Confuse Feelings (Vampire Dia...

By epiceviladventureme1

41.4K 1.2K 106

This is a sequel to Supernatural meets Vampire diaries. Dean and Damon are together, they love each other an... More

Confuse Feelings (Vampire Diaries Joins Supernatural)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 10

2.9K 107 8
By epiceviladventureme1

Stefan hurried scared, he fear the worst. He didn’t want to lose Sam, it was fine when he was ok and alive, Stefan cold move on even if it was painful for him, at least he knew Sam was unharmed and moving on with his life without Stefan around him. But the thought of the world without Sam Winchester was a world Stefan didn’t want to live in, so when he tried Sam’s cellphone and he got no answer, he knew he had to trust Damon’s word. No one could blame Stefan for not trusting his only living relative, after all Damon had a dark sense of humor, to others Damon’s idea of a good time was a nightmare, what Damon thought it was funny, others gaped and shudder at how sick and demented his brother was.

And he guesses now was the only time Damon had decided to actually be as human as he could get, he was worried about Stefan and wanted him to be ok, so Stefan felt like a jackass at not trusting his brother.


He made it the next day and without wasting another minute he went up to the door and banged on it, an annoyed Bobby answers the door, the old man looked older than the last time Stefan saw him. And Stefan understood how bad Sam’s situation really was, he was barely controlling the tears that were threating to flow out of his eyes as he silently went inside after Bobby stood to the side to let him in.

In the living room he found Adam sitting on Castiel’s lap, Stefan’s eyebrows went up in surprise but didn’t comment on it, he seen that coming when he saw how Castiel looked at Adam the last time he was around them.

‘’Hey, we’re glad you’re here.’’ Adam said in a way of welcoming him.

‘’I got here as fast as I could, how is-‘’ He couldn’t finish his sentence; it was taboo asking anyone about the man he grown to loved. Adam nodded in understanding, Stefan was thankful that the younger Winchester didn’t talk anymore, instead he stood up and gesture to Stefan to follow him.

Stefan dreaded the distance, and once he was in front of Sam’s room, Stefan hesitated at the door, Adam gave him time by leaning on the door with his arms closed, and his eyes study Stefan from head to toe.

‘’I’m sorry to tell you this, but you look like shit.’’ Out of everything Stefan thought was going to hear he had to admit that wasn’t of them.

‘’I’ve been moving around a lot, haven’t fed like I should.’’ He grumbles looking everywhere but at Adam’s probing gaze.

‘’Sam wouldn’t want you hurting Stefan, he really cares for you.’’ Stefan’s strength was thin so at those words, he broke and as he slowly turns to look at Sam’s younger brother, he let the tears come out of his eyes, Adam’s eyes widens as he sees Stefan that way.

Without a word, Adam goes and wraps Stefan in a brotherly hug and Stefan just sobs.

‘’I love him, I don’t want to lose him, I’ll die if he dies.’’ Adam felt so bad for tricking Stefan, the man was broken, and he was hurting, he was in pain at the thought of losing Sam.

‘’Come on time to see him.’’ Adam murmurs pulling Stefan with him as he slowly opens the door.

Dean and Damon jumped up from where they were sitting; they were shocked at seeing Adam with a broken Stefan. Damon hurries and replaces Adam with himself, Stefan right away knew the arms were his brothers and he sunk lower into his arms.

‘’Damon, I can’t lose him, I’ll die if I do, I love him Damon, and this is different, is not like Katherine or Elena, these feelings are stronger and deeper, Damon I don’t want to live if he dies.’’ Stefan croaked making Damon cringed, now he was feeling guilty for making his brother suffer this much, he turns to look at Dean, his hunter just stared at him as Damon’s eyes filled with tears.

‘’Come on, let’s go clean you up and get you fed, once you calm down we can come back and see him.’’ Damon whispers into his brother’s ear, Stefan just nodded as he let Damon guide him out of the room.

