JFK Assanation

By Chadnyethescienceguy

223 3 1


JFK Assanation

223 3 1
By Chadnyethescienceguy

Who Killed John F. Kennedy? This is a recurring question but i believe i have found the right answer?


Thats right that old guy who thinks hes all the with his science and nice hair, but do we really know him at all?

He was trying to survive in the streets of Uganda when his family decided to come over on the Mayflower when he was six. He fought in the vietnam war for 17 years and then when he finally turned seven he decided he didnt like how the country was being run. So he used his expertise in science to make a robot human named harvey oswald he planted Robot Drone 17, named after how many years he was in the war, in the warehouse with a gun but he never actually shot when in reality he had used his science to turn into the car JFK was in and when no one was looking fired a shot from his rear view mirros right into JFK brains. Nobody ever suspected a young war veteran and he just drove away after his deed was done. 

That is how he became president of the United states for 45 years and retired so he could take on his role with dancing with the stars. 

Now you will never look at him the same again.

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