violet ➳ arrow fanfiction

By jetsos

58.8K 1.5K 384

- a story in which a meta human wants to use her powers for good and asks team arrow for their help More

one : greenie
two : new best thing
three : stop
four : secret girlfriend
five : so am i
six : nicknames
seven : abercrombie
eight : stalking
nine : we're good
ten : someday
eleven : girl time
twelve : i think
thirteen : drunk friend
fourteen : brother & sister
fifteen : birthday suits?
sixteen : family hug
seventeen : i missed you, baby
eighteen : new power
nineteen : saving her
twenty ; thank you


8.6K 182 60
By jetsos

Her high heel boots made noise with every step she took. She walked calmly towards the office of the CEO of Palmer Tech. She opened the door slightly and made her way to the desk of Felicity Smoak.

"Felicity Smoak?" She spoke in soft voice.

"Yes, who may you be?" Felicity asked politely with a smile on her face.

"Hi, I'm Arden." She said and reached out to shake Felicity's hand. Felicity gladly accepted and shook Arden's hand.

"What can I help you with?" Felicity asked.

"I need to talk to you about something very important involving Oliver Queen." Arden said, deadly serious.

"What about Oliver Queen? You're referring to the mayor, right? Of course you are, there's no other Oliver Queen in Star City." Felicity babbled, causing Arden to chuckle.

"It's very important, I can't discuss it with you here. Maybe, we can arrange a meeting somewhere private. If you can bring Oliver, that would be great." Arden said, making Felicity more nervous than she already was.

"Um, sure. How about Big Belly Burger tonight?" Felicity offered, choosing a place that was still public.

"Okay, I'll meet you there at eight." Arden said and walked away with the clicking of her boots.

Arden got to Big Belly Burger five minutes before eight and sat in a booth. Felicity was there three minutes after the watch on Arden's wrist indicated that it was eight. Felicity's blonde hair was in a tight ponytail and she was wearing one of her signature dresses. She nervously sat across from Arden and placed her purse to her left.

"Oliver had a meeting. So, what's this super important thing?" Felicity asked, with a tremble to her voice.

"Felicity, I know you work for the Green Arrow." Arden whispered. Felicity looked shocked for a second, then she started to nervously laugh.

"You're funny. Me working for the Green Arrow? Nice one." She nervously chuckled.

"Felicity, I may look dumb, but I can assure you that I am not. I've done my research on the Arrow and the Green Arrow. I believe they're both the same person, and that you worked for both -or work because Green Arrow is still alive." Arden informed and Felicity was freaking out inside, but tried to keep calm.

"You're crazy." Felicity said, that was the only thing she managed to say.

"Oh, and I know Oliver is both of them." Arden whispered again, causing Felicity to freak out even more.

"I have to go." Felicity said, grabbing her bag and walking out of Big Belly Burger.


The barista handed Arden her hot coffee and told her the total. Arden handed the barista a ten dollar bill and smiled.

"Keep the change, Steve." Arden said and walked out of the coffee shop. She hummed along to the tune of a song that was stuck in her head as she waited for her coffee to get a little colder. She was walking in the dark night and as she was about to take a sip of her coffee a man in a green costume appeared, it was the Green Arrow. The sudden presence made Arden jump and drop her coffee.

"Dude, I paid ten bucks for that!" Arden complained and looked at the Green Arrow with a death stare.

"We need to talk." He spoke with his disguised voice.

"Okay, but you owe me a coffee." Arden said, still a bit annoyed. He led her to an abandoned building and told her to seat in a crappy old chair. He took off his hood, revealing Oliver Queen with a green mask on.

"How do you know who I am?" He asked, deadly serious.

"Look, no need to be rude. I've been tracking your moves since you were Arrow. I researched every place you've been and every place you hadn't been. When the Arrow died, I was really disappointed. And when the Green Arrow showed up, I tracked him down. He had the same moves, the same skills, the same height. And that's when I realized, they were the same person. So, I dedicated my spare time to find out who this guy was and after many conclusions, I realized it was you." Arden explained, a bit intimidated by his loud voice.

"And how did you find out about my partners?" He asked louder.

"I did some research on who you spent most of your days with and I may have stalked you a bit." Arden admitted, a little embarrassed.

"Why are you so interested in the Green Arrow?" Oliver finally asked more calmly. Arden let out a sigh, but still managed to speak up.

"At first, I was just fascinated by what he was doing. But then, it became something personal. I was in Central City the night the particle accelerator launched, I was so excited to see it, but I didn't know it was gonna change my life forever." Arden explained, looking down at her hands.

"You're a meta human." Oliver said and Arden silently nodded.

"When I discovered my powers, I couldn't control them. Now that I can, I was hoping to use them for good. I just want you to train me, nothing else." Arden said, revealing the truth.

"I'm sorry, I don't work with-" Oliver started but was cut off by Arden.

"Monsters like me?" Arden asked looking up to his eyes.

"People with powers." He finished.

"I don't need help with my powers, I just need help with fighting. My powers don't give me strength or skill. I need to learn how to fight." Arden insisted, hoping he would give in.

"What exactly are your powers?" Oliver asked, genuinely curious.

"Well, it's complicated. I can basically predict every move a person is going to do." Arden informed. Oliver just looked confused, which made Arden sigh.

"I can know when you shoot an arrow at me, so I can catch or dodge it." She explained again.

"Oh, I think I get it." Oliver said in realization.

"So, will you train me?" Arden asked hopefully.

"Yeah, that's not gonna happen. Ever." Oliver said almost instantly. Arden frowned, but started to get up from her shitty chair.

"I thought the Green Arrow was supposed to give hope, not crush it to pieces," Arden said, stepping close to Oliver's face. "But I guess I was wrong, and so is the rest of this city if they think you're an inspiration."

Arden walked away after saying those things to Oliver. She made her way towards her apartment, tears threatening to fall. She was never going to be a hero. All she could ever be was an employee of an old music shop in the nice part of Star City.

Arden reached her apartment and got in. She quickly changed into her pajamas and brushed her teeth, desperate to go to bed. She finally laid down on her bed and wrapped herself in her blanket. That's when she let the tears out, all of them. She cried until her eyes were out of tears and started to tell herself how worthless she was in her head. You have powers and you still can't do shit, she told herself. You're gonna do shit!

Arden planned what she was gonna do tomorrow night, and she went to bed grinning like an idiot.


[hello everyone, this is my first ever arrow fanfic and it is based after season 4. i would just like to point out that i do not own any of these characters with the exception of arden (violet). that my main language is not english and i'm 14, so my way of writing may not be perfect but i believe they are good enough for now. also, this plot is completely made up by me, so please do not steal it. the chapters are short but there would be many of them and i will try to update frequently. thank you and i hope you enjoy this story.]

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