Once the vampires were out of the room, Dean spoke firmly, ‘’Castiel get in here.’’ Adam glance at the door waiting for his angel to come through the door. So when the angel wraps Adam in a hug from behind, Adam squeaks in a girly way.

‘’Angel, remember.’’ Dean rolls his eyes at his brother who just flips him off.

‘’Ok, is there a way you can have Sam stayed like this, but let him hear everything everyone is saying around him?’’ Castiel thought about it, ‘’you mean like making paralyzed but let him hear the vampire’s confession?’’ Dean nods at Castiel, he was starting to feel bad for tricking Stefan, and by the way Damon looked, Dean knew his vampire was feeling guilty as well.

‘’I’ll need some angel dust, for that kind of stuff.’’ As soon as Castiel says that, he disappears, Dean scoffs at the empty spot Castiel was just occupying, he saw his brother with a dreamy look on his face.

Before Dean could say anything, Castiel had reappeared back in the room holding a small brown sack.

Castiel took some in his fingers and sprinkle some on Sam’s face, he then closes his eyes and murmurs something, when he opens his eyes, Dean was about to ask, if it worked but stayed quiet when he saw a small ball of light come out of Sam’s mouth then went from head to toe on Sam’s whole body then went back into Sam’s body.

‘’It’s done, he can hear us all but he can’t answer.’’ Castiel spoke in an eerie voice making Dean Stare at him; he turns to see Adam staring at the angel in amazement.

He blew off air as he stares at his brother; he gets close to Sam’s side and leans in close to his brother’s ear.

‘’Sammy, if you can hear me, I want to tell you that what we’re doing is to help you Sammy, you need Stefan in your life, so please when you wake up give it a try, don’t let the vampire walk away, he’s your happiness and he loves you, don’t be a stubborn ass and take what’s yours, oh and when you wake up and you’re mad, punch Castiel he’s the one who put you in the comma, love you Sam.’’ Dean did something he’s never done before in his life, he kissed Sam on the forehead.

‘’Did you have to blame Castiel for it? He’s going to kick his ass.’’ Adam glares at a sheepish Dean.

‘’Relax, Castiel can defend himself, and I don’t want Sam pissed at me or Damon.’’ Dean drawls and glances at the door, he heard mumbling and he knew the vampire brothers were making their way towards Sam’s room.

Stefan went in feeling slightly better, he was grateful that Damon kept blood bags in the basement, he falter in his steps when he went in the room and found the angel, Adam and Dean standing around Sam’s bed.

‘’Hey, Stefan we’ll leave so you can have some privacy with Sam, he can’t be alone and vulnerable so you can’t leave until one of us come back.’’ Dean explains with a small smile.

‘’Ok, thank you and don’t worry I won’t leave his side anymore.’’ Dean’s lips stretched wider as he grabs Damon’s hand and pulls him out of the room, they were instantly follow by Adam and Castiel.

 Stefan stayed quiet for a few minutes, drinking Sam’s handsome features, his strong jaw, his eyelashes hiding those beautiful eyes, his soft lips that Stefan missed so much, often he remember how it felt kissing Sam the night he got abducted. His eyes landed on the vein on Sam’s neck and Stefan licked his lips as his eyes darken with need, he wanted to kiss Sam, to see him naked, he wanted to know how it would feel having Sam inside of him, he wanted Sam to make love to him while facing each other, Stefan close his eyes as he thinks how it would feel to move with Sam as the hunter thrusts into him, he thinks how as they get close to climax Stefan could lift his head up and sink his fangs into Sam, marking him as his, marking his territory to let every vampire and other supernatural being know that the hunter was taken, and that they would die a horrible death by his hand if they dare touch Sam Winchester.

‘’Sam, I missed you so much.’’ Stefan finally whispers as he sits on the bed and takes Sam’s hand.

‘’I left because I was scared I would hurt you, I didn’t want to caused you pain.’’ Stefan sniffed as he stares at Sam’s nonmoving face.

