The Dragon Prince

By KristalKlearSky

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(Book 2 in The Zoshan Chronicles) [Editing in Progress] What would you do to save the people you love most? H... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 17

83 4 3
By KristalKlearSky

Lady Adelina Argos

Iron City, Sarkin

As much as I didn't want to be paraded around in front of single men, I almost welcomed the distraction. I had heard Dominic was in the castle, though I hoped he wouldn't show his face, or if he did that I would be deep in conversation or a dance with an even more handsome man. I wanted to make him hurt. I wanted to make him suffer. I wanted him to see everything he gave up when he ran away with my former best friend. I was off to the side of the dancing crowd, occasionally glancing to see Felix dancing adorably with his daughter Jaymie. Never had a light signed brighter than that of the little girl. Everyone wished she could see the splendor of the even.

I glanced back at the few men and a woman who was near me, taking casually about the event. The woman, I had been told was Louisa Elliot, wife to Lucas Elliot of Blackwater, and she seemed less thrilled than I to be here. Her pale blue dress was clearly fitting for the title of a Lady, as was mine, though she seemed to pull of the gown much better than most of the Ladies in the room. She met my gaze, and I sent her a slightly shake of my head, letting her know that I didn't fancy the event, or even the men's conversation about whose ships were the fastest. She cracked a smile. I was older than her, possibly by a few years, but she didn't let that hinder her maturity. "How do you like Blackwater, Lady Louisa?" I asked, the men not even noticing.

"It has taken a bit of an adjustment, but I like it just fine. Thank you for asking, Lady Adelina." She returned. There was something slightly strange about her. Something I just couldn't place. Something that reminded me of myself, but then again, didn't.

"May I?" I heard a voice behind me, and glanced to the side to see a hand, offering a dance. It would be a distraction, and a way to pass the time if nothing else. I turned around, curious to see the potential partner, when I sucked in a sharp breath.

"This is a very risky move, Sir Benjamin." I stated flatly. "A knight of Emberhelm dancing with the future Lady of Emberhelm."

"It is a risk I am willing to take, My Lady." He nodded slightly, and I saw a flash of an amused smile. He was enjoying this. This awkwardness. I glanced around to see if anyone was watching, when I saw Louisa, who couldn't hide a smile. She shrugged, as if to say "go on."

I looked back at Benjamin, seeing his smile falter a bit. "Very well." I placed my hand in his, to see his smile return and I couldn't help but return the smile. We joined in on the next dance, and before long we were laughing along with the rest of the dancers, forgetting for just a while how much I hated him.

The dance ended and he bowed as I tried not to smile, realizing that the whole room had just seen me dance with the brother of the woman who had stolen the love of my life. His smile fell, as he led me from the dance floor. "Don't." He started to say, glancing away from me for a second before looking back at me. His blue eyes staring down at me intently. "Don't go back to hating me."

I cracked a smile. "You would be harder to hate if you didn't make such rude statements towards me."

"Shall I pay you a complement then?" He asked. "To make up for all of my rude behavior?" I nearly flinched at how easily he had said it. Was he flirting with me? He nodded, taking a step closer, though not enough to cause a scandal. "You look absolutely beautiful, Adelina." I stared up at him as I momentarily forgot to breath. That was some complement. He hadn't just said it. He meant it. He felt it.

"Thank you, Benjamin." I mumbled, feeling my cheeks turn a shade of red.

Suddenly the doors opened, and I was glad for the chance to look away from him. I tore my gaze away from his bright blue eyes and looked towards the door to see two people enter. I groaned, my anger heightening. They entered as if they belonged here. How dare they? I saw Dominic searching the room, and I knew he was looking for me. I looked away, down at my gloved hands, seeing them tremble. I balled them up, trying to stop them. Someone stepped in front of me, blocking my view of them, not that I cared to look upon them again. Genevieve had looked infuriatingly at ease by his side, and that had angered me more than anything had ever done in my entire life. I looked up, straight into the eyes of Benjamin. He looked down at me, knowing that he was blocking me from view. He was doing it on purpose. I could see it in the way he was looking at me. He reached out, taking my hands in his. "Breathe, Adelina." He said, as I glance down at his hands holding mind. "I won't let him near you, I promise. He won't hurt you ever again."

