Thug Love 4: Blood Money

Von savage_NoWebbie

8K 278 120

Dezmond and Kasen have been through hell and back together. Building an empire and taking care of kids is not... Mehr

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Does anyone read my books still?
Chapter 5

Chapter 1

2.7K 74 20
Von savage_NoWebbie

Thug Love: Blood Money chapter 1 part 1

"MOMMA HAVE YOU SEEN MY TAXI 12's" David yells from the stairs.

"Boy yell at me again and you won't have feet to put shoes on" I say back.

I heard David stomp down the stairs.
"I'm sorry ma" he says towering over me.

I roll my eyes as I look up at my son. He picks me up like I'm a baby and I start to laugh.

"Alright you green giant put me down your shoes should be in the hallway closet to the right" I say.

He sets me down and places a quick kiss on my forehead.

Not much has changed with David besides him being 6'3. My son is a fighter but also a sweet heart towards his mother. He is protective over his sisters though. He will go to war for them. Kasen and I raised him right. He is a ladies man also he gets that from his dad.

I put the last pancake on the plate and sit down waiting on my family.
"Momma have you seen my purple clutch?" Paris ask from the entrance.
"Purse closet in the bin" I say.


Both Mariah and my crazy husband say at the same time.


"Here she go rolling that neck" Kasen jokes
"I'll find it myself" Mariah says.
Kasen follows her back up the stairs.

Those two are inseparable. If Kasen had it his way he would still have Mariah on his hip. Daddy's little princess grew up though and let me tell you she is thick in all the right places. Just like her momma.

David came down dressed and cute. He took the seat next to me and started on his food.

"I want y'all here after school" I say.
He nods and continues eating.
Paris is next to come down and she is stunning. She was the complete opposite of Mariah. She was skinny as hell. Her dream is to model.

Kasen came down after her and pecked my lips. Mariah was the last to sit down. As they conversed I looked at my big family. I had lost this when I was young. I owe everything to God.He is the reason I'm still here today. I felt a hand grab mine and I look to my side.
"I love you"Kasen says

I nod my head. He knew what that meant. I look at my husband and smile. His dreads are in the middle of his back. His hazel eyes seem to get brighter as we get older. Not much has changed with us since we last seen y'all. Kasen has a couple grey hairs coming in but we still get complimented on how young we look. As for me,I'm still thick where I need to be and my hair is still the length it was when we left off.

I zone back in to the conversation and look at the time.

"David you gotta get these girls to school" I say to my son.
"Yes ma'am" he says back to me.

Paris and Mariah put the dishes in the sink and head to David's car.
I make them ride to school together so they can keep up with each other.

David finishes his juice and grabs his keys.
He walks over to me and gives off a grin.
"Ma I just want you to know I love you" he says.

I roll my eyes and reach into my pocket.
"Give your sisters 20 dollars" I say handing him 3 20's.
He kisses my forehead and I hug him not wanting to let go.

I worry about David. I don't want him going down the path Kasen did. If I were to lose my baby boy I'd go mad. I love all my kids. It's my job to protect them.

When the door closes I put the dishes in the dish washer and press start. I set the alarm even though we are in the suburbs and I climb the stairs.

We moved back to Cali when the triplets turned 10. We had the money and we wanted a better life for our kids. Living in Atlanta wasn't good for us nor them. We bought this 6 bedroom 3 bath house and paid the mortgage off. I'm still doing my clothing line and Kasen has been back in school trying to finish his culinary classes. I'm proud of him. He made the change.

"Baby what you wanna do today?" Kasen asks.

"Can you rub my feet please" I say in my baby voice.

"Yeah I'll rub your lil pigs" he jokes.

I scowl and fold my arms across my chest.
He walks up to me and bends to my level. He presses his forehead to mine and looks me dead in my face with a smirk.

"I love you Dezmond only I can talk about your feet" he says
I roll my eyes as he pecks my lips. My cheeks start to blush and I sigh.

