
By dollarcents

47K 1.6K 552

"Mi fai innamorare di te..." His warm breath danced on my skin. "Make me fall in love with you." He whispered... More

1. Che Cazzo Hai Detto ♛
2. Portafoglio ♛
4. Offeso♛
5. Disastro♛
6. Pazzo ♛

3. La Merda Succede ♛

5.8K 280 106
By dollarcents

I typed into the keypad that opened the gate to my neighborhood. Tucked inside my pocket was Vince's wallet and that was all I could pay attention to.

The gate opened and I sped through, arriving to my house quickly, and then opening the garage and quickly parking there.

Pushing open the door to my house, I could see that the lights were on, signaling that my mother was wide awake and waiting. I groaned already knowing that there would be a lecture coming my way.

I didn't bother tip-toeing in nor pretending I wasn't out until three in the morning. I just walked in like every other time with the facts laid out in front of me. It wasn't as though I could hide it.

I could see my mother walking towards me as soon as I pushed past the door. "Sasha Lamont! Where the hell have you been?"

"I was on campus grounds." The lie rolled off my tongue easily. I pushed the wallet further down my pocket, trying to hide it yet it still managed to stick out.

"Until 3 in the morning? Are you out of your mind?" She pushed me towards the living room. "Sash, we have an interview tomorrow! Did you forget already?"

Why ask a question when you already know the answer?

"What interview?" I walked past her and made my way towards the kitchen. Off the counter, I grabbed a red apple and hopped onto the island. My mother scurried behind my trail the whole time. "Want an apple?" I questioned, extending my arm with fruit in hand.

She ignored me and continued, "The one where the magazine comes and interviews us here! Sasha you promised me!"

I took a bite of my apple and responded with a full mouth. "Mom what am I even going to tell them?"

"First, don't talk with your mouth full." My mother playfully slapped my hand. "And second, you don't have to say anything. Just sit, look pretty, and pretend that our life is going perfect."

She wanted me to pretend that her divorce with my father hadn't fucked our life up. No biggie. It wasn't like his slut was out calling TMZ to give fake rumours about my mother or anything. I had vowed the day that the hoe stepped onto our property that I was going to make her life a living hell.

"Got it." I took a juicy bite out of my apple and munched at the great taste.

"I also wanted you to come home early because your brother is here!"

I quickly gulped the large piece of apple without fully chewing it. "What?" My voice croaked and my eyes widened.

"He's sleeping since his flight was so long."

"I have a brother?" I asked.

"Don't act that way Sash. I know he may have..." she rubbed her hands unsteadily. "Made some wrong decisions in his life but he is still your brother."

"Did the bitch come?"

My mother's eyes slanted at me at the curse word, but I shrugged it off. "What? She's a bitch and it's a universally-known fact."

"Treat her with some respect." She looked towards the stairs as if someone was there. "You can be a bit too harsh at times Sasha."

"Mother, not to sound rude or anything but if I don't treat my own brother nor father with respect what makes you think I'll respect Nevaeh?"

I took another bite of my crimson red apple. "She's satan herself. Her name spells heaven backwards. I think that's proof enough."

I could see the ends of her lips turning upwards. My mother did not like Nev at all.

"Hush you." She pat me on the back now fully smiling. I smiled back at her and hopped off the island. I went to throw my apple in the trash.

"Just...please be nice Sasha. This interview means a lot to me."

"Can't promise but I'll try."

"How about you promise just for the interview?"

"I'll try." I wasn't going to promise on something I couldn't commit to.

"Love you sweetie. I'm going to get some rest. You should too." She gave me a kiss on my cheek and walked away.

"Love you too mom." I replied.


The next morning was a bliss. I greeted my mother and brother (by force), then managed to ignore the hoe. I woke up late in order to not see them for most of the day. My mother woke me two hours before the interview and a few makeup artists drew upon our faces making me feel like a fucking clown threw up on me and smashed a cake straight up my face.

It was as though my face couldn't even breathe.

Nev was pretty much out of my way but it wasn't until the interview crew had come that she began getting on my nerves. I mean, her presence itself was annoying but once she was stepping on my trail, I would soon backlash on her if she didn't keep distance. Just like back in highschool, she wanted to be the star of everything. She solely wanted the spotlight upon her. She believed that she was getting a part in this interview but sadly for her, she had her hopes way too high.

When she forcefully greeted me this afternoon, she had said, "Hey. Long time no see."

Of course, me being the bitch that I am replied with a blunt, "Let's keep it that way."

I kept my focus on her and looked at the slight bump that was beginning to form upon her stomach. Despite two idiots having a child, it didn't mean I wouldn't learn to love the baby.

Of course, I felt awful for the child. If anything, I would be the only support system it would have since his father would most likely follow the steps of my father and its mother would become a prostitute in attempts of gaining money because she wasn't pleased enough with that she had.

She was a gold-digger and that was a fact.

I scanned the room and my eyes landed on the top guy who was in charge of most everything. I proceeded to walk to him.

"Hey there mister." I greeted kindly. I pushed a piece of hair over my shoulder and smiled. "That girl over there, besides my brother. Do you see her?" She was exaggeratedly wearing some hideous clothes that no one should ever be forced see.

"Yes, of course. What is the issue?" He had a deep British accent that brought his words to life.

"Well you see, since she isn't part of the family or anything, I think it would be best to not have her included."