I shook my head, looking back up at him. "Don't you get it, Benjamin?" I questioned and he gave me a soft puzzled glance. "He will always hurt me. Every time I look at him it is just a reminder that he chose her over me. That he betrayed and hurt me." I shook my head. "I appreciate you trying to protect your future Lady of Emberhelm, but there is something I need to do."

I tried to step away, but he still held on. "I am not protecting you because you are my future Lady of Emberhelm, Adelina." He shook his head. "I am protecting you because..." He broke of, and glanced away.

"Don't." I shook my head and he looked back up at me. "Don't try to protect me. There are somethings that I can't be protected from. This is one of those times." I ignored the look he was giving me, and pulled my hands from his, stepping around him and locking eyes with Dominic. After a second, I glanced back behind me to see Benjamin looking at me, as was most of the room. "I am going to apologize for what I am about to do." I said to him quietly, and for a second I thought I saw him crack a smile.

I turned back, and stalked angrily across the room, locking eyes with Dominic just as I reached them. "Adelina." He said, a smile forming, and it angered me even more.

I looked to Genevieve, who wasn't looking at me. She was shamefully looking down at the floor. "Look at me." I said quietly. She didn't. "Look at me!" I shouted, causing her to flinch, but then look up. "You ruined my life, and you are going to pay. I will make you regret it for the rest of your life."

"Adelina, I..." She started, but then I lost it.

I slapped her with the palm of my right hand, feeling the sting immediately worsen though I didn't show it. "Know your place." I shouted at her. "You will not speak to me, ever again. You are a traitor. To me. To your family, as well as mine, and even to Vrinian." I tilted my head slightly, a devious grin crossing my face. "But I guess I should have expected it. Like father like daughter."

"Enough, Adelina." Dominic's voice caused me to look at him with my eyebrows raised. "It was my fault as much as hers. I convinced her to run away with me. It was the only way we could be together. We didn't mean to hurt you...."

"But you did." I nodded. "For years, you led on this charade. It sickens me." I stepped up to him. "You forget that you are not the King of Vrinian, Dominic. You are nothing. You are the lowest of the low. How dare you show your face here?" I shook my head. "After everything you have done. After hurting me, as well as Marina. You ruined her life. You betrayed her as much as you did me. I would fear her wrath, far worse than mine. You disappoint me, Dominic. I can only image what your father would say." I shrugged. "How disappointed he would be." I turned and started walking off, but he grabbed my right hand. The hand I had slapped Genevieve with. The hand, the by the feel of it, I had reopened the wounds. When he grabbed my hand, a small yelp escaped my lips before I could stop it. Showing for a split second just how much it hurt. He glanced down, as did I and already the blood was seeping through my silk glove. I wanted to escape. Before I lost my anger, I brought up my left hand and slapped him with the back of my hand. Now I had two hurt hands again, but he left my right go, and I left the hall quickly, before anyone could stop me. The minute I was out of sight, I burst into tears.


Queen Marina Fairmore

Iron City, Sarkin

I took a shaky breath, trying to calm my nerves. This dress was beautiful, gorgeous even. As I had been getting dressed, Marnie told me the story of it and how she had remembered watching her mother make it. She stated that years later Elyas had given it to her, revealing that it had been made for Callan, Elyas sister, but she ran away before wearing it. Elyas stated that it was meant for her. It has not been worn since then, and it now seems that Marnie intended me to have it, though I am not sure I deserve it. The pale purple skirt fell to the floor, though not long enough to drag across the stone. Silver threading and beading accented the entire dress, including the off the shoulder sleeves which cascaded to match the length of the skirt. The pale purple highlighted the deep purple bodice. For a moment, when I was dressing, I wondered if the dress would be slightly too big for me, but the corset back synched it to the right size.