He pushes me towards the living room and sits on the couch. I sit next to him as he pulls up Netflix and puts on Narcos. He grabs my ankles and puts my feet in his lap. He starts rubbing as we watch Pablo Escobar show up on the tv.

"When I was younger I wanted to be him" he says staring at the screen.

"You wanted to be a infamous drug lord?" I say.

He nods and looks at me. "Until I found you" he says smirking. I give off a small smile.

We sit there in silence as we normally do. It isn't an awkward silence it's the silence that makes you feel comfortable. A silence that lets you know that no matter what you can get through it with this person. Good silence.

As Kasen continued rubbing I could feel myself drifting asleep. Getting up at 5 in the morning to put in business slots is hard. I'm a mom full time also so I have to wake my kids up,cook breakfast and clean. I never complain though because I'm blessed to be here.

I try to keep my eyes wide but I'm failing. I here Kasen chuckle from beside me and I look at him.
"What's funny?" I ask.
"Dezmond come here" he says opening his arms.

I don't hesitate to crawl into his lap. His hand finds the way to my butt and his other to my hair.
"Go to sleep baby,you deserve it" he says.

I lay my head against his chest and listen to his soft breathing. Lord knows I love this man.

*Kasen POV*

Dezmond started to snore lightly on my chest. This women works her ass off. I salute her for that.

What's been up with y'all? A nigga finally got something going for himself. Ive been taking care of my kids and doing this culinary arts things. Im a father first though.

I love my kids til death do us part.

As long as I have my wife and my kids I'm good.
I would continue telling y'all what's up but Dezmond's phone is ringing.

I slid the accept button to her iPhone 6 Plus and said hello.

"Is this the parent or guardian of David Harrison?" A deep voice ask.
"Yeah this is his father" I say
"Nice to meet you Mr.Harrison I assume, David has gotten into an altercation here at the school and we would like to inform you that he will be suspended for 3 days" the male says.

What does he mean he assumes? My kids not allowed to have my last name now?
I sigh and tap Dezmond.
"Hold on one sec I want you to explain to my wife what's going on" I say.

Her eyes open and she looks at me.
I put the phone to her ear and she speaks with a tired tone.

"Dezmond Harrison speaking"

There is a long pause before she grabs the phone
"HE DID WHAT NOW?" She yells.
"I'm on my way up there now" she says.
She hangs up the phone and slips her sandals on.

She grabs David's football hoodie and slips it on also.

"Coming?!" She asks in urgency.
I shake my head no. She gone lecture him and I hate being around for those.

She kisses my lips and grabs her keys and phone. She walks out the door and sets the alarm. I watch her leave on the tv screen.

*Dezmond POV*

I pulled up to the school and ran into the building.

Greenville was a nice sized school with 3 floors. You get 3 floors when you live with the rich folk. I walked into the office and my son was in a chair with his lip busted.

I walked up to him and grabbed his face.

"The hell were you thinking David" I whisper yell.

"Ma you don't understand he was-"
"David stop it you are the quarter back you can't be doing crazy shit" I say.

"Ma you don't-"
"Save it" I say holding a hand up.
He stops in his track and folds his arms.
"Mrs.Harrison the principal would like to speak with you" the secretary says

I nod and walk into the office.
" Mrs.Harrison nice to meet you I'm principal Roberts your son got into a fight with another student and let's say your sons lip is nothing compared to the other persons injuries. We want to suspend him 3 days and he won't play first game of the season" he says.

I roll my eyes.
"Okay" I reply simply.
He looks a little stunned that I didn't react how he wanted me to.

I get up and reach my hand out. "nice meeting you I'll take my son home" I say.

I walk out and hold my hand out to David.
"Keys so I can leave them for Paris" I say.
He hands them over with out a word.

We walk out and I make my way to Paris's 3rd block.
"Mom can I take them to her?!" David says before I can open the door.
"Why?" I ask.
"I just want to do it" he says obviously lying.

"I can do it myself" I say.
He sighs as I open the door and walk in.
David follows behind me and stops at the door.

All eyes are on me as I look for Paris. The room was so silent even the teacher was staring. I made my way to Paris and hand her the keys.

