Tattooed Hearts

By acreativeblur

87.8K 3.2K 992

❝ darling, let me trace the lines on your tattooed heart ❞ ● ● ● 〚 highest ranking: #471 in romance 〛 〚 copyr... More

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Mistletoe & Holiday Cheer

1.9K 72 32
By acreativeblur

❁ ❁ ❁

"Yes-Jane-Okay, yes I understand," I stutter into the phone, Jane's voice ringing through it, listing all the things I need to know for dating Grace.

Grace had told Jane the day after, and Jane was probably nearly just as excited about the decision as I was. But now, I am sitting here listening to her rant about boundaries and manners and what not.

"Got it. Get her home before midnight, chew with my mouth closed, and try my best to keep it in my pants." I repeat her words, rolling my eyes, cringing at the awkwardness. "Thanks, Jane." I say finally, hanging up and letting out a huge breath.

I hear a light knock at my door and I stand up to go answer it. Opening it, I am greeted by Mia, who is wearing a sweater with a light up reindeer on it. There's a lollipop in her mouth and she is carrying a red gift bag.

"I saved you some candy from our class party," She hands me the bag, and I look inside to find various chocolates and gummies.

"Thanks, sis," I address. "So, was Chase there?" I wiggle my eyebrows.

Her face turns pink at the name of the boy she likes. Ever since I walked in on her gushing over him on the phone with her friend, I haven't stopped teasing her about it.

"Shut up," She argues, embarrassed. She walks into my room and sits on my bed, picking up a bouncy ball and playing with it. "So, who did you invite to mom's Christmas party?"

Our mother threw a formal event every year on Christmas. It was always a big deal to her, but this is the first year my dad won't be with us for the holidays. Not that I want him to, not after what he did to our family.

"I invited Luke, and he is bringing his girlfriend," I say, watching as she picks at the loose strings of my blankets, uninterested. "And Grace."

She perks up at the mention of Grace. "You are?" She asks excitedly.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I invite my girlfriend?" I try and not smile as I watch Mia stare at me blankly, then process the statement, then finally come to the conclusion that it means what she think it means.

"You guys are dating?!" She screams at the top of her lungs. "Mom! Isaac and Grace are–" The last words are mumbled as I cover her mouth with my hand. I didn't want mom to make it a big deal.

I hear footsteps coming up the stairs and I let my hand fall off and back to my side, internally groaning as I hear my mother open the door.

"What's all this screaming about?" She wonders as she puts in her earrings.

"Grace and Isaac are a couple!" Mia exclaims! My mom's eyes widen, but she doesn't say anything. "When will your wedding be? Can you have it on the beach? Oh and make sure there's a chocolate fountain there!"

"Okay that's enough," I say, pulling my sister off my bed and pushing her out of the room as she goes on and on and on about decorations and dresses and whatnot. "There's no wedding yet. At least let me get through high school."

"Mia, why don't you go to my bathroom and I'll curl your hair for you?" My mom bribes, turning Mia around. The eleven year old scurries down the stairs.

I plop down in my desk chair as my mom takes a deep breath, and I mentally prepare myself for her questions.

"Dating, huh?" Is the first thing that she says.

Yes, mom. We've established this, I think to myself. "Yup." I say.

"I knew it was coming the day you had her over to tutor you," She admits.

"I didn't."

"It was obvious you had interest in her, just from the way you looked at her," She steps into the room, closing the door behind her. "She is lucky to have you, dear."

"I think I'm more lucky to have her than she is to have me." I confess.

There's a pause, and my mom looks at me like she never has before. "You really like her." She states.

"Yeah," I say, looking away from my mom's eyes. I think about Grace, and how wonderful and perfect to me she is. Her smile is beautiful, her laugh sounds like bells. She is funny, talented, smart, and unapologetically herself. The prettiest thing my heart has known.

"Have you kissed her?"

"Mom!" I say back, embarrassed.

"Is that a yes?" She asks me. I groan in response. "Okay, okay, I'm done." She puts her hands up defensively. "People will be here in an hour so please get ready. Hope you've had a good Christmas."

