The Armorer

Af Hephaestia

31.2K 1.5K 390

Not everybody's superpowers enable them to suit up. What happens when a hermit superhuman meets up with Capta... Mere

How I got to be in the middle of the jungle
Why is there an Avenger in my trees?
Getting people to leave me alone is the hard part
The situation develops
No shit.
Racing against time
The rumble in the jungle. Ridiculous.
Out of the frying pan, into a highly advanced fire
I am so bored
Home again, and on a mission
In which I find my target
Secret lairs. And stuff.
Mixing business with pleasure
The big reveal, and other surprises
That tricky bastard
Repatriation and ulterior motives
Heigh ho, it's off I go
I want to be alone, but Stark won't let me be
Probably the most uncomfortable lunch of my life
All sorts of surprises
Offers aplenty
A new friend
Sigurd puts on a show
Getting to work
Whack-a-mole--every time things are going well, something new pops up
The preparation commences
We start to Lokify the place
A cellblock built for a king
I get a working vacation
On the ground
Up a tree
All fixed up
In which I get to know Loki a bit better.
Books, books as far as the eye can see.
Cultural studies
Loki tests his boundaries
The uproar
Getting through the fallout with an umbrella
Everybody gets a field trip

I give interstellar diplomacy a shot

685 34 9
Af Hephaestia

The next day, after naps, those of us who want to go shopping clean up and meet in the parking lot. We compare shopping lists, and we divide into groups based on how similar they are. My group consists of Steve, Natasha, Wanda and me. Steve would probably be more comfortable with the other guys, but it was determined that Sigurd would draw more attention to us, defeating the low-key desired aspect, and Nick wants me to have a physical deterrent with me in public, just in case the bad guys show up when I'm trying on blouses. I mean, granted, there are some bad people looking for me, but Natasha is pretty lethal and Wanda is a whole defense network in her own right, but apparently a guy who can punch a bunch of people out is what I need, so we get the bodyguard on the theory that Steve, without his suit, isn't as recognizable as Thor. Thor gets to stay home and play with Sigurd.

I think Steve feels that Thor is skiving off on the workload, but he's a real leader and takes one for the team without complaint.

I pick up a couple of beautiful rugs, and a larger desk, a nicer bookcase.  The suite is larger than my old trailer, and it's nice to have the freedom to pace as I think, but I'm also messy and the larger desk is a real luxury. The other ladies pick up a few things each as well, then we go to a sporting goods store where Steve gets a few punching bags. The beams in his suite were reinforced to allow a permanent suspension point; he likes to punch the bag when he's working out thorny problems.

Then we go to a few department stores for clothing and shoe shopping; Steve takes a seat at the edge of the clothing section, flees into the housewares section when we get to the lingerie section, and cautiously rejoins the party in shoes, where he gets a few pairs for himself. Now that I'm actively more social than I've been since the accident, I've been improving my wardrobe. Yoga pants and geek t-shirts are great for work, but it shows some respect for my companions if I don't wear them 24/7. And then there's Odin's visit.  Out of respect for Thor, who is pretty tense about this, and a desire to show Odin that his son isn't slumming, we've all pretty much decided to take special care with our appearances, hence the high-end shopping. Then we meet up with the other boys except for Tony and Thor, checking the alterations on their new suits. We ladies sit on the couch and comment as the boys come out to look in the mirrors and have the tailor evaluate the fit. They're a good-looking bunch; Sam is the most edgy, Jim the most conservative. They found Steve some retro suits, subtly updated, and Peter's suits, discreetly padded in the shoulders, helps to make him look more mature and less gangly. We select some ties to replace ones that are terminally boring, some coordinating pocket squares.  After that, we get lunch at a restaurant, then hit Target and an office supply store on the way home; all of us have everyday things we need to get.

When we get back home, Thor and Tony are shooting pool and are glad to hear that we'll be a sharp-looking crew for the visit. We dump our stuff in our rooms and hang out for awhile, just relaxing a little in the calm before the storm. Then Nick shows up with a proposed schedule for the next couple days; fortunately, Odin isn't staying long. 

