wooden chairs.

"Tom has cooked for you?", Jody asked, sounding surprised.

"He makes breakfast every Saturday", Newt explained.

"I didn't even know he could turn on the stove without burning down the whole kitchen", she said with a grin.

"There were some accidents every now and again", the blond admitted.

She laughed.

"Could we change the topic?", Thomas said loudly.

Newt grinned at him. "Aww, Tommy - are you embarassed?" That got him a light kick against the shin. "Hey! I'm just chatting with your mother here - don't you want us to get to know each other?" He gave him a mischievous smile.

"Don't let him fool you, mom", Thomas said. "He might look like a sweet little angel but he's actually satan!"

"Tom!" , Jody scolded him.

"You already turned her against me! How did you do that?"

Newt just chuckled.

Jody smiled at them before cleaning her hands on a towel. "Anyway, boys. I'll go help Ingeborg with the preparations. Put your dishes in the sink when you're done."

Thomas had his mouth stuffed with pancakes but still spoke up. "Pwepawations fo' wha'?"

Jody wrinkled her nose at him but didn't say anything. "We'll go hiking today."

The brunet almost choked on his food. "What?", he wheezed.

"Yes. We'll leave at eleven. Please be ready in time." With that she left.

Thomas let out a groan. "I hate hiking."

Newt chewed his bite and swallowed before replying. "Yeah, I'm not a big fan either. When I was around four I broke my leg in six places while hiking. Had a limp for over almost seven years and physical therapy. When I put too much strain on it, I can still feel pain."

"Wow - that sucks", the brunet said.

They were quiet for a while.

"Do you think that'll get us out of going?"

Newt chuckled. "Eat your pancakes, Tommy."


They got dressed in jeans, thick whool socks, t-shirts, hoodies and thick jackets. The snow was almost a foot high and it was freezing outside.

"Put on a beanie, Newt!", Thomas insisted for the third time, already wearing a dark blue beanie himself.


"You'll get cold ears!"

"These things itch and I'm not putting it on! Now let it go! They're probably all waiting for us already." Newt tried to get past Thomas and reach the door but the brunet wouldn't let him.

"Put on the hat and we'll go."

Newt gave him an evil glare. "You're not my bloody mother!"

"If she were here she'd tell you to put on a beanie too!"

Newt groaned in frustration.

Thomas pulled the hat over Newt's hair and ears and Newt let him.

"I hate you."

"I know.

When they got downstairs everybody was still busy getting dressed, shouting orders and checking lists. Since everybody was gathered near the door, Thomas and Newt couldn't even get off the stairs.

"It's like a bee hive", Newt muttered.

"Just louder", Thomas mumbled.

Ten minutes later the door was finally opened and people started to squeeze outside. The boys waited until everybody was out before taking the last few steps and stepping outside before closing the door. Ingeborg stood on the porch. "Everybody out?", she asked in her screeching voice.

"Yes!", came a few shouts from the small crowd.

Ingeborg locked the door before walking down the porch steps and joining the rest. A dark-haired man let the group to the thin path that led up the hill that was about two miles away. Newt and Thomas followed the group a few steps behind. Chuck joined them after a while.

"I can't believe they're forcing us to go outside", the shorter boy complained.

"Yeah, they usually don't do that until at least the fifth day", Thomas replied.

"Maybe they're trying to impress you", Chuck said looking at Newt.

"Why would hiking impress me?", he blond asked.

A shrug. "Maybe they think family activites are impressive."

"Well they're not!", Thomas called, causing a few people to turn around and look at them.

Newt looked down in embarassment. "Why did you do that?"

The brunet shrugged. "Just thought they should know that nobody likes hiking."

Chuck snickered. "I'm sure it was Ingeborg's idea - she's the only one that likes this sorta stuff."

They walked in silence for about fifteen minutes after that until they reached the hill.

"It looked less steep from back there", Thomas said as they started the ascent.

Chuck was breathing a little heavier already. "I hate these reunions."

