Battle of the Bands

By beauxetbelle

303 19 34

the school band has relocated; r i g h t next to the strings room, damn it. here's what happens when two wor... More



59 2 5
By beauxetbelle

Lunch in the cafeteria was noisy and annoying when you were just trying to study but there was no controlling the table of rowdy students right next to Ludwig's. He groaned and held his head in his hands before closing his science textbook and resigning to the fact that he would be failing this next chemistry test.

The German took a bite of the sandwich he wasn't even really in the mood for and sighed, looking around at his friends who sat around the table doing various things; music theory work, complaining to each other about homework, and even throwing their feet up on the table - ahem - Brad.

"Guys," Ludwig practically whined. "I'll never make it through this with those imbeciles next door."

Adam, a cellist in their ensemble, clapped him on the back and nodded. "I know, buddy, I know it's hard. We can do it, though, C'mon man, we're kick ass."

Ludwig laughed softly and began to collect his things as he looked at the clock. He wished he looked forward to his next class as much as he used to, but for some reason a dark cloud had just been hanging around him for a while. He made his way upstairs to his english classroom and sat down at the back, taking out his binder and a pencil.

The German checked his phone and when he looked up, he felt his stomach drop as he saw the guy he'd seen in the band room. He plopped down into the desk next to Ludwig's and smiled brightly at him.

"Yo, you got a piece of paper?" He asked.

"What are you..?" He squinted at him. "You've never been in this class and it's the end of the year."

"I moved up to AP English." He shrugged and chewed his gum annoyingly. "Paper?"

Ludwig rolled his eyes and tore a piece from his binder before handing it over.

"Thanks." He twirled his pencil between his fingers, pausing before looking over at Ludwig again. "What is it with you string snobs anyway?"

Ludwig groaned and closed his eyes, leaning his head on the wall behind him.

This is gonna be the longest English class of my life.


Ludwig packed up his violin and started to tidy up the practice room, collecting his sheet music and resin. He closed the door behind him and heard laughing from the band room next door.

But it went quiet and then a (reluctantly admitted on Ludwig's part) lovely sound travelled through the air. Soft, light, calm.


He went over to the double-doors that seperated strings from band and looked through the rectangular window.

It was that guy, playing something beautiful, something he was sure he'd heard before.

He was about to recall the piece, it's composer and arranger-

"You got your dick-suckin' face on, Feli!" One student snorted and the others cracked up laughing, including the clarinet-player himself.

Ludwig blushed and found himself astonished all at the same time. What the hell did these band people smoke?

He shook his head and tried to convince himself that the joke was as stupid as them.

But it was kinda funny. And true.

He really did have his "dick-sucking" face on.

Ludwig ran a hand through his hair and rushed down the street, he needed to get home. And have a shower.

A cold one.


A/N: yes, "dick-sucking face" is something I have personally heard from band students at my school

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