Gaze (✔)

By LaurenYork

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Clara has been hunting werewolves for years. She has trained, fought, and killed for her beliefs. She's ruthl... More

Chapter One: Forsaken
Chapter Two: Caught
Chapter Three: Preconceived Notions
Chapter Four: The Unfamiliar
Chapter Five: Apostasy
Chapter Six: Comrades
Chapter Seven: Thrown to the Wolves
Chapter Eight: Brother in Blood
Chapter Ten: Outsider
Chapter Eleven: Candour
Chapter Twelve: Complacence
Chapter Thirteen: Bad Moon Rising
Chapter Fourteen: Family Ties
Chapter Fifteen: Fractures
Chapter Sixteen: Splinter Group
Chapter Seventeen: Schism
Chapter Eighteen: Implode
Chapter Nineteen: From the Ashes
Chapter Twenty: A Short Madness
Chapter Twenty-One: Absconders
Chapter Twenty-Two: All the Better to Eat You With
Chapter Twenty-Three: Miss Apprehension
Chapter Twenty-Four: Ring of Fire
Chapter Twenty-Five: Haven
Chapter Twenty-Six: Rupture
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Monster
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Nemo Malus Felix
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Home

Chapter Nine: Recognition

1K 37 3
By LaurenYork

Chapter Nine: Recognition

Clara was quiet for the next few days.

She hadn’t been allowed to stray much farther than the door of her hospital room – more thanks to Wyatt’s concern that her actual health. As she’d expected, she was healing quickly. After nearly a week of cold food and endless boredom, he deemed her well enough to be brought home. Her swift recovery puzzled him noticeably, but he didn’t voice his questions.

Dressed in a T-shirt and loose-fitting jeans that he had brought her, she sat in the passenger seat of the car, staring quietly out of the window as the town of Evansdale rushed past.

Her silence was all due to her brother’s departure. She felt like she had betrayed him. Wyatt also seemed to have few words, although he managed to make her smile. It was easy to forget that he was the reason her twin left her.

They arrived back at his house after nearly an hour of driving. Before she could step out of the car, he was at her side.

“You shouldn’t walk,” he said firmly. “Your leg’s still healing.” She rolled her eyes at him, taking a hesitant step. She held back a hiss of pain, unwilling to let him know how weak she currently was.

“I’m fine.” She told him. He didn’t believe her, and within seconds he had lifted her with ease into his arms. She let out a noise of surprise, feeling her cheeks heat up at their sudden closeness. She glanced away sharply, well aware that her side was pressed up against his warm chest.

After pushing the car door closed behind them with his foot, Wyatt set off towards the house, carrying her bridal-style. Once they were inside, she squirmed uncomfortably against him.

“You can put me down now.” She informed him quietly. He ignored her, like before, and continued walking until they reached the living room, where he gently placed her down on the sofa. She sank into the cushions, noticing that he lingered above her for a few extra seconds. He sat down beside her.

“I’m sorry about those wolves.” She blurted suddenly, hoping that his silence didn’t mean he was angry about it. She and her twin had killed at least four wolves that night. Of course, she didn’t regret it, but felt the guilt of causing him pain.

He looked at her sharply, a frown overtaking his features. Worry spread through her. So he was mad. “The ones that attacked you?” he sounded incredulous, shaking his head. “Don’t be. If they were still alive, I would kill them myself.” His tone was low and threatening, although she knew it wasn’t held towards her. His anger still surprised her – she hadn’t seen him like this before. But it didn’t scare her. In her nineteen years, she had faced a lot worse.

“How’s your pack taking it?” she asked tentatively, not wishing to anger him further.

He shrugged, the tension leaving his shoulders. “Howard and his friends weren’t exactly very popular. Everyone was just waiting for them to do something stupid.”

Her recollection of the night was still a little hazy, but she knew that one wolf had fled when Luke arrived. Her eyebrows narrowed with confusion. “One of them got away.” She told Wyatt. “What happened to him?”

Her mate’s expression darkened slightly, but he nodded. “Jack. His scent was all over the place, but we couldn’t find his body. I sent some men out after him, and they brought him back yesterday.”

“Did you…kill him?” she tried not to make it sound like a suggestion.

“No. I was going to, but then I got a call from the Evansdale hospital.” He said. “I’m informed about any ‘animal’ attacks within twenty miles of our land. It’s usually the rogues that attack people.”

