Mark Me Yours ✔️[REWRITING]

By ivankaross

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(The first book of the supernatural series) When eighteen year old Savanna opens a portal during camping wit... More

Mark Me Yours
(1) Battle Cry
(2) The Coronation
(4) Mother Dear
(5)The New Man
(7) The Forgotten Story Of Vashka
(8) Lost In Knowledge
(9) Humanity
(10) First In Everything
(11) A Shock Of Doubt And Attraction
(12) Attraction For Death
(13) Know Your Enemy
(14) The home For The Wicked
(15) My Beloved
(16) Jealousy Does Not Suit You My Friend
(17) Mine
(18) I Am My Own Enemy
(19) We Are At War
(20) Dear Cousin
(21) Witches beware
(22) The Lost Soul
(23) A Sleepless Night
(24) The Lost Witch
(25) The Thorns Of Pain
(26) Brotherhood
(27) I Sense The Pain In Your Presence
(28) A Sword On Your Mouth
(29) Enchantments And Goodbyes
(30) The Awaited Moment
(31) Monsters Vs. Magic

(3)Meet Mr. Knight

1K 39 4
By ivankaross

Chapter Three (unedited)

Amanda on the side!

They stood in a meadow where the three of them met with a witch who happened to open the portal when they came here for the coronation. As she thought about it, she saw how her father and Alester looked sad which was confusing. Raphael had explain about the alphas debt and hasn't repaid Lucas, Raphael's brother so in return, they wanted her. For odd reasons

It bothered her though. She was no one important. She was worthless and pretty much selling herself wouldn't fill his debt yet they only wanted her which was really fishy

Savanna watched as Amanda threw a bag of cash towards the witch who only rolled her eyes. She opened the bag and started counting while Savanna could only stand beside her uncomfortably. Amanda who notices her discomfort began to laugh

"Just because she's a witch Savanna doesn't mean she's evil. You know I never understand why werewolves are threatened by magic... Oh wait" she stopped then giggled like she just got the answer. Raphael laughed at his wife before he kiss her head lovingly

"Amanda is one of the oldest seers, I guess she's getting too old" he joked while Amanda only slap him

"I'm only a hundred going a thousand years old —that's not old" Amanda muttered before she helped the witch who looked like she was preparing the portal

Savanna never understood how the witch took it's time creating a portal. As for her ( as they have insisted she did) — she had made one with her blood or what they have told her in seconds

Raphael who seemed to understand her thoughts answered

"Witches were once strong to open portals and do things easier with their blood but throughout the years they've began to decrease. Their existence are lowering and they give off their power easily. You on the other hand, your DNA says your parents are both wolves but your mother holds what was called a hybrid between magic and part  werewolf which was a serious case for her"

Surprise Raphael answered her expression

"I'm a scientist, I once took your mothers blood for research"

Wait what?

"Are you saying my mother was an experiment?" She didn't know if she should be insulted but she wasn't a little bit. After all she didn't understand their relationship between them

"Your mother was once an experiment from another company. We just happened to take her out before they killed her but we were too late. She was In a technical condition that I had to do something In order for her to live, although it was bad at first, she began to get used to it. Thats what made you stronger. Somehow you got her genes and-"

"It's ready!" Amanda said excitedly before she ran towards them

"She's really active" Savanna stayed while Raphael smiled and nod in approval

"Amulvia is isn't she" he murmured as a sigh escaped his lips while he watched his wife with love

"Alright come on you guys Lucas is burning in fire. We have been gone for a day now. Chop chop"

Savanna wasn't ready when she was pushed into the ground. But instead of her face hitting the grassy terrain, she felt herself fall past it.

