Assassin's Creed One Shots

By ReiGn165

50.5K 1.1K 350

Accepting requests for head cannons, preferences, and I will only do SFW. This is for Assassins AND Templars... More

The First Sister (Altair X Reader)
A Gift of Roses (AU Ezio X Reader)
Away for Too Long (Jacob X Reader)
Heads Up!
Misunderstood (Connor)
Show Off (Arno X Reader)
A Moment's Grace (Shay X Reader)
Not Dead
Take a Break (Arno)

Caretaker (Edward X Reader)

2.9K 83 9
By ReiGn165


And have some nice Final Fantasy music to listen to while you read :3

Ugh, I did not like how this turned out.


The sun was blistering hot, as always, especially in this type of environment.  The Caribbean ocean was never cool but it rained periodically.  Thankfully, a breeze was blowing today, making the blistering sand less hot and the humidity to a low; it was actually comfortable to sit on the beach and drink without feeling like dying of heat stroke.  And the beach was where you were, with a stiff drink in your hand.  Being a part of the infamous Edward Kenway's crew on the Jackdaw was nice and all, but it was so refreshing not having to deal with other pirates and the Spanish ships on the deadly seas.  Sure you would get in a minute or two of the views and salty air, but it never lasted long before Kenway was hollering out orders for you to adjust the riggings. 

You sighed happily as the waves crashed along the shore, loud and refreshing to hear, despite hearing them whilst on the Jackdaw.  Something about the sound was different when you weren't trying to battle them on the ship, it was peaceful really, no having to try and keep your balance on the dock.  You swigged the last of your drink, suddenly deciding it was time for a walk along the beach, and maybe into the forest clearing that was nearby.  (If you're thinking you're drunk you're not XD)  Getting up onto your feet and dusting your rear off from the sand, you made your way over to Edward's crew who had made up camp.  You were to let them know where you were off to.

Kenway had docked his ship not long ago on a lone, but huge, island to set up camp for the day.  The crew had battled a storm the night before, none had enough energy to do their duties.  Edward decided making camp for them to rest for the day was the best thing for them and you, including himself.  You managed to get some sleep, but you wanted to take in the sights and sounds and smells without having any worries of storms or enemy ships.  A mug of ale and a quiet place to sit was what you needed.

You made it over by the bonfire some of the men had stared.  Your eyes scanned for Kenway but saw no sign of him.  He must have been in his cabin on the ship, sleeping probably.  You placed your mug on a nearby tree stump.

"I'm goin' off on my own for a bit.  Stretch my legs." you say to one of your ship mates.  "If Edward or anyone needs me," you turn to point to the clearing that goes into the forest, "I'll be walking along there."

He returns a quick 'aye' and nods.

Checking your gear, sword at your hip and pistol on the other, you made your way onto your path.  The breeze began to pick up then, which felt nice in this thick jungle.  You were really enjoying your time here.  But what you didn't realize, that this breeze also partially blocked your hearing, so you couldn't hear what was around you.  This is a lone island, you thought, nothing could be out here. 

You went on, mind clear and with a smile on your face.  Today was a good day.


Today was not a good day, at least for Kenway anyways.  A headache, sore arms and legs from trying to maneuver the helm during the previous storm.  He was a mess.  And on top of that, he couldn't find you.

Walking down the plank and planting his feet into the sand, Edward rubbed his tired eyes and proceeded to the bonfire, instantly grabbing himself a cup of ale.  He chugged it down immediately. 

"Thomas!" he said to the crewman next to him.  "Have you seen (y/n)?"

The pirate chugged down what was in his mouth and wiped with his arm. 

"He/she went thataway cap'n.  Wanted to stretch her/his legs."

Edward instantly made his way to the clearing that you went through, following your foot steps through the sand and onto the cut pathway.  He would have waited for your return, but honestly, he felt he needed the walk too, stiff legs and all that.  Some clean air might do him some good too.  

