The Missing Heiress

By RaineManlapas

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James Isaac Tan, a billionaire CEO of one of the most successful and largest conglomerates in the country, f... More



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By RaineManlapas


Her Life as the Heiress

Georgina's parents had introduced her to the life she was about to face as the heiress. New identification cards had been secured. Bank accounts, debit cards, credit cards had been provided. She had undergone LASIK eye surgery to correct her vision. Dental braces were also applied to correct the misalignment of her teeth. She was also subjected to several beauty treatments to reveal her natural beauty even more. Her wardrobe had been increased and updated. Expensive jewelries and accessories had been provided for her. She also took lessons for proper etiquette and decorum expected of her as a high society princess. She got to meet all their relatives around Filipinas and around the world as well both in the Blanco side and Lucero side.

With all of these, the media never had a glimpse of her. She travelled with her parents in disguise. She knew that once she was formally introduced to the society, she won't be able to live a normal life anymore. Designers, whom her mother commissioned to create personalized clothes, shoes and bags for her, were all keen to have her as print model and endorser.

On the other hand, James life had been miserable since Zoey left. He focused on work and trained on a new combat sport.

Just a few days after Georgina was found, James had a chance to hang out with Gregory at Club Zenith.

James had asked, "So, how's your cousin?"

Gregory acted innocently, "Are you asking about Phoebe?"

James immediately said, "Of course, I want to know about Georgina. She had refused to meet me until her formal introduction to the society."

Gregory said, "Legally, she is my sister, buddy. She's as pretty as the day you declared your intention to marry her when she was still a baby."

James queried, "Why didn't she want to meet me yet?"

Gregory answered, "She's still so overwhelmed finding about her real identity. Daddy George and Mommy Mariana can be so overly doting. I cannot really blame them. They lost G for twenty-five years. They just had me and Phoebe as substitutes. We may be blood relatives but G was their real flesh and blood. G also lived a private life when she was still not found. She wanted to keep it that way even for a short while. She was aware that once she was formally introduced to the society, her privacy will diminish."

James further asked, "What about her attitude?"

Gregory said, "She's very sweet, thoughtful and down-to-earth. I'm not saying this to vouch for her, buddy. But, she is a Blanco and a Lucero in every inch. So, I am warning you. We maybe good friends but by blood she's my cousin and legally she's my sister, so stay true to her. If you're still in love with your chief-of-staff then let G know and I'm sure she'll let you go. She just agreed to the betrothal upon knowing it because she didn't want to disappoint our parents. She agreed to date you after her formal introduction to the society. But if you cannot get over your feelings for your former chief-of-staff upon meeting her, I suggest that you become honest about it. It's not a character of a Lucero to force himself or herself to someone who doesn't want him or her in return."

James promised, "Don't worry, buddy. I won't do anything foul."

May 31, 2014. Saturday. 7 PM

In the grand ballroom of Palais Isabelle, in front of their relatives, friends and business colleagues, Don George and Doña Mariana Lucero formally introduced their daughter to the society.

Her old identity was still a big question to those guests who didn't have any idea of her past. But to those who knew specially the Luceros, Blancos and Tans, they were all so happy that Georgina had finally been reunited with her parents.

Jac and Belle approached her as soon as she started to mingle.

Jac said, "Kuya James will definitely be surprised when he sees you, Zoey."

Belle corrected her brother, "It's Georgina now, Kuya Jac. Kuya James had been miserable when you left the company. He immersed himself with work. He had also been doing all those extreme sports all four of us had tried before over and over again lately."

Georgina asked Belle, "Where is he now?"

Jac answered the question, "He's at the penthouse changing into his dinner suit. He just arrived from a Brazilian Jui Jitsu practice. Ever since you've disappeared he had felt the need of releasing all the stress through this combat sport and all those extreme sports. His heart belongs to you as Zoey but he is supposed to marry you as Georgina. Who would have thought that you and Zoey are just one person all along? You're so secretive, Georgina. You only come out in public eye tonight."

Belle noticed that James was coming and approaching them. Georgina, whose back was facing James, was silently signaled by the siblings of James' arrival.