‘’I wished I could see your eyes, hear your voice, Sam if you come back to me, I promise I will stayed by your side and try my hardest to get you to forgive me for how stupid I have been.’’ Stefan didn’t know what he expected, maybe he thought Sam would open his eyes, or at least say something, but nothing Sam’s body didn’t even flinched.

‘’Sam, I love you and the thought of losing you is painful, and I don’t want to go another day without you,’’ Stefan paused as he searches for his next words.

‘’Sam having you in my life for a little while, is better than not having you at all. So when you wake up I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me and give me a second chance.’’ Stefan chuckles nervously as he sealed his words by pecking Sam softly on his close lips.


He was going to kill someone, he knew that much. He felt a rush and woke up but as he tried to open his eyes, he found out he couldn’t move at all, what the hell was going on and what the fuck was wrong with him.

‘’It’s done, he can hear us all but he can’t answer.’’ He heard Castiel talk and he mentally gritted his teeth; Castiel was in it, he should’ve known that much since he remembers the fucking angel in his room when he lost consciousness.


‘’Sammy, if you can hear me, I want to tell you that what we’re doing is to help you Sammy, you need Stefan in your life, so please when you wake up give it a try, don’t let the vampire walk away, he’s your happiness and he loves you, don’t be a stubborn ass and take what’s yours, oh and when you wake up and you’re mad, punch Castiel he’s the one who put you in the comma, love you Sam.’’ Sam wanted to scoffed at that, he knew Dean was in it too, Sam knew no one made a move without Dean’s approval, why the hell couldn’t they stay out of his love life?

If he wanted to mope around until he got over the vampire then why not let him, he needed time to move on but like always he would do it, he was sure of that.

‘’Did you have to blame Castiel for it? He’s going to kick his ass.’’ Sam heard Adam hissed at Dean, of course his younger brother was in it as well; Sam contemplated on how he was going to kick their asses.

‘’Relax, Castiel can defend himself, and I don’t want Sam pissed at me or Damon.’’ Damn it, was everybody in it? Was Bobby? Shit what they were planning on doing my making Sam unable to move.

Everything went quiet in the room and Sam wondered if everyone had left him alone, damn he felt like a prisoner in his own body, he hated this more and more with the passing minutes, how long had he been like this?

‘’Hey, Stefan we’ll leave so you can have some privacy with Sam, he can’t be alone and vulnerable so you can’t leave until one of us come back.’’ That caught Sam’s attention, Stefan was here? Was this the plan they all had in mind?

‘’Ok, thank you and don’t worry I won’t leave his side anymore.’’ Stefan’s soft voice made Sam’s heart beat fast, oh how he wished Stefan meant it, but he couldn’t let his guard down again, it was still painful that Stefan had left him and for the vampire to come back just because he thought what? That Sam was dying? Did his friends and family go as far as lie to Stefan about Sam’s health?

‘’Sam, I missed you so much.’’ Stefan’s voice sounded so sweet and soft. Sam had an urge to reach out and hold Stefan tightly in his arms, man he had it bad for the vampire.

‘’I left because I was scared I would hurt you, I didn’t want to caused you pain.’’ Sam wanted to point out that by him leaving him caused him pain; it hurt him when Stefan walked away from him.


‘’I wished I could see your eyes, hear your voice, Sam if you come back to me, I promise I will stayed by your side and try my hardest to get you to forgive me for how stupid I have been.’’ Yes you have been an idiot for leaving; Sam thought but could he be able to open up his heart to the vampire, let him in.

Risk getting hurt?


‘’Sam, I love you and the thought of losing you is painful, and I don’t want to go another day without you,’’   Those words made Sam stop breathing, Stefan just told him he loves Sam, that was a shocking thing to find out.

‘’Sam having you in my life for a little while, is better than not having you at all. So when you wake up I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me and give me a second chance.’’  Somehow Stefan’s love confession made Sam feel lighter, he couldn’t move but in his mind he knew he was grinning like an idiot, the four letter word made Sam look at all this in a different light, he could see himself hugging, snuggling, kissing and making love with Stefan. His walls came down from around his heart and call him crazy but he wanted Stefan by his side, the pain in his chest went away and he had a feeling Stefan had something to do with that, he was going to forgive him, but he was still going to make Stefan know that it wasn’t ok for him to walk away from Sam, that it will never be ok for the vampire to walk out of Sam’s life.