I smoothed my hands over the skirt, taking another deep breath. Dominic was here, I knew it. Though, I he hadn't been in the ball room long before he was escorted back to his room with his new wife by his side. Something had happened inside the room, and I had a feeling it had to do with Adelina, who stormed out just seconds before he was escorted out. I felt for her. She had as much pain to deal with as I did. Dominic had seen me, as he was being led out, and for a moment, I saw a hint of unrecognition, but then his face fell into a state of shock, nearly tripping, as he realized I was the Queen of Vrinian. I was the woman who succeeded him. I was the one he abandoned with his selfishness. I was the one he betrayed. I hadn't glanced at him but a second, before I looked back towards the doors, where I stand now. I looked to the guards and nodded. They opened the door and one guard stated my name and title.

The room had fallen silent as I entered. I had been the last one, upon Marnie's insistence. She was there, close by, standing with her husband Elyas. I wondered what she hoped to gain from this slight embarrassing situation. I wasn't used to being looked at. I wasn't used to being envied. I was feared in Vrinian, even I knew it. I had gained a reputation while searching for Felix.

It was then that I saw him, standing in the center of the room, hand in hand with his young child as they had stopped mid-dance with the music. The look on his face made me realize just how big of a fool I had been. Felix knew this dress. He knew the history, he knew the owner, and he undoubtedly knew why I was wearing it. Marnie hadn't given it to me to be seen as a Queen. No. She had insisted I wear it because Felix would see it. I saw him swallow hard, his shoulders rising and falling but his eyes never leaving mine. This was a mistake. A most severe mistake.

Felix, while holding his daughters hand, walked over to his mother, placing his daughter's hand in his mother's, and then made his way over to me. The crowd split apart, letting him pass, though I slightly wished they would block him so I could make a getaway. He stood in front of me now, and I looked up at him reluctantly. I screamed at myself to not make myself look awkward. I am a Queen. I had to be seen as such. "Queen Marina Fairmore." Felix said quietly, the edges of his mouth turning up in a small smile. "You look stunning."

"Thank you." I returned calmly. The gossip had already started the moment I had arrived in the Sarkin castle. I didn't want to further their enjoyment.

He held out his hand and I took a deep breath. "Do me the honor of a dance?" He asked, and I glanced at his hand. After a second of questioning it, I placed my hand in his and allowed him to lead me to the dance floor.

The next several minutes I began to realize even more so, how big of a mistake this was. This was the closest I had gotten to him, and we both knew it. Our hands touching, stepping in and away from each other to the rhythm of the music. I wondered if he could see my hands trembling. I wondered if he could see just how much I wanted...I wasn't sure what I wanted, but as soon as the song ended, I excused myself and walked away. Mother came up to me, but I insisted that I needed air, and headed to the balcony. I had taken a few deep breaths in the warm night air, cursing everything, when I heard the glass door shut behind me. I turned around seeing Felix with an unreadable expression. Did he realize that I wanted to get away from him? Did he see how much this hurt? How much it was killing me? Could he see how much I loved him?


King Felix Andry

Iron City, Sarkin

"Do you love her, Felix?" Marina asked, and I glanced at her, not knowing what she meant. "Jaymie's mother, do you love her?"

I shook my head. "I won't answer that question." I replied, my tone tense. I didn't want to argue with her, but she made it so difficult.

"Answer me, Felix." She yelled. "Right now. I want the truth. Do you love her?"

I stared at her for a few seconds, knowing she wasn't going to let it go. She was always stubborn. Always. When we were younger, I used to admire it, but now I was annoying. Doesn't she understand? I didn't want to hurt her, but if she wanted the truth, I wouldn't lie to her. "I did." I said quietly.

Marina caught on to my use of past tense. "Did?"

"She died, just after Jaymie turned three." I heard my voice crack, and I knew Matylda's death still hurt. It always did. Even though she was gone, I still felt like she was there. I still felt like I could see her. Like I could reach out and touch her.