Georgina didn't move to face James. So, when he stood behind her and asked his siblings, "So, where seems to be my future wife?" He was so surprised when the lady in front of him turned around to face him, "Zoey?!"

Georgina smiled at her former boss, "Hi. I'm Georgina."

James apologized. The idea of Zoey and Georgina being just one person hadn't sank into him yet, "Oh, I apologize. You just happen to have this uncanny resemblance to my former chief-of-staff."

Georgina that night was much fairer than the Zoey James had known. Georgina was more beautiful and more confident. Her complexion was much fairer as well. Her skin was much smoother and silkier. Her naturally straight long brown hair was much more voluminous, shinier, and healthier and styled differently. She wasn't wearing contact lenses anymore and her teeth had almost invisible braces. Her voice was a little different as well.

Their parents had approached them.

His father made the formal introduction, "Georgina, this is my eldest son, James Isaac. James, this is Georgina, your betrothed."

The emcee had announced the opening of the dance floor with a father and daughter dance by Don George and Georgina. So, Don George led her daughter to the dance floor for a waltz.

James couldn't take his eyes off Georgina. Just like what his parents had said, she was so beautiful.

His mother teased him, "So, how do you find Georgina, son?"

James answered honestly, "She looks like Zoey but she is much more sophisticated, prim, and proper."

His family didn't want to divulge the truth to him. They wanted him to discover the truth for himself.

Gregory also approached him, "So, how do you find my sister, buddy? You seem very surprised."

James answered Gregory, "You're correct when you said she is a Blanco and a Lucero in every inch. How was she found?"

Gregory stated, "Daddy George met her a few times. He had seen her wearing a necklace similar that of the one he had gifted G when she was still a baby at one occasion. He had also seen her birthmark in one occasion. Such clues lead them to the truth."

When the father and daughter dance was about to end, the emcee announced that everyone could join and have fun.

Just when Georgina and his father concluded their dance, a lot of bachelors had rushed to ask Georgina for a dance. She had gracefully accepted the first gentleman who approached them. He was Piolo Dantes, a famous international TV and movie actor from a well-respected and rich clan of politicians and businessmen in Missi.

James couldn't help but feel some sort of jealousy. He didn't know why. He last felt such feeling when Frederic had danced with Zoey when they were in Paris. Then it hit him. Past events came flooding one by one – the dinner with the Luceros telling Georgina has a heart shape freckle-like birthmark; Zoey telling him about her past; Zoey dancing with Don George during the 30th anniversary of JI Pinnacle Incorporated; Zoey disappearing after that; Georgina being found; Zoey telling him to divert his feelings for Georgina; and finally Georgina showing up that night as a more sophisticated, prim, and proper Zoey.

Meanwhile, Georgina and Piolo conversed while dancing.

Piolo's first question was, "So, do you already have a boyfriend, Miss Georgina?"

Georgina smiled timidly and said, "I am betrothed to someone else already even when I was still a baby, Mr. Dantes. Our engagement hasn't been formally announced yet but our relationship is very much fine. We just want to keep things as private as possible coz I don't like all the media attention I am receiving at the moment."

Piolo wanted to confirm, "So, there is no chance for others to win your heart?"

Georgina agreed, "Yes, Mr. Dantes. I already belong to someone else."

Piolo commented, "He is a very lucky man to have had such a lovely fiancée like you, Miss Georgina."

"Thanks for the compliment, Mr. Dantes," Georgina replied.

Before the song ended, James immediately snatched Georgina from the actor by saying, "Pardon, Mr. Dantes but I want to dance with my fiancée."

Georgina was surprised but she tried not to show any emotion on her face. Just as the song ended, James had immediately walked her out of the ballroom and dragged her to the elevator and press the button for the penthouse.

She just spoke up when they were already at the elevator, "What's that scene for, James?"

"You're mine, Zoey. Or should I say, Georgina," he answered with arrogance. "You just disappeared from my life and now you're back. Do you know how much I suffered with all those days that passed? And why didn't you tell me that you're Georgina once you discovered your true identity? You need a lot of explaining to do, my dear fiancée."

The elevator opened. He led her inside the penthouse.

James sat down at the couch motioning her to sit down as well. Georgina sat down by the couch opposite the couch where he was seated.