Sam’s train of thought were interrupted when he felt a tingly sensation on his whole body, he wondered what it was or what it meant.

All he knew was that he wanted to wake up, and finally talk about all this with Stefan, make a life with the vampire.

‘’God damn it Castiel wake me up already!’’ Sam cursed in his head, trying to move but didn’t succeed.


Castiel was sitting in the living room with Adam on his lap as Dean and Damon sit across from them, Bobby had curse a bunch of insults and walked out to go work in a car.  Castiel frowns as he hears Sam’s voice, he wanted to wake up? Castiel softly moves Adam from his lap and gently sits him on the couch.

‘’Sam wants to wake up.’’ Castiel states with a business tone.

‘’Shit, is he pissed?’’ Dean questions as he gets up following Castiel’s movements.

‘’I’m not sure, I can’t sense his mood, all I can sense is a desperation to wake up, and move his body but I can’t seem to feel if he’s angry.’’ Castiel explains as he starts to walk towards the stairs where the bedrooms were.

Stefan saw the others come into the bedroom and shutting the door behind them, he frowns as Damon and Dean Stand on each of his side, but says nothing.

He sees Castiel move towards Sam, and Stefan growls as he sees the angel place a hand on Sam’s chest while his other one sits on Sam’s forehead.

He sees the angel’s lips move and Stefan could hear some sort of words in a different language.

Stefan was getting ready to pushed Castiel away from Sam when he hears a gasped and Sam open his eyes.

Sam hurries up and stands up, he glares at everyone in the room and lounges at Dean and punches him, then he moves on to a shocked Damon, punches him right on the gut making Sam hissed in pain, Damon was a vampire so a punch from a human didn’t really do much to him.

He turns to snarl at Castiel, and scowls at Adam.

‘’I won’t hit you,’’ Sam points at Adam who hid behind Castiel.

‘’And you, well what’s the point in hitting you, you were probably just following orders like the good little lap dog that you are for Dean!’’ Sam bits off angrily.

‘’Now everyone get the fuck out so me and Stefan can talk about all this.’’ Sam orders as he points to the door.

They all left them there, he stares at Stefan waiting for the vampire to say something, but judging by the shock look on his face he didn’t know what was going on.

Sam couldn’t help but chuckle as he goes and sits on his bed, Stefan had no idea he’s been played.

Stefan heard the chuckling coming from Sam and the vampire gets angry.

‘’Is not fucking funny, you were in a fucking comma!’’ The vampire snaps angrily, with his hands to his side, his nails digging into the palms of his hands.

‘’I know, I know believe me, it was no picnic for me either.’’ Sam states with a grinned, call him crazy but he was enjoying this side of Stefan, the vampire did care for him.

‘’But, how did you, how are you awake?’’ Stefan questions as relaxes a little.

‘’Idiots made a planned without me knowing, if I have to guess, your brother did it and the others agreed with him, I knew  Damon was acting weirder than he does.’’ Sam grumbles, he was annoyed the vampire turned out to be smarter than he looks.

‘’I should’ve known something was up, I was fucking scared.’’ Stefan points out letting out a long sigh.

They stayed quiet, it was an awkward silence, and neither of them knew what to do or what to say.

 Sam wanted to wrap his arms around Stefan; he missed the vampire so fucking much it hurt. All he wanted to do was tying Stefan to his bed and never let him go.

‘’I should go.’’ Stefan whispers in a soft voice, while not meeting Sam’s gaze.

‘’Don’t, please just don’t.’’ Sam pleads.

‘’I have to, I can’t stay here, I’ll end up hurting you and I don’t want to do that, I won’t do that.’’ Stefan says with desperation.