"Is Jaymie really your daughter?" She asked, leaning against the balcony railing, waiting for me to answer. "Or are you just protecting her?"

"In my heart, always." I nodded my head slightly.

She crossed her arms. She could see through me easier than I liked. She always could. But I have changed. I am not the same Felix she used to know, and she is not the Marina that I used to know. "So she really isn't your daughter?"

I shook my head, crossing my arms and standing firm. I was angry at her questions. "You misunderstand me. Jaymie is my daughter. Mine." I stated with my tone possessive and protective. "I am King, and Jaymie is my Heir Princess of Sarkin and that will never change."

She was momentarily shocked, but she was trying not to let it show. "Who is her father?"

"I am, and always will be." I laughed at how ridiculous her question was. Didn't I just say I was her father?

She shook her head, studying me. Her dark eyes sharp. "No, you are not. I can tell. She looks nothing like you."

"She looks like her mother. Always has. Jaymie is just as beautiful, if not more, than her mother. She gets so much from her." I sighed, looking up at the stars, imagining she was up there somewhere, shining as bright as the stars. "Matylda deserved a life, much better than the one she was given. She deserved the life I could have given her."

"I just want the truth." Marina stated, and I looked down at her for a long minute.

She wasn't going to give it up. Not unless I made her. "I can't tell you that. I can't trust you. I can't trust anyone."

She flinched back slightly, hurt by my words. If that was what it will take, then I will have to do it. I will protect Jaymie, if it kills me. "Felix..."

I shook my head. Did she not realize how hard this was? Did she not realize how much pain I am in? How much pain I had endured? "No. I am serious. I made the mistake of trusting Tom, and I will not make the mistake of trusting anyone ever again."

She took a step towards me, but I stepped back. Having anyone that close to me, still hurt. I could put on a show, and hug my family, but I killed me inside. Tom's torture killed me. "But you can trust me."

"How can I know that?" I questioned. I knew I was hurting her, but she had to understand. "How can I know that his spies are not in the castle? How can I know that he hasn't turned any of you?" I shook my head. "He could have turned any of you. All of you. I can't...I can't make that mistake again."

"Felix, I spent 8 years looking for you." She yelled. "I missed everything! I missed Dominic's coronation, Lewis's wedding. His death. Everything. I put everything into finding you, because I love more than anything." Her eyes began watering as her voice grew quieter. "But you don't love me. You probably never did. But you loved her. You probably never even thought about me. It was always her."

I groaned, wanting so badly to escape. "I loved Matylda, yes. But we both knew how it was going to end. I wanted so badly to change it, but I knew I couldn't. We both did." I looked at Marina, knowing that I was about to admit something I didn't want to even admit to myself. "The reason I fell for her, Marina, is because I thought I lost you."

She shook her head with a sigh. "But you didn't."

I rubbed my hands on my face, wanting to just go away again. Just for a little while. I dropped my hands with a groan. "I didn't know that. Don't you get it?" I shouted, causing her to flinch back again. "Every time I saw Tom he tortured me with news of everyone's lives and how they moved on. He told me that you married some other heir prince, so that you can still be Queen, because that was all you wanted any way. That you never loved me. He told me my parents lost hope in ever finding me. He told me everyone gave up. I know now that it wasn't true, but Marina, it still hurt me. It haunts me. Every waking second. Every time I am near my family, his words haunt me. Anytime anyone touches me, it is like a knife being plunged into my heart." I went to the walled railing, placing my hands on the cold stone. It reminded me of feeling the cold inside of Matylda when she faded from life to death. I looked up at the stars, trying to stop myself from giving into my emotions. "I gave my heart to Matylda because I thought she was the only one who wouldn't hurt me. I thought I could save her. How wrong I was. She was the one who hurt me the most. When she died, Jaymie was the only thing I had left. I no longer cared if I lived, but I was going to escape to get her out. I was going to give her the life her and her mother deserved. I didn't care where it was, but I was going to do it, even if it killed me."

