Days of the Dead

By susamarie95

289 5 1

Micah and her brother Chase are two Survivors of the newly started zombie apocalypse. More

Days of the Dead
Chapter 1: The coming
Chapter Two: Starting Off
Chapter 3: Pedal to the Metal

Chapter 4

46 0 0
By susamarie95

The car hadn't even been on the road for thirty minutes when Bekah asked for Chase to come sit back with her. I rolled my eyes, the irritation slowly building in me.

"We're only about ten minutes away from town, we can stop then when its safer." 

I heard a deep, over dramatic sigh drop from her mouth, before she smacked her lips. It was something I had never dealt with greatly, I hated the smacking of lips, when people had something else to say. Still I shut my mouth not letting anything come out just yet, but that didn't stop her.

"But, I need my Chase back here..." She pouted, causing an even greater annoyance. I ignored her. She still felt the need to open her mouth.

"You don't know that things are better in town. For all you know it would be safer for us to stop now then get into town and become food for cannibals, or worse infected." The tone in her voice just kept the tension building inside me. I stopped the truck, not unlocking the doors, just shooting my head back around and flashing her a dirty look. I could see Chase from the corner of my eye, giving me a 'What the heck are you doing' look.

"Can you please just  shut up for the next five minutes? If you think its so much safer outside on these back roads in the middle of no where, then by all means be my guest to walk the rest of the way!" I felt Chase's get a grip on my arm.

"Micah, come on calm down." He whispered. I shrugged his hand off of me, and unlocked the door.

"Get out." I said in a low tone, the truck remaining silently.

"What? Chase she's not serious right?" Bekah gave him a pout in her voice, reaching her hand over the passenger seat, placing it on to Chase's shoulder. I watched as Chase placed his hand around her's, looking over to me.

"Oh, yes I'm nothing but serious, I don't need your annoying,fake butt, trying to pout her way with my brother, expescially when where now in a life or death situation." I was being to feel a sense of pride for myself, putting out things I'd always wanted to say to her. I looked around to find a look I wish I could have taken a picture of. Bekah's, make up'd pretty face, had her jaw just dangling open, her brown eyes wide. 

"CHASE!" She yelled out, pushing his arm a bit. " Do something!" I turned around and couldn't help but smile, holding in a whole lot of laughter. 

Chase gave a annoyed look to me, "Micah, come on now..."  He pulled the door handled, allowing himself out of the truck and opening the back door. 

"Scoot." Was all he said, Bekah looking up at me giving me a look as if to say, 'I won.'

I shook my head a bit, and locked the doors back up before starting back on the road. 

It was only moments later that, I became more annoyed with sounds of sloppy kissing, coming from the back seat. 

"Really? Really you guys? What ever..." I took one hand off the wheel, turning the radio station on. This clued me in on a few things. One, most of the stations, where still in check, which gave me the impression, at least the major cities or towns, where still unaffected for the moment. Two, I had access to hearing the news. I widdled around with my options before zoning into a local news broadcast.

"BREAKING NEWS, just in, reports of violent attacks, and murders, have been confirmed by law enforcment in the fallowing counties,WESTMORE, SOUTH BARNE, FENDLE, ALESON, REINFIELD, MOORE, ASHE, CRADLE,LAUREN, and DENSON. STAY TUNED TO BE INFORMED." Commercials, started to play as I waited to "be informed."

The kissing stopped in the back and I could tell the two where waiting to hear what's going on. 

I looked  in me rearveiw mirro, getting a glimpse of Chase, in all seriousness, sitting straight up, Bekah clung onto him, in her own overdramtic way.

I never understood, what he'd seen in her when they first got together. They seemed so very opposite. I figured most of it had to do with him being of the football team, with her being a cheerlearder, she got more perks. Still, Chase was never one to stray around the popular crowd. Many times, he had turned down the big parties, and he never wore, or got the high end expensive things like most of the people in that category, Chase was simply his own person. It made me so mad to see Bekah take advantage of him the way she has, and the way she does. How I saw it the quicker we could get her away the better. 

"NOW BACK, TO BREA,KING NEWS, Reports, just keep filing in and the counties involve keep coming. There has been a rumored out break, from a local biological warfare plant, causeing these 'infected humans' to go into fits of rage for the blood and flesh of others. FOR NOW, signs of this include: DIALTED PUPILS, ANGER FITS, CONVULSIONS, INCREASE IN HEART RATE,  PALE CLAMY SKIN, A CERTIN STENCH ABOUT THEM SIMILAR TO DECAY. That is all we have recieved at this time, we have scientist and other reporters standing by at this time to confirm these alleged, rumors. Thank you.

The truck was silent, I could tell, Chase was thinking of what to do, Bekkah, sat in fear, waiting.

"We can still head into town, Chase, they didn't say anything about Emden County." I slowed the driving, passing a mile marker. We had less then two miles before entering town.

"I know, but a few of the counties they named are closer than you think. Deson is only twenty miles away, and Lauren fifteen. " 

I bit my lip thinking hard of what we could do. "Let's make it quick, go in, get what we need, roll out and move to the next place." 

I heard the familar lip smack before the annoying voice. "Chasey, how can we trust her?"

'Oh no she just didn't' popped into my head, my gripped on the wheel grew intense, before i slammed the break pedal dow, jerking everyone forward abit. 

I looked in the mirror, Chase pushed her off his shoulder. "Bekah! She's my sister, get over it. Of course I trust her." He took a pause. "Go ahead, Micah, keep driving forward, we're all ready practically there anyway."

I sat up in my seat, ' I won this one.' I smiled thinking to myself, as we passed a sign reading, "Welcome to Down Town Taylor."

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