Will Our Love Reunite

By sunsh1ne02

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Erica and Cyn has been separated for 2 years Will They find their way back To one enother More

Still In Love
chapter 2
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
I got a secret
chapter 8
Chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 12

chapter 3

1.9K 75 1
By sunsh1ne02


?: your ready to leave before you see me??

Hold on, on everything that sounds like Cyn me and king turns towards the door way and there she is standing looking beautiful as ever

K: mama *runs to her*
C: oh my king
K: *crying on on her shoulder*
C: why are you crying baby boy
K: because I missed you soooo much *sniffing and crying*
(Everyone's in awe😍)
C: well I'm here know so stop crying *whipping his tears*(putting him down)
K: *holding her tight* please don't put me down yet
C: ok but you gotta go do me a favor
K: anything
C: go thank your grandmother for getting me to come at your request
K: ok *running off*

Won I can't believe she is here right now she looks beautiful as ever should I talk to her I'm kinda nervous I'm just gonna do it

E: um hey Cyn
C: what so you want
E: um I really wanted to talk to you
C: why
*king comes up*
K: mama Nana said no problem *hugging Cyn legs tightly*
C: okay baby boy, um me and mommy are gonna go talk for a minute
K: no mama please you just got here I wanna spend time with you
C:maybe later we can talk
E: no its fine spend as much time with king as you need it's been a long time

Damn I really wanted to talk to her but you know our son really missed his mama and I would do anything to make him happy
*the partybodies down and everyone is gone now... king was with Cyn the rest of the party*


My baby boy has really missed me he hasn't let me go since I got he saw me ... yall don't understand how much I missed my little munchkin but now it's time for me to leave back to my hotel

C: king I'm about to leave ok
K: mama please stay the night I don't want you to leave
C: sorry baby I have to go back to my hotel
K: please mama *holding her tight*
E: king it's time for mama to go maybe she come over tomorrow *looking at cyn*
C: yea I'll get you tomorrow ok chubby
K: ok *sadly*
C: ok give me hugges and kisses.. love you
K: I love you to go *hugging cyn then goes up to bed*
(I'm about to leave and Erica calls me)
E: cyn
C: what Erica
E: can we talk now?😳
C: huhh what do you ha...gco
E: *kisses cyn deeply* I'm sorry I been wanting to do that
C: *in shick* um I have to go
E: ok see you later

OMG!!! I can't believe she kissed me, her lips felt so soft kind of like they used to with her sweet tasting lip gloss let me get to this hotel .. oh jesus that kiss has me soo hot and bothered ... she still has this hold on me like I get a tingling feeling and butterflies in my stomach Damn you erica


Damn that kiss I gave cyn was so wonderful and she kisses me back I still got my touch but it's really her with the touch she is everything ohhh I might need to take a cold shower after that kiss I was a raining puddles💦🔥


the next day*

So im up on my way to pick up king I'm gonna take home out for the day but before I got to erica's houseI was thinking I should move to LA I could be closer to king, never business ventures and I'm also thinking about moving my mom and siblings down to Miami so we all can be some where new well I'm at erica'so house let me get out this car

C: *knocks*
K: mama bear *hopping on cyn*
C: my baby... wait what'd do you want you only call me mama bear when you want something *looking at him*
K: on can I have a new game pleaseeeee
C: uhh ok sure chubby just go get some shoes or I'm gonna leave you
K: nooo im going now *hopping off her*
C: that little boy *laughing*
E: king told me to tell you he's almost done
C: ok
E: um can I wanna take the time to say in sorry not only for yesterday but everything I've put you through from the bottom of my heart I truly am sorry
C: it's OK Erica I forgive you its been over 2 years we're both over it
E: well ig we're friends
C: mhmm ig "friends"
E: well can I have a hug friend
C: skerrr no hug a hand shake for now
E: *giggles* that's reasonable and except able
C: yea
E: maybe we can catch up later
C:maybe, cause I actually need your help with some thing
E: and what would that be
C: we'll talk later
K: OK I'm ready now mama
C: OK baby boy let's go
K:bye mommy
C: bye Erica
E: bye you guys


OK I am really happy right now me and can are on good terms now, we're friends for now but soon I'm gonna get my baby back and we can be a family again... I hope


Finally I get time with my king after all that's happened between me and erica well we're in "good terms" now but I know her she's gonna try some crazy shut with me I know her all to we'll but I'm gonna focus on my son for the day

C: king where do you wanna go first
K: can we go to a arcade
C: sure buddy so what's been up with you
K: nothing really I didn't like shad, I've been playing soccer it's really fun I love it so much
C: that's good baby and I didn't like shad either
K: *laughs* in mana but can I ask you a question
C: sure anything
K: um why did you and mommy break up was it my fault?
C: no baby it wasn't your fault me and mommy had bad times at the moment of time I love mommy forever but we're just not together right now
K: I wish you guys never broke up I want our family back
C: awe I know baby, I do to *whispering* but guess what chubby
K: what
C: mama is moving to LA really soon do we can have more time together and Nana Jen and you tia's are moving to Miami
K: yayyyy that way we all can be closer to each other again I love you so much mama
C: I love you to chubby

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