'5SOS boyxboy smut'

By Exquino

289K 2.9K 811

Smut and fluff involving 5SOS-members Not mine unless stated otherwise Only boyxboy Enjoy! (If you do... More

Calm~Smoke on the water, fire in the sky
Cashton~So tell me what you want when you want more
Muke~Tell me all the things that I wanna hear
Lashton~Brother, brother
Malum~Kiss away young thrills
Cashton~Can't sleep
Muke~Grind on me
Mashton~Late-morning sunlight
Cake~You found me (lying on the floor)
Lashton~Fuck me like a posh boy
Solo Michael~Pamper
Malum~Heaven wrapped in a silver bow
Calm~Like animals
Muke~The way you take away my breath
Mashton~What dreams are made of
Cake~Cake by the ocean
Lashton~Make me make bad decisions
Malum~One touch and my body goes slow
Calm~You know I give my love a four letter name
Cashton~I could be your one desire
Muke~Martini and Olive
Mashton~You're still pretty and I am still choked up
A Creative Name (tag)
Cake~The bruises on your thighs like my fingerprints
Lashton~Take it on the run, baby

Cashton~Give me the green light

7.7K 52 4
By Exquino

Author: me (xtanjad)
From: my brain lol
Words: 3211
Published: 2016-07-17
I know the title sucks but I couldn't think of anything better.

This is my first ever one-shot, even the first thing I write on Wattpad. 
I would appreciate all the feedback on this, content and grammar related, as long as you bring it nicely. If you have a request that you would like me to write, let me know by commenting or sending me a private message. I'm open to write almost anything. You can also just message me if you want to talk because I need some friends on here haha. Anyway, let me know what you think!

It's basically Calum's first time and there's a little bit of plot/fluff, because I didn't want to jump straight into the smut. So yeah let me know what your thoughts are and what I should do/not do next time.

"Are you really sure about this Cal? I don't want to rush things between us." Ashton spoke after I had told him I was ready to take the next step in our relationship.

"I'm sure. I don't want to wait any longer," Was my response and Ashton took a step closer to me. He wrapped his strong arms around my shoulders and placed a kiss on top of my head.

"I love you, baby" Ashton whispered in my hair and gave my body a slight squeeze. I turned my head to look up at him and gave him a small smile. Then I snuggled my head back in his broad chest and mumbled an"I love you too, Ashy" back.


It was finally Friday night and Ashton was almost on his way over. My parents were out for dinner and my sister Mali was out with her friends tonight. It was just going to be me and the boy I loved with my whole heart.

I sighed and checked if everything was ready. Suddenly my phone rang and it was my best friend Michael.

"Is he already there?" Michael whispered and giggled right after.

"No, he isn't. You can talk normal you idiot," I said and let out a laugh. Michael had been my best friend for a few years and we always tell each other everything.

Then the doorbell rang and I jumped a little. "He's here, I'll call you back tomorrow." I quickly said and hung up after Michael said his goodbye.

I speed walked to the front door and quickly checked if my hair looked good enough in the mirror.

My hand turned the knob and I was face to face with Ashton. He gave me a cute wave with a dimpled smile and we both greeted each other and I motioned him inside.

Once inside, he wrapped his arms around my waist and tugged me in a small kiss. When he pulled away again, we both smiled and he followed me towards the living room.

"Do you want to like watch a movie?" I asked hesitantly and I was starting to feel a lot more nervous about all of this.

"Yeah sure. What do you have?" Ashton said and got comfortable on the couch.

I shrugged and opened the cabinet underneath the tv. My bottom lip was pulled in between my teeth as I looked over the DVDs.

"Have you seen this one yet?" I asked and showed him the cover of the DVD in my hand.

He shook his head at my question and ran a hand through his hair. From my spot, I could see it was still slightly damp which meant he took a shower before coming over.

