The Other Guy (BoyxBoy) ✔️

By geekiechicforall13

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"I walked over to where Aaron was sitting on the ground, kneeling so that I was face-to-face with him. He was... More

Chapter 1: Let's Make A Plan
Chapter 2: My New Ride
Chapter 3: Why Can't I Live Here?
Chapter 4: Fried Chicken
Chapter 5: Meet The Family
Chapter 6: What Thing?
Chapter 7: Let's Go Out To Dearhurst
Chapter 8: Time To Check In
Chapter 9: *Gasp*
Chapter 10: Ethan's POV
Chapter 11: Let's Give Him A Show
Chapter 12: The Worst Game Ever Made
Chapter 13: Recap
Chapter 15: Mess Everything Up!
Chapter 16: Party!!
Chapter 17: Déjà vu
Chapter 18: B-e-a-uuutiful~
Chapter 19: This Is The End

Chapter 14: New Friends

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By geekiechicforall13

💪Aaron's POV💪

After talking to Chris I felt a lot more open with him and was happy to find out that he was not homophobic.

Though I still don't know why he acted the way that he did when Ethan told everyone about his dream.

Oh well, I guess I will ask him later.

That morning we had breakfast with Aidan's parents again but this time instead of eggs and bologna we were greeted with pancakes sausages and smoothies.

Let's just say that Mrs. Moore's cooking is on point!
That day we explored the grounds of the resort and ended up at a Beach!

Though we planned on swimming at first, a group of people invited us to play volleyball.

We all ended up playing except for Aiden's parents Jasmine and Mason.

After talking to him a bit during the trip I have come to the conclusion that Mason isn't your active kind of guy so I was not surprised when he said no.

The game started and we were divided into two teams of seven.

Ethan, Meaghan, Rachel, Scarlett, and I were on a team with Ryan and Rose (Two of the people who invited us).

While Aiden, Chris, Courtney, Mark, were on a team with Amanda, Jake, and Christina. (The other three people).

I was the middle blocker and Ryan-the lucky bastard-was right setter which means he was right in front of Aiden.

And why is that so bad?

Well at the moment Aiden jumping around on sand glistening with sweat while his shirt was constantly popping over his bellybutton-and occasionally over his chest-showing off his wonderful abs and slightly developed chest.

Honestly, I don't know how no one noticed my hard on but I guess all those times in class when I was looking at him too much made it so I knew how to hide it better.

But not only did he get a front view of all of Aiden's hotness but Aiden wouldn't take his eyes off of him.

OK sure he might just be doing that to play the game but it was obvious that he was drooling.

And I can't stand that.

By the end of the game, Aiden and his team won 20 - 14.

I am pretty sure I was sulking by now but I am never going to admit it.

"Well, I guess you guys played pretty well." Rose said as we sat down talking about the game we just played.

"Hey! They only won because Jake and Amanda were on their team." I countered.

Ethan and Meaghan nodded their heads in agreement while Scarlett and Rachel just shook theirs.

"Aaron, you're only saying that because you lost to your brother and Aiden." Scarlett scolded.

I scoffed.

"No, I'm not."

I am not the best actor so everyone saw through my attempt.

"Wait, why would he be embarrassed to lose to me?" Aiden asked.

"Well actually...." Meaghan started but stopped when she saw the look on my and Scarlett's faces.

"Never mind." She quickly said.

"Anyway, we're having a mini barbeque in our room tonight. Would you and your family like to come?" Kevin asked obviously referring to Aiden's parents.

"I'll go ask them." Aiden said quickly as he got up to run towards the table His parents were still sitting at since they didn't want to join our conversation.

"Hey, do you guys know if Aiden is gay or not?" Kevin asked once Aiden was out of earshot.

"What?" Mason asked surprised.

"You know, if he likes d-"

"We get it!" Christina yelled silencing Kevin before he said something inappropriate.

"I don't know. Do you?" Scarlett asked looking around between our group of friends for answers.

Meaghan and Ethan didn't say anything even though they were his closes friends and Mason looked like he was thinking hard.

"I-I honestly don't know but if he was gay," he paused to look in Mark's direction. "You might want to ask him privately since he didn't come out to us." Mason finished.

Mason is really smart but he has made it so obvious that I really want to just help him now.

"My parents said yes!" Aiden yelled when he came back.

"What's wrong?" He asked once he noticed the tension that was polluting the air.

"Nothing really, can I talk to you for a minute?" Jake asks Aiden.

"Sure." He says not noticing the fact that I am showing my newfound death glare off to Jake.

They walk away together and I struggle to not think about them as Ryan starts talking.

"We are staying over there," He points to an area farther away that is still apart of the resort. "Our room number is 174, Be there at Five." He tells us.

I soon see Aiden running back over to us and I take that as our cue to leave.

"Well," I grunt as I get up. "We'll see you guys later, Bye."

I motion with my head that we leave and other then a few confused glances everyone gets up and says their goodbyes before following quickly.

Aiden sees us heading back and he changes his direction from where we were sitting to us as he waves goodbye to our newfound friends.

I hope this "party" doesn't come to bite me in the ass.



I don't really have anything to say so I just won't.

Shocking, I know.

BTW: I had to come back here years after I wrote this Chapter because I made a dumb mistake. "Jake" used to have the same name as a very important character in the next book, despite them being two very different people. I have come back to fix this and the next Chapter and apologize.

Happy reading!


Vote, Comment, Share, Follow, and anything else you can do with this story and I will see you next Chapter. bye!!!👋👋👋👋

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