"Talk now," he ordered.

Georgina spoke with confidence and pride, "I'm not your employee anymore, James. You cannot just drag me wherever you want. I know you could be so bossy but I wasn't aware that you could be unreasonable. That party was hosted by my parents to formally introduce me to the society. You, snatching me from Mr. Dantes while the song isn't finished yet and dragging me here are so improper."

James had softened. He stood up, approached her, knelt in front of her, and looked into her beautiful eyes, "I'm so sorry. I was just so consumed with too much jealousy. I didn't register to me right away that you and Zoey are just one. I miss you so much, Zoey or Georgina. Whoever you are doesn't matter. I just know what you're the woman I love whether you are Zoey or Georgina." He kissed her lips with so much gentleness and passion. He just poured out all the love and longing he was feeling for her through such kiss.

Georgina allowed the kiss. She felt overwhelmed with her feelings for him. She knew then that she really loved James the way he loved her. She responded to it without reservation and then the main door of the penthouse opened up. Their parents had followed them and they were all smiling when they saw them kissing.

Don George said enthusiastically, "Guess, we need to announce their engagement right away, compadre. I didn't know your son could be so possessive."

Don Jaime answered with the same amount of enthusiasm, "Forgive my son for his stupidity, compadre. You see, since your daughter disappeared from his life as Zoey, he had been so stressed out."

Doña Isabelle then said, "James, you need to apologize to the guests. We need to return to the ballroom now."

They all did. James and Georgina were holding hands when they entered the ballroom. James and Georgina went up the stage. The emcee gave James the microphone.

James spoke, "First of all, I want to apologize for the scene I caused just a while ago. Mr. Dantes, please forgive me for my insolence. Guess, I'm just a possessive and jealous fiancé. As my father had put it, when I was just about five years old and saw Georgina for the first time during her christening, I already claimed her to be my girlfriend and declared my intentions of marrying her. So our parents had agreed on our betrothal back then. But it was also during such time when she was kidnapped and abandoned. Five years ago, I have met her again with a different identity. I fell in love with her again but I wasn't able to court her right away because she was then in a relationship and I was also her boss. When finally she was free, I expressed my intention to court her and marry her but she told me she needed to leave the company. She disappeared for more than a month with just a few messages and calls about her whereabouts. We were just not the usual employer-employee. She was one of my best friends. She disappeared on the same time that Georgina Blanco Lucero, my betrothed, had been found. Who would have thought that the baby I fell in love with twenty-five years ago was the same young lady I have fallen in love within these past five years? After more than a month of not seeing each other, I just couldn't bear the sight of her being in someone else's arms, Mr. Dantes. So, forgive me. I would also want to take this opportunity to announce to everyone that Georgina Blanco Lucero is mine. And any man who will dare to steal her away from me shall beware. And to you my darling Georgina, no more hide and seek." Then he claimed her mouth for a sensual kiss in front of everyone. Georgina had responded to the kiss with no inhibition.

The following day, photo of their kiss had been all over the papers, TV news, and internet news. Their relationship was trending on the internet. The media people had been even more curious about her whereabouts.

Georgina and James already agreed to go out on a date. James went to the Lucero mansion early in the morning to fetch Georgina. Aboard his Maybach Landaulet driven by Juan, they went to Missi Yacht Club to board the yacht of the Tans. They were also followed by Georgina's two bodyguards.

They had breakfast at the yacht. They talked after eating. They sat side by side near the railings of the yacht by the upper deck.

James started the conversation, "Dad and Mom told me that you didn't want us to be married right away. May I know why?"

Georgina looked at his face and answered honestly, "My parents just found me after twenty-five long years, James. Dad also wants me to help out Gregory at MPC until he had settled. I don't want to be the next CEO-President of MPC, so Gregory is left with the responsibility. He personally asked me and Phoebe to help him out coz he's specialty is corporate law and not managing a business. I also want to spend more time with my parents first before we get married."

James held her left hand with his right hand then stated, "I don't want to waste any more time without you, Georgina. You can still spend time with your parents even if we're still married and you can still help Greg even if you're already my wife."

Georgina replied, "Why the rush, James? I'm not going anywhere. You already know my feelings for you. And our betrothal is still on."

