Creepypasta Boyfriend Scenari...

By Punklovergirl68

205K 3.3K 1.9K

This is my first boyfriend scenario story so sorry if it's not that good. If you want a character added or a... More

When You First Meet [Rewritten]
When You Meet a Second Time [Rewritten]
When You Become Best Friends [Rewritten]
When He Ask You to Be His Girlfriend [Rewritten]
Your First Date [Rewritten]
New Character - Bloody Painter [Rewritten]
When He Kisses You [Rewritten]
New Character - Dark Link [Rewritten]
When He Scares You
When He Gets Jealous
New Character - The Puppeteer
When You Go Shopping
When You Wear Something of His
When You Have a Nightmare
When You Break Up/When He Cheats
New Character - Candy Pop
New Character - Splendorman
Without Him
When You Move On
When He Tries to Get You Back
When You Get Back Together
When You Cook Something For Him

New Character - Offenderman

7.5K 93 47
By Punklovergirl68

When You First Meet:
You groaned as you rubbed your tired eyes while exiting the local library. Despite studying for six hours, you still didn't feel confident that you would pass that test your professor was giving out tomorrow. The sun had long since set and now covered the sky with a black blanket. You hummed when you heard your phone vibrate in your pocket while you were walking down the stairs. Pulling out the rectangular object you stared at the text message sent to you.

"Hey, where are you? I know you said you'd be studying at the library, but I didn't think you'd stay out this late. Especially with all the disappearance of young women as of late."

"I didn't think you were one of concern, [Best Friend's Name]" you said, raising an eyebrow and smiling as you responded to them. You both shared an apartment that was close to the college, normally it didn't matter how late either of you stayed out. But, it was true that women around your age had been disappearing a lot lately. As you walked down the empty sidewalk, you stopped as a shiver ranked up your spine. Looking back, you shrugged your shoulders when you saw nothing there and looked forward, only to be met with a very pale chest.

Taking a step back you looked up at the person that stood in front of you, they were certainly tall. He wore a black colored fedora that covered his eyes while he looked down at you with a wide smile. Revealing very shark like teeth. He wore a very long black trench coat that reached all the way down to the ground. "Uh, hello?" you questioned, taking a step back.

The man didn't really say anything, instead bent down to your height while digging into his trench coat before pulling out a [Favorite Color] rose and holding it out towards you. "Eh?" you questioned, confused as you stared at the flower. Normally a girl would be flattered, but you didn't really know the man and even if the gesture was sweet it was still strange. Holding out your hand in front of you shook it and your head while side stepping and walking past him. Not looking back as you ignored your vibrating phone in your hand and continued on towards the apartments.

Not even taking notice to the frown on the man's face as he growled slightly.

When You Meet a Second Time:
Its been a week since that strange encounter, you told your friend about it but they just waved it off and said it was probably some creep trying to get laid. At the moment you sat on a park bench and stared down at the sketch pad in your lap, you weren't much of an artist, but you did sketch pictures of nature from time to time. All movements stopped as you cast a quick glance sideways when you saw movement. Turning your head fully to the side, you stared at the familiar sight of the man from a week ago. "Yes, may I help you?" you questioned.

He was leaned back against the bench, his arms stretched out and flung over the back while his long legs were kicked out. He turned his head towards you, the fedora on his head still shielding his eyes as he gave you a devious smirk. With the sun shining brightly in the sky, it was then that you finally took note of just how pale this man was. His skin was basically the same color as the paper you were drawing on. "Telling me your name would be of great help, doll" he said.

You shivered at how deep his voice sounded, much deeper than any normal person's voice. "I don't know if I should give you that type of information" you said, your voice soft and low as you quit what you were doing to face him. His smirk widen as he straightened himself out and reached a hand out 'til the tip of his fingers brushed underneath your chin, tilting it upwards to stare at his face.

"Come now, I don't bite. At least not very hard" he said, bursting out laughing at his own joke which drew some attention. You blushed, embarrassed by all the strange looks from parents that were off to the side so they could keep an eye on their children.

"If I tell you, will you leave?" you asked, sighing as the man calmed down. Keeping that wide smirk he nodded his head, motioning for you to continued. "[Your Name], there, happy?" you asked.

"Very much, doll. Name's Offenderman and I'll be seeing you around" the man said before disappearing out of thin air. You were silent for a few minutes, blinking your eyes as you tried to process what just happened.

"The fuck?" you whispered as you were suddenly hit full force with the realization of what had happened.

When You Become Best Friends:
You and Offender strangely gotten along, despite his pevertness, and within a month you were already friends. Though your roommate/friend found him to be a bit strange. "I'm telling you, [Your Name], there's something wrong with this Offender guy. I mean his name is Offenderman, doesn't that seem a little too convenient to you?" [Best Friend's Name] asked as they sat on your bed.