For a second Savanna felt her body tighten. Her heart squeezed painfully like she couldn't breath until she gasp for air when she found herself kneeling In front of a huge mansion

"Oh right I'm sorry honey I forgot. Transporting stops time so you might want to hold your breath next time" Amanda smiled sheepishly before she was given a hand by Raph

"Dear take her bags I'll show her around. Come on!" Amanda had strength, she really did for a small little body like hers because the next thing She knew she was trying to keep up with the seer. And she's a werewolf for gods sake

Amanda didn't hesitate to show her around as her mouth started moving nonestop. She showed the marbled entrance, their living room, the kitchen and the rooms upstairs. Although it wasn't big as the packs kingdom, they were more modernize as she looked at everything with interest

"The house is amazing" she gushed. She was never to fantasize rooms nor it's interior design but she couldn't help but love how homey it felt

"I'll show you your room! We don't usually have other females residing here that I could be friends with other than Lucas and Raph, although their is Margaret- the cook, she doesn't understand our umm...... Kind" she finished

She's human then?

But she didn't ask. She was too busy gawking at everything until she step into her room. It was simple just as what she had at home. The queen bed rested by the middle while there were only less furnitures- she was fine with it.

"It's not much but-"

"It's perfect" Savanna smiled as she looked again. Their was a huge window where she could see their garden but it didn't have the maze she had at home. Theirs were cut clean with no shrubs nor dirt. They took good care of their garden well enough

"Pretty huh?" Amanda cam forward and looked at the garden with her "you know your mother also liked flowers. It Was the only thing that was girly about her"

"Really?" She asked but her eyes still trained towards it's variety of colors surrounding the grass

"Hmmm if you want to go, theirs a door in the kitchen that leads you there . You can go whenever you please....if you want"

"Thank you" she said but turned towards Amanda with a sad smile "but I should unpack. It was nice of you guys to let me come"

Amanda smiled. Savanna still couldn't help but find Amanda so beautiful. It was clear Raph had it hard when he had to fight men away from her

"How did you meet Raph?" Savanna couldn't help it, she was curious with the length of their gap was. As Amanda had surmise, she was a hundred and fifty and the age of Raph had been itching to be known. Pretty much Amanda was older then him but then again it didn't really matter on who had lived the longest though

Amanda's smile suddenly brightened when she heard her mates name and so she spoke "I met Raph when he was just but a teen. I was a uhh— a woman with sexual desires that came with a price when Raph's family came over to the human world. In all honesty I almost sold myself to his father" she giggled while Savanna could only look at her weirdly but a dreamy smile came into her face as she spoke again

"But I've seen that I knew he would reject me for he had a wife, a mate and so I understood. I never met Raph for I couldn't vision my future. It was how us seers live life. We tell people their fortune while we can't do anything about what happened to us but then he invited me to dinner with his family and living life alone, I felt it might feel good to be with people for once and damn I don't regret ever coming" Savanna watched her twirl a ring that hung on her necklace. She watched as she held them like it was most most special thing then gold

"And their I met an eighteen year old Raph. He had told me we were mates and I was beyond happy. I just, threw everything away. The unhealthy job humans have, made myself healthy and I was happy. It was exciting and different since Seers don't find love Savanna. We were not suppose to love for we were born to live selfless. But I've longed for freedom for hundreds of years- thats how I'm here instead of my home and two days later he had mark me as his". Amanda ended the story with a frantic sigh before she sat up and looked at her in excitement

"Say! You werewolves are very submissive to your mate. Does this happen to you in bed"she waggled her eyebrow until she froze again as if she had read her mind

"Oh god I'm sorry" she said in panic before standing up "I- I am quite old. Things just gets slower and- and. I'll go." Amanda had dashed out of her room In a second, leaving her frozen.

What about Alester?

Savanna didn't know she had walked herself towards the bed and laid down as she watched the huge ceiling. She never got the chance to think of him with all the rash choices of leaving home. She felt suffocated just with them hating her that she was desperate to leave. And so she left

And she left her mate behind

But would he be fine though? Would he miss her like she is missing him right now?