He nodded and looked around. "Oh?" He scratched his head. "She isn't scheduled to be apart of it." He then turned to another man beside him and whispered a few things. "I suppose we will have to break it for her."

"So she basically just invited herself in." I stole a glance at her. "You know what? Don't worry about it. I'll do the hard work for you." I smiled again and gave him a pat on his arm. "Thanks man."

Just as I started walking towards her, she started to act dramatic once again. "Babe!" Nev yelled at the top of her lungs. I cringed at her irritating presence.

Nearby, my brother quickly replied with a, "Yes?" The only reason he was still with her was because he was an idiot for not pulling out fast enough.

I kept strolling towards Nev who was dramatically posing in front of a mirror. When she saw my reflection, her face turned into a scowl.

She yelled back to him, "Can you throw this away please? I'm kinda busy." I couldn't help but wonder what she was busy doing. Busy being a pain in the ass?

In her hand, she had a banana peel being held by two fingers, seeming as though she was disgusted by it.

"I'm busy too!" My brother yelled back.

I was now close enough for her to hear me. "How about you do it yourself?" I asked. "The trash must be very familiar to you since that's where you belong."

With the tongue like a serpent, she hissed, "What do you want?"

I would say that I was surprised at her cold attitude...but in reality I'm not. I guess you get used to irritating things in life.

"If it wasn't clear enough, you're in my house so you follow my rules before I kick you to the curb."

"Yeah? Well I doubt your brother would let you do that." She puckered her lips in front of the mirror and blew invisible kisses.

I let out a small laugh and twirled my hair. "Well that means I'll have to kick him out with you." She turned towards me and gave me a cold glare, hands on hips. I managed to cut the conversation quick. "Anyways, the photographers said it would be best to not have you in the shoot...nor the interview."

She faked a laugh. "No, they actually said they would love to have me in it."

"You aren't in it and that's final." She glared at me. Perhaps her brain wasn't capable of understanding my words.

Without a moment to spare, a weird noise erupted from her mouth and she started vigorously marching towards my mother.

I walked slowly behind.

"Your daughter doesn't want me in this interview!" She pointed crazily towards my mother then towards me. If there was something you should know about my mother, it would be that she was a hardcore undercover-bitch.

My mother, elegantly seated with a cup of tea, placed her teacup down onto the table.

"Well I didn't know if you heard Nev! But sadly you won't be in it..." My mother's eyes darted playfully towards me.

"What do you mean?"

"I was a bit baffled as to when I heard that you believed you would be apart of this interview! Oh no honey! It was a big misunderstanding."

"Excuse me?"

"To be quite frank, the only reason you're here is for Jax." The look on her face was priceless. She was always used to getting what she wanted, but in this house? Hell to the no. "You aren't a part of this family yet. That baby you're holding inside may be, but not you sweetie."

Props to my mom and our resemblance.

"Alright!" A loud voice announced. "Places everyone. The interview will commence soon."

I made my way towards the place they had directed me. I was on one side of my mother and my brother on the other.

The interview started with fake smiles throughout. "So Mrs. Ives, is it alright if I call you that?" That was my mother's maiden name and it changed once she divorced my father.

My mother effortlessly laughed and answered the question so gracefully. The question's included her clothing line and family life.

I had the urge to put my feet up on the table but I knew I had to keep my mother's reputation in line.

I glanced towards Nev who stood behind with a huge pout, causing a smile to erupt on my face.

"Miss. Lamont?"

"Oh yes?" I reverted my attention back to the man before us.

"How is it like to have a mother who reigns the fashion industry?"

"It's nice," I chuckled. "Cute clothes to wear everyday right?"

The interviewer chuckled alongside me. "Right. So, how does that affect your daily life?"

"I have a lot of fake friends because of it, but I mostly just live life by the day. I don't revolve my life around her job nor fame."

He nodded and flipped through some cards he had in front of him. I was getting bored and wanted this to be over with. I thought this would mostly revolve around my mother but now the attention was on me.

"So onto a more serious topic..." His fingers drummed against the table besides him. "How do you feel about...your father and his affair?"

My eyes widened at the sudden question. I knew it was coming and I had been waiting for it since the interview started. I was extremely tempted to call the bitch out and curse her for the whole world to hear, but I knew I had to simmer myself down.

"Are you talking about Olga?"

He shook his head and eyed me. "I'm talking about Diane."

I faked a loud gasp. "Oh there's another one?"

"Another one?"

"Yes. Well, actually I shouldn't be surprised. I'm just shocked that every magazine is too focused on one mistress instead of all the others he has hiding. How strange, huh?" I smiled innocently and clamped my hands together. "Especially since she's the ugliest one."

I could sense my mother's eyes gazing at me but I brushed it off. This was only the beginning of my revenge towards my father and his slut.

"I've seen Diane has a new hobby! She loves spreading rumors about my family and I!" I clamped a hand over my heart dramatically. "But you know, in all honestly I am quite proud that she has another hobby besides just opening her legs."

A gasp erupted from the background and I only smiled discreetly.

The interviewer tried hard to control his laughter but was failing miserably. "Well it must be a tough time for you, Miss."

"You know, excuse my language, but shit happens. I mean, just look at Diane's face."

HEY HEY. Sorry if this sucks, I didn't go through it to edit because I'm a lazy piece of shit.


Thoughts on homegirl Sash?

Thoughts on Nev?

LOVE YOU GUYS, please remember to *vote*!

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