After a long moment, I heard her hurt voice speak up. "You gave up hope of us finding you."

I nodded, glancing over at her. "I did. I didn't think anyone cared about me to look for me. Over time, I thought I made it all up in my head. Even you. I thought it was all just a dream. That I was always a prisoner, who dreamed of far off places and freedom."

She sighed. "But surely, you can see now..."

I looked away from her. "I can, but what you don't understand is that nothing will ever be the same. I can't. I am too damaged. The person I was before is dead, and I am all that is left of a dead man."

She placed a hand on my arm, in a comforting way, but I flinched back. Again, I did something to hurt her. "You were never dead. Never. I knew it. I could feel it. Even now. I knew you would come back. You always did. You may have changed. You may be a different person, Felix, but I know you. I know your instincts. Trust them. Trust your heart."

I glanced back at her, shaking my head slightly. "But I can't trust my heart. It was broken the moment I realized I would never see you again. Even now, standing here, seeing the obvious ways that you and I can never be together, only make it worse. Don't you see it? "

I tried to flinch away again, as she reach up with both hands and placed them on my cheeks, but she didn't let me move. "I know you are trying to push me away, but you won't be able to. I didn't give up on you before, and I won't give up on you now."

I stood there for a moment, and for a second, it felt like it did before. When we were kids, and she looked up at me with a sweet smile, and I wanted to give her everything in the world. But that is gone now. I pulled her hands from my face and took a few steps back, away from her. "You and I can never be together. Not like this." She tried to walk to me, but I flinched back, causing her to stop. I hated seeing the hurt expression on her face, but I couldn't do this. It wasn't fair to her. I am not the same person I was, and never will be again. She deserves someone so much better than I. "I'm sorry." I said, shaking my head, and backing up slowly. "I can't do this." As much as it hurt to do so, I turned around and walked away.

When I came back to the celebration, I saw my family had seen my exit and now entrance. They knew where I had gone. I looked away from them, knowing I needed to finish out the duties of my new position. I squinted for a second, seeing a familiar face across the hall. We had been just kids, but I was almost sure that it was Lucas Elliot. His father had been Lord of Blackwater. I walked over to him, and he saw me coming. He smiled, and gave a bow. It was him. I knew it now. The same dark hair and pale grey eyes, though he had grown up, his face taking hold in sharp features. "Lucas." I forced a laugh, offering out my hand for him to shake, which he did. "I was sure that was you."

He nodded. "Indeed, My King." He smiled. "I was most relieved to hear of your return. Would not have missed it for the world. I only wish my father had been here to see it."

"I heard about your father's death just this morning." I gave him a sad smile. "I am sorry for your loss. He was a good man."

He sighed. "Thank you, My King. I have been quite busy trying to live up to his reputation."

"If you are still half the child I remember, you will do just fine." I smiled.

A woman not far off walked over to Lucas when he glanced her way. Something about her. I wasn't sure, but I recognized her. "May I introduce my wife Louisa."

I continued to stare at her, as she stood straight and tall, her blue eyes staring intently into mine. Something was off. Louisa was always a sweet and shy girl. "Of course." I kissed her hand and she curtsied. "Louisa. I knew you as Princess Louisa Wynn of Thegamor." I saw her glance away for a second, before looking back at me, still holding her sharpness. "You have changed much, but always just as beautiful."

"Thank you, My King." She returned.

I looked back at Lucas. "I wonder if I might I have the next dance with your lovely wife?" Lucas nodded and looked to Louisa, as if sharing an unspoken message. She then nodded and took my hand, forcing a smile. I led her to the middle of the floor, and I caught Marina's gaze as she entered the room and saw me dancing with someone else. She glanced away quickly, and I looked back to Louisa. The music began, and the groups started to move. "I must say, Louisa, you are different than I remember." I said, splitting apart, and when I turned back around, she had cracked a smile.

"You have been gone a long time, My King." She nodded. "There is much that is different."