I took the DVD out of the box and put it in the tv. Then I grabbed the remote and took a seat next to Ashton. Not too far away, but also not too close. From the corner of my eyes I saw him staring at me but as soon as I turned my head towards him he looked forward again.

The movie started and I sunk back against the couch, my feet on the edge and my arms wrapped around my legs. Ashton's arm rested on the back of the couch, his hand just reaching the back of my head.

After a few minutes, I could feel his fingers softly grazing the light curls growing by my neck. He always did this but now the feeling created goosebumps all over my body. I tried to ignore it and concentrated back on the movie.

There was some noise coming from his side and I turned my head to see that he was taking off his shoes, showing his never matching socks. He was wearing the boots that I had bought for his birthday.

I couldn't stop the small smile that was forming on my face as I thought back about how happy he was when he saw my gift. He had talked about them for a while and every time we went shopping, I had to rip him away from the store that was selling them. It had cost almost all of my savings, but it was totally worth it.

That's why I didn't understand my hesitation around him. He was the best boyfriend I had ever had, well not that I had a lot of others to compare him with, but still.

After he was done taking them off he scooted a little closer to me. I could feel his stare on me, but I just looked straight forward.

"Come on Calum, tell me what's wrong?" Came his soft voice and it made me jump a little bit. He only ever said my full name when he was serious.

"N-nothing." I stuttered and cursed myself in my head. I pulled the ends of my sweater of my hands and played with the bottom of it, too afraid to look him in the eyes.

"We don't have to do it. If you still want to wait, it's totally okay with me. Don't feel like you have to do it for me," Ashton said and reached out to grab one of my hands, holding it in between his two warmer ones.

My bottom lip started quivering and I felt a tear slowly roll down my cheek. I could hear Ashton take in a deep breath of air before he wrapped me in his strong arms.

The side of my face pressed against his chest and one of his hands rubbed comforting circles on my back. I didn't want this moment to ever end, but eventually he pulled away slightly. His hands moved to my shoulders as he gave me a serious look.

I finally dared to look him in the eyes, mine still watery and gave him a nervous expression. "I'm just a little scared that it's going to hurt," I said, my voice breaking a little from crying.

Ashton expression changed from serious to concerned as he moved one of his hands to my cheekbone, softly wiping my drying tears away. "I can't promise you that it won't hurt but you have to trust me that I'll stop whenever you want to."

I inhaled shakily and nodded. "I trust you and I want to do it now, Ash."

In return, Ashton gave me a dimpled smile and reached his hand out for me to take. I closed my eyes for a second before I placed my hand in his and let him pull me up from the couch.

He walked in front of me on the stairs, knowing exactly where my room was after he had been to my house so many times before.

There were a few seconds of silence where we stood opposite each other in my small room. I coughed which made him snap out of his staring.

"Okay uhm, just yeah.." Ashton brought his hand to the back of his neck and looked at me awkwardly.

I shrugged, a wave of confidence coming over me, and walked over to him, my arms wrapping around his shoulders. I had to stand on my toes before I was able to reach his mouth and kiss him.

He quickly moved his hands to my waist and pressed me against him. Our fronts rubbed together and a tiny moan escaped my mouth. Ashton's tongue finally went over my lips, making me open my mouth to let his tongue enter.

The make out soon grew heavier, Ashton's hands had moved to my bum, and we had to split up to catch our breath. Ashton gave me a slight smirk and leant forward to take off my shirt, me doing the same to him after.

He took a step towards me again and attacked my lips in another kiss. His hands went under my thighs and I jumped, my legs hooking around his waist and my arms already wrapped around his neck. I could feel him walking towards my bed, our mouths still connected, and soon I felt my soft sheets underneath my shirtless back.

Ashton detached himself from my mouth and his hands travelled down my body towards my pants and he started unbuttoning them. When he pulled the zipper down as well, he slowly dragged them down my legs before throwing them to the other side of my room.