He gently squeezed it, "I just don't want to lose you ever again."

She answered putting her right hand on their joined hands, "You won't lose me, James. Besides, the entire world already knows that I am yours and eventually we will get married. But please understand that I still need to adjust with my new life first. My life isn't normal anymore. I cannot go out without my two bodyguards because my parents fear for my safety. Media people follow me around wherever I go. Designers want me to be their print model and endorser. TV networks are asking me to sit for an exclusive interview. Others are even offering me hosting jobs. Being a Lucero has its perks but it also has its drawbacks."

He quite understood where she was coming from, "I understand your situation, honey. But you must understand that the more you keep yourself from the public eye the more they will be curious about you. The Blancos and the Luceros are both well-known political and business families. You also have a lot of very famous relatives worldwide. Your Mom is also very famous with her advocacies for women's and children's welfare. And you're now considered one of the most beautiful faces here in the country. Also, since the death of your governor-grandfather last year, your Dad is being convinced by your grandfather's political party to run for the next election as Missi Governor."

Georgina acknowledged them, "Yeah. By tomorrow, I'll  start working at MPC with Gregory. Gregory is already Dad's Deputy while I'll be Dad's Officer-in-Charge while he's busy with all these political meetings."

James boosted her confidence, "I have no doubt that you'll do the job perfectly, honey."

She smiled sweetly and said, "Thanks to you for all the mentoring! I also told Dad and Gregory my plans of having a career outside the family business that's why I won't be working at the company very long."

James told her, "I see but going back to our engagement, I want to make it official and formal, honey. Last night, I already talked to your parents," then he knelt down on one knee in front of her and opened a red velvet case containing a humongous clear round cut diamond engagement ring, "I do understand that you don't want us to be married right away. But will you please wear this ring as a symbol of my undying love and our betrothal?"

Her reaction was, "James, this is so big! You perfectly know that I'm not into eye-catching jewelry."

James smiled, "I know, still wear it please. I bought that for you when we were still in Paris last April." He got it from the case and held his left hand and inserted the ring on her ring finger. It fitted just perfectly. "It may be big but I just chose a simple design because I know you wouldn't like a much elaborate one." He stood up and sat by beside her again then he put his right arm around her back.

She then exclaimed, "I really won't get used to being rich, James! I kind of like my life more when I was just Zoey Dizon. Although I'm happy that I finally know who I really am and that I have a pair of very loving parents, I still like the quietness of my old life before. Even when I was just still working for you, nobody seems to care who I am. But now, everyone seems to be minding about my life."

James drew her body much nearer into his chest, kissed her forehead, and then shared, "It was the same thing for me when I just returned here for good after my stay in USA for my studies. You were a witness to such kind of life I have. I did accept a few magazine interviews and TV appearances but I have always tried to keep my personal life as private as possible. You're still an heiress connected to MPC even if Gregory will helm the company. Your every action can affect the stock market."

Georgina confessed to him, "Honestly, I'm quite nervous with the OIC position that Dad had given me."

He used his left hand to reach to her left hand then squeezed it gently again, "You saw how I work up close and personal so, you have the idea already."

She acknowledged it but argued as well, "Yeah but I'm not as decisive and as assertive as you are."

He teased her so as to make their conversation a little much lighter, "Just use your charm and your intelligence and you won't get lost, honey."

She looked up into his face and gave his lips a short kiss, "Thank you for pushing me into maximizing my full potential."

He confided to her, "My initial goal was to have you as one of the top executives of JI Pinnacle. But since you already planned to have your own company to run, I guess I just need to convince Jac again to join the company. I didn't see it coming that you would leave the company coz I know how much you enjoy working with us. But if you didn't leave, I'm sure you wouldn't still allow me to court you."

She used her right hand in pinching his right side waist.

He slightly jerked from such, "Ouch, honey!"

She confided to him, "My work had affected my relationship with Rodney. I really used to like him very much coz he cared deeply for me but as time went by, his true colors came out. He is insecure, egotistical, womanizing, and unreasonable. Somehow I already wanted to be out of our relationship after a year but I haven't caught him in the act and somehow I'm too prideful to admit that he was right about assuming that I'm somehow favoring you more than him. From day one, I already had this big crush on you but professionalism is one of the most important work values that your Dad instilled into me. Also, I never thought that you will fall for someone like me."