"Hm, no why?" you asked, not really paying attention as you were sorting through your clothes. Deciding to finally get off your lazy ass and find out what doesn't fit you any more so you could donate it to Goodwill. You blamed your mother for this strange habit of yours.

"I mean look at it this way, young women are disappearing, you meet some strange guy at night offering you a rose, then you meet him again a week later and he tells you his name is Offenderman. And during that week the amount of disappearing women lowered a bit" your friend, said causing you to finally look away from your closet. You hummed in thought, it was true that after your first encounter with Offender the amount of women disappearing did lower just a bit. 'Maybe they're onto something' you thought, before that thought was taken away when you saw them now drawing a mustache on their upper lip with a nearby sharpie.

"Yeah, okay. While you're busy doing that, I'm going to go run this down to Goodwill" you said, grabbing hold of the bag filled with old clothes. You exited your room and headed towards the front door of your apartment, without thinking the minute you opened the door and stepped out you smashed into someone. You and the person you had ran into both stumbled backwards, in the process you took sight of a familiar hat falling to the floor. Balancing yourself you bent down and picked up the fedora. "Hey you...dropped...this..." your voice died away as you stared up at Offender.

Looking at his face you saw that there weren't any eyes or even a nose, just that familiar mouth. He looked a bit flustered as he snatched his hat away from you and placed it back onto his head crookedly. Swallowing thickly, you shook your head and smiled brightly up at the male. "Hey, mind tagging along while I drop these off at Goodwill?" you asked as you held up the bag of clothes.

"Uh, sure" Offender said, coughing into his hand as you both walked towards the elevator.

When He Ask You to Be His Girlfriend:
Already three months into the friendship and Offender was starting to act strange. He didn't seem to like being around you for very long and he didn't act like himself either, he seemed to have become a lot more clumsy. "Maybe he likes you" your friend had suggested when you had consulted in them about his strange behavior. The two of you where in the kitchen with you sitting at the counter and your friend hovering near the stove.

"You think so?" you asked.

"I mean, I'm no expert in Slender people, but it does sounds like how a person with a crush would act around their crush" your friend said. You had told them about Offender's strange appearance (meaning his lack of eyes and a nose), to which they said it just sounded like Slenderman with a mouth. So they took it upon themselves to name him as a whole separate species called Slender people, in belief that there were more Slenderman look a likes out there.

"Okay" you said, slowly nodding your head. "Exactly what are you doing?" you asked as you watched them silently curse when they pulled something out of the oven.

"Trying to make a cake" they grumbled as they threw down a cake pan that had a burnt piece of cake inside. "Fucked up once again" they whispered under their breath as they crossed their arms and pouted. You chuckled before hearing someone knock on the front door.

"I'll get that while you clean up your mess" you said, standing and heading out of the kitchen and towards the door. The minute you opened the door, you reeled back as a bunch of roses comprised of many different colors were held out to you. Offender bent down and smiled widely at you. "Uh, thanks? May I ask what these are for?" you questioned as you took hold of the roses, only to spot a card poking out from the middle. 'Will you be my girlfriend?' was written neatly on the card that you almost doubted he wrote the words out himself.

"So?" he asked, you hummed in thought before smiling as you nodded your head. Laughing when white thin tentacles wrapped around you and pulled you into his arms and into a tight hug.

Your First Date:
You were a bit surprise that your first date was in a bit of a fancy restaurant. Granted you got a lot of weird looks due to you both being a bit undressed. Your casual shirt and skinny jeans as well as his trench coat weren't appropriate for a restaurant that looked to require formal wear. Though you found it sweet, Offender himself wasn't exactly entertained with the fanciness of the restaurant. Needless to say his hands got a bit adventurous underneath the table and you both ended up kicked out of the restaurant because of how violent you got towards your lovely boyfriend.

When He Kisses You:
"So? Has he kissed you yet?" your friend as as they sat beside you on the couch. Offender was busy taking a shower, you learned about his "job" as he liked to call it. So whenever he came over after "work", you forced him to clean off the blood while you put his clothes in the washing machine. Though how he does his "job" you'll never know and hope to never find out.

"Hm? Have we haven't" you said, closing the book in your hands and staring at your friend with a plain expression. They looked at you, no emotion in their eyes before roughly grabbing your shoulder and shaking you.

"What do you mean? You've been dating for I don't know how long and haven't even shared one kiss together yet?! Oh, this poor maiden how she makes me weep for her!" you friend exclaimed as they let go of your shoulders and fell back onto the couch. The back of their hand covering their eyes while striking a dramatic pose.