The next morning, I dress in a tasteful navy suit, the skirt straight and just past the knee, the jacket fitted, with welt pockets and a shaped neckline. The fabric is a lovely silk-wool blend, and I wear fine leather pumps with a respectable heel and the pearl earrings and strand that my grandparents had given me when I graduated from high school. I put my hair up in a twist and admired the nice contrast between the white and my dark suit. Subtle makeup, the merest hint of perfume, a handkerchief in my pocket, and I was ready to go. I'd made Sigurd a metal collar rather than his everyday nylon collar; it was a smooth sheet of metal, slightly curving, that sat against his chest at the base of his neck. I'd tried my hand at a little repousse and done a knotwork design at the front, hiding the electronic key to the locks in the housing block on the reverse side. He looked very distinguished.

We met in on the third floor as we weren't entirely sure when Odin would be showing up. Thor was in his full armor, but the rest of us looked like we were going into a meeting with the board of directors. We'd only been waiting about a half an hour when the Bifrost light first slanted down, and we hustled outside fast. In a blinding beam of light, figures resolved into Odin on a really funky-looking horse, Thor's four best friends, and a few men I didn't recognize. The horse reared back on four legs, then settled down as Heimdall closed the Bifrost. Thor strode forward, taking the reins of the horse, greeting him as Sleipnir, and the eight-legged horse stilled as Odin dismounted. Heck of an entrance. I wondered where we'd put the horse. I tried not to look at him; the anatomy with the four extra legs was weird and he looked kind of spiderish in front. Nick came forward, Thor introduced him  after a manly hug with his dad, and Odin introduced the men he'd brought as...what? Advisors? Entourage? Some of both? Thor's personal posse moved to stand by his side as Nick introduced the Avengers. 

Sigurd stood by my side as Nick and Odin worked their way down the line; Thor was chatting with his friends but keeping an eye out. I was pleased when Odin greeted Sigurd, who'd worked hard not to mess up his fluffy fur. Sigurd was delighted to be addressed, prancing in place, tail wagging hard, as Odin spoke to him before finally giving him a good skritch behind the ears. Odin studied me keenly  as Nick introduced me as the team's armorer. I took a look at his spear, which positively made my skin crawl. Mjolnir's otherworldly qualities were subtle, but this thing's power practically roiled off it. Odin noticed my unease.

"This is Gungnir,"he said, looking at the spear. It looked as much a symbol of his kingship as a weapon, as he handled it with the ease of long use.

 He offered it to me, but I stepped back.

"I don't think it's for me to hold, Odin Borson," I said, and his eyebrows raised at the acknowledgement of his lineage. "The last battle of Asgardians and the Frost Giants left a lasting impression on Norse culture," I said by way of explanation. "Thor confirmed what has been remembered here  as mythology."

"It is well that my son remembers his heritage," Odin said, but his pride in his son was plain to hear. They moved on to greet Peter, who was awestruck, and Thor came forward and introduced the men who had accompanied Odin as the commander of the royal Guard and two advisors of his father. After the introductions, Thor removed Sleipnir's impressive tack and Sigurd stayed outside with him as the rest of us went to the conference room. The woods used in the table were rich and rare, but the room was quite plain, and I wondered what the Asgardians would think. Their spaces were ornamented and lofty.

The Asgardians, in their impressive armor, gave off a whiff of costume in the American conference room. A little overdressed, a lot too big; Thor usually wore typical American casual clothing if he wasn't being an Avenger and I'd gotten used to his size, but the addition of the others was more overwhelming and made the room lopsided as they were at one side of the oval table with Nick, Tony, and Steve; the rest of us  looked a lot smaller as we faced across the table.

There were some additional pleasantries, beverages offered and accepted. Odin tried coffee for the first time and decided, after adding copious cream and sugar, that he quite liked it. The other Asgardians were not as enthusiastic and tried other options; fruit juices were much more popular. Once that was over,  Nick invited Odin to get down to brass tacks, which he was pleased to do.

"The purpose of my visit is twofold," he said, commanding our attention, which we respectfully gave him. "First, I wished to meet the companions who claim so much of my son's attention. Second, I thought to propose a closer relationship between Asgard and and this band of heroes." Ah, I thought, crafty. It's not going to be presented as a favor we could do for a powerful king, but more of an exchange, and that could cover a lot of things.

"And what would be the opening gesture of this proposed relationship?" Nick asked, and I smiled blandly as he took control of the situation.

"I believe you know or at least know of my other son, Loki," Odin said gravely. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Clint scowl. Odin nodded to him. "I understand that he used you ill, and for this I apologize. His actions were not worthy of our house."

"I'm surprised you continue to acknowledge him as your son," Wanda said. "He is adopted, is he not?"