I nod as she walks away and I go into my bathroom to change out of my pajamas. I grab a shower and put on a golf shirt, and head downstairs.

I smell dinner cooking from the kitchen when I walk in. Mia is putting together a party platter with snacks. I walk behind her and pop a chestnut in my mouth. She has changed into a new sweater I gave her this morning, her hair in ringlets.

"Anna will be here soon," Mia tells me, mentioning her best friend.

She walks to the kitchen table and continues to paint a wooden nutcracker, coloring in his black shoes. I hear a doorbell chime, and I open it to see Luke standing there, a girl from school named Jenna next to him.

I invite them both in. Luke and Jenna have been dating for a little over a year apparently, and the only time I've seen Luke put his tough act down is when he is around her.

"Merry Christmas, bro." Luke cheers.

"You too. Welcome, Jenna." I say, smiling politely at the girl. Luckily, Luke decided to go out with a nice girl, so I am still relaxed even though she is here. "My sister set up snacks in the kitchen."

My mom then races out to the foyer, greeting Luke and Jenna. She gushes over them, acting like a typical mom and embracing them both in tight hugs.

They follow her into the living room, my mom chatting their ears off. Poor guys.

There's another knock at the door, and I glance out the window to see an adorable blonde girl, and my heart rate picks up.

I swing the door open, seeing Grace standing there, bundled up in a thick coat and scarf.

"It's very cold outside." She says as she scuffles inside.

"You look like an eskimo." I comment.

She freezes and looks at me for a second, the bursts out laughing. "Was that a compliment?" She asks.

"Fine, a cute eskimo. I like eskimos." I correct myself as Grace unwraps her scarf from her neck.

"You're too adorable." She chuckles, slipping off her coat, wearing a short, white party dress.

I admire how gorgeous she looks, taking a step closer to her, taking her hands in mine, loving how I can finally talk, touch and love her the way I've been wanting to. "You look great."

She gives one of the smiles I adore. It's been three days since the dance, but I hadn't seen her since due to having to spend time with family.

And the night of the dance was incredible. Finally being able to call her mine. Knowing that she loves me and I love her. And the way she kissed me back, gentle and tender, sealed everything up; All my worries, feelings and actions. I finally have the girl of my dreams.

"By the way," I start. "I told my mom we're together. And Mia. She became very excited. Combine that with all the sugar she's had and well...we're in for a treat."

She giggles, the sound ringing through the air. "So, you told your mom, eh?"

"Don't worry, she's happy about it. She likes you a lot." I reassure. "Not as much as I do, though." I tilt my head, wanting to bring my lips closer to hers, when a voice sounds out.

"Hey! No PDA!" I hear Luke holler. I lean backwards and roll my eyes as Grace stifles a laugh.

"Another time?" I ask.

Smiling, she raises up her hand. "Pinky promise." She says, her smallest finger sticking out.

I wrap mine around hers, chuckling. "Deal," I say. "Merry Christmas, baby." I kiss her forehead.

She blushes and takes my hand as we head to the kitchen, chatting as Mia and my mom's friends file in. Pleasant scents of roasted turkey, potatoes and many other side dishes fill the air while my mom prepares the table, fixing everyone a plate and a glass of water.

I pull a chair out for Grace, letting her take a seat with everyone else. My mom places a plate in front of everyone, and we say the blessing before eating.

I will honestly say one of my favorite parts of Christmas. My mom has always been a great cook, and I can easily stay home and eat her food every day if I could without even missing restaurant food.

Our family and friends discussed many things, from what's going on in our lives to what we hope for the future. Grace told my mom about her next singing gig, and invited her to come. I smiled as I watched them discussing topics from school to music to funny stories about their lives. Seeing them bond made me fall in love a little more.

Once the meal is over, my mom and her friends offer to help clean up. I thank them, pulling Grace along with me. We stop at the kitchen doorway.

"What are we doing?" She wonders out loud.

"I'd like you to keep your promise," I say, glancing up at the green leaves hanging from the doorway. She keeps her green eyes locked on mine as I bring my face closer to hers. I feel a pressure on my mouth, and I realize Grace has pressed her finger to my lips.