"There isn't much that I remember about you, but there was one thing." We came back together, moving thought the group easily. "Many, many years ago, when I met you for the first time, my parents had questioned your parents whether we would be a good match." She glanced up at me for a second, something flashing across her eyes. "However you were very much attached to a Peter Bennett. How is it now that you have married Lucas?" I questioned. I hated interrogating her, but something wasn't right, and I couldn't trust anyone.

"Peter and I had a disagreement." She stated casually as we pulled apart, dancing around another couple. "He wasn't the person I thought he was. I asked my family to find me someone else, and a month later Lucas arrived in Thegamor, seeking a bride. I accepted."

The song was now nearing an end. "See..." I shook my head discreetly at her. "I don't believe that. Even back then, I knew how right you were with Peter." She stared back at me intently. "There is just one thing, Louisa." She gave me a questioning look as the song came to an end. "Our parents never considered us as for a match." I watched as she sucked in a breath and glanced around. "You are not Louisa. You looked strangely similar to her, but you are not her. You do not have her memories. Louisa would have remembered the day we met, because it was the day she became betrothed to Peter." She took a deep breath walking back over to me, so we could keep an appearance of me escorting her back to Lucas. "I don't know who you are, but I just want to know, are you with me, or are you against me."

"I do not stand with anyone, My King." She spoke quietly. "I stand apart."

We reached Lucas, and as I handed her off back to him, I felt a piece of parchment be slipped into my hand as I kissed her hand again. I didn't show any signs to what had transpired. I smiled. "You have found a true jewel, Lucas. My congratulations." I said, and he nodded happily, sending a smile of approval at his wife, whom ever she was. Did he know? Did he know she wasn't Louisa? I walked away, smiling to a few people that I passed. Very discretely I opened the folded parchment. In clear bold letters in an old script, the words "Insula Resurget" were printed. I quickly folded it again, and slipped it into my pocket. What could it mean?

The celebration was in full swing when a familiar tune began being played. It was a ballad for siblings, and I had danced to it many times. It was our theme in a way. A theme that my family, my cousins and their cousins and our friends all could dance to and it was ours. We bonded over the song. I looked up to the musicians to see who had requested to play the song, and in a moment of shock I stood completely still. It was Aohlee, looking right at me with watery eyes, and a wide smile. I quickly walked over to her, hugging her instantly, even though it pained me. "You were right. No more running." She said quietly.

I hugged her tightly and then pulled back. "We are all together again." I grabbed her hand excitedly, and pulled her to the center of the room, where Raleigh, Jasper and Josie were waiting. Adelina, Thomas and Jonan were there, dancing in their own group, as was Mickaela, Derrick and Jaqueline. Mother and uncle Zircon were there as well, as was Benjamin and Leticia. I got caught up in the past, remembering times long ago. The weaving of the dancing circles, as our groups came together, laughing and smiling. But there was something missing. Something I didn't realize until halfway through the song. There were people missing from the group, Genevieve and Dominic, who had retired from the celebration after the incident, but more importantly, Lewis. I finally realized what was bothering me. I glanced around, catching sight of the one person who no longer had a sibling to dance with. I momentarily excused myself from the dancing and walked over to a table at the corner of the room. How had I been so thoughtless to her emotions? How had I not seen it? I sighed, knowing I had hurt her. "Marina." I held out my hand to her as she looked over at it, and then up at me. She was crying, and I knew she was thinking of Lewis. He was her brother. She never got to say goodbye to him because she was out looking for me. "You are not alone."

"But I am." She sniffed and looked away from me. "Lewis is gone. Nobody cares about me. You have pushed me away. You don't care about be either. Why don't you go dance with that blonde I saw you with earlier."

"You mean the wife of the Lord of Blackwater?" I questioned to see her hesitate, clearly not knowing who the woman had been. I swallowed hard, still looking down at her. "Marina, don't you see. I care too much."

She looked up at me suddenly puzzled. "Then why push me away?"

