Long Awaited Fate Book 1

By carata711

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This story is unlike others. A prophesy has been made binding six people together who are supposed to unite t... More

Chapter 1 Destiny

Chapter 14 Trap

178 6 2
By carata711

Damien's POV

I looked in her eyes and saw the beauty that was in her. Yes she was Beautiful on the outside, but her real true beauty was in the inside. Her beauty shined through her and stretched out to all others. Everyone could feel the beauty in her. I didn't know one person that she treated wrongly or bad. She cared for everyone and was always helping everyone. When she smiled it lit up the room and you couldn't help but smile yourself.

To have her in my arms was something I had only dreamed about since the day I had met her. I wanted her there with me always the moment I spotted her, the moment she spoke my name for the first time, and the moment she said I was different from everyone else, a clear clue that she was more observant than anyone else. 

Now that I finally had her like I wanted, and she wanted me, but she was gone. Taken away from me. I was five minutes away from finding her, from feeling her beauty reflect onto me. I needed her to tell me she loved me when I found her. I needed her to tell me that she would never leave me, that she would always stay with me. Her strength is what gave me mine. 

I was pulled away from my thoughts as the address came up on my left. "In .5 miles make a left turn and arrive at address 289 Sesamee Road." My GPS chirped. Following my GPS's directions I made a left turn when .5 miles passed and I entered into the old toy factory. The factory was huge from the outside and looked like it was confusing inside. This wasn't gonna be an easy search. I parked next to one of the doors, and got out of the car. I turned as I heard the other car door open and slam shut as Brian got out of the car. 

"Brian you have to stay in the car, " I stated. He looked at me funny and I continued on and explained. "If you come in you'll any get in the way. You have to stay in the car with Derick in the car anyway to make sure he doesn't escape."

Brain glared at me and growled, "You don't want me to go in and rescue My sister!" 

"No, its not that," I corrected, " It's just if you go in Kevin may try to grab you and use you as bait. Plus someone needs to watch and make sure Derick doesn't escape."

"So bring him in with us then," Brian replied like the answer was obvious. "he can be our bait."

I sighed and answered. "Do you honestly thing Kevin cares about Derick. Derick is a human, he's nothing in Kevin's eyes." 

"Fine then, we won't bring him, but I'm still coming in with you."


"Yes, besides how do I even know I can trust you. For all I know you could be on Kevin's side and be playing both me and my sister." Hearing Brian say that I snarled. Did he realize how offense that was to me. I would never play Sam. I pinned Brian on the wall and looked straight into his eyes.

"I would never do that to Sam! You may not understand the connection between the two of us, but you have to know that I would never do anything to her hurt her!" Now I'm going into to find her, and end this thing with Kevin. If you follow me in there Ill tie you to the car seat so you can't escape! So now..." I continued my voice and body calming down as I released Brian. "Are you going to stay?" Brian simply nodded his head. "Good." I responded, and left the car behind me as I walked in through the door.

 The first thing I saw as I entered through the door was office material. This room must had been an old office. I walked to the other side of the office and exited out of another door which led me to a hallway. I followed the hallway down to another door which led to steps going up. I turned around bak down the hallway. This was obvious the wrong door because I wasn't looking to go upstairs, I wanted to remain on the same door and find where all the factory equipment was. 

I began walking down the other way of the hallway. At the other end of the hallway was another door. I opened the door and was lead to another hallway. I followed this hallway and halfway throught it, the hallway continued straight or made a left. I decieded to take the left hand turn which after a little while also continued straight or turned right.  I pondered whether I should continue straight or turn right. If I turned right I would be continuing down the same direction of the same hallway if I had gone straight there. If I went straight I'd be heading in a new direction. I decieded on straight.

At the end of the straight hallway, the hallway made a right. So basically in between the two hallways was some very large room if if had two hallways on its side, a hallway on top, and my guess if I had kept walking a hallway on the bottom. And the room must hve been huge because the hallways were all very long which lead to me think that the room in the center was the factory part itself, the part were all the factory equipment was kept and all the mechanics took place. I walked back to where I had decieded to walk straight and this time made the right turn.

As I walked down the right hallway, a door emerged on my left. The door was large and at the top of the door was a small window. I looked through the window and jut as I had hoped the factory part itself came into view. I opened the door and came rushing in. I don't know what told she would be here in this part of the factory, after all this place was huge she could have been anywhere in this factory. But I knew because a feeling deep down inside me told me this is where she would be. 