"I'm not going to kiss you in front of your sister." She whispers, and I glance over to see Mia leaning against the kitchen counter, arms crossed, smirking with yet another lollipop in her mouth.

Once Grace walks away, Mia laughs, "Rejected!" She points a can at my face, pressing the nozzle and silly string flying out of it and onto my shirt.

I chase after her while simultaneously peeling the string off of me. I run after her through the kitchen and living room, every now and then turning back to spray me some more. She yells for Grace, and Grace grabs her hand, pulling her into the coat closet and shutting the door, blocking me from getting inside.

"Grace Baker." I say, reaching them.


"I know there is a small annoying child in there." I raise an eyebrow.

"How are you so sure?" She plays dumb. Just then I hear a sneeze from inside. Grace bites her lip. "That was just the wind."

"Are you going to let me take out my wrath on Mia?"

"Girls gotta stick with each other."!Grace explains.

"Step away from the door."

"No can do, hermano." She concludes.

I stifle a laugh. "You speak Spanish?"

"Sometimes," She stalls. I step closer to her and her hand flies to the doorknob, gripping it tightly in defense. "You're not getting through this door, Richards."

"Too bad that I know where your weak points are, Baker." I caution.

"What do you me–" She's cut off when my fingers start tickling her stomach. She bends over, trying to protect herself, laughing uncontrollably.

"You should never have told me you were ticklish."

"Isaac–Please–Let go!" She says between laughs.

"Only if you let me open the door." I challenge, not easing up at all.

"Don't do it Grace! Spare my soul!" I hear a muffled voice shout from inside the closet.

"Okay! Okay! I agree!" Grace confides, snickering as I pull my hands away and swing the door open.

"No! My people have betrayed me!" Mia cries out as I walk in. She tries to run away, scrambling to get out, but I manage to grab her before she has a chance. "Cry havoc, and let slip the dogs of war!"

"I'm sorry, Mia!" Grace says as I sling Mia over my shoulder, fireman style. All I can think about is where in the world did my sister learn Shakespeare.

"Remember me!" She calls out. "The Silly String Rebellion will rise again!" Mis starts pounding my back, kicking and trying to get loose.

I hold her under her arms and start swinging her around quickly while she screams things like, "In my darkest times, my men stand behind me!" Geez, this girl has been spending too much time watching war movies.

I flip her upside down and continue to spin her. "Are you having fun, Mia?"

"Curse the strong people." Is all the says back.

I feel more silly string hit my face, and I turn to see my girlfriend aiming it at me.

"Down with Isaac!" Grace announces, spraying me some more.

"Yes! Say it louder! Down with Isaac!" Mia chants as she continues to twirl around. "If you don't stop I'm going to barf on you! Just a warning."

I decide to stop then and there, tossing Mia onto the couch, and she couldn't help but start giggling. "That was fun." She admits.

I chuckle as Anna comes over to see what was going on, and the two girls continue talking about their own things. Grace and I fix ourselves cups of hot chocolate and sit by the fire that my mother set up. I grab a flannel blanket, wrapping it around our shoulders.

"So, how has your Christmas been?" I ask her, letting her lean on me.

"Really great," She says, staring into the fire. She takes a sip of her hot cocoa. "Thanks for having me over."

I wrap my arm around her. "Of course," I say. "Did you think I would leave you alone?"

"My dad wasn't even home when I woke up," She tells me, saddening my heart. She takes a deep breath. "I wish my mom was here. I mean, she was gone last year too, but still."

I nod my head in understanding. "This is my first Christmas without my dad." I tell her this, even though I don't want him here. It still stings.

She looks back up at me, probably wondering the story behind him. But this day is too perfect, I don't want to ruin it with the story of my father.

She decides not to ask. I know I should tell her, but just not right now. I need to wait for the right moment.

"Hey," I say, nudging her a bit. "I got you something."

"What? You did?" She asks, eyes widened.

I lean over to under the Christmas tree, pulling out one last present with her name marked on it. I hand it to her and she takes it carefully.