The walk was going fine until he spotted an unusual place in the dirt below him.  Footprints, most likely yours, but they were scattered everywhere and in the most unusual places.  Some led into the bushes, some were backwards and facing many directions; they were just printed everywhere in the dirt.  There were even some scuff marks.

That's when he noticed that there were 'other' prints in the dirt.

Cat prints.


His thoughts are cut off by nearby rustling of bushes, and he jogs up the path just a bit before he's jumped by a large force.  Edward stumbles backwards and regains his balance, to soon see your familiar figure dancing furiously and uncoordinated in front of him.  Or at least it's what it looked like.  The damn jaguar was on your back!

"Lass!/Lad!" Edwards yells, making you aware of his presence.

"SHOOT THE DAMN THING!!!" you holler.  Second by second, the claws from the animal's paws dig into your shoulders, your chest and your arms, making you scream out in pain and unable to get it off you.  Edward scrambled to get his pistol out of his holster, but he hesitated when he pulled it up and pointed it at the animal.

"I'll hit you!" he says.


Before you could finish your sentence, your felt the animal's jaw clench onto your shoulder, piercing it's teeth into your flesh and making you scream out a crying pain, your clothing dripping wet with blood now.  If Edward doesn't shoot the bloody thing now, you think, I'm dead.

That's when you hear the gunshot, and the big thud on the dirt beside you from the leopard's now dead body.  You fall slowly to your knees with your left shoulder off sideways, the one the animal had bit into.  You were so tired, so weak, so pained; you suddenly wanted off of this damned island.

Kenway hurried beside you.  "I'm not going to ask if yer alright because you're not."  

"No shit."

"C'mon, let's get you back to the ship."


With Kenway by your side for support, you managed to walk back to the Jackdaw without any trouble, only the pain in your upper body, which is where the jaguar attacked you mostly.  

"Where'd the bloody thing come from anyway?"  Edward asked as he applied the damp cloth to your bitten shoulder.  You hissed at the touch and he pulled away for a moment, then proceeding the treatment.

"It's a jungle Edward," you snap, "it's where they live."

"For someone who's in the shape they're in, you're not short on smart ass remarks.  Smart arse."

Sighing, you lose your eyes and rub them with your free hand.  

"Got lucky I guess."

"Damn right you are," he says, finishing up your wounds with the bandage.  "You're lucky I came looking for you."

Edward cleaned up the water and rags, taking them topside before returning to you.  You watched as he sat beside you on the bed.  His hand reached for your shirt that laid nearby on his table.  He had taken you to his cabin to treat your wounds.

"Let me help you get this on." Edwards says, knowing you were still freshly sore.  You grimaced at his remark, not liking this feeling of being treated by someone else; you could have done this on your own.

Or not.  You wanted to cry as you raised your arm, your shoulder sending pain through your entire left side of your body.  Kenway gave a quick sorry to you and continued ever so slowly.  One arm done, now the other.  Through the sheer pain of raising your arms to get them through the holes, you managed, and now you were finally able to rest.

"You sure I can stay in here Captain?" you ask, looking around Edward's cabin.  You hear him stifle a laugh as he takes off his armor, now only in his white loose shirt and pants and boots.  

"I think we're past the 'Captain' thing now aren't we?  I told you to call me Edward."

His smile makes you do the same.  You chuckle and turn your eyes to the floor.

"'In private' you said.  Right.  Forgot.  So I can stay here 'Edward'?"

You watched as he sat in the chair at the table across from you.  He had a bottle of rum in his hand now.

"Figured you'd want the company, since you won't be able to work for a while.  Ade can man the ship for a while."

It pleased you how caring he was, despite his usual demeanor.  His company was rather pleasant, and you felt more at ease now with him watching over you as you slept.  

You hadn't realized though, through halfway your sleep he had joined you in bed, pulling the covers over your body and remaining with you through the night.  He wasn't going to sleep in the hold, and he certainly wasn't going to sleep on the floor.  It was his bed still, despite you being it in.  So he was going to sleep there.  For you, he was more than happy to give you his share of his comfort.

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