
By -captivate

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k a s p e r
j u n i p e r
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c l a r k
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c o s i m i a
c o s i m i a
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c l a r k
z a n d er
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m i n a

15 3 3
By -captivate

dear whatever your fucking name is,
the fact you could hurt this beautiful, beautiful boy breaks my heart, because he is the most loving, amazing man I have ever met, and the fact you could cheat on him is so mind- boggling because a) he is a king in bed and b) when this boy loves, he loves with his entire heart and do you know what you lost the best boy that ever walked into your life now and now he's mine, and I'm never giving him back, because he's made me fall so head over heels for him and there's no one I want apart from him, he is mine and I am his and you're a fucking whore that doesn't know something good when she sees it because Avalon is the best thing to walk into anybody's life and I probably suck dick better than you. Bye.

; mina
dedication; avalon

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