James revealed as well, "Your simple beauty, good heart, and intelligent mind were only the few qualities that had made me fall for you. But as you put it, Dad's idea of professionalism had also stopped me from courting you. Then, you had your relationship with Rodney. Our trip to Paris was a wake-up call for me. You're already free from Rodney, and your transformation had drawn many admirers toward you so I made my move. But then why did you leave before the end of May? We had an agreement, remember?"

She imparted, "That night of the anniversary party. Your Dad talked to me. I told him about my past and about you. He advised me just to take a vacation leave but insisted me not to resign."

James then asked, "Then what made you decide to resign?"

She narrated, "That same night, my Dad approached me. Apparently your Dad noticed my birthmark by my right shoulder because I was wearing a strapless gown that night. So, my Dad approached me and started asking questions. He asked me if there was a possibility of me being adopted. I wasn't able to answer him right away. He noticed my apprehension and so he told me about their search for their long lost daughter. I opened up to him about what my grandmother told me. Then he asked me to grant some of his requests, the DNA Test and me showing the package of my clothes and jewelries when I was found by my adoptive grandparents behind their delivery truck. I wasn't wearing this gold necklace with a heart pendant that night, but he had noticed it during the board meeting we attended at MPC after we just returned from Paris" she touched her pendant and showed it to him. "It has my real name and my real birth date."

He said, "I saw you wearing it a few times when we were in Paris. But then the inscriptions were not that visible."

She continued, "The day after the anniversary party, I met with my Dad at the hospital for the extraction of samples for the DNA Test. His driver fetched me and drove for me. We also agreed to meet up the following Wednesday for the results of the DNA Test and for the package that I had to show. After a private brunch in the hospital with him, I asked his driver to just drop me at JI Pinnacle Building. There, I left the three envelopes. I also arranged the files you needed for the following day. Then I went home, packed a few clothes and headed to Los Lillia. I felt the need to clear my mind. I agreed with Dad's requests because I felt it was a big step in search for my real parents. It never occurred to me that I could be their long lost daughter. Anyway, I never knew Georgina was the name of their baby. I wasn't also aware that they lost their baby when she was just one and a half month old. When I returned to Missi on Wednesday morning, I arranged the package. Afterwards, Dad's driver came to fetch me and drove me to their mansion. My Mom embraced me right away upon seeing me. So, from such I already knew that the DNA Test proved that I am indeed their missing daughter. After all the initial catching up, Dad left for work and for more meetings with his lawyers for the arrangement of all my public documents. My Mom and I talked more. You were one of our topics. She sensed my true feelings for you. She also told me that if I needed more time and space away from you then they'll respect my decision. Your parents also visited us that afternoon. They fully understand my situation. They also agreed on my request not to tell you yet that Georgina is also Zoey. I wanted to know your reaction up close and personal once I am formally introduced as Georgina. But you were late. And when you saw me for the first time, you didn't recognize me right away. I am aware that you were still very much in love with Zoey no matter what building-up your parents do regarding me."

James imparted, "I didn't recognize you right away 'coz you've become more beautiful, sophisticated, prim and proper. The reality just hit me when you were already dancing with that actor Piolo Dantes."

She shared to him, "He was asking me then if I already have a boyfriend."

He was curious, "What was your answer then?"

She imparted, "I told him that I was already betrothed to someone even when I was still a baby and that my relationship with that man is very much fine. And then afterwards, you snatched me from him."

He opened up, "I was really jealous. I wanted to assert my claim on you right away."

She smiled, "And so you did! You really made quite a scene last night."

He smiled at her too, "Can you blame me? You disappeared from my life for more than a month. I was so stressed."

She added, "So you resort on doing all those extreme sports again and adding another combat sport on your list."

He admitted, "Guilty as charge, honey. But now that you're back, I'll just make Brazilian Jui Jitsi a part my weekly work-out routine. You can accompany me as well. You should practice kick-boxing again, the more that you need all those self-defense classes now that you're known as a heiress."

"Then arrange for my lessons again," she agreed."