"You are such a drama queen" you said underneath your breath, laughing silently as you went back to your book. You heard your friend repeat what you said in a higher pitch voice before getting up and disappearing into another part of the apartment. You looked up when a shadow fell over you, only for your eyes to widen and your cheeks to flush as a pair of soft lips pressed against your own. When Offender pulled back, he had a wide smirk on his face before teleporting out of the room to retrieve his trench coat from the washer. Smiling happily you looked back down at your book and continued to read.

When He Scares You:
You had a fear of clowns, why? You don't know, though part of you think it might have been due to your older sibling making you watch the movie 'It' when you were younger. When Offender found this out, he knew he had to have some fun with it. "And you promise to give me twenty dollars if I do this?" [Best Friend's Name] asked while they were dressed as a clown. This was because L.J refused to go along with Offender's plan, stating he enjoyed scaring children more then college students.

"Yeah, yeah. You'll get your money once you're done" Offender said, not pleased knowing he'd have to steal some money off his brother. Your friend nodded their head before making their way towards the kitchen with Offender following close behind.

"Hey, [Your Name]. I was thinking about volunteering to help around at the circus next time they're in town, would you like to see what I'll be volunteering as?" your friend asked. You hummed, looking up from your food only for your fork to clatter onto the table. Your face paled as you started to shake. "What? Cat got your tongue or something?" your friend asked, snickering as you backed up.

"[Best Friend's Name], this isn't funny. Go and change right now!" you snapped, your knees ready to buckle up and let you drop to the floor. In hopes that curling up in a ball would save you. It was quiet before Offender and [Best Friend's Name] burst out laughing and giving each other a high five. "W-what?" you asked, before your eyes narrowed as you stopped shaking.

"It was Offender's idea!" your friend exclaimed as soon as they saw your glare before racing out of the room. Let's just say Offender found out that it was never best to piss you off when you were in the kitchen as he had to avoid the sharp and metal objects thrown at him.

When He Gets Jealous:
You never thought a pervert could have the ability to get jealous. You realized that Offender was a big flirt with the ladies, but you were never bothered by it because you had faith that he was faithful. So you didn't expect him to get angry with the pizza delivery guy when he started to flirt with you. You had just finish paying for the pizza when the male made a perverted comment that made you uncomfortable. Before you could respond, a white tentacle wrapped around the man's neck and pressed him against the wall.

"Listen here buddy, I don't like you using those types of words to describe my doll back there. So you better apologize before I rip your intestines out of your throat!" Offender growled, his lips drawn back into a snarl.

"O-Okay man, I-I'm sorry!" the delivery boy exclaimed hands raised in defense as he whimpered. Offender growled before lowering the male and letting him run off. Turning back to face you, he didn't say anything as he saw your smiling figure.

"Is the pervert jealous?" you asked, chuckling as you got a low grumble in return.

When You Go Shopping:
"Pout, pout, pout. Is that all you plan on doing for the rest of the day?" you questioned, as you looked up from the shirt you were examining and towards your boyfriend. Offender's arms were crossed over his chest as he grumbled under his breath. He wasn't much on shopping, not like how one of his brothers were. "Come on, cheer up. I'll let you pick something out for me if you want" you said, smiling. That smile soon disappeared as you saw his lips draw up into a smirk.


The cashier looked at you strangely as she got to the last item in your buggy. So far all of your clothes were just normal shirts and jeans. But the last item she held in her hand was a piece of lingerie. Your face was flushed as Offender stood beside you snickering.

When You Wear Something of His:
Offender was confused when he woke up to find that he was only in his jeans, trench coat missing. He had decided to spend the night at your apartment with you and your friend, of course you forced him to sleep on the couch. He looked towards your bedroom door when he heard soft snoring, walking over there he silently opened it enough to peer inside. You were sprawled out on your bed, wearing his trench coat, while sleeping and barely holding onto a book. Sometime last night you had woken up feeling cold and decided to steal your boyfriend's trench coat for warmth.

Offender smiled gently, finding it adorable how his clothes seemed to have swallowed you up. Closing your bedroom door he walked back over to the couch and flopped back down onto it. Shivering as the AC in the apartment came on.

When You Have a Nightmare:
Offender didn't really know what to do when you started screaming. He was in your room while you were asleep, looking through your things. Your eyes were still shut, but your body was thrashing around as you continued to scream. He started to freak out, [Best Friend's Name] was out at a party and wouldn't be back 'til really late that is if they didn't find someone to spend the night with. So he was left alone on this. Without a second thought he rushed over to your bed and picked you up, sitting you down on his lap as he sat down.

"Shh, calm down. Don't worry, I got you" he whispered as he held you close. Soon your screams died down into low whimpers and eventually those died away as you curled up against his chest and rested peacefully.

