The Fox And The Raccoon

By Blood_Raine

130 12 10

Tis be a story of 2 animals that were best friends one was usually really bossy and got angry a lot! The othe... More

Rain (Qeust's side of it)
Rain (Drake's side of it)
I care you know!

Say your sorry

21 3 2
By Blood_Raine

Quest's POV
I woke up and stretched yawning. I looked around for Drake and found him at the entrance of our den sleeping. I sighed and looked outside everything looked drenched and flooded the smell of mud and worms filled the air. I looked back at Drake he was curled up in his black and grey stripped tail. I felt bad I shouldn't have yelled at him yesterday. Just then an idea came to mind and I ran outside I'll go catch him something and apologize that should make him feel a LOT better. I ran off sniffing hoping I could catch him something good.

Drake's POV (about 3 hours later)
I awoke and stretched heading in the den looking for Quest but he wasn't there.

"Quest! Where'd ya go?!" I yelled trotting outside

There's no way he'd go out here there's mud and worms everywhere.

"Quest! You out here?!" I yelled

No response. I was really getting worried, my paw stepped into the wet, cold, squishy, mud. That really struck me Quest HATES the mud there is NO way he would've went out here against his will. I saw paw prints, Fox paw prints he had to have gone this way I followed his prints.

Quest's POV
I sat on a rock and looked at my paws their once white color now a filthy brown. I sighed but I had to do this, for Drake! I jumped off the rock and ran until I came upon a bunny borrow, multiple holes everywhere this was perfect.

Drake's POV
I was about to stop for a break when I smelled somthing, dead Rabbit. I followed the sent and I saw it rabbit meet sitting all alone it smelled  delicious. I trotted toward it but before I could grab it I heard a loud...


I turned my head and saw Quest with a dead Rabbit in front of him.


"It's a bear trap!"

As I wasn't paying attention the trap closed it self on my front right paw. I howled in pain it felt awful. Quest ran to me worry feeling his eyes.

"Don't move I'll try to get it off!"

I did as he said the pain was  excruciating I whimpered.

Quest's POV
I can't believe this is happening I knew he could be a moron at the but this, THIS was outrageously stupid even for someone with his IQ. I pawed, scratched, and bit at the trap but nothing was working. I ran and got and big stone in my mouth.

"Your the one with a hand bash this on the trap."

He did as I instructed but every move seemed to hurt him more.

"It's not working Quest!" He cried.

"I know I know"

We both tried constantly to try to remove the trap but nothing was working. I was on the verge of giving up when an idea struck me I took the rock and climbed up a tree and on a branch above him.

"Turn the trap on it's side!" I yelled

He did as I said and dropped the rock. I fell and smashed the trap I jumped down and ran to him.

"Can you stand?" I asked with a scared tone.

He tried his paw was bloody and torn up and he had to lift it up in order to stand I helped him back to our den and he laid down. I sniffed his paw.

"Does it hurt?" I asked.

He nodded whimpering I licked his wound and nudged him.

"I'm sorry I got mad last night." I apologized.

"It's ok." He answered with a soft smile.

We nestled in each other's necks.
(Fun fact in most 4 legged animals cases nudging each other's neck be a hug)
He whimpered and started licking his cut and I sat with him and did the best I could do to help my poor Raccoon friend.

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