Shadows in The Dark

By Mellaina

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Jaci Garcia just wants to be normal. Have a normal family, friends, and day to day routine but all that's kin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27

Chapter 26

118 1 0
By Mellaina

 Weeeell it's the 2nd to last chapter readers so enjoy and expect the last chapter today. *tears up* i loved writing this last year and i'm glad i completed it even though it took me a freakin year!! O.o but hey i've come a long way in my writing so i guess it was worth all the procrastination XP. There will be a sequel but i haven't started writing it much, just the first 3 chapters. Probably won't upload that until i've got a name and more chapters written for it.

The video is dedicated to Jaci who finally got mad and stop being scared and just taking it. Good girl.

In Caleb's pantry I had just grabbed a hold of my favorite chip bag, Cheetos, when Olivia said, "I think it would be fun having little pups running around the house."

"And it would also be fun if I didn't come home to a drunk sister," Caleb said bitterly.

"Cabbie then it wouldn't be home," she said sincerely. Peeking around the door I saw Olivia's hand on his shoulder and staring back at her own brother with emptiness in her eyes. I direct their attention to me as I draw in a sharp breath.

Putting their bickering aside I sensed an evil in the air that worried me. There was a loud squawking noise at the kitchen window above the sink. I slowly turned to face what I already knew was a bird. It was a white owl with its face pressed to the glass, glaring with yellow eyes. Without thinking I screamed and backed myself to the other side of the kitchen.

The sight of the owl triggered so many memories I didn't know I had. On the night my uncle died there was a white owl perched on the tree outside my bedroom window. The night our house went up in flames a white owl soared through the clear full moon night. The night at the hospital when I watched the news the owl was behind the dumpster in the ally way where the dead girls where found. During my uncle's business party the guest had complained about an owl disturbance.

Olivia was shooing the owl away and Caleb went to my side instantly. I slid down to the floor ranting, "White owls mean death. The signs were all there. Why didn't I notice earlier?"

"Do you have a wicked fear of birds or something kid," Olivia laughed but stopped when she turned to look at me. "What's wrong?"

I say frantically, "Something is going to happen. Something bad. The owl never came to me directly. Something's going to happen to me. Oh my god Caleb he's coming for me."

Caleb and Olivia were on there feet at once sniffing at the air. Olivia's was alert and stiff as she stalked out the kitchen. With no difficulty Caleb pulled me to my feet and out the kitchen as well. I put a lid on my fears and started thinking more on survival. He is here, I can sense his presence.

I silently take out my phone and dial Stephanie's number. The click on the line told me she had answered and I sucked in my breath. There was a low deadly hiss before the line went dead. Stephanie never talked when she answered the phone, but only waited for the code. When I had the sleepover party Stephanie had made a code for me that meant I was in danger, which was sucking in air. It might have seemed stupid at the time but now I was happy we had one. Help would arrive soon, but I didn't think we had enough time for them to arrive.

Caleb's parents had eased their way downstairs with stilt like motion. I was again thankful for them being here.

The front door burst open and werewolves ran in on their hind legs. What the hell? What ever happened to wolves only being able to walk on all fours? Caleb's parents and sister were already in their wolves form and lounging at the intruders.

Caleb stayed in human form and pulled out a gun. When did he get that? Holding me close he fired at every wolf that got near. The ones that got shot at least eight times fell dead on the floor covered in their own blood. Soon Caleb ran out of bullets and while he hurried to reload the wounded ones advanced. Throwing up my hands a blast of witch fire exploded from my fingertips and burned them alive. But one persistent wolf got through and threw Caleb across the room near a gang of vicious werewolves.

I screamed his name. The wolf in front of me clawed at my arm drawing blood. I winced in pain as blood flowed down my arm. I didn't know how to fight a wolf and my witch fire was my only weapon, but for how long I thought as I blasted him.

