Cinderella larry edition

By Twerk_it_larry

158 4 3


Cinderella larry edition

158 4 3
By Twerk_it_larry


Harry styles. He had the best childhood you could imagine. He had a beautiful mum, perfect dad and nice hair. But soon after he was young his mum sadly died. His dad meant a whore that looks like a stripper. his dad didn't care he wanted a replacement for Harry. But one night an earthquake occurred and Harry's dad passed. Now that his dad was out of the family picture Harry's step mom used his money for herself. Harry lives in the attic works a job and life's hell. His step brothers Liam and zayn don't make it any better. Putting Harry through torture, leaving him with niall his friend. He couldn't take being a slave and a a+ student. Especially since he's gay making his step-mom hate him more. He couldn't help who he was though no matter how much he hated himself. Maybe one thing, one mysterious stranger, could change him though.

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