"No pit stops" I say. She nods and I turn around to leave.
"Damn David I see what Anthony was talking about id bang your mom too" the boy says.

"You better watch yo fucking mouth man that's my fucking mother you talking bout" David says walking towards him. I step in his way and look him in the eye. He understands me perfect because he storms out the door. I follow behind him.

When we get to the car I hop in the drivers seat and look at him.

"Ma I'm so-"
"Let's go get lunch" I say.

I pull out the school and head to our favorite lunch spot.

David has felt the need to protect me for a long time. Ever since the accident happened when the triplets were 11. He just doesn't understand how bad his momma is. I've killed more people than he has had birthdays.

Kasen and I plan to tell them someday what happened but right now isn't the time. I just gotta let him understand that's people will say things in life to hurt him but he can't just beat everybody up. Violence never solves anything.

I pull into In-N-Out Burger and sigh in relief when the line isn't long. I pull up to the drive thru and place the order with the IPad the car hop has.

"David look at me" I say staring at my son.
He looks over at me and I can see the anger clear on his face.

"Why are you so angry?" I ask.

"Because ma, they always making jokes about you, they do this shit because you look young.They are always talking about your body and what they would do to you I'm tired of it your my mom not some toy why would I sit back and let them say stuff about you?!" He rants.

"David people will say things in life to hurt your feelings but you have to understand that the way you react is going to get you in more trouble you have to start being the bigger person. You have overcame some crazy shit in life you have scars to prove it. Don't let your education go to waste because of what somebody said about me. I love you so much but you have to realize people will talk about me til the day I die. You can't blame them boo bear. We have to mature together David. Things get better just hold on" I say.

"I'm trying ma I'm serious I'm trying hard" David mummers.

"Pinky promise me" I say holding my pinky out.
He grabs my pinky with his and we seal the deal.
"Two animal style burgers with a large animal fry and two Sprites" the lady says when we pull up.

I nod and grab the food giving her exact change. I pull off and decide to go to our favorite park. As the girls grew up they stopped coming but David has been stuck on this park since the first time we went.

As I'm driving my phone starts to ring. I sigh and pick up.

"hello" I greet.

"Dezmond when are you coming to see me?" The husky voice says.

I look towards David and he has his headphones in.

"Look I told you I was done with all that crap now leave me alone" I say.

"So you finally went back to him I see how you feel" he says.

Before I can mumble another word he hangs up.
I set my phone to do not disturb and take a sip from my drink.

We reach the park and I get out. David grabs our food and we head to one of the benches by the lake.

I grab my burger and unwrap it taking a bite.

"It was him wasn't it ma?" David ask.

"Yeah David" I say ashamed.
"It's okay I understand ma" David says looking at me with those hazel eyes that resemble his fathers.

"I'll tell Kasen someday" I say.
"I feel like you owe him no explanation for that he messed up that time...not you" David says.

I shrug my shoulder feeling the pain come back. When we first moved here shit wasn't peaches and cream. We had started stressing over money. That stress almost ended our marriage. I did what I do best and I ran. Taking David since I knew he needed me for his insulin. I encountered an old acquaintance and let's just say I almost did something that would hurt Kasen's soul. David was there through it all through all the lies the abuse and even the tears. Paris and Mariah spent most the time with Jasmine and her new baby Ella. David always wanted to be under me.

I didn't want him exposed to my mess but for some reason God kept David around me.

I looked back up at my son and I swear I can see the small little boy with curls that use to play with my ear. Time flys when you're raising kids. I know David will be something great I can see it in him. He is respectful and sweet. Kasen and I raised him right.

"Momma you're staring" David says.

I snap out my trance and look at my food.

"AYE YOU LIL MONSTER YOU ATE MY BURGER" I say looking at the 3 inches of burger I have left.

"What can I say I'm a growing boy" he says.

I laugh and shake my head.
I stuffed the rest of the burger in my mouth and get up. I throw the trash away and motion for David to get in the car. We both get in and head towards the house.