Newt was somebody who suffered in silence so he said nothing.

Another thirty minutes passed and they were making their way up the even steeper hill that lay behind the one they had just reached the top of.

Another hour passed and they were finally walking downhill for once. Newt couldn't quite believe that Thomas's grandma was the one that led the group now - she was really fit for her age. The group was spread further apart now but the three youngest had made sure that they were still the last ones so that they didn't have to interact with anybody - not that anybody was really able to hold conversation, they were all just panting by now.

"I ... hate you", Newt said, out of breath.

"That's ... okay", Thomas replied.

"I hope ... it's all ... downhill ... from ... here", Chuck chocked out.

Their breathing normalized after about fifteen minutes of walking either horizontal or downhill.

"I can't feel my nose anymore", Thomas said.

"I think they'll have to amputate half my fingers", Chuck told them as he held up his red-turning-purple fingers.

"I'm just numb all over." Newt couldn't feel his thighs, hands and face and his scalp was itching because of the stupid beanie.

"I think we're still heading away from the house. How much longer are they gonna do this to us?", Thomas asked, rubbing his hands together before stuffing them back into the pockets of his coat.

"I'll go ask my mom!", Chuck declared before quickening his step to talk to a dark-haired woman a few feet ahead of them.

"We should've stayed in the room. They probably wouldn't even have noticed that we're gone", Newt said grumpily.

"They would've noticed, believe me. And, I mean, it could be worse", Thomas replied - he still sounded too cheery for Newt's liking.

"How? How could this be any worse?"

"Ingeborg could be talking to us. It could be snowing or - even worse - hailing. The hills could've been frozen so that we'd keep falling on our faces."

Newt just gave a low sound as reply.

Chuck came back after a few minutes and told them that it would be at least another hour which had Newt and Thomas groan in frustration and despair.

Another two minutes passed before Thomas had the epiphany that now was the perfect time to sing Disney songs. It was then that Newt realized that Thomas had been right when he said that it could be worse. It got even more unbearable when Chuck decided to join in.

"Let It Go is not even a duett", Newt grumbled as the other two kept singing. He really hated his life.


They got back into the house at last. They all took of their shoes on the porch and carried them inside before going to their rooms to get changed into dry pants. Newt and Thomas put on sweatpants and fresh wool socks with their backs to each other before going back downstairs. Newt could feel his leg ache a little but it wasn't too bad and he could still walk normally so he decided to keep it to himself. When they got downstairs the others were already sitting in the living room, handing out cookies, tea, coffee and hot chocolate.

They were all sitting squeezed together with blankets thrown over them. As usual, Newt and Thomas got the armchair. Newt just sighed in defeat and grabbed a blanket before sitting down on the arm rest and putting the blanket over them both. The TV played some sort of romantic comedy that Newt might have seen before but since they were all quite similar and starring Hugh Grant he couldn't be too sure.

The commercial break started after about three minutes and Jody muted it.

"I feel like we all have barely been talking. How about we play a little game?" Ingeborg threw in.

It took all of Newt's remaining concentration to not groan. He knew family reunion games - they were always terrible.

"Oh, yes, wonderful!", exclaimed the woman Newt recognized from yesterday's dinner. "What do you suggest?"

"How about two-truths-one-lie?"

"Boring!", a middle-aged man said. "How about story time?"

Shouts of agreement were thrown in.

"What's story time?", Newt whispered.

"Everybody gets a name and has to tell a story about them - it's mostly just really embarassing", Thomas explained quietly.

"Boys! You take each other since Newt doesn't know anyone else!", Jody told them.

Loud talking erupted as everybody tried to find somebody to talk about.

"Don't you dare pick something embarassing!", Newt said to Thomas.

Thomas just gave him a smug smile as he wrapped an arm around Newt's waist and dragged him down onto his lap. "I'd never dare." Newt gave an undignified sound as he was dragged down. "Don't squirm! You're my boyfriend, remember?"

Newt poured all of his hatred into the look he gave Thomas but the brunet didn't care, just pulled the blanket properly over them and cuddled Newt closer.