I giggled and moved my hands to his belt, unbuckling it and then also pulling down his jeans. He smiled at me and got off the bed for a second to pull them all the way down.

When they hit the floor, he got back on top of me and placed a light kiss on my nose. I scrunched it and smiled up at him. "You're so adorable." He murmured and kissed my lips again.

His hips dropped down to mine again and I gasped in surprise. Ashton took this opportunity to let his tongue go past my lips again and he soon took control.

After a few minutes, he pulled away from my lips and his hands went down to my underwear. He raised an eyebrow at me to ask for permission, which made me nod at him.

He slowly took off my underwear, making me blush at my already hard on. After he looked up again, he moved his hand to wrap around my erection. The action made me moan loudly, which made my face grow even redder.

Ashton grinned at me, still hovering over me, and started moving his hand up and down slowly.

It was all so foreign to me, but at the same time also familiar. Of course, I had done it a few times myself but never had someone else done it to me.

I stared at the ceiling, still trying to take this whole situation in. Suddenly my eyes almost bulged out of my head and I snapped my head towards Ashton. A moan soon escaped me as I saw that his lips were wrapped around me.

Out of instinct, my hands flew to his hair, my fingers twisting in the locks and tugging at the curls. This resulted in him moaning around me which made me moan again.

He soon got off me with a plopping sound, making me whine his name at the loss of pleasure.

"Ash" I moaned loudly and tried to reach out to him again. "You're doing so good." Ashton groaned and placed his lips on mine, making me make a face at the thought of him just being down there and tasting myself now on his tongue.

Then he pulled away again and grabbed something from my night stand which I couldn't remember him putting there. "What's that?" I whispered, making him laugh softly at me.

"It's lube which will make it less painful for you. Don't worry, I'll take care of you." He told me with a smile on his face and he placed a small kiss on my hipbone.

"Just relax baby. It might feel weird at first but I promise you will enjoy it." Ashton murmured and he moved lower down my body. He placed my feet flat on the mattress and opened the bottle of lube.

I laid my head back down on the pillow and tried to control my breathing again.

Soon I could feel something touching my hole and I couldn't help but pull away from the touch. Ashton let out a chuckle and rubbed one of his strong hands on my thigh. "Relax baby boy."

The feeling was back and I tried to relax as he said as much as I could. All of a sudden there was a pressure down there and I felt one of his fingers starting to enter me.

I looked at him with wide eyes, but he only gave a smile back in return before putting his attention back down there. More of his finger entered me and I tried not to squirm away from it. I didn't exactly know if I liked it, but I definitely did not enjoy it yet like he said I would.

The sound of the bottle of lube opening was heard again and I saw him put more on. "You think you're ready for two?" Ashton asked and I nodded, just wanting it to feel good already.

His fingers soon returned, now two being slowly pushed inside of me and I was not able to suppress the moan escaping my mouth. Suddenly I felt really hot all over as he started moving his two fingers, his bicep flexing with every push in me.

The way his long slim fingers felt inside of me, made me arch my back. His other hand pressed down on me, to keep me from moving too much. The feeling inside of me became overwhelming and I couldn't stop the noises coming out of me.

His fingers, now three, went even faster than they did before and I could see small black spots starting to cloud my vision. My toes started to curl and dig into the mattress underneath me. Then I couldn't control my body anymore and I started coming on my stomach.

All of a sudden the fingers were gone, making me feel empty and my brain slowly started to turn back on. I could hear my own fast breathing and my heart was pounding in my chest.

"I'm not done with you yet." His soft voice spoke and I was almost able to hear the smirk that must have been on his face. It was silent for a few seconds and I could hear soft footsteps before the bed sunk down slightly again.

"Turn around for me baby boy." Ashton's voice was back and was now right next to my ear. Goosebumps started to form on my skin and I let out a shaky breath, nervous about what was to come.