He acknowledged, "Yeah, they already have a female instructor at the gym. You can also ask Belle to practice with you. Both of you haven't been practicing for quite some time."

She affirmed, "I'll call her later."

He then informed her, "You can talk to Belle, later. We'll have lunch at the mansion with my family after this. Your parents will be there as well."

MPC Building. Conference Hall. Top Floor. June 2, 2014. Monday. 8 AM

A special meeting was held to introduce Georgina to the board members, investors and top executives of MPC. James was there to represent JI Pinnacle Corporation as a minor stakeholder of MPC.

Georgina was asked to address all the people at the conference hall after she was formally introduced as the officer-in-charge while her father was away for an indefinite leave of absence.

Her speech went like this –

"A pleasant morning to everyone. Just a few years ago, I just dreamt of finishing a degree in business administration and accountancy then become a successful CPA lawyer. My career path changed the moment I passed the college education scholarship of JI Pinnacle Foundation. My former boss, Mr. James Isaac Tan had pushed me to finish my MBA and DBA and take other significant lessons to prepare me for an executive position at JI Pinnacle Corporation." Almost everyone inside the conference hall looked at James. "He firmly believed that I have the potential to make it big in the corporate world. But his personal feelings for me had compelled me to resign from their company. The five-year work obligation I owe to JI Pinnacle Foundation was about to end and so I decided not to renew my job contract anymore. My departure from JI Pinnacle Corporation also paved the way to my search for my true identity. Circumstances then led me to my true parents and now my Dad has entrusted MPC to Gregory and me. I look forward to working productively, cooperatively and harmoniously with all of you. I will perform with the best of my abilities so as not to fail your expectations. I will practice utmost professionalism with my work just like what I have done for the past five years at JI Pinnacle Corporation. Thank you and may the good Lord bless us all."

Everyone in the room applauded her. When the meeting was adjourned, her father escorted her to his office. As the OIC, her office would be his Dad's office as well. She and Gregory would have to work hand-in-hand. James came to the office with them. He just said goodbye then headed back to his office.

When she and Gregory had settled on the office, her cousin teased him. "I knew it! James really loves you whether you are Zoey or Georgina, G."

She just smiled and said, "Stop teasing me, Greg. Let's get to the business. I still haven't seen those reports you're telling me about. I had been caught up with all those activities Mom had lined up. We can review it together now that I'm back."

"Yes, G. I may not be an expert with numbers but as I reviewed some of the financial reports I had encountered some discrepancies. Since, you have the expertise in numbers being a CPA, I think that we need to go through all the financial reports years back. Your place is a haven. I want to buy it from you. I can use it as one of my hiding place if I need the privacy. Since I started working here at the company, I have been a public figure. And our Dad is really very strict when it comes to my dating life. While you're away, Phoebe had introduced me to her fiancé. I constantly hang around at Club Ava and Club Zenith. I met quite a few friends, had a number of one-night stands with rich socialites and showbiz personalities. Our Dad found out my dating behavior, when the showbiz celebrity I had a one-night stand with used it as a publicity scheme. From then on, he warned me to be cautious with the ladies I date."

Georgina answered, "I cannot sell that condo unit to you. It's my first investment from my earnings. But you can use it anytime you want."

That day, Georgina and Gregory also attended an administrative meeting with all the executives which was presided by her Dad. She listened carefully to all the monthly reports of all the Vice Presidents and Department Heads. After the meeting, she also requested for all the financial records of the company for the past five years. A delivery of bouquet of red roses from James also came with a note –

Honey G,

It was a nice speech. I wish you luck on your first day at work. Just keep your cool and stay happy. I am always here for you if ever you need my help.

I miss you here back at my office. I love you.

Hugs and kisses,

Honey J

She also accompanied her father and Gregory with all his business meetings with foreign investors outside the office.

Within the entire week, she and Gregory worked on uncovering the scam along with their so many administrative tasks at the company. James had never failed to check on her every day despite his busy schedules. His words of encouragement had kept her going on with her tasks at MPC. They weren't able to see each other within the entire work-week. Georgina had stayed with Gregory at the condominium unit to review all the financial papers leading to the culprits of the scam. But they phoned each other several times.

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