"Mmh ... nice and cozy, don't you think?"

"Pins and needles more like it. I hate the warming up sometimes even more than the freezing." Newt hurt all over and Thomas's body heat just made him warm up quicker and more painfully.

Thomas started rubbing lightly up and down Newt's arms before taking the blond's hands in his. "Holy shit! Your hands are cold."

"It's bloody cold outside - what did you expect?"

"You boys ready?", Jody asked, making the addressed look up.

"Yup - we're good", Thomas replied even though neither of them had thought about it. They'd just have to tell the first thing they could come up with.

They were the last ones since they sat furthest on the side. After listening to the stories Newt knew a lot more about these people than he ever wanted to. There were so many stories that just had him downright horrified and there were stories about some as toddlers or small children, there was puking and pooping and Newt just really didn't want to hear it.

Newt let Thomas go first so that he knew which amount of embarassing he needed to pay the brunet back. That he was still sitting in Thomas's lap while everyone was staring at them made him already want to give his friend hell.

"Newt and I had wanted to take the train in this small town that one time and we were like waiting on the platform and we could already see the train in the distance when this voice announced that the train was on the other platform today. So we would've needed to run down the stairs, through the tunnel and up another two flights of stairs and we didn't have the time so we decided to go over the tracks. And I was like running and jumped up the ledge and when I turned around Newt was just trying to get up the ledge himself but he tripped or something and face-planted and there were like fifty people with us on that platform and everybody was staring at Newt and he went so red - it was adorable. Everybody was laughing and a few people even had their cell phones out and Newt just stumbled up to his feet and wouldn't look anybody in the eye. And I think he really hates me right now for reminding him of that."

Newt wanted to die of mortification as everybody grinned at him. "You're right about that last one", Newt muttered. "So my turn! Me and Tommy here were in this amusement park that one time and they had these small trampolins that were all about a foot apart and there was this little kid jumping from one to the next and I wanted to do the same. Tommy was at first like 'no - I won't do it, I'd fall, believe me' but I got him to do it eventually. He made me go first and it was easy so I was like 'see?' and then it was his turn. The first two or three went fine but then he got stuck with his foot somewhere and started stumbling and he was just waving his arms in this weird way of his and he kept walking and bouncing over the last few ones until he tripped completely over the last one and rolled over the floor until he hit the fence three feet away. And there were all these kids standing around who had done a perfect job themselves and they were laughing so hard that they were crying as they watched this almost 6 foot tall guy tripping over his own feet doing something that was meant for kids - it was the greatest thing I've ever seen."

The whole group was laughing as they all could probably imagine what that must have looked like. Newt could feel Thomas's chuckles vibrate through him.

"You'll never let me live that one down", Thomas said.

Newt grinned at him. "Never."

"You two make such a sweet couple", a brunette in her thirties told them. "How did you get together?"

"Uuh ...", Newt started but Thomas saved him. "It just sorta developed. Since we share a room and always decided to hang out even when we didn't have to, we just kinda started dating without noticing and it just went from there."

He's a better liar than I thought.

"That's really lovely. Now how about you two get us more cookies?"

"Yeah, sure", Thomas said.

Newt quickly got up, glad to finally be free from the close proximity. They went to the kitchen were Thomas started filling one of the plates he'd taken with him with new cookies while Newt leaned against the counters.

"I can't believe you told them that story", the brunet said.

"I can't believe you remembered the train-incident", Newt replied.

Thomas chuckled. "I'd never forget that."

"I didn't know you were such a bloody good liar by the way."

"I have my moments." Thomas handed Newt the first full plate before starting on the next one.

"What are we gonna do tomorrow?", Newt asked.

"Because of Christmas?" The brunet shrugged. "We just sit around, exchanging presents, watching movies, eating lots of food."

Newt had gotten Thomas something before they had gotten here but it wasn't really something coupl-y. "I didn't really get you something that would make it look like we're together."