*At the house*

We pull up and I park in the garage. We both get out and head towards the house. I unlock the door and let the garage doors down. I put in the code to the alarm and head towards the living room.
Kasen is still there scrolling through his phone.
"Hey baby" I say pecking his lips.

"How did everything go?" He ask.
"I went easy on him" I say plopping down next to my husband.

"Why was he fighting?" Kasen asked.
"Me" I simply say.

"These young boys will get enough of talking about my wife" Kasen teases.

"Shut up" I say getting up and dragging him with me.

"Where are we going?"he asks.

"Somewhere" I say smiling.

I'll let y'all talk to David I got some business to handle.

*Davids POV*

I went up to my room and took my shirt off.
I looked at my lip in the mirror and laughed. Anthony got the worst of it.

Let me describe myself for the ladies.

I'm 6'3 190 pounds and got a lot of muscle. I wear my brown curls in a ponytail my mom will drop a picture of me someday I'm for sure. But yeah I'm a lil lighter then my dad and the hazel eyes make all the ladies wet. I've been playing football since I could walk. My ma don't know it but I'm about to start bringing some bread into the house. She don't want us to know but she doing it on her own since dad back in school. Dad don't want her to know he still got ties to the drug game either. I know our family hell but it will all change. Y'all down for the ride?

I hope so. We got a lot of shit coming our way. No matter what I got my moms back. I got it better than her spine do. I love my mom so much because she never gave up on me. She believed in me and I beat cancer. I owe it all to her.

Enough of the sappy stuff let's see who it is calling me.

I slide the button to my IPhone 6 Plus and before I can even say hello my loud ass bestfriend starts yelling at me.

"Baby dick ass nigga what's good?!" Omarion greets.

"What's good Ugly ass bastard" I say chuckling.

"Man I was gone come to school today but shid I was like fuck it and stayed home where you at fool" he says.

"Suspended man" I sight rolling my eyes.

"You up there fighting over your mom again?" He ask.

"Yeah bruh you know me" I say.

"Already know but bruh ask moms can I come over" Omarion says.

"You ask her yourself" I tease.

"Bet go give my mom the phone" he jokes.

"This my momma nigga but bet" I say walking out my room and towards my parents room.

I knock and hear my mom say come in. Her and my dad are laying in the bed cuddling.

I hand her the phone.
"Hey Omarion" she says chuckling.

"Yes you can come over tell your mom I said hey" she says before handing me the phone.

"See you in 30 bro" I say hanging up.

"You two stay outta trouble" she says.

"We will but can you make tacos for dinner?" I ask.
"Yeah I'll start dinner in 2 hours" she says.

I smile and kiss a peace sign before closing the door to her bedroom.

I guess yall will meet Omarion. He been the brother I always wanted. He introducing me to the money making life style. Somebody gotta help my mom out.

I decide to go downstairs and watch tv. I get the remote and turn the tv to Martin. Before I could even get comfortable my phone started buzzing.

Yasmine: Hey papi im trying to see you tonight you free?

I roll my eyes and ignore her. Yasmine been bugging me since Freshman year. I try to be patient but lord knows she been driving me crazy.

You let these hoes have 45 minutes of dick and they turn into feens.

I leave her on Read and continue looking at the tv.
*30 minutes later*
I was just getting into the show when the doorbell rung.

I rolled my eyes and got up slowly. I went to the door and looked at the camera. Omarion ugly ass popped up in the cut.

I opened the door and we did our signature handshake.

"Man wassup?!" Omarion asked.

"Nigga we just talked on the phone im just chilling" I say.

"Man David shut yo ass up...where my momma at?" Omarion ask looking around.

I chuckle "man she up stairs with her husband"

"Alright I hope she know im staying for dinner...her cooking always good" he jokes.

"You always eatting our shit come on nigga so I can beat yo ass in 2k" I say.

"Nigga you aint beating shit but yo dick" Omarion jokes.

I chuckle and roll my eyes.