‘’You won’t hurt me! Why are you so bend on leaving me? Don’t you see, you leaving is how you’re hurting me?’’ Sam had enough of this shit, he was keeping his vampire and he would do anything to do that.

‘’Sam, you don’t understand, if I stayed I’ll end up killing you!’’ Stefan pleaded with his eyes to Sam, he wanted the hunter to get where he was coming from, but Sam kept shaking his head no while Stefan talked.

‘’Stefan, you won’t hurt me.’’ Sam coos as he slowly stands up and starts to slowly walk towards Stefan, who was frozen on his spot, he couldn’t move, his brain kept shouting at him to move, to walk away before it was too late, but his dead heart wouldn’t let him move.

‘’I’m scared of what I feel for you, it’s stronger than what I felt before for anyone.’’ Stefan nearly whispered.

By now Sam was already face to face with the vampire, the hunter’s nose was touching Stefan’s and if Stefan wanted to he could move his lips a little and they could be kissing, ‘’It’s called real love, what you’re feeling and if it makes you feel better, I’m scared shitless too.’’ Sam confessed.

It shouldn’t but it did make him feel better, Sam being scare meant he was feeling the same way Stefan did. The vampire’s went from Sam’s eyes then down to his lips, back and forward until Sam slowly pressed his lips to Stefan’s and then pulled away before Stefan could even register he had been kissed.

‘’How about we both help each other? We can stay together and give each other strength, make each other feel happy about finding a mate, and not be terrified about it.’’ Sam softly spoke as he ever so slowly wraps his arms around Stefan.

In an instant, Stefan’s body went hard with desire, and he couldn’t answer.

Desire coursed its way through Stefan, and he wanted to be with Sam, he wanted the hunter to fuck him into oblivion and the sooner the better.

‘’So what do you say?’’ Sam questions as he starts to kiss Stefan’s neck, making the vampire moan.

‘’Ok, but the first time I hurt you, I will ask Dean to kill me.’’ Stefan says in between moans.

Sam lets go of Stefan making the vampire whimper at the loss. ‘’You have five seconds to get naked and get in the bed.’’ Sam ordered in a –I’m the boss- voice, making Stefan rushed to comply.

Once Stefan did as told, Sam got on top of Stefan and pushed him so his body was tight against the bed and the hunter’s hard body.

Sam leaned in and gave the vampire’s ear a love bite.

‘’Don’t ever leave me again.’’ Sam murmurs in Stefan’s ear.

‘’I won’t. I promise.’’ Stefan said enjoying how Sam was softly biting and sucking on his ear.

Sam begins to slowly kiss his way down Stefan’s body. He started with Stefan’s throat first before working his way down his chest. When Sam got to Stefan’s nipples, the vampire jumped. It felt so good that he wanted to thread his fingers through Sam’s hair and urge him on. Sam began to move even lower. First, he took the time to lick every inch of Stefan’s abs. In a blink of an eye, Stefan was taken by surprise as he felt a warm heat surrounding his shaft, Stefan let out a cry of pleasure as he arched up against the bed.

Sam lingered for a while, sucking Stefan off for a few moments before he moved back up. All the while, he continued to rub his face all over his vampire’s sweet body, alternating the motion with love bites and licks.

Sam had worked his way up so they were facing each other again. He pressed their lips together into a hard kiss. Stefan immediately opened up to him, his mouth allowing Sam’s tongue in to stroke and caress. Stefan tasted so good and Sam couldn’t hold back his moan of approval.

Reaching down between them, Sam fisted both their shafts with one hand and began to jack them off. Stefan gasped into Sam’s mouth before he let out a moan of his own.

 They continued to make out, their tongues sliding together, while Sam jacked them off. Then just as he felt Stefan tense in signs of him almost getting off, Sam pulled his hand away.

Stefan let out a cry, ‘’please don’t stop.’’ He whines.

‘’Don’t worry I’m not done with you just yet, now turn around and get on your hands and knees.’’ Sam orders with a husky voice.