"Then just give it to me in private - they never need to know." Thomas winked at him before picking up the now filled plate. They took them back to the living room where they sat them down on the coffee table. The others had unmuted the TV and were watching some kind of sitcom.

The rest of the afternoon passed by like this until they started to set up dinner during which Thomas and Newt had to help with chopping vegetables and setting up the table.

Dinner itself was pretty uneventful and everybody decided to go to bed afterwards, exhausted from the hiking. Newt and Thomas weren't that tired but they were glad to get away from the forced conversation.


They both fell onto the bed.

"My legs still ache like hell", Thomas groaned.

"I feel ya", Newt replied.

"How's your bad leg?"

The blond shrugged. "Barely hurts."

"You tell me if it gets worse, alright?"

"Yes, mom."

They were quiet for a while with Thomas being the one to break the silence like usual. "Today wasn't so bad now, was it? You know, touching-wise."

"I guess."

"Tomorrow is Christmas though."

Newt gave him a suspicious look. "What do you mean by that?"

Thomas shrugged, avoiding his gaze. "Just saying that there will be ... touching expected of us."

Newt groaned. "I wish you'd hate this as much as I do."

Thomas looked at him. "Well, I'd prefer it if you wouldn't hate it so much so I guess it's not all that great for me either."

"You should've asked somebody else to come with you", Newt muttered unhappily.

Thomas grinned at him. "Naaah. I'm just fine with you here. It's fun to see you all grumpy but having to hide it."

"I'm glad you're enjoying my pain", Newt replied.

Thomas rolled onto his side and patted the blond on the chest. "You'll survive it."

"Could you at least not touch me when we're alone?", Newt asked, glaring at Thomas's hand.

The brunet pulled it away and sat up, cross-legged. "Maybe you have some deep-seated issue and that's why you hate being touched."

Newt looked at him. "That's a dumb theory."

Thomas frowned. "Why? Have you ever analyzed your life for touch-incidents?"

"No, but if something traumatizing had happened, I'd know about it."

"What is it that you hate about the closeness?"

Newt lifted his hand to count it on his fingers. "The warmth, the skin-contact, the feeling of being trapped and the sound of a voice so close to me freaks me out. What I'm wondering is why you like it."

"The warmth, the comfort, the feeling of being close to somebody I care about." Thomas shrugged. "You know, it's reassuring to me that they feel comfortable enough with me that I can hug them or cuddle them."

"But you do that with me all the time and you know that I don't like it", Newt replied.

Thomas gave him smile. "With you it's different. I do it either to tease you or because you've woken this protective-instinct in me - it depends on the situation but it's mostly the first one."

Newt lightly punched the brunet's knee. "You're a bloody idiot and I don't even know why I befriended you."

"It's because of my great personality."

Newt huffed a laugh before sitting up. "I'll go shower now."

"Okay. I'll stay here and wait for you ... in bed." Thomas wiggled his eyebrows when he realized how that had just sounded.

Newt just rolled his eyes and took his pajamas with him.

After they had both showered they lay down in bed and watched some TV. Both under the covers but with space between them.

"Look how that couple is cuddling and enjoying it", Thomas said to Newt. "That's how I feel about it."

Newt sighed. "Just give up already, Tommy. I'm never gonna bloody enjoy touching and you'll have to learn to deal with it."

"But I feel like I'm forcing you into something you don't want to do all the time and I hate it", the brunet whined as he slid down the pillow and pulled the covers up to his chin.

Newt gave him a soft look. He never really considered that Thomas might hate it since he had always been touching him and laughing at his reaction but then it had never been for so long and with such frequency. "I agreed to stay, didn't I? You're still kinda forcing me but I'm letting you. I could stop you if I wanted. I could leave or tell them the truth but I'm not because you begged me and I gave in so calm down - it's okay. I'm okay."

"Okay", Thomas said but was pouting anyway. "I still hate that you hate it."

Newt slid further down the bed and turned onto his side so that he could look at his friend. "I don't hate it that much. I mean, you're my friend and I know you and trust you. If you were a stranger I'd've bloody murdered you a long time ago."

