A Bet With The Devils

Par Pam-The-Lamb

2M 92.5K 48K

Highest-ranking in Humor; #1 "They all eventually end up falling" Alex adds and I smirk. "Not me" "Are you... Plus

Fuck Those Who Put Us Down - TW: Fatphobia
Chapter 1: Masks, Sex, and Pranks
Chapter 2: Making A Deal With Satan's Three Children
Chapter 3: If You Attack A Women's Pride All Hell Breaks Loose
Chapter 4: The Damsel In Distress Always Beats The Egotistical Grass Ass
Chapter 6: Late Night Adventures And The Destruction of Property
Chapter 7: Oh, My Bad, I Guess She's A Nice Bitch
Chapter 8: She Wanted My Big Oversized Log For Her Bonfire
Chapter 9: The Slut, The Grass Ass, And What The Hell Was That?
Chapter 10: An Intelligent Sexy Hot Piece of Meat, For Me? Yes Please!
Chapter 11: The Damsel In Distress Always Beats The Egotistical Grass Ass Part 2
Chapter 12: Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue, I Didn't Kiss Him, That's On You
Chapter 13: Ass Kicking, Pink Wearing, Parent Cussing Girlfriend
Chapter 14: In A Moment Of Distress Cover It Up With Your Girly Mess
Chapter 15: My Bad, I Didn't Mean To Kiss You There
Chapter 16: Damn You Heart, Why Can't You Just Choose Already?
Chapter 17: I Should Wax Away My Hair Legs To Forget My Problems Like Mick Does
Chapter 18: Boy, You Ain't Got Nothing On Gale
Chapter 19: I'll Make It Officially Official After I Kick Your Ass
Chapter 20: If Revenge Darkens My Heart, Then Call Me Rumpelstiltskin
Chapter 21: Oh My God Elliana, You Can't Just Ask People Why They Snort Cocaine
Chapter 22: Meow, Meow, Meow, More Like Shut Up You Egotistical Grass Ass
Chapter 23: You're Just As Dark And Twisty As Meredith Grey
Chapter 24: Bad Boy? More like Momma's Boy!
Chapter 25: If I Die Please Give All My Worthless Belongings To Marge Simpson
Chapter 26: It's True, Red Heads Have No Soul!
Chapter 27: I Have A Suprise For You. . . It's Poop!
Chapter 28: If There Was Someone Selling Drugs In​ This Place, Weed Know
Chapter 29:Dear, Life When I asked If My Day Could Get Worse, I Was Being. . .
Chapter 30: Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue, I Wanna Punch You In The Face. Oops
Chapter 31: Take Notes Boys Gale Is Back In Lady Town
Chapter 32: I Dont Want To Say I Told You So, Just Kidding, I Told You So!
Chapter 33: One Punch In the Face Definitely Keeps The Red Head Away
Chapter 34: I Was Beat Up By A Gang Of Evil Dwarfs While Hanging On For Food
Chapter 35: He Likes Perveted Men Who Visit DirtyGirls.Com
Chapter 36: Elliana Sat On A Wall, Elliana Had A Great Fall, All . . .
Chapter 37: Oh, You're Sorry? I'm Sorry Too, For Not Giving A Shit!
Chapter 38: And I Thought Dora Was The Only One Who Created Awkward Silences
Chapter 39: Snow White Has The Look Of A Princess, But The Attitude Of A Bad Ass
Chapter 40: Don't Hate The Player Bitches, Hate The Game
Epilogue: Goodbye Egotistical Grass asses From This Alien Looking Creature
Bonus: I'm Not Like A Regular President. I'm A Cool Bad Boy President

Chapter 5: Dillweed Goes Boom Boom

65.2K 3K 2K
Par Pam-The-Lamb

Feel free to point out any spelling, grammar, or spacing errors. I would really appreciate it and will fix them right away :)


Chapter 5: Dillweed Goes Boom Boom

"You suck," Josh laughs opening his mouth as wide as he can.

"It's not my fault you can't catch," I throw another Hershey kiss in his mouth making it in perfectly.

"Who sucks now?" I stick my tongue out at him.

Immature, I know, but honestly, who cares?

"You can any day, " he winks at me and I scrunch my nose disgusted.

Ew, stupid devil boy.

"Dumb dillweed," I roll my eyes and walk towards the fridge to see what I can eat for breakfast.

"Dillweed?" Josh laughs.

"We need to buy groceries," I frown as I see nothing good.

"Make us some eggs," Alex walks into the kitchen wearing nothing, but black sweats.

These guys are going to kill me from a heart attack.

"Don't yolk with me," I laugh while serving myself a coffee.

"That was so bad," Josh chuckles.

"It was cracking," I continue laughing as I put two pieces of bread in the toaster.

"Seriously stop," Alex pretends to be annoyed. "You're making my ears bleed."

