Falling For Mister Nobody [CO...

Von Books_and_nerds

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Have you ever wondered what more you could be missing when you have everything? Well, Michelle Reynold who is... Mehr

Ohmigod! Finallyyy❤️
Chapter One- End of Summer
Chapter Two- The video
Chapter Three- You're Michelle Reynold
Chapter Four- He's a real gangster
Chapter Five- I hate movies
Chapter Six- I know karate. Kung-fu thing-y
Chapter Seven- What do you want?
Chapter Nine- Punishment Slip
Chapter Ten- Kill him
Chapter Eleven- I am here to propose a deal of your interest.
Chapter Twelfth- The Brook
Chapter Thirteen- The Fight
Chapter Fourteen- I-- No, everyone saw Nobody shirtless
Chapter Fifteen- What's your favourite colour?
Chapter Sixteen- Evan
Chapter Seventeen- I know you
Chapter Eighteen- I don't bite
Chapter Nineteen- Poor Evan
Chapter Twenty- Mr. Black Richmond
Chapter Twenty One- Heart-attack
Not an UPDATE!
Chapter Twenty-Two- Mr and Mrs Reynold
Chapter Twenty-Three-I don't hate you
Chapter Twenty-Four- I never saw that coming!
Chapter Twenty-Five- You're not going anywhere Martin Woodie
Chapter Twenty-Six- And it happened!
Chapter Twenty-Seven- Stupid Building, Stupid street!
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Nutella
Chapter Twenty Nine- Watch me
Chapter Thirty- I love burgers
Chapter Thirty One- Oops I'm still tipsy
Chapter Thirty two- I thought you would catch me like he did
Chapter Thirty Three- Lost times
Chapter Thirty Four- Rumor
Chapter Thirty Five- This hilarious meeting
Chapter Thirty Six- Ice cream
Chapter Thirty Seven- I couldn't believe this guy!!!
Chapter Thirty Eight- It's nothing. It doesn't matter
Chapter Thirty Nine- Girlfriend
Chapter Forty- Stitches
Chapter Forty One- Hug day
Chapter Forty Two- It's not a goodbye
Chapter Forty Three- Share the same oxygen as her
Chapter Forty Four- Use him
Chapter Forty Five- The Farewell
Chapter Forty Six- Jacket
Chapter Forty Seven- SURE JERK!
Chapter Forty Eight- The winter formals
Chapter Forty Nine- Come to the dance
Chapter Fifty- Lucky me
Chapter Fifty One- I love you Mister Nobody
Epilogue- It's not an End

Chapter Eight- The Tragic death of Iphone 6s

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Von Books_and_nerds

Chapter Eight: The tragic death of Iphone 6s.

The loud bang on my door became louder and louder in my head, causing me to yell on top of my lungs.

"Stop banging on my door, mom! I am up." I groaned and the door flung opened. Her heels scrapped against the marbled floor making loud noise, as she approached me.

Mom was in her usual formal dress, ready-to-go-office attire, when she sighed. "Good Morning elle. C'mon, look around it's a beautiful day. Sit back up, let me find you something to wear..."

I pressed my teeth together, as I opened my eyes after rubbing them. I yawned and stretched my muscles. I peeked towards the window, indeed, it was a beautiful summerish-winter day. Neither cold nor humidly hot.

"Oh, dear. You really need to shop... What do you think about this weekend? Just you and me..." She trailed in her chirpy voice, making me groan.

I know her too well to know what she's upto. Mrs. Reynold is buttering her daughter to get something out of her and she thinks she can do that by planning a shopping trip to Prada or Gucci. But, she's awfully wrong. Shopping doesn't make me happy anymore. I mean I still shop but, I don't know it kinda feels a little wastage...

Okay... just forget that I ever-ever said that.

I love shopping.

"Ya sure, mum. But, only if I won't have plans." I said in announcing tone and jumped off the bed to pull the curtains a little more away from the window, to get the cold air inside my room.

"Of course honey. And what do you say for a red dress?" She asked still going through my closet.

"Nah... blue sounds fine." I told after taking sip of water.

"No. You wear blue too often. Let's see if something else's could compete." To be fair, I didn't like where that conversation was going.

What did she wanted?

Last time I remember, she wanted me to attend one of her fashion shows just because one of her client was amazed by how beautiful I looked. He even hit on me when I went there. He was 22 and I was fifteen back then.

Grossly gross! I slapped him hard and got back home. I was little scared about how mom would react to all that but, she just gave me a fair warning and said, not to behave like that ever. I was expected to talk to her first and then do something—that too whatever she would have said.

I brushed off the memory thinking perhaps this time could be different. Maybe, she's not here to get something maybe she's just trying to be a mom to a seventeen year old.