"You shouldn't have..." Grace murmurs.

"But I wanted to," I counter. "Go on!" I'm excited to see her reaction.

She smiles, untying the ribbon and peeling off the red paper. Once enough of it is torn off to where she can read the label on the box, I see her hands fly to her mouth.

"Oh my God!" She gasps. She opens the box, pulling out the heavy, black camera. "Is this for real?"

"Every photographer needs a lens."

I watch her as she examines all the features on the device, messing with some gadgets and adjusting things that I have no idea their purpose. But I knew it was time for Grace to stop taking pictures on her phone and use something more professional, as talented as she is.

"You like it?" I question.

She wraps it around her neck and turns to me. "I love it!" She throws her arms around me happily, squeezing me tightly, burrowing her face into my neck. "Thank you, thank you, thank you." She says genuinely as I hug her back, letting her melt into my arms a bit.

She leans back, still sitting in front of me. "I got something for you too." Before I can reply, she reaches into her purse, pulling out an envelope. "Open it, open it, open it!" She pleads, practically bouncing up and down in her spot.

I open the envelop and pull out two small pieces of paper. I read the small font on them, mouth gaping open when I register what they say.

"Tickets to a Chicago Fire game?"

She nods her head excitedly. "Your favorite soccer team!"

I hold her shoulders as if to steady myself. "How did you know?"

"I asked Luke!"

"Agh!" I nearly shout, pulling her back to me. "You're getting another hug." I say as I squeeze her just like she did me. "Thank you, Grace Baker!"

"You're welcome, Isaac!" She responds. She holds her camera up in front of our faces. "Smile!" We both grin from ear to ear as the camera snaps a picture. I look at it over her shoulder, giving her a kiss on the cheek. She points the camera at the fire, taking a photo of the orange and blue flames.

"I can't wait to use this everyday!" She comments.

I hold up the tickets. "I can't wait to take you on a date with these."

She offers a cheesy smile, taking lots of pictures as the night goes on. I love seeing her so happy as she documents the night, our first Christmas together.

Once it hits midnight and most of the guests are gone, my mom sends Mia to bed with the new stuffed animal Grace gave to her. I decide I should get Grace home so she won't be out too late, so we walk down the driveway to my car. We climb in, driving to her house and when we arrive, I walk her to the door.

"Hey," I catch her attention and she turns back to me. "Don't forget the promise you made when you arrived."

"How could I forget?" She says, wrapping her arms around my neck as I place mine on her waist. It feels amazing to be able to kiss her without a worry now.

"I don't know, it's been a whopping three days since we kissed." I tease back, pulling her closer to me.

"Tell me about it, I've been having withdrawals." She acknowledges.

"I can help with that." I say, closing the remaining distance between us. I press my lips onto hers firmly, my heart beat pulsing at a mile a minute. I feel her kiss back, soft lips moving against mine. I hold her tighter as if she would run away, but I know she won't. She's finally my girl.

After a few tender, soft, meaningful kisses, we pull away, both of us unable to shade our smiles. I fell her fingers drawing circles on the back of my neck.

"Does that tickle?" She asks.

I laugh. "Yes, it does."

"Payback." She giggles, keeping her eyes on mine. I try to relax, act cool, like I know what I'm doing. But in reality, I'm a nervous wreck. Fearful that something will happen to us. Fearful that I won't be able to give Grace what she deserves. Fearful of the unknown. I realize this is what Grace meant that night at the dance, about being afraid. But it's a good kind of afraid. It's exhilarating.

Being in love with Grace Baker is the best kind of scared.

❁ ❁ ❁

Hey! This chapter is on the longer side haha, hope you loved it all the same. It's June when I am writing this, but it was still so fun. I'm basically always in the Christmas mood. Hopefully this didn't seem cheesy to you. Do you think everything will be fixed from now on? Things are finally starting to look up for Grace and Isaac...but hmmmm. I will try and keep the sadness away for a little bit, but no promises ;) See y'all in my next chapter!

P.S. Don't forget to check out my other book, "How to Get a Girlfriend"!


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