Odin's face was grave. "Frigga did not birth him, but he is my son," he said firmly. "Even if he wishes it were not so. And Loki represents the chief of what I mean to ask. I propose that you hold him here, on Earth. We would work with you on his containment cell, but it is my hope that extended acquaintance with others would help modify his opinions, open his mind."

"Take down his ego," Thor muttered, and Odin graced him with a small smile.

Then questions were asked and answered. Clint remained coldly furious, but the others were coming around. "Why Earth?" I asked during a lull. "He tried to invade us with an alien army and rule, which frankly shows a complete lack of understanding of the human psyche if he thought it would be that easy to exercise dominion. That diversion aside, you're asking us to risk everything. We represent no government and have just barely regained acceptance of our existence. If it comes out that we're sheltering an interstellar war criminal..." I let my voice trail away. 

The other Avengers nodded, considering this. "Because I have faith that you will treat him fairly without relaxing your vigilance," Odin replied. "And if you agree, we would share some technology that should work in your realm, as well as providing a safe haven if Loki manages to cause an incident." It's not an inconsiderable offer, and when the vote comes, only Clint and I vote no. Clint's fury is almost palpable, so Odin asks me why I voted against the proposal.

"From what I've heard, Loki is very smart, very quick, and very bored. It's a hat trick of trouble, and I worry that a) he'll manage to suborn  our people, sway them to his side, and cause quite a lot of trouble. B) it sounds like he was raised with the expectation that he was fit to rule. There's no proposed substitution for that ambition, and that's where the boredom is also a special concern. I think that whatever type of cell is built for him, that he'll be controlled physically well enough, but as soon as he opens his mouth, there's a whole host of concerns. And that ability to multiply himself and change his appearance," I shake my head slowly. "I don't even know where to go with that. It's not a no vote because I don't think we can do it. It's a no vote because I don't think it's possible over the long term for anybody, and I don't want to have to relocate to some other world because Loki gets out. I intend to stay on Earth.

"Additionally, one of us has been seriously damaged as a direct result of Loki's caprice. I would call it a violation of his personal integrity. These men and women are my brothers and sisters, and harm has been done to Clint that has not been mended." I shake my head. "I don't doubt your sincerity that you're sorry for the harm your son has caused. I think, in fact, that we're quite united in regret for  what Loki has done.  But there has not been once, in the whole discussion of this plan, where anybody has offered Clint any help or recompense, or....anything to attempt to make up for what was done to him." I snort. "And he's not the only one who has suffered from Loki's mind control. A very fine physicist had a psychotic break as a result, running around Stonehenge in the buff. Now people think he's a nut rather than respecting his talents and abilities."

"What would you have me do?" I think I've pissed off Odin; his voice trembles with might, but I'm not afraid of him. Which is probably so, so stupid of me.

"I don't know. I'm not the person who's been wronged," I say simply. "And I have no answers for the other concerns." Nick steps in and calls for a break; I scoot downstairs to use my bathroom, then out to see how Sigurd is doing. I catch him in the middle of a roll in the grass with the weird horse, and he bounds over, woofing to tell me what he's been doing.

"You know you're my buddy and I love having you here," I say, scratching his head. "But if you want to go back to Asgard, you can," I say. "You don't have to stay here if you don't want to." Sigurd drops his butt to the ground and looks at me admonishingly.

"If you have earned his loyalty, he will not leave you," a sonorous voice says, and I look around to see the portly guy who's Thor's buddy. Volstagg? "It is the nature of his kind."

"I don't want you to regret it," I say to Sigurd, who woofs once more, butts me with his head, and returns to the horse for more romping around.

"He is in good hands," the man says. "There are not many who speak so plainly to the Allfather," he says as we turn back toward the building.  I shrug.

"He asked what my concerns were. If he didn't want to know, he shouldn't have asked," I say. There's nothing really to be said after that, and we return to the conference room. This time there are desserts on the table as well. I smile at the bounty of cookies, tartlets, slices of cake, an assortment of chocolates. Somebody was really trying to sweeten us all up.

"You know we're going to go ahead and do this," Nick murmurs, materializing by my side. I shrug.

"I figured; we're outvoted, and there are some good reasons to do it. I just wanted all the angles to be considered."