I walked into the closet where I bumped into her, I just closed my eyes to rub a little and bam!

"Ow, mom! Careful... you almost killed me." I grumbled, still rubbing away the grogginess of last night.

Not to mention, I hardly slept.

"Don't exaggerate things, sweetheart. Now, come on, I have picked a perfect outfit for you."

She held my arm and grabbed me out. I plopped down on the bed and she situated herself beside me, comfortably.

I pulled out my phone from under my pillow and saw Kim's text from twenty minutes ago.

*Don' wait up, hon. I'm already at school. A friend gave me a ride.* I couldn't help but, give a cheeky smile at the mention of the 'Friend'. I bet it's a him. Oh, god! I can't wait to get to school and ask her like everything.

*Oh, you better be there when I get to school because you're in trouble my friend ;)*

I pressed the sent and looked up to mom, who was rambling things about colours and their number of shades and how or rather which shade goes with my perfect skin tone.

"This top will go best with this white short skirt. And don't forget to wear black heels or even white would work..."

I yawned again.

"You seem sleepy. Wait? Were you up all night? Oh, god! Doing what?" Her green eyes, getting bigger as she completed her sentence. Anxiousness always annoyed me.

"Mom! Please. Don't!" I yawned again. Oh, god! I just want to curl away.

Just then my phone vibrated. It was a text again.

*Not so soon, darling. You better hurry up though:* *

Before I could even reply my phone was snatched from my hands by none other than my so-not-understanding mother. Who seemed pretty pissed off... But, I didn't mean to upset her.


"I'm here trying to talk to you and you're not even paying me any heed. What are trying to do?"

I made a duh face. "Nothing." I naively shrugged and tried to get my phone back when she pulled her arm further back from me.

"Mom!" I whined.

"Is your phone more important than your own mother?" She sounded quite distressed.

I shook my head. But, it didn't make her believe me.

Now... that's not my problem if she doesn't trust me or my words—technically gestures.

"Whatever." She rolled her eyes, stood up, and dropped the clothes she chose for me on the bed.

I felt something rushing in my veins. And it was anger.

"Mom... why don't you cut to the chase and tell me what you want. You do know you want something from me. Don't you?" I crossed my arms against my chest. Hoping for the otherwise.

She looked down with her green eyes—I wish I got dad's but, there I was with green eyes just like hers.

First she shook her head in exasperation and then rolled her eyes, again. What is the matter with her? What's disturbing her so much?

I stood up, frowning at her.

"Nothing." That was what she said and threw my phone on the bed.

I just kept looking at her as she turned around to leave but, suddenly her feet froze. She looked back at me.

"Michelle Reynold, where is Your phone?" Oh, god! She noticed. After all that three weeks of hiding, my secret was finally out and my ass was on the line.

See you in hell, elle.

"What did you do with your new phone? Where the hell is it anyway?"

Fuck! What a good morning!! It can get any better now.

It's all because of that nobody. I was up whole night, staring at my ceiling, trying to catch some sleep but, whenever I closed my eyes, his face came in my view. I got scared and jolted up, everytime.

I couldn't expunge the smell of cigarettes from myself, it felt as if he was still close to me. I showered thrice but, it didn't work.

Now tell, is my behaviour justified?

"I don't know. And I want to be alone now." I declared looking away from her.

"You're not getting away with this so easily, Michelle. And before you explain—which you definitely will— let me tell you, you're grounded!"

I couldn't say anything. I was angry and it was better if I kept my mouth shut. I nodded.

I pulled out my broken phone from the last drawer of my dresser and handed it over to her.

Her eyes went wide and her jaw dropped.

I expected that. And I knew what was going to happen next.

She started yelling and rambling on me.

"OH MY GOD!! What have you done with your new phone!! You do know how dotingly your dad bought this for you. Michelle Reynold what's happening in your life?" At last she sighed a long one and I took that as a sign that she was finished with her yapping. Don't take me wrong. When she rambles she talks about everything but, the current topic.

Right mom, my life. You and dad are always adhering at your work and meeting and social events that you have no idea about how much drama I deal with everyday ...

But, you know... nevea mind! I'm used to it.

"Mom..." My shoulders relaxed as I took a deep breath.

"I have to tell you something."

"Oh, you better!" She shot me a death glare and sat back on the bed, impatiently waiting for me to explain the tragic death of iphone 6s.


The drive to school was silent, as Kim wasn't there to eat my head with her stupid boy talks. Though, it wasn't the first time that she ditched me. It happened couple of times before but, it was usually her dad dropping her off to school.

'Who is her secret lover?!!' This was eating me up.