"Oh, don't be such a chicken," I chuckle.

"What up with the terrible puns?" Vinny walks into the kitchen completely shirtless.

Hey, guess what?

I'm having freaking palpitations.

"Oh come on, you're poaching my best yolks," I grin.

"Elliana," Vinny says.


"Shut up."

"You guys are such rotten eggs," I laugh as my toast comes out.

I don't care if they don't think it's funny, I do.

"Food," Alex reaches for my toast and I smack his hand.

"My food," I growl biting my toast and sipping my coffee.

"But I'm starving," Alex frowns looking at my bread.

"That sounds like a personal problem to me," I drink my coffee.

"Where's that peeps kid?" Vinny asks intentionally mocking Pipper.

"It's Pipper you ass," I spit out, but he's right.

Where is Pipper?

He should be here by now.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to insult your boyfriend," Vinny rolls his eyes.

I simply glare at him before pulling my phone out and calling Pipper.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

"Hello this is Pipper, I'm probably just avoiding your call so don't bother with a message."

That's weird.

I'll walk to support group, I guess.

"I have to go," I chug my coffee.

"Where are you going?" Vincent asks. "School doesn't start until another hour and a half."

"Don't trip potato chip," I grab my bag and cell phone.

"Need a ride to school?" Josh asks and I shake my head.

"No dillweed," I smile.

I think I like that nickname for him.


"Elliana," the instructor smiles. "Now that you've established you're a regular we should formally meet." He extends his hand out towards me, "my name is Victor Steves."

"Hi Victor," I shake his hand.

"So," he takes a seat on the chair next to mine.

So I arrived ten minutes early to support group and I'm kind of regretting it. Pipper told me that Mick says that when Victor catches you alone, you have the personal talk.

I don't want the personal talk.

"Let's talk," he smiles. "Tell me what you like doing for fun."

"I use to do mix martial arts," I tell him. "I also liked taking pictures and painting."

"Why did you stop doing those things?" He asks.

"My sister died," I say as if it's the most obvious answer. "I got really sad and then my parents tossed me in a plane."

"You can't stop living your life just because she did," he says shaking his head. "You need to continue doing what makes you happy."

What makes me happy.

What makes me happy?

For the first time in my life, I've been given the choice to do what I want. To do what makes me happy.

I love my sister to death, but I always did what made her happy. My parents always made us do what made her happy.

Now that she's gone I don't know how to live my life. I don't know what makes me happy anymore because she was what made me happy.

Maybe the things we did didn't make me happy, but doing them with her did.

"I don't know what makes me happy," I frown looking towards the ground. "Lilo made me happy, but she's gone now and I'm lost. "

"That's fine," he places his hand on mine. "Sometimes when someone we love leaves us we feel confused. The first step is figuring out that we need to find our way again."

My parents never gave me that choice. To figure out my own way.

"Thank you," I smile. "For talking with me. I think I know what I need to do."

I need to figure out my own way.


"Hey," a voice calls after me as I make my way towards school.

I turn around and see Mick, the alcoholic from the group, running towards me. He's a tall robust guy, with large broad shoulders, short black hair, and small brown eyes.

"Hey Mick," I stop walking and wait for him. "What's up?"

"Where's Pipper?" He asks and I shake my head.

"No clue," I state.

"I'll walk with you," he smiles and I nod as we continue making our way towards school.

"How do you know Pipper?" I ask.

"We use to party together," he chuckles nervously. "I'm actually kind of worried for him."



"Last night I saw him with this guy Bratt," he explains.

"Wait," I interrupt him. "The guy with the intimidating tatted sleeves who's a big jerk face? That Bratt?"

"I don't know another," he laughs.

"Vincent choked him the other day," I smirk "after I kicked his knee."

"What," he smiles surprised. "I would have paid to see that."

"It wasn't as fun as it sounds," I shake my head at the memory.

"So you're the one living with three dickwabs," he says.

I thought only I made weird insulting names.

"Dickwabs?" I laugh.

"Yeah," he shrugs. "Dick plus wabs making dickwabs."

"What's a wab?" I ask laughing.

"No clue," he chuckles. "It sounds nasty so I just added the dick to it."

"You're weird," I smile. " I like that."


I walk into my first-period history class and look around the room hoping to spot Pipper.

What Mick said really worried me. Why would he be with Bratt? What if he's doing drugs again? I hope not because last time he did drugs he almost overdosed.

Crap, no Pipper.

"Elliana," Taylor smiles and I go to my seat behind her. "Where's Pipper? "

"I don't know," I sigh as I spot Vanessa and Vincent standing outside the class. She sends him an air kiss before walking away and he walks into class, a big fat ugly smirk on his face.


"Okay everyone," Ms. Edward smiles. "We're going to have the partner project due in a month, but start working on it now and choose your partners wisely."

"Kitten," I hear someone call out and I recognize the nickname.