"But you still don't like it", Thomas stated.

"Do you?"

"Of course."


"I told you - you wake this protective instinct in me that makes me want to take care of you", Thomas said.

Newt frowned. "How? Why?"

"I dunno. By being you, I guess. You just have this sort of face and aura that makes me want to stick close. And you're all warm and cuddly and you smell nice."

"Now it's getting creepy - please stop."

"It's true!"

"I don't want to hear it!", Newt replied.

"You asked."

"Not about such specifics, no."

"Don't you think I smell nice?", Thomas asked, faking a hurt look.

"I don't walk around sniffing people."

The brunet raised an eyebrow at him. "Don't tell me you don't know what I smell like - we've lived together for what? Two years now?"

Newt rolled his eyes. "Will you stop it with the smell if I tell you what you want to hear?"

"Only if you mean it."

"You smell great, okay? I could smell you all day!"

"That much sarcasm hurts, Newt."

"You brought it upon yourself."

Thomas 'pff'ed and turned his back on Newt.

"Are you giving me the cold sholder now?", the blond asked.


"Does that mean I can change the programm?"


"Why? You're not watching anyway."

"I'm still listening", Thomas replied.

Newt rolled his eyes but kept quiet.

After about five minutes he couldn't take it anymore. "Are you seriously gonna ignore me for the rest of the day?"

"Yes", came the reply.

"Okay, I bite. What do I have to do to get you to turn back around?"

"A hug."

Newt cringed - he shouldn't have asked. "You hug me all the time anyway."

"I want you to hug back - just once."

"Are you serious? That's childish."

Thomas 'pff'ed again.

"Come on, Tommy, stop it."

"You know the conditions."

Newt squeezed his eyes shut. Damn it. "Okay."

"Okay what?"

"I'll do it."

Thomas turned around, looking at him with wide eyes. "You serious?"

"Yes. If it makes you stop sulking."

Thomas gave him a wide smile and wrapped his arms around Newt, pulling him into his chest. Newt forced himself to wrap an arm around Thomas's waist. He kept quiet for about three seconds. "Okay!", he mumbled against the brunet's shoulder. "All done! Let go now!"

"Just a little longer", Thomas said against the blond's hair.

Newt started to squirm. "I'd rather let go now."

The brunet squeezed him closer once more before letting go. He looked so happy that it made Newt almost feel bad for forcing him to let go. Almost.

"That wasn't so bad, now, was it?", Thomas asked.

"A four point three on the bearable scale", Newt said.

"What's the raiting system?"

"Zero is entirely bearable and ten's I'd-rather-die-than-be-any-longer-in-this-situation."

Thomas smiled widely at that. "Than that was quite the pleasant hug. I'm a really good hugger, you know?"

Newt chuckled. "Yeah, you keep telling yourself that, Tommy."

They watched TV for almost two more hours before turning it off.

"Don't forget our agreement about the sleeping, alright?", Newt reminded the brunet.

"Aye, aye." Thomas grabbed the pillow from under his head and placed it between them, hoping that he would cuddle the pillow instead of the other person in the bed.

They both drifted off.

Newt woke up in the middle of the night to a weight settling half way on top of him. "Oh hell no", he muttered. "You bloody idiot are not getting away with this." He could feel an arm tighten around his waist and Thomas's head rest next to his ear as his legs got trapped under one of the brunet's. Newt started patting Thomas's cheek with the arm that was not trapped between their bodies but the brunet just let out an annoyed breath against his ear and grabbed Newt's hand with his own - the one that had been previously resting on Newt's waist. He took their hands and rested them over the blond's heart, giving a happy sigh before fully resting again. Newt wiggled around a little more but all it did was make Thomas cuddle closer so he gave up before he reached the point were he wouldn't be able to fall asleep at all. "You'll pay for this", Newt whispered. "Just you wait." He fell asleep with Thomas's breath tickling his skin.

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