I was only few minutes early, as I hurriedly scurried off towards my locker. You know the worst thing about gossips... it's partially true.

I was still the hot topic around the campus irrespective of how many weeks it had been. Apparently, they got something new to discuss.

Remember what happened yesterday? Yeah, I know you do. Someone from the crowd took a picture of me and Nobody, facing each other. Our eyes were locked in and his were surprisingly soft towards me—just as I told you earlier. But, it didn't go unnoticed by others too.

Now the question in everyone's eyes was 'Do we/he have/has a thing for each other?' I mean seriously?

Oh, god! These guys are pathetic. I thought they knew me. But, it seemed like they had no idea who I was.

I mean, Nobody? Seriously?

I made a UGH face and slammed the door of my locker shut. I turned around and immediately spotted Kim rushing towards me.

She looked lovely in her brown tight pants and white blouse with light brown flowers print on it. Her hair were made in a side ponytail and her make-up was as decent and beautiful as always.

"You're late." She said, wrapping her arms around my body.

"You're in trouble." I said, smirking, as I pulled away.

"I told you. I will tell you," she linked her arm with mine and started dragging me towards somewhere, but my homeroom. "and I will. But, not right now. Pleaseeeee...." She sang in the end.

I chuckled, nodding my head at her. I knew she wouldn't spill it easily so, why not wait until she's ready. Kim would eventually tell me.



And she didn't reply immediately.

"What?" I asked, before turning back towards another hallway.

She matched my heels and hesitantly asked, "Are you okay? I mean after what happened last night."

When I told Marissa I had to call Kim. I really had to. I told her everything and asked not to freak out but, the phone call part was still buried in the side of my heart.

"Yes... absolutely. Are you forgetting who I am?" I lied and made a joke instead. At least it was a relief that he wouldn't be strolling the halls because he's officially not allowed to.

Kim chuckled and nodded, "I know I know. Ms Michelle Reynold, heiress of entire Reynold enterprise..."

"You got that right." I smirked and just then someone yelled my name through the hallway. I knew the voice too well.

We turned around and saw Sophie rushing in her high heels towards us. She halted few steps away and crouched a little to catch on her breath.

"I need your...h-help." She trailed huffing and puffing.

"Hello to you too." I chuckled and looped my arm with hers.

She gave her famous cute smile but, soon it was changed with creepy one.

"What is it?" I said, dragging her with us.

My both arms were looped with both of my besties, as we walked towards the cafeteria. I was yearning for some coffee. Coffee was my thing. I forgot to have some this morning.

Sophie knitted her brows together as she started off, "You know the formal. It's coming up. This time the authorities are planning to make it huge and turn it into a charity thing. It's good though but, a huge responsibility. I'm the body president but, you're the captain of my ship. I need you to start working on it today itself. You need help call anyone you want and also, I'll get you a free pass just in case you want to skip lectures for the preparation." she sighed but, quickly continued, "Mrs. Joe is literally freaking out and making me too. I mean,"

"Hey... it's okay. I know my job. I've done it before and I can do it again. It's all on me, sophie. Just breathe."

She immediately enveloped me into a death trap.

"Thank you sooooo much... You're a such a life saver!!! I love you so much!!! It's just that you know how Mrs. Joe is. And she scares me..."

I tried to chuckle but, it wasn't possible. I was getting short on oxygen.

"Can't...breathe..." I managed to say. She pulled away laughing.

"Oops... sorry."

Kimmy laughed and half hugged me too.


"And I think I might help too..." Kim said, smiling at us.

She's got tournaments, practices, lectures, assignments, and it was so good to hear that after all those things, she was ready to give away what little time she used to get for herself.

Sophie and I exchanged looks and hugged her.

"Now, don' get all mushy-cushy on me bitches." She groaned and we pulled away.

"Um... guys. I want to tell you something." They both looked at me from whatever they were staring at.

Kimmy frowned, trying to read it through my face while Sophie directly asked, "What?"

"I got grounded." And their jaw fell on the ground. I knew they'll be astounded—though it's an understatement because, my parents had never used that word for me. It was natural to be gobsmacked at the news!

"What happened? OH MY GOD!" Kim shrieked, grabbing my arm.

I strolled inside the cafeteria, which was almost at peace. Few students sat at the corners, reading and writing stuff while two girls sat in the front table sipping on their coffees, chuckling on whatever they liked.

We walked towards the counter. "I'll explain on the table." I told and both the girls nodded.

The counter seemed empty. As if we'll have to make our coffees ourselves.

"What's this? Are we getting everything for free today?" Kimmy joked, finding no one at the counter to take our order.

We chuckled and I just opened my mouth to say something when,

The door right to us, opened revealing a red caped guy, holding cartons of milk in his hand.