Stefan quickly obeyed the order, he was nervous at what they were about to do, this was going to be his first time having sex with a man, in all the years he have been living as a vampire he had always had sex with woman. But he trusted Sam with his life and was glad that the hunter was going to be his first.

Sam reached over to the nightstand and grabbed a bottle of lube he had there for when he needed a release and all he had was his hand. Cracking open the lid, he poured out a liberal amount. He didn’t know how to have sex with a man, but he had research gay sex online and learned the mechanics of it, how you’re supposed to get them ready by first stretching them with his fingers, which Sam understood.

Sam slid one finger inside, being careful to watch for signs of discomfort. When all he got was a moan of pleasure from the vampire, Sam smiled to himself, and then slowly moved the digit in and out.

‘’You ok?’’ Sam still had to make sure his vampire was ok.

‘’Yes, I’m good keep going.’’ Stefan replied with a hiss.

Sam took that as permission to add another finger, stretching Stefan even farther. Stefan rocked back against Sam’s hand, a fine sheen of sweat breaking out over his body.

Finally, Sam felt that Stefan was ready for him. His shaft was so hard that it was to a point of bursting. He took out his fingers and lined the tip of his c0ck to Stefan’s entrance.

‘’I’ve dreamed of doing this.’’ Sam said right before he thrust inside.

Stefan let out a keening wail of pleasure, his back arching as he fists the sheets on the bed.

Sam paused to give Stefan time to adjust to his size, but Stefan would have none of that, he thrust back against Sam.

‘’Fuck me Sam, make me yours please.’’ Stefan demanded with a needy voice.

Sam liked how Stefan’s words sounded, he wanted to make the vampire his, he wanted to mark him with his seed so that everyone knew he belong to the hunter.

Grabbing Stefan by the hips, he gave the vampire the pounding he was asking for.

Stefan dug his fingers even deeper into the bed and hung on, letting out a cry of pleasure so loud it was a wonder no one in the house came and check on them to make sure they weren’t killing each other.

Sam made sure he hit the spot that made Stefan jump and moan over and over, at the same time, Sam reached around and grabbed Stefan’s shaft, stroking him off in time with their thrusts. Stefan let out a snarling sound, then he came, hot ropes of his seed covering Sam’s hand and the bed below them.

The sound was so sexy it sent Sam over the edge. It was unlike anything he’d heard before. Crying out Stefan’s name, he gave one last thrust and came, his shaft filling the vampire’s tight, warm hole.

Stefan collapsed, taking Sam with him.

‘’That was, wow.’’ Stefan manages to say.

Sam roll off Stefan and with a pop noise, his c0ck slid out of Stefan.

‘’So, I take it you’ll stay?’’ Sam coos as he wraps Stefan in a tight embrace.

Stefan cuddle in closer, ‘’I could get used to this.’’ He says instead of answering Sam’s question.

‘’I hope so, because I don’t plan on letting you go ever again.’’ Sam drawls slowly.

‘’Promise?’’ Stefan asked. He pulled away enough to look Sam in the eyes, Stefan looked hopeful.

‘’Promise, as far as I’m concerned, you belong to me now, and I’m not letting you go.’’ Sam states while watching Stefan’s reaction.

To his surprised Stefan smile widely at him and gave him a soft kiss before snuggling back into Sam’s chest.

‘’Now that, that’s settle how about we get some sleep before we go for the second round.’’ Sam grinned wickedly and Stefan just chuckle but didn’t object to the hunter’s plan.

‘’Good night Sam, I-‘’ Stefan paused thinking of the words he was about to speak.

‘’Don’t worry, I’ll say it first, I love you.’’ Stefan gasped and lifts his head up to find Sam’s gaze on him. The hunter meant it, Stefan could see it in his eyes, he did love him, feeling better he didn’t hold back.

‘’I love you too.’’ Stefan replies with a sweet smile on his lips.

Sam sighed happily, about time he got his happiness. He shut his eyes letting sleep take over with his arms wrap safely around his vampire.

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