Before sitting down again, we serve ourselves and I take a mini mound of seven minute icing on a chilled plate that turns out to be a tiny baked Alaska. Others were waiting for me to try it, because after we've explained what it is to the visitors, they sample them as well.  The desserts work, because I'm feeling more expansive and I don't even sigh when Nick agrees to keep Loki. It's a little depressing to realize I can be bought for dessert.

There will be a committee to plan Loki's containment unit and the conditions and protocols under which he'll be held. I'm not surprised when Nick volunteers me, but I'm not excited either. I just know this is going to blow up in our faces somehow. There is more discussion, and while I listen, I don't volunteer anything and this time nobody asks me for my opinion. Proof that anybody can be taught.

Then we draw the meeting to a close and take a break before dinner. Wanda, Natasha, and I go downstairs to change. "Do you really think this is going to blow up?" Natasha asks me, and I nod.

"Yep. You've met the guy, do you think that it will end well or that he's going to be content to sit in the basement indefinitely?"

"I guess not," she says. 

"I think Wanda will be key to defending against the guy," I say and she looks startled. "You've got mental abilities the rest of us don't." We separate on the first floor, and Sigurd has beaten me home. I take a little time and brush him vigorously, then change into an evening suit, deep blue-purple silk, with a portrait collar and full skirt, reminiscent of the New Look, with stiletto heels and the torq Heimdall gave me. I put a little curl in the ends of my hair and leave it down, putting on evening makeup and picking up a small satin purse.

Sigurd and I walk to the dining room, which has been gussied up with embroidered linen tablecloths and napkins, bone china, sterling flatware, fine crystal, flower arrangements, and a string quartet. I see place cards, and a server is nudging things around to cover for a missing place setting. I wonder if Clint has decided against dinner. Don't blame him. Before the guests arrive, I scan the seating chart and find that I'm on Thor's right and Nick's left. I guess they don't want me to cause any more trouble. I snort as the others begin to arrive and I see space being made beside me at the table to accommodate Sigurd. Hors d'oeuvres are passed and I share mine with Sigurd.

"That is a pretty dress," Thor said, appearing just as a fresh arrangement of nibbles comes past. I take some crudities and Thor samples a few things.

"Thanks. How are things going?" I ask.

"Father still wants me to return to Asgard, prepare to take over from him. He will not take no for an answer."

"Well, it's not like he's got a lot of other options now,' I point out, and Thor nods reluctantly. Then I grin. It is an evil grin. "You know one way to get him off your back," I say, and he looks interested. "Get married. Have a son, who then Odin can see to instructing in kingship. You're off the hook." Thor simultaneously manages to look horrified and intrigued. "I could not do that to my son," he said. "Besides, there is no woman whom I love enough." He looked sad, and I knew he was still pining after Dr Foster.

"There's always Sif," I say ruthlessly. "She's from a good family, you're friends, she likes you. Or you could bargain for time." I look at him a little bleakly. "You know we don't have anything approaching your lifespan. And we can all be killed. Well, maybe not Bruce. How long do you think your ties to Earth will last after your friends here are gone? You can bargain with your dad to return in forty years or so. That's nothing in a life like yours." Thor looks troubled. I poke him with my elbow. "Sif looks really pretty tonight, " I point out. She'd brought something to change into too and did look lovely.  I nodded to her as she looked around and she came over. I greeted her, then left to do the mingle thing.  

Odin approached me as I was talking to the commander and feeding Sigurd a couple of bites of Waygu beef.  He studies me momentarily and his commander melts away. "You need not fear that you will be forcibly removed to Asgard and not allowed to leave," he says with a sigh. I arch an eyebrow at him. "My son reminds me of the weight of the word of the king," he admits. "Also, Heimdall refuses." A grin slides across my mouth. "He believes that you can manipulate matter and energy down to the particles," he says flatly and the smile leaves immediately. "He also reminds me that we have no real need for your abilities since you can only work on one object at a time. He tells me not to be so acquisitive. Hah!" he snorts. "I must concede he is right. I am no Collector. " He changes the topic abruptly, and compliments the torq I'm wearing. I have the feeling he knows where I got it. Then he asks how Sigurd and I are getting along.

After telling him how great Sigurd is, I mention that I'm thinking about getting him a friend. "He's so sociable, and he doesn't always have somebody to pal around with. There's a breed of dog here that looks a lot like him and is almost as big." We're interrupted by the announcement of dinner, and Odin escorts me to my place before going on to his own. Sigurd sits down as Nick holds my chair for me, and dinner is served.

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