An Airan's Quest

By Erin7133

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In a different world called Travian, all the people who lived there each possess powers which depends on the... More

Chapter 1: The Mission
Chapter 2: Tarah
Chapter 3: Tarah's True Identity
Chapter 4: On The Run
Chapter 5: Sword Fighting Lessons
Chapter 6: One-On-One Encounter
Chapter 7: Taking Flight
Chapter 8: Tempers Flaring
Chapter 9: Meeting A Scandran Dragon Rider
Chapter 10: Searching For Tarah And Tristan
Chapter 11: Unexpected Consequences
Chapter 12: Becoming A Sylph
Chapter 13: Evanity's Plan
Chapter 14: A Solo Flight
Chapter 15: A Swordsman's Sudden Appearance
Chapter 16: An Unexpected Visit
Chapter 17: A Special Airan
Chapter 18: Tracking Down The Enemy
Chapter 19: The Death Trap
Chapter 20: The Enaran Prophecy
Chapter 21: Reunited
Chapter 22: A New Mission
Chapter 24: Old Endings And New Beginnings

Chapter 23: Lost In A Haze Of Bittersweet Memories

80 6 5
By Erin7133

Tarah's POV

As I watched them snuggle into bed next to each other and drift off to sleep, I summoned Tristan out of my milaire for company then made my way towards the mouth of the cavern. I sat just right outside of the entrance then looked up at the dazzling full moon its rays illuminating the darkness of the night. The slight breeze ruffled the tops of the trees and I shivered a little then listened to the sounds of the chirping crickets for a moment before my thoughts began to wander off by themselves.

In a flash, certain memories which I tried so hard to suppress came resurfacing back into my mind again and I bit hard on my lip until I could taste the blood coming out from it then closed my eyes. Tristan nuzzled my hand comfortingly and I opened my eyes once again then patted the top of his furry head. "I can't get it off my mind, Tristan." I told my seclaire as unshed tears started burning in my eyes. "I want to forget everything so badly."

"All you have to do, Tarah, is to let go and accept everything that happened in order to forget," my seclaire replied.

"But how do I do that?"

"I think that you already know."

I stared back at Tristan uncomprehendingly not understanding what he meant. But then it dawned on me that I actually knew what he was talking about. Slowly, I closed my eyes and concentrated and little by little everything faded into the background and all that remained are my innermost thoughts, memories and me. Images flashed right before my eyes - most of them the horrible ones - and I took a deep breath to steady and brace myself to prepare for what was about to happen.

Another flashback came to me so vividly that it seemed to be happening in reality than just a vision and I grimaced with my eyes still closed tightly. Just like before, I could feel the sharp edge of the sword pressed against my neck, could breathe in the Cabrian's reeking smell coming from his mouth as he threatened me and the cold chill rushing down my spine as I knew that one single move that I make would lead to my imminent death. Scenes of the battle of me against the Cabrians from the dam flooded back into the mind as well. But unlike before, I felt a strange sensation surging through my veins and all over me until it felt like my entire body was on fire. I quelled the urge to shout aloud and instead focus all of the burning energy into my thoughts instead. And suddenly I knew what I have to do.

Inhaling deeply again, I channeled my newfound energy into those memories that I wanted to suppress then gradually I started to erase them one by one until every terrible memory that once haunted me had been wiped out and faded away into the void of nothingness. Opening my eyes, I blinked back a few times as my eyes adjusted to the bright moonlight then for a minute or so I just stared straight ahead.

Tristan purred, then slowly lay down on his stomach next to me then rested his head on my lap. "So? Did it work?"

I focused my gaze on him as I tried to get my thoughts organized. "How did that happen?" I asked him furrowing my forehead in bafflement. When he just looked back at me through his pale green eyes, my own blue eyes widened in sudden comprehension. "Don't tell me.... That I've just developed a minor power!" A look of excitement flashes across my eyes as the thought overwhelmed me.

"Exactly," my seclaire answered then let out another purr of delight.

My mouth split into a smile as I realized that I've just discovered one of my minor powers. Only one more minor power left before my set of powers are complete! I decided to test whether I've just developed an actual minor power which is memory manipulation or if I've just imagined the whole thing. I tried to bring back those memories that I've just erased awhile ago back into my mind but after a few minutes of trying and failing to do so, nothing happened and so I assumed that it worked.

"How did you know that I was about to develop a new minor power?" I asked Tristan still unable to keep the smile off my face.

"I didn't," he replied vaguely. "I just felt it somewhere deep inside me. I'm sure that you felt the same way as well."

It was true. Even before it actually happened something deep within me has stirred awake through the form of the burning sensation that I've felt awhile ago. "This is so cool," I told my seclaire blissfully. "With this power, I never have to worry about getting traumatized or humiliated by certain memories that I really want to forget."

He just shook his head to my utmost surprise. "Don't forget, Tarah, that even though you've completely wiped out your past memories about becoming a sylph, those memories still reside in me even though I wasn't there when it happened."

I lost my smile and frowned in confusion. "How is that possible?"

"I don't know," he admitted looking puzzled himself. "But I think that it has something to do with the link that is binding both of us - the human and the seclaire. And even though you have completely forgotten those memories which you have wiped away, I still remember it because of the bond between the two of us and probably also because of the fact that you can't erase or alter my memories."

"Why can't I alter yours?"

"You just can't though I have no idea why."

"Let's try it," I told him. I snapped my eyes shut and once again directed my energy to penetrate my seclaire's mind and gain access to all of his memories. Try hard as I might, it seemed futile to delete or alter his memories and after several unsuccessful attempts in trying to fabricate and modify my seclaire's memories, I eventually gave up and opened my eyes. "It didn't work."

"I thought so," Tristan replied seeming unsurprised by this. He lifted his head from my lap and gaze out into the open night, his small rounded ears moving backward and forward to detect any suspicious noises in the entire place. When he was satisfied that nothing was out of the ordinary, he leaned back against me and said, "You better wake Avery up and try to get some sleep. You still have a long way to go tomorrow."

I nodded my head and stifled a yawn in the back of my hand. I got to my feet then made my way towards my brother who was curled up sleeping next to Evanity. I gazed at their peaceful faces for a brief moment feeling slightly guilty that I have to disturbed their sleep. Then I bent low and gently shook my older brother's shoulders to rouse him from unconsciousness. "Your turn to keep watch, Ave."

He yawned widely a few times and stretched then finally rose to his feet and rubbed the drowsiness out from his eyes. "Okay. Sleep tight, Tarah." He made his way towards the huge entrance of the cavern where I stayed just a few minutes ago.

"I will," I answered even though I knew that he wouldn't hear me. I laid myself down next to Evanity who's got her back turned away from me then thought of how tomorrow will be an ending and a beginning at the same time. The end of my long suffering in becoming a sylph and the start of a journey which will test our strength, endurance and friendship. With that thought in my mind, I slowly drifted off into a dreamless sleep.


Author's Notes:

One more final chapter before the end of the story!!! Are you guys excited now? Keep yourself posted for my next update in the final chapter of Book 1 Evanity: An Airan's Quest.


-Erin <3

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