"In truth, part of me can't stand to have you near me, but the other part, can't stand to have you not near me. Deep down, Marina, I know how much you mean to me, and it terrifies me more than you realize." I was slightly shocked at my own words. After a few moments, she reached up and took my hand, allowing me to pull her to her feet and lead her to the center of the room. It took a second to get back into the rhythm, but once it did, it started to feel like old times again. Even though it only lasted a few minutes more, it was worth it. Then the song ended, and we all clapped happily and awaited another to get lost into. I glanced around as the music started and people began dancing, but when I caught sight of Marina leaving, I suddenly felt the need to go after her, even though my head screamed at me not to. How could I want to go after her, when I have been trying to stay away from her?

I quietly left the room, and followed her. She didn't know I was behind her, but I knew where she was going. The familiar courtyard came in to view as she rounded the corner, and angrily sat down on a bench in the center. This was the place I had told her to wait for me that day. How long had she waited?

I leaned against the corner pillar, watching her as she put her face in her hands and began to cry. It wasn't because of Lewis this time, it was because of me. Seeing her there, in that dress, knowing the meaning behind it, and seeing her crying. I had to do something. Say something. Walk away. There was a constant war inside me. Comfort her or leave. "Marina." I said softly, but not moving.

She looked up, startled. "What do you want?"

I shrugged. "I came to see if you were alright." Truthfully, I didn't know why I was there. I was trying to keep my distance from her, but somehow I couldn't do that. My words had hurt her, and I had done it on purpose to keep her away, but here I stood.

"What do you care?" She shook her head, turning away from me slightly. "Even if you did care for me Felix, I am the Queen of Vrinian, and you are the King of Sarkin. We couldn't get married even if we wanted to." She said harshly. I could see and hear how much it hurt her. Do I go, or stay?

Over time she realized I didn't move and looked up at me. "I can't read you anymore, Felix." She shook her head. "What is going on in that head of yours?" I stepped away from the pillar and started walking over to her. "Do you want me or not?" She shouted, standing up, and flailing her arms about in anger. "Sometimes I look at you and you are completely different, but other times..." She trailed off as I got close to her and stopped. "Other times, I look into your eyes and you are the same boy." She shook her head. "I can't play this game, Felix. You don't want me around, but you follow me. You don't trust me, but you are here now, alone with me. You don't care about me but you ask me how I feel." I reached up, hating myself for doing it, but I placed my hand on her neck, my thumb running down her jaw. I screamed at myself to stop, but I couldn't. Again, she shook her head as I glanced at her lips. "You were right, we can't do this." I leaned in and kissed her. It was wrong. I didn't want this, but in a way I did. She allowed it for a second, and in that second it felt like no time had passed at all. However the second ended. She pushed me back, hard, and I thought she was going to slap me. It seemed to be what awoke me out of a daze. I suddenly realized what I had done, and I turned and left the courtyard.


Ranger Prince Raleigh Andry

Iron City, Sarkin

I stood at the far corner. I had seen it all happen. I had seen her leave and him follow her. I had seen her yell at him, and I saw him kiss her and her push him away. A part of me wishes that I hadn't seen it. That I could just walk away, but I couldn't. When he was gone, she sank back to the bench and cried for several long minutes. I sighed, and cursed to myself, before stepping out of the shadows. "Marina."

She dried her eyes quickly, and then looked up at me. "Raleigh." She said, forcing a smile but then it fell when she saw my face. "How long were you standing there?" She asked.

"Long enough." I replied.

She groaned. "It is forbidden. I had to do something." She shook her head and I sat down beside her. "I want to stop feeling this way, but I can't."

"There is something you should know, Marina." I said, looking over at her for a second and then looking away. "Something about Felix, about what we found in the place where he was kept. Knowing Tom was the one who was behind it put more pieces of the puzzle together, but you must know what we saw. What I saw."

I looked back at her to see her straighten slightly. "Tell me." I hesitated, looking down at my hands. "Please. I want to understand what is going on with him."

"We cannot truly know the extent of the damage that was done, but I will tell you what I know." I nodded, and then proceeded into the long story of what had happened after she had left to return home.

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