Meh, Vincent.

"Take notes," Ms. Edwards orders and I take out my notebook ignoring Vincent.

"Kitten," I hear him call out, but I take a deep breath and ignore him.

"Now the great depression was caused by all kinds of reasons." Ms. Edwards speaks. "Two reasons can be the stock market crash and the dust bowl."

"Kitten," he tries louder.

"Vincent is calling you," Taylor turns around.

"I'm ignoring him," I tell her. "We have a test in two days and I'm not failing cause of him. I need to take notes."

"Ms. Gold," Edwards frowns. "Please turn around and pay attention unless you want to fail this class. Same goes for you, Ms. Bair."

"Yes Miss," Taylor rolls her eyes before turning around and I simply nod.

"As I was saying," Ms. Edwards shoots us an icy glare. I quickly return to writing down everything that comes out of her mouth before I feel a piece of paper hit the side of my head.

"Kitten," I hear him whisper and I roll my eyes. "Read the paper."

I turn to give him a cold stare before grabbing the crushed paper and opening it.


Does he want to be my partner?

Hell, no. I'm not trusting him with my grade and I'm not doing it all alone.

"No," I mouth at him turning back around.

"Kitten," another piece of paper hits my head, but I refuse to look over at him.

Ignore him Elliana.

"Kitten," another piece of paper hits my head.

Breath and ignore Elliana.

"Kitten," three consecutive papers hit my head causing me to turn around and glare at him.

I lean down and grab one of the crushed pieces of papers before throwing it at him hitting him straight in the forehead which makes me crack up laughing.

That'll teach him.

"MS. BAIR," Ms. Edwards shouts making me jump in my seat. "Collect your little love notes and get out of my class."

"But-" I'm about to argue.

"GET OUT," she points at the door and the entire class burst out laughing. Determined to no longer be embarrassed I grab my things and pieces of paper before making my way towards the door.

"I'll give you my number later," Vinny winks at me talking loudly. "You did beg for it after all."

The class once again laughs.

Stupid, dickwab.

"Mr. Halls," Edward frowns. "Grab your things and leave."

"Sure thing Edwards," he stands up. "Ellie and I can do something much more useful outside."

The class giggles and I can see Ms. Edwards turn red.

What a pig!

"Right," I nod determined to get revenge. "We can sit outside and talk about the fact that you're still not ready to come out the closet."

"BOTH OF YOU OUT," Ms. Edwards practically screams as the class roars in laughter and I can see Vincent sending me a deadly glare.

"Come on Vin," I smile opening the door. "Wait I forgot you're not ready to be called that yet."

The class dies in laughter as Vincent storms out the class. Before I walk out I spot Taylor sending me two big thumbs up.


"Hello this is Pipper, I'm probably just avoiding your call so don't bother with a message."

Damn it Pipper.

Answer your phone.

"Are you still trying to get your boyfriend to answer the phone? " Josh asks taking a seat next to me on the couch.

"He's not my boyfriend," I shove my phone in my pocket.

"Well he's trouble," Josh states and I roll my eyes.

"Everyone living in this house is trouble," I say.

"You seem to like trouble then," I hear Alex say and I know he's walking down the stairs.

"Not particularly," I answer annoyed.

Where the hell is Pipper?

He wasn't at school all day.

"You like me," he smirks standing directly in front of me. He's wearing a casual white v-neck with some jeans and no shoes. "I mean who wouldn't, I'm hot."

For some reason, he looks so cozy that I want to hug him, but then I remember he's too full of himself.

"Stop calling yourself hot," I roll my eyes. "The only thing you turn on is a microwave."

"Boom," Josh laughs putting his hand up for me to high five and I do.

"At least I turn something on," Alex rolls his eyes.

"How long did it take to come with that one?" Josh chuckles.

"Boom," I put my hand up for him to high five and he does, only causing Alex to roll his eyes again.

"Keep rolling your eyes maybe you'll find a brain," I smirk.

"BOOM," we yell simultaneously before giving each other a loud high-five.

"You guys are losers," Vinny shakes his head coming out of the kitchen.

"I heard you're gay Vin," Alex laughs and I can see Vincent glare at me.

"Trust me, I'm straighter than the pole your mom dances on," Vinny smirks.

"BBBOOOOOMMM," All three of us yell before giving each other multiple high fives.

"You guys suck," Alex frowns throwing himself on the couch.

"We should go to the beach," Josh says out of the blue. "Like this weekend or something."

"The beach," I smile. "That actually sounds like fun."

"I'm in," Vinny nods.

"Sure," Alex says pretending to still be mad.

Drama queen.

"Then it's a plan," Josh smiles. "Beach trip this weekend."


A/N: Hi everyone:) I'll update soon, hope you liked it.

QOTC: Favorite Ship......so far?

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Love, Pam

June 26, 2016

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