She recognised the term – Luke had told her all about the rogue werewolves. They were wolves who didn’t belong to a pack and were hostile towards them. Although, she hadn’t really needed to differentiate between the types of wolves in the past. They had all been her enemies.

“So where is he now?”

“Locked up, until I have the time to kill him.”

Her eyes widened at his casual words. Without thinking, she said, “Don’t.”

He looked confused, but she didn’t fail to notice his clenched fist. “Why the hell not? He nearly killed you!”

She scooted closer to him, intent on her goal. “And how many wolves have I killed? I was his enemy, of course he would just stand by and do nothing. I would have done the same thing in his position.”

“That doesn’t make it right.” Wyatt said firmly. “He knew the risk he was taking, and did it anyway. It’s what he deserves.”

With a sigh, Clara dropped the topic, planning to bring it up again when he was in a better mood. She didn’t know why she wanted to save this werewolf’s life, but knew that all he had done was fight his enemy.

Wyatt was quick to change the subject. “Another Alpha is coming over later.” He murmured. “His name is Duncan. He’s passing through, so him and his wife will spend the night and leave in the morning.”

She grumbled something unintelligible in response, not eager for guests. She was hoping for some peace and quiet, time to heal from the pain of her wounds and Luke’s departure.

“If you don’t want them here, they can stay somewhere else.” Wyatt quickly supplied, giving her a hopeful look.

She raised an eyebrow, “You sound eager to send them away.” She remarked. He shrugged, giving her a sheepish grin.

“I don’t want to them to bother you.” He admitted.

Clara rolled her eyes. “Let them stay, Wyatt.” She said. “It’s only one night.”

“I’m glad you decided that,” a new voice joined in, and she turned to see Dylan waltz in with a carefree smile. “Because they’ll be here in a few minutes.” He folded his arms, shooting Clara a serious look.

“Are you okay?” he asked, eying the bandages around her arms. She rubbed them instinctively.

“Fine.” She smiled wryly. “It’s just a scratch.”

He nodded. “Good.” With wide eyes, he corrected: “I mean, no, not good! What happened was absolutely terrible, but it’s good that you’re alright, and -”

She silenced him with a look, to which he scratched his head awkwardly. “I’d better clean the house for Alpha Duncan.” She very much doubted that he would do anything of the sort, but laughed lightly when he turned and strode out of the room.

She glanced back at Wyatt, who was also smiling. “I’m glad you’re okay.” He said quietly, leaning closer and intertwining their fingers.

“Me too.” She said with a grin, noticing that they were only a few inches apart. In that moment, she wanted to kiss him. She wanted him to know how she felt, even if she wasn’t yet sure herself. But something held her back. A sense of trepidation crept through her mind, ad she couldn’t shake the feeling that their bad luck wasn’t over yet.

Wyatt made the decision for her, suddenly moving closer until his lips were against hers, warm and soft, and –

The doorbell rang through the room, making her jump in shock. She pulled away quickly, her cheeks burning. He was silent for a moment, seeming to not believe what he’d just done.

“That’ll be Alpha Duncan.” He said quickly, rising to his feet. Without request from Clara, he lifted her effortlessly up into his arms, provoking a sound of surprise. She was silent as he hurried back towards the front door, placing her down on her feet – or rather, one foot – beside him at the door. Dylan was quick to follow, standing behind them in the narrow corridor.

Wyatt swung open the door, a friendly smile on his face, and revealed the middle-aged couple. The man, whom she assumed to be Alpha Duncan, was tall and large, with a rigid, square jaw contrasting his kind eyes. The streaks of grey through his dark hair and the ghosts of wrinkles hinted at his age. She didn’t recognise him, to her relief, meaning she had probably never hunted in his pack. One less problem, she supposed.

Her eyes flitted next to the frail woman by his side, and she froze. She recognised the pale, delicate woman, remembered all the times she had stared into her stern green eyes. Age had taken its toll on her, and wrinkles were evident on her face despite the powder she had tried to cover them with. Her short, blonde hair, not too different from Clara’s, was pulled up into a perfect bun, akin to her immaculate clothing.

She paid little attention to this, instead trying to calm the frenzy that had erupted in her mind. This was the woman she had hoped to never see again. The one she had once wished to kill for what she had done.

The woman standing before Clara, was her mother.



I kind of wrote the second half of this chapter in a rush, so sorry if it feels a bit too fast. Well, anyway, I hope you liked it! Please let me know what you think, I love reading your comments :)

The next chapter will have more flashbacks = more of the mystery revealed! ;)

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