When You Break Up/When He Cheats:
You really should have suspected something like this would have happened. He was a flirt after all, still you had so much faith that he would be faithful. Your faced was buried into a pillow as you sobbed, your friend sitting there and patting your back in a comforting manner. "Shh, you want me to go kick his ass?" they asked. What exactly had happened? Well while on a errand to get more milk (your friend when drunk would sometimes drink whatever was in the fridge, last night it was the milk) you caught Offender with another woman on your way back from the store.

You didn't confront him, but instead threw the jug of milk at him and ran the rest of the way back to the apartments. You had scared [Best Friend's Name] when you had barged into the apartment crying. At first they didn't know what to do and ended up trying to comfort you at a distance. Using a broom to pat your hair while whispering 'there, there' over and over. It wasn't until you grabbed one of the pillows on the couch and covered your face did they properly comfort you.

You sucked in a sharp breath of air when you heard a knock on the front door. "You go to your room and calm down, I'll handle this" [Best Friend's Name] said, you nodded your head and did what you were told. Now you were stuck in your room, whimpering with tears falling down your cheeks as you listened to your friend scream at your ex. "Don't come near her ever again you hear me?! I will deeply make you regret ever existing if I see you anywhere near her or this apartment complex in general!" you heard them snap.

For an hour you listened to the two argue before he finally left.

Without Him:
It's been a week since the break up and you hadn't left the apartment that much. Your friend did bring you food and forced you to keep up with your hygiene and attend you college courses, but other then that they couldn't find it in you to leave the apartment at all. "Hey, [Your Name]" [Best Friend's Name] said as they opened your door. "There's a party going on later tonight and the guy who invited me wanted to know if you'd like to come along" they said. You stared at them blankly as they stared back.

"Please, you've been stuck in here all week and the least you can do is try and do something to make you forget about that asshat" they said, looking at you with wide puppy dog eyes.

"Fine" you said, your voice sounding rough due to lack of talking.

"I promise you won't regret it" they said, walking over to you and engulfing you in a bear hug that you didn't return right away. You nodded your head and hesitantly brought your arms up to wrap them around your friend in return.

When You Move On:
Your friend was right, you didn't regret going to that party. In fact if you hadn't had gone you never would have met Jacob. The two of you had been dating for awhile now. You, Jacob, and your friend all decided that since it was a fine day today, to go and play a nice calming card game out in the park. What was said card game you were playing? Cards Against Humanity, lets just say you all were getting some unwanted attention as parents glared at you all for the things you said.

Through you fun, none of you noticed the tall male across the street growling as he walked by with a young woman holding a rose.

When He Tries to Get You Back:
Jacob was busy and your friend was at the library doing a project with their partner. You yawned as you looked around the kitchen, trying to find something to eat. "Nothing, like usual" you grumbled as you closed another cabinet and turned around, only to raise an eyebrow when you saw a bunch of roses in a vase on the counter. Leaning against the vase was a stuff bear holding a heart with a note leaning against it. Pursing your lips you took hold of the note and opened it, your eyes narrowing as you skimmed through it.

With a sigh you put the note back on the counter and leaned against it. "I know you're around here somewhere and just so you know I'll need some time to think before considering in taking your cheating ass back" you said, to no one in particular. Your lips twitched up into a smile when you heard the front door open and shut.

When You Get Back Together:
"Do I really have to do this?" Offender asked as he handed you the bag of groceries. You hummed happily as you nodded your head.

"Yep, as your punishment for making me break up with Jacob to give you a second chance you're going to be running a lot of errands for both me and [Best Friend's Name], as well as doing whatever we say" you chirped out as you skipped towards the kitchen. While your friend snickered from the couch, enjoying this punishment you gave your boyfriend. Offender groaned, following after you to await what his next order would be.

When You Cook Something For Him:
Offender wouldn't lie, he was flattered that you had invited him over to dinner with you and your friend. It was cute watching you move around the kitchen, humming. Your friend impatiently tapped their fingers against the table, their stomach growling. "How are you not dying of hunger?" they asked looking to Offender as they laid their chin down on the table. In fact [Best Friend's Name] doesn't believe they had ever seen Offender eaten anything once.

"Keep it a secret between you and me kid, but I don't need to eat human food to stay alive. But don't tell [Your Name] over there that, got it" he said, jabbing his thumb towards you. Your friend nodded before holding out their hand.

"Alright, I'll keep quiet. But, it'll cost you twenty dollars" [Best Friend's Name] said. Offender was taken aback before grumbling.

"I'll pay you next time I see ya" he grumbled, as your friend happily nodded their head right when you brought the food over. That night you were happy with all the compliments you got on the food from your boyfriend while you friend silently laughed to themselves as they ate.

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