Dictator [One Direction AU]

By fxckedupmess

5.3K 354 131

[One Direction AU] Megalomaniac. Arrogant. Some may have even called him evil. Louis Tomlinson ran his countr... More



117 11 5
By fxckedupmess

Date: 17.03.2063

Two burly men gripped Jane's arms and legs before forcefully carrying her out of the van, ignoring her innocent cries for help. In her mind, she could only think the worst. The men carried her towards the palace which had haunted her dreams; it pointed spires had been a recurring theme in her nightmares. Looking up, she did not marvel at the beauty of the palace but instead she shuddered at the thought of returning inside the walls.

Servants gasped at the sight of Louis' wife return, Jane did not look the way she did when she had first arrived at the palace. Her hair was now matted and dirty, her face ruddied and her clothes torn and reeking of sweat. The girl looked feral, like she had been living out in the woods for years.

Winding through endless corridors, Jane was finally allowed to stand on her own two feet which allowed her to assess her surroundings. To her confusion, they were standing before an unfamiliar door- one she had never seen before. She had assumed they were taking her to Louis' bedroom, a place she dreaded more than anything.

One of the guards knocked on the door and Jane noticed that he had a gleaming, sinister grin on his face.

"Come in," a weary voice on the inside of the room moaned loudly, sounding exasperated and annoyed.

The two men pushed Jane into the door and she was forced into a majestic, beautifully decorated room; tapestries hung on the bare stone walls and a large fire was raging in the fireplace. But all Jane could focus on was the man sitting in front of her. Louis seemed to have aged years since she had left, his eyes were bloodshot from excessive drinking and large, grey bags hung under his eyes.

"Jane?" He stuttered, narrowing his eyes at the girl standing in front of him, "How? Where?"

"We attended one of her speeches sir and captured her afterwards, took her straight here master," one of the men behind Jane spoke and Jane tried to control the tears that were welling in her eyes.

"Amazing," Louis breathed, happiness filling his body which had become numb to emotion, "If you don't mind gentlemen, could you leave my wife and I alone for a minute?"

The heavy footsteps of the departing men echoed round the room, and then silence fell down upon the two enemies. Louis snarled at the woman standing before him and did his best to not attack her while Jane tried to look for an escape. Any escape.

"You are home," Louis spat at Jane, "Back to where you rightfully belong you whore! You insolent, disobedient, destructive girl! After Harry I thought you would have learnt, I thought that would have driven some goddamn sense into you. What, too afraid to speak? You seemed happy speaking so horribly of your own husband!"

"You are not my husband," Jane whispered, staring at the man in front of her who looked ready to kill her, "By law and on paper you may be but you are simply my capturer, my kidnapper. I will never love you, no one will ever be able to love you."

"Hold your tongue young girl, do you not know who you are speaking to? I am your ruler, your leader. Your life and the lives of everyone you know are in my hands, you are nothing more than a pawn in my game of domination. You actually believe you are important? That your life is worth anything? You are worth NOTHING," Louis was now standing so close to Jane that she could feel his hot breath on her cheek as he shouted insults at her.

Louis stepped back, running his hands through his hair to try and calm his turbulent anger that coursed through his body. Taking deep breaths, he tried to relax his tense body.

"I will not be merciful with you, for you have caused me more pain and damage than you could have imagined. I will not give you the pleasure of dying and escaping my wrath, I will watch you as you slowly fall into a pot of despair and then you will know how I feel," his tone was sharp, unforgiving and cold and Jane simply looked at the floor, trying her best to hide her emotions.

Grabbing her arm, Louis dragged her out of the room and through countless corridors until he reached a set of stone stairs, leading down into a void of darkness. Finding a torch, the dictator pulled Jane down the stairs with such force that she was scared her arm would fall off.

The distinct smell of mold attacked Jane's nostrils as they entered the cells and the cold caused her to shake. The place had been unused for a long time; rather than locking up his enemies, Louis simply killed them. Pushing the girl into a dingy cell, Louis locked his wife away without feeling any remorse.

Jane was left alone, in the pitch darkness, to cry and weep to her pleasure but she knew that whatever she did was going to be completely irrelevant to changing her situation. She knew that she could never gain Louis' trust again. She knew that she would never escape.

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