Land Of The Stupid

By PhenomeNiallx

72 1 0

A Maximum Security Prison. Four Delinquents. A Daring Escape Plan. A Rogue Alien. An Impending Invasion The F... More

Land Of The Stupid
Daddy Issues

The Importance Of Being Ernie

13 0 0
By PhenomeNiallx

The Jury finds the defendant to be…


Ernie stared at the Judge emotionlessly.

“I sentence you,” the Judge said, “to Welshington Detention Centre; life without parole.”

Next to him, Ernie’s lawyer groaned in frustration. Ernie did nothing. He continued to stare at the Judge, who gave him a stare of equal intensity. All around the courtroom there were titters and whispers. Ernie could hear his mother sobbing in the background, but he knew that her sobs weren’t for him. Her sobs were for his bastard of a stepfather. His dead bastard of a stepfather. His murdered bastard of a stepfather.

Ernie felt a tiny thrill of pride run through him. He had finally done it. After years of abuse, beatings, torture, he had finally killed his stepfather. The man who had caused him nothing but grief since he walked into Ernie's life, nearly nine years ago. Ernie didn’t care that he had put himself in prison for the rest of his life, it was better than the hell he had experienced when his stepfather was alive. Ernie frequently had nightmares about some of the things that his stepfather had done to him. He quickly squashed the overwhelming feelings of anger and sadness and weakness that rose up within him, and focused of keeping his face blank and unreadable.

The judge broke off the stare and began to get ready to leave court. Ernie’s lawyer turned to him.

“I’m sorry mate.” He said simply. Ernie shrugged. He knew that his lawyer wasn’t sorry for him, he was sorry because he had lost a case. He was sorry because his successful lawyer friends would ridicule him for weeks to come. He was sorry because there was a chance his pay might be cut in half for loosing a case as serious as this.  He adjusted his trendy glasses and cleared his throat, looking awkward. He stuck out his hand for Ernie to shake. Ernie just stared at it until the lawyer quickly retracted it and cleared his throat once more.

“Right, well, I’ll be leaving you then.” He stood up to go, and didn’t turn back once.

A couple of heavily armed guards came to the defendant’s stand and grabbed Ernie roughly. One of them got out a pair of cuffs and gave Ernie a nasty grin.

“Hope this don’t hurt too bad pretty boy.” He said, as he shoved the cuffs onto Ernie’s wrists. The guard tightened the notches on the cuffs uncomfortably, but Ernie didn’t care. He had experienced far worse than the sting of a pair of handcuffs. Try going to school hiding a broken ankle. That really put all other pains into perspective. Or having your arm stuck into a burning fireplace.

The guards dragged him to a tiny cell behind the Courtroom. They shoved him in and slammed the barred door shut.

“Your mummy’s gonna be visiting you soon.” One of the guards said, a cackle barely disguised in his voice. Ernie didn’t let his wince show on his face, but in his heart, he swore he could feel a piece of his heart cracking off and disintegrating. Sure enough, barely five minutes later Ernie’s mother was standing in front of the guards, demanding that she be allowed to talk to her son in private.

“No can do Ma’am.” The guard on the left said.

“What do you mean, you geezer?! Leave my bastard son and I alone! Now!” His mother stomped her foot and pointed at the door that led back into the Courtroom. The guards only chuckled.

“We can’t do that Ma’am. You either agree to talk to him with us here, or you don’t talk at all.” Ernie’s mother seemed to realize that she wasn’t going to get anywhere with this, so she motioned to the guards to move aside so she could talk to her son.

“Mum.” Ernie’s voice said, betraying no feeling whatsoever.

“Don’t call me that you little weasel. I hate you.” Ernie didn’t let her know how much her comment stung.

“I hate you too. But not nearly as much as I hated your husband. I’m so glad that prick got what was coming to him.” His mother hissed and leapt forward. She grabbed the bars of his cells and shook them.

“How dare you! Steve was a good man. You killed him. I hope you rot in prison!” His mother said, her voice slowly breaking as she began to give into sobs. The guards slowly prised her away from the cell and dragged her backwards.

“Ma’am I think it might be time for you to go.” She just nodded, her legs collapsing underneath her. The guards dragged her to the door.

Ernie slowly rolled up his sleeves, until the horrible burns and scars were visible.

“Mum.” He said softly. She looked up at him with fury in her eyes. Ernie lifted his arm so she could see the disfiguration that covered it. Her eyes widened in horror.

“This is why I killed him mum. Just a little note for your conscience.” His mother escaped from the guards arms and ran back into the Courtroom.

“See you mummy.” He said softly, before lying down on the rock hard bed in the cell. He crossed his arms over his chest, as if somehow that would stop his heart aching.

Okay so this is my first storryy :) The first chappies might be a little bit intense but I kinda have to set the scene and introduce the characters and all that stuff... :3 hahaha

The pic on the side is how I imagine Ernie to be, but it doesn't mean that you have to picture him that way!

hahahahahahah it's also just a reaallyy hot photo. When I saw it I was like: "Dayum boii ;)"

okaaaaaaaay well read on, and if you like it remember to vote, comment, like, whatever. If you're really amazing FAN ME! :)

thats all for now

x Millie

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