I looked through and under all the factory equipment searching for her. I couldn't find her anywhere, and I couldn't hear her either which worried me. What if I had been wrong, my feelings had been wrong and she wasn't in the factory room after all. I had just wasted a whole bunch of time if that was the case. Or what if Derick had lied to me, and this wasn't the place at all. If that was the case I was gonna kill him, but that couldn't  be the case because as soon as Brian had removed the ruby from his neck I had compelled him. She had to be here I just wasn't searching hard enough.

I heard a little muffled sound then. It was really low, not audible to a normal human, but to me was. I walked toward where the sound was coming. It seemed to be coming from the corner of the room. The sound could be anything, I didn't want to gain false hope, but I begin sprinting toward the sound anyway. As I grew closer the sound became louder. At last I was there, and I saw here. 

She had masking tape over her mouth and her arms were behind her tied around a pole. Her hair was down and her face covered with sweat from struggling to escape. Her eyes looked bloodshot and tears were pouring out of them. When she saw me her eyes lit up somewhat and she tried to hid the agonizing pain she was in. Her muffled cries continued as she tried to talk to me. I ran over to her. I had finally found he, the worry that had developed inside me from the moment she went missing, now had ceased.

Sam's POV

I heard him searching. I could hear walking and the movement of factory equipment. I knew it was him. I tried to speak but the masking tape over my mouth blocked any words I tried to cry out, but still the little sounds that came out he heard. I was so thankful seeing his face come into my view. He looked more handsome than ever and he looked more inhuman than ever before. His dark black hair complimented his muscular body. He was way to beautiful and perfect to be human. 

He began approaching me. I tried to call put to him, but the tape was still over my mouth. I had to make sure that he pulled the tape over before he touched the ropes. If he touched the ropes first I wouldn't be able to warn him of the trap set when the ropes became touched. I cried out sounds trying to say remove the tape first but they were muffled away.  

"gggm ttmm tmmm ffmm" was all that could be heard coming from my mouth while I was trying to say get the tape first. 

"Don't worry I'm gonna get you out here," Damien soothed and started grabbing for the ropes.

"nmmm!" I cried and shook my head back and forth, but it was too late. Damien was already grabbing for the ropes probably thinking better to cease the pain first. 

I heard the trap set into place as he grabbed the ropes, and I also felt the trap set as well for as the trap set the string pulled my arms about an inch up . I cried in pain, but it was barley audible as the stake was released and stabbed itself in Damien's back causing him to cry out in pain. His scream was ear peircing, and I wanted so badly to help him. He fell to the ground and tried to pull the stake out, but it was on a spot on his back that he couldn't reach. 

Jut then Kevin appeared, seeing that his trap had worked. He held a small container with something inside that I did not recognize. Grabbing Damien, he grabbed his mouth and pulled it open. For the first time since I had known what Damien was, I saw his eyes turn red, and his fangs as Kevin opened his mouth . They weren't visible when he talked, he told me they only appeared when he was hunting, angry, in pain, or fighting and right now he was most definitly in pain. 

"See this," Kevin cackled refering to the small capsul container. "This is ruby dust. I think you probably have an idea about what I'm going to with it, don't you Damien?"

Damien tried to escape, but he was weakened by the stake and Kevin was alot stronger than him at the moment. He gave out what sounded like a cried wail as Kevin unclasped the container. Kevin then opened Damien's mouth wider than before and began puring the ruby dust into his mouth. In responce, Damien screamed in pain, even louder than before when the stake stabbed him. I watched helplessly as Damien cried in pain with tears falling down his face, and eventually passed out. Kevin tied him on the other side of the pole behind me, but he tied him not with rope but with thick chains. 

"mmm" I tried to call out, but like before my words were just muffled away.

"What's that?" Kevin mocked. "I can't hear you with the tape over your mouth. But I guess I can take it off now so this way you and your boyfriend can have one last talk after he wakes up. You can talk while im running a quick errand." With that Kevin came over to my and yanked the piece of tape off my mouth. It hurt as he did, and I yelped in pain. 

"Now.... Since your the only awake one right now, i'm gonna give you the choice." Kevin said.

"What choice," I asked with disgust in my voice.

"The choice of whether you want me to kill you or your boyfriend first." He replied. As he said this I was filled with disgust. What a horrible thing to give some one that kind of choice. I would not answer that question for I did not care for such a question. Plus deep down inside me I still had hope that Damien and I would make it through this. 

"No answer," Kevin said with a sly smile. "I guess we'll just have to roll a dice to see who the unlucky person is that dies last." he finished and then left with me waiting for Damien to wake up.

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