I slowly turned around on my front and buried my face in the pillow, twisting one of my hands in it and held a tight grip. His large hands helped my hips up and I placed my knees underneath me. I could feel rough hands ghosting over my bum before he delivered a loud smack to it that bounced off the walls. A sharp pain travelled trough me and my scream was muffled by the pillow.

"Are you alright?" Ashton spoke, concern lacing his voice. I nodded as best as I could and pushed my bum slightly towards him to let him know to keep going. Strangely I didn't mind the stinging feeling and I wanted more.

"Use your words, love. Want to hear your pretty voice." I lifted my head a bit from the pillow and tried to swallow the lump in my throat the best I could before saying, "please I need you". I was surprised by how wrecked my voice sounded.

"I love you so much." He groaned softly from above me and I heard him opening the bottle of lube again.

I could hear him putting it on himself and giving his length a few tugs, which resulted in him groaning softly. I started to get impatient and let out a whine.

"Someone's a bit excited." He spoke again and chuckled. "Gonna make you feel so good, baby."

I pushed my head farther into the pillow and tried so hard not to reach for my own length and release myself of the tight feeling in my stomach.

"Ready angel?" I nodded in response because I didn't trust my voice at the moment.

He spread my cheeks and pushed his tip to my ring of muscles. I tried to push back against him, but he held my hips in a tight grip.

Then he slowly started to put more force behind his movement and he slipped inside of me. I groaned loudly in the pillow and clenched my hands into tight fists. The feeling was something I had never experienced before and it wasn't as pleasurable as I had expected.

He finally bottomed out and stilled for a minute. One of his hands moved to one of my cheeks and he gave it a small squeeze. "Let me know when you're ready for me to move baby."

I took a few deep breaths and turned my head to the side. "You can move," I whispered in a raspy and shaky voice and he did.

At first, he slowly pulled out of me until only his tip was still in and then he slowly went forward again. This repeated a few times before he started to pick up the pace.

Finally, it started to feel kind of good. My breathing started to quicken and I could hear him panting above me. "Faster please," I yelled and immediately let out a loud moan.

Suddenly he pulled out of me and I let out a whimper. He turned me around on my back again and his face came into view. "Want to see that beautiful face when you come." He whispered and gave me a light kiss on my red bitten lips.

He quickly pushed himself inside of me again and placed his hands next to my head. His face was now really close to mine and I was able to see the sweat forming on his forehead.

"So close." He groaned and let out a moan at the same time I did. With his hands, he placed one of my legs over his shoulder and slightly shifted his body, placing a small kiss on my lips. Then he went at an even faster pace and pressed against a certain bundle of nerves.

My back arched off the bed, into his chest, and I gripped his bicep that was right next to my face. The sounds coming out of my mouth were even louder than before and it wasn't long before I was coming.

At the way I was clenching around him, I could feel he was coming as well. He moved in and out of me for a few seconds longer before he slowly pulled out of me. His arms could no longer carry his body weight, which made his body land on mine, a mix of sweat and my come between us but we both didn't care.

His soft fingers pushed my fringe from my forehead and he placed a kiss there. I smiled up at him and our breathing started to slow down again.

"You did so good for me baby." He mumbled softly and pressed a kiss on my lips. Then he placed his face in between my neck and shoulder and left another kiss there.

"Gonna clean you up and then you can sleep, okay?" Ashton asked and I nodded while smiling at him, my eyes still a little bit watery. He left the bed and went over to the bathroom. He soon came back with a wet towel and cleaned me up. When he had put the towel back in the bathroom, he came over again and went back into bed.

His arms were placed around my waist and I snuggled into his warm and strong chest. He brushed his fingers through my hair and I let out a content sigh. Soon enough I fell asleep to his steady heartbeat.

Thank you so much for reading this all the way through and also thank you for 500+ reads on this book! I know a lot of the one-shots in this aren't mine but I'm trying to find time to write more of my own. Please let me know if you have any requests and if you enjoyed it. xx

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