Running back to the kitchen I grabbed the biggest steel knife I could find. I was followed by two big and hairy monsters. I whirled to meet them and charged with all I had. They moved out my way and I toppled over. They ripped my soft flesh with swift movements. I stabbed my knife in ones eye with my good hand and watched warily as it wailed in pain. My thought process wavered as my head slumped on the floor. The other wolf tore at my skin despite my struggles that knocked him away a couple of times. I started laughing as I thought that my enemy wouldn't be the one to kill me like he wanted. Accepting that I stood no chance against this beast on top of me I shut my eyes welcoming death.

Then the wolf's crushing weight was off of me and so were it's claws. The sound of flesh tearing echoed in my ear along with violent howls from the other room. My eyes fluttered open at the sound of Gage's horrified voice.

"You're not dying on me Jaci. Hang in there for me it'll all be over soon." Half his face is covered in blood, but it's not his thankfully.

The two wolves that cornered me are beheaded, relieve washes over me. I'm in pain all over and soaked in my own blood. "How bad am I," I say faintly.

"I'm pretty sure you can't feel your left arm from the way it looks right know, some needed stitches, but nothing to serious. You're not as bad as you could be." He remains still for a few minutes, making me worry.


"All the wolves in the house are dead. The ring leader is in the front yard with his two minions," he growled.

I had enough strength to move my limps now. I put my shaky hand on his hand. "Take me to him," I said with an unearthly calm.

I had to try and end this or at least find out why he hated me so much. I didn't know what Gage saw in my eyes but he nodded and gentle lifted me to my feet. I held onto him to steady myself because I had not gotten the strength in my legs back. The pain was killing me with every step I took. My vision was blurry, I was off balance, and it felt like my skull was cracked open.

Coming into the living room I saw the massacre, blood and guts everywhere. Alan didn't look like his logical self as he frantically looked over his girlfriend. Stephanie disregarded him while she sipped heavily at the bottle in her hands that I knew was blood. The twins were dressing each others wounds and talking to one another. Marcus stood in the center of the room covered in thick blood as he looked down at the bloody mess. Aaliyah was on her phone talking rapidly and in different languages from where she sat on the stairs.

Todd was smirking in triumph at me when we enter the room. Tiffany sighed in relief that I was alive and not too damaged. Caleb's parents were growling as they glared out the broken window at my enemy. Olivia was coming from out of one of the back rooms drowning her sorrows in liquor. 

Everyone was preparing in their own way to fight the beast outside. Caleb was by my side at once. Gage relinquished his hold on me and backed a few feet away.

"I'm so glad your okay, for the most part. I don't know what I'd do if... we're going to take this guy done once and for all." He hugged me close, triggering something in me. I started to heal remarkable quick and restored my energy. I saw a light blue glow form around us, surprising us. Maybe it was a mate thing that I could heal, but deep in the depths of my mind I knew better than that. It was the power within me. I was truly the most powerful witch ever born.

Holding my head up high I spoke with authority, "It's time to finish this." I stride forward with my friends following me.

For the first time I see his true identity. He is tall, build like a warrior with his bulging muscles and faint scars on various parts of his body. On his pale face the biggest scar of them all is there stretching through his left eye. Who was the one to do that, I wonder.

He bows, his dark brown mane falling over his shoulder in the process. "Princess so wonderful it is to be in your presence once again."

"Pardon me if the feeling isn't returned," I say bitterly.

His attention shifts when he speaks again, "Carmella. Chase. It is a pleasure to see you two once again. Here to witness my words coming true are you?"

"I'm afraid not old friend. Your obsession with the Princess ends tonight," Mr. Perez says.

"We all thought you were mad and your feeble plans wouldn't be carried out, but we were all wrong. Mia and Noah are proof of that." Mrs. Perez says regretfully.

My parents?! What does she mean by bringing them into this? Had he been the one to kill my parents on that dreadful night. I still couldn't recall the events that occurred. The anger in me boils over as I see a wicked smile stretch crosses his face. My open palms fly up, torched in magic. "To your knees you monster," I command.