Savanna didn't know but she took her time thinking while she unpacked. The room was too big and was rather very spacious but with a sigh, she left her room to find Raph or Amanda. She took in the pictures and most of them were of Amanda and Raphael. They looked so happy. She stopped when it said 1647, the picture showed Amanda and a very young Raphael, she was guessing Raph must have been twenty but then werewolves age very slow, but never immortal. As far as she remembered in her studies, the oldest werewolf to live aged about a thousand until he was murdered. Possibly her kind could live longer then that

"Who are you" Savanna suddenly gasp when a deep voice ask behind her. She whirled too fast that she accidentally hit a jar as it fell but in reflex she successfully got it before it crashed to the ground

"I- I'm uh just ....... "Savanna felt her mouth go dry. There in front of her stood a man just like Raphael except he looked more like a god. His hair was unkept just as his dress shirt was wrinkled. His eyes were like his brother except they were darker like the ocean but his left was more lighter.

"I said who are you" he glared. His voice was low and deep like he just came out of bed. This time she finally snapped out of it before she stuttered

"I'm Savanna" she gulped. She didn't know why she felt weak with his presence. Just by looking made her tongue tied "Raph and Amanda took me in"

His frown deepened more "from shadow heart?" She nodded while his eye scanned her body making her uncomfortable

"Sarah's daughter?"


There was a deep silence until he looked at her confuse

"You're a woman" he stated it was then she smelled alcohol in him that she began to scrunch her nose in disgust

"Yes I am. Is that a problem?" She ask.

"I was expecting a child" he muttered before he groan and brought his hand to comb his disheveled black hair like he realized something "who the fuck expects a child after eighteen years?"

Uncertain she began to ask "Um sir are you alright?"

He waved his hands while his eyes were scrunched tight. "Nah I'm fine just need more whisky" he began to turn and walk toward his office when Savanna only stared at him. Uncertain on what to do next

"Sir do you need some medicine for that hangover? You know for the headache?" she called out but he didn't answer, instead he grunted and began to search through the papers that were a scattered around his desk

But then she remembered Raph telling her about His brother. This must be him except she didn't expect this.

"You must be Lucas?" She ask

"Sir" she called one more time until he final snap with his eyes groggy but still had annoyance in them

"Look pup, why don't you leave me In peace while I enjoy my drink you got that? I don't need a complaining bitch to ruin my day"

Alright now she was insulted. She wanted to punch him but then she remembered she was the guest in the house so she had to behave. Huffing she muttered a 'fine' and left the old man to his loving manners

Grumbling she went in the kitchen were she found Raph cooking with Amanda and when he looked up his smile instantly vanish

"So you've met my brother?" Savanna sighed while she could only glare in space

"I told you" Amanda taunted while Raph who In returned stole a peck from her surprised lips

"I know" he smiled before going back to savanna

"Don't mind my brother. He's an alcoholic" this earned a slap from Amanda while he surrendered

"Fine fine! Lucas hates people."

"Is he always like that"

"Like what" this time Savanna had notice his stench after her question and she felt proud until she tilted and raise her eyebrow at him

"Like there's a stick shoved up in your ass" she said aimlessly but then Regretted when the three of them became quiet. This is why Ally never liked it when she was with other parents. They thought she was a bad influence with her potty mouth and had been lady lack. Ppft, how could they? After all she is an animal. People hated her because She's say things that make people angry but this time she heard Amanda snort and Raphael burst into laughter. Amanda was now in a fit of giggles while Lucas only looked at her with no emotion

He didn't say anything but took a cup of coffee and left the kitchen

"He's mad isn't he" she flinch when she hears his door slam in full force before looking at the still laughing Raph

"Don't worry about him little one. Lucas has not been insulted by anyone in decades" Amanda winked before she got down by the counter with a thud

"Now. Since this is your first time, I want to show you where Sarah's room first! Come on!" This time Savanna was ready from Amanda's tight grip and ran in pace with her leaving a complaining Raph and his food

Savanna didn't know what was in store for her in the human world but this time no one was stopping not even the people who despised her

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