"What the fuck!" Sophie shrieked. Her voice echoed in the huge cafeteria.

"Wasn't he suspended? Who gave him the job anyway?" Kim hissed, in my ears.

I shrugged at her not knowing what to say. I was flabbergasted myself. I didn't want to see him because seeing him made me sick. My stomach flips and my heartrate accelerates and I don't understand why it happens. Maybe he's intimidating and I feel scared of him. But then, whatever the reason was I seriously didn't wanna see him especially after last night when I actually ran him over with my words.

I realised I was staring at him, but then he was too. And again for a second time—I guess, I didn't see loath in them. They were calm—almost composed as compared to last night.

What's with the change today?

Standing in front of him, felt like, as if he was just like any other guy in our school. But, he wasn't. He was different. Far away from my world.

He was wearing a blue hoodie with dark denims and sneakers. His same old red cap got all his dark hair hidden but, few still escaped— resting on his forehead. Though, he nevertheless smelled like cigarettes.

I wouldn't be surprised if I'd learn he's an alcoholic or did drugs.

"Who's the jerk—who gave job to you, Nobody? And you're not allowed in the school anyway! What are you doing here? Did you break in or something?" Sophie snapped, getting me out of my daze.

He naively frowned, shunning her.

"Oh, look...he's getting all grumpy. Awe, now will you break our bones too just like what you did with our best friend, dick?" Okay... maybe Sophie should shut up now.

He ignored her again. Is he trying to control his anger?

Maybe he was.

"What? Don't stare at us as if we fear you. We don't get scared of a homeless-orphan ass!"

I held kimmy's arm, to stop her before she blurted out more than she already had. I didn't know if that was a rumour or not. But, everyone in school said he's an orphan living by himself. And I guess that's a sensitive matter. Kim had no right to put it out like that.

I knew what he did to Justin was wrong. But, I still didn't know why it happened.

Oh, god! I'm being soft again. My walls are getting down. I'm afraid to get hurt.

There! I said it. I'm afraid to get hurt...

"Okay... let's get our coffees. We have classes to go to, remember girls?" I kinda smiled at my best friends, eyeing them to shut up. "Please..." I added when they didn't seem to understand my eye gesture.

They nodded simultaneously.

I don't know... but I guess I felt bad for what kimmy said. But, just a little.

"What do you want?" At last he questioned, his eyes glued to mine.

Kim waved her hand in front of him, getting his attention. "Do you do like this with your every customer or are we special for you?" She snorted, crossing her arms before her.

I mentally slapped myself for coming here. For suggesting to get some coffee first. Ughhhhh!

"What would you like to have?" His voice a little harsh than before. His eyes still glued on me.

Why did he do that?

That thing with his eyes. Why doesn't he look in the eyes of other people when he actually is talking to them not me! Ugh!

The strange part was I found myself helpless to tear my eyes away from his too.

"Two black coffees without milk and one with milk. Clear?" Kim had it all.

I saw how he wrote it on the sticky note and stuck it in front of him. I gazed at him for a while, trying to figure out few things... But, I looked away before he caught me staring at him.

"I'll get to you." He said almost as if threating us.

We sat back on our usual table and Sophie babbled things about what she had in mind for the Dance.

I told them the whole morning drama with the phone and then, had to explain my last night to Sophie, as Kim was already aware of it.

"Oh my god! Did he do anything to you? Hurt you?" She held my hand in hers, concerning.

"No. I think he's not that bad... you know. What if—"

"No way... I'll just pretend that you never said that." Kimmy interrupted with a stern voice, as she rolled her eyes, and anxiously started taping on the table fighting the urge to argue with me.

"Elle, I don't understand what you saw in him that you're saying this. But, trust me, he's not worthy of your pity. He almost killed Justin and I will never forgive him for that."

I understood their point and concern and I, myself had no idea to why I said that.

"Neither would I. I am sorry guys, I don't know why I said that. Can we just forget that I ever said that?"

Kimmy looked back at me and her smile slowly approaching at her lips.

They nodded at me after looking at each other—deciding through telepath system.

And, before I could further say anything, Nobody walked over to us.

He placed both the black coffees in front of Kimmy and Sophie while the last one ahead of me.

And without a word he left back to the counter.

"Did we tell him who wants what?"

"I don't think so..." kimmy said.

"What matters is he didn't mess up... babe."

Sophie was right. But, it mattered to me somehow. How did he know I liked coffee with milk?

I took the first small sip of my coffee and honestly... I just wanted to think that someone else made it.

I didn't want to praise him at all. But, it was perfect. Just as I liked.


Thank you for your time:)

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