His eyes widens in shock as his knees buckle to the ground. He growls, protesting.

I don't know how I'm able to make him succumb to my well but I liked the control I had over him. The power was all consuming and hell maybe even unlimited to a wide spectrum of what I could do with it.

The supermodel blonde on his lefts flies towards me with graceful speed. Without understanding why I call, "Gage!" He was already responding to the danger, springing forward and taking her down. I felt the connection now, the deep link between us. The one that I always felt every time I was near him. My eyes shifted to Caleb. The bond with him was different. Why? What is this bond?

Gage turned to me still crouching over the dead supermodel. Our eyes meet before he attacks the other werewolf on my enemy's right. Did he just understand what I wanted? That the other minion needed to be disposed of.

  I close the distance between me and my prisoner without effort. "You'll tell me all I want to know and I just might let you live," I say, my voice hard.

"Tell her everything Ian. She deserves that much for what you've done," Mrs. Perez barks.  

He laughs evilly. He turns his pointed gaze to Caleb, Gage, and then back to me. Looking me squarely in the eye with evil in his eyes he says with joy, "You feel it now don't you Princess. That torturous union of the souls."

"What's he talking about Jaci," Isabella questions.

I bite my bottom lip in frustration. He knows what I want to know so desperately. I refuse to back down from his powerful gaze. Balling my hand into a fist I imagine that it is his insides doing the same. He gags on his blood seconds after that thought.

He struggles to grin. "My dear if I die you won't get your answers."

I ease up on my magic, allowing his internal bleeding to stop and his injuries heal. "I will have my friends rip you to shreds if I don't hear what I want to hear," I threaten.           

 "The one with the golden eyes if I might presume is your mate." I nod. "And that one," he nods his head towards Gage, "He too means something to you. He means to you what I was to Mia. I loved her more than any man on earth, but she betrayed me. She destroyed the connection when she chose her filthy soul mate over me, her guardian."

"Of course she'd choose her soul mate," I say.

"Why," he growl, "She felt a bond with me as well as him. She loved me as deeply as she loved him. She said we'd be together, that I was the one! But then tomorrow came and she was already pregnant with you. She said she had a duty to her people! I had come second in her life when it came to her people!"

A black tear rolled down his cheek. His hair fell in his face as his head dropped in sorrow. He looked so heartbroken that my anger wavered to sympathy for this lovesick man. Would this become of Gage or Caleb?

"I wanted her to suffer, to feel every once of my pain and more," he whispers darkly. His voice brought chills to my skin.

"So you killed her," I shouted.

"Yes, but it was too late. There went that plan of two birds' one stone. You lived on that night and I promised on your died mothers grave that you'd meet the same faith as her." He glared at me with hatred burning down to his soul.

I shrugged with my calm composure. I wanted to go into a ball and cry, retreat to the depths of my mind were nothing could hurt me. But I promised I wouldn't go back to my former self, so I had to stay strong. For the sake of my loved ones.

"Seems that your plan has failed yet again. I am still alive and well, Ian." I grasp at the little control over my emotions I have.

"Physically yes, but mentally no. You too, like your mother, will fall victim to loving two people. One day you will be torn between the two, guardian and mate." He laughs viciously. "What will come off you, I imagine."

My control snaps, pouring out all my anger, fear, and sorrow. My hands light with fire as I smash my fist into his skull. I revert to my five year old self, refusing to accept my parent's death. I hiss black spells at him, bringing death to him. I claw into his beautiful face, the face I'm sure my mother must have loved and adored once. How could my mother love her murderer? This horrid man!

"You took her from me! You stole everything from me, my memories and life. A part of me died that night!" I scrap at his scar, reopening the wound.

Caleb pulls me away. Ian's face is deformed now but it's quickly healing. He only laughs. Even as they take him away to his death.

His scar still bleeds though, showering the left side of his face in dark red liquid.

"I'll be seeing you Princess," he snarls with the hint of a smile on his face.

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