*Omarion POV*

Whats good my sexy ladies?
The name is Omarion Richards.
Im 6'3 185 pounds and you know im brown skinned. I got some long brown dread locks and my eyes are brown. As yall know David is my right hand. Im as close to him as I can be.

Let me finish whopping this nigga ass in 2k though nice meeting you all. All the single ladies hit me up at 756-343

"Omarion stop before you catch something" I hear David's mom say.

I guess ill hand this over to her.

*Dezmond POV*

I got up from the bed and kissed my napping husband.

I walked down the stairs to see David and Omarion in my living room.

I gave Omarion a quick shove and went into the kitchen. Let me be honest with yall like I always am. I dont trust this Omarion boy never have and never will. He is suspicious and I dont know why but I think he got a lot of people plugging him in to the drug business.

I refuse to let my son get into this shit. Id probably whoop David's ass so fast he wouldnt feel it til im done.

I quickly shook the thought from my mind and got the ingredients out to make tacos.I plugged my phone into Aux cord connected to my speakers and started listening to Drake.

It didnt take long for me to get into my zone.

*2 hours later*

I set everything on the table and kept the meat on the burner.

Paris and Mariah should be here soon.

I walked into the living room to see David and Omarion playing 2K.
"Tacos are done" I say.

David paused the game faster than Usain Bolt can run. He darted to the kitchen and I swear I saw him leave a dirt trail behind.
Omarion followed him as I decided to go back up stairs and tell Kasen the food was ready.

When I got there the door was cracked and Kasen was on the phone.

"Yeah man I dropped the kilos off yesterday Reese should have brought them by now" Kasen murmurs.

I cant believe what im hearing.

"Nigga I cant turn to Dezmond she dont know im still in the business" he said.

I felt my heart stop. He been lying to me too long. I wouldnt let him know I knew though. I have to take care of business like I always do.

"Ill hit you later" he said to who ever the person was.

I waited a few seconds after he hung up before I came in.
"Tacos are ready" I say looking at him.

"Okay cool" he says back.

"Whats wrong with you?" I ask.

"Nothing school is just stressful" he lies.

"Well you will be done soon" I say getting out my hoodie.

"Where you going?" He ask.

"I have to go see about some business at the Fashion warehouse" I lie.

"Okay well im about to go down and eat with the boys ill let the girls know where you are" he says kissing my forehead.

I close my eyes as he walks out. I grab my jeans and my black roshes. I tuck my gun under the hoodie and grab my ski mask. I went to Kasen's phone and unlocked it. I don't do this at all but right now I need to handle this shit. I get the address and type it into my phone. I wipe the screen and make sure to put it where I left it.

I grabbed the keys to his Audi and jogged down the stairs.

"See you later mom love you" I hear David yell.

"I love you too sweetie" I say before closing the door and unlocking the Audi.

Im tired of this shit with Kasen and I told him this shit has to stop. I guess he takes me for a joke. Ill handle this shit when I get home.

I drive towards the warehouse and roll my eyes when I pull up near it. Kasen should have learned by now Reese is a rookie to the game he probably working both sides.

I got out the car and put my mask on. I cock my gun and walk into the door.

"You not-" A guy says but I interrupt him with one bullet to the head.

Another comes out and he get the same treatment. I make my way up the stairs and like I suspected Reese was there sucking dick.

I shot the dude he was sucking up and I looked down at him.

I grabbed his hair and put my gun to his temple.
"Where the Kilo at lil nigga?" I ask him calmly.

He points to the floor board and I shoot him in the head. I grab the drugs from the spot and go back out to the car. This rookie ass job. They had no type of security. Young punks don't know what they messing with.

I put the drugs in the compartment under my seat and drive off towards the house. I know exactly what I'm going to do about this. Im tired of this shit. Kasen got life fucked up!!

Dezmond coming back into the game strong as hell. She got everything under control. You guys I want to say welcome to another book. The FINAL book. We have a lot of stuff to cover. I hope you guys are ready depending on my work schedule ill try to upload every Friday night around 11:30 I hope you guys stick by me for this one I love you all XOXO-Destini


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