
Zummer358 tarafından

395 2 5

"It's just you and me now Carter." Daha Fazla

1a {Shit Eli}
1b {Food Eating Contests}
1c {Jail}
1e {Happy Birthday Carter pt.1}
2a {Happy Birthday Carter pt.2}
2b {School/Jaylen?}
2c {How Long? / Ashton}
2d {Peter Piper}
2e {The Boy With Black Hair and Green Eyes}
3a {Making up and Management}
3b {Goodbye.}

1d {Months and Months/Kevin }

37 0 1
Zummer358 tarafından

19/6/16 Thank You
*Carter's POV*

"I wonder when the bitch will wake up." A familiar voice chuckles.

I crack my eyes open, my head pounding. I see two guys in leather jackets and black skinny jeans. My eyes widen with surprise. Shit. How could I have forgotten?

"Jason, Kevin?"

"Oh looks like your awake now." Kevin says with sadness in his eyes. Kevin was sadly Jason's son. Jason dragged him into a life of trouble. Kevin was the nicest, smartest, most handsome boy I had ever met. I even had a crush on him once. Maybe it never went away.

I look at my surroundings. I'm in a dark room with concrete and I'm tied up very tightly around the wrists. Jason has a metal baseball bat in his hand. It looks like nothing has changed.

"Tell me where Faith is!" Jason yells slapping me. I wince.

"Never." I cry, tears streaming down my face. Jason smirks. He lifts his baseball bat and swings at me successfully hearing the satisfying crunch of my ribs.

Jason kicks me and punches me like there's no tomorrow. I wince at every blow. I feel my nose starting to bleed. I wish Faith was here, she would surely beat their asses.

"We haven't done this in a while have we?" Jason says his hand running up my thigh.

"No... Stop, please just stop." I beg.

"Kevin!" I sob. Kevin stands in the corner tearing up. We used to be the best of friends. Even better than Jay, Justin, and Eli combined. He was my rock. Then Jason came into the picture.

"You should've told me where Faith was you bitch." Jason yells with his hand going up higher. I whimper and cry as Jason's hands feel up my body.

*Luke's POV*
3 Hours Earlier

"Le." Carter whispered breathlessly. The lights went black and me and the boys started yelling out for Carter. I hear a yelp and a thump.

About thirty seconds later, the lights turn back on. Carter wasn't in the room, just a puddle of blood where she had stood.

Everyone stood there shocked unable to speak. Michael walked out of the room trying to hold in his tears. Calum followed after to comfort him.

Ashton and I just stood there. Ashton with a guilty and shocked expression on his face. And I with a blank expression on my face.

I looked over to the side where Leon stood. Tears brimming his eyes. He looked at me with a sad expression. I walked over and simply hugged him.

*Michael's POV*

I couldn't take it anymore. So I simply walked out. I could see out of the corner of my eye Calum hot on my tail.

"She's gone." I whisper to Calum. He pulls me into a tight hug.

"Not for long." Calum sighed. "Not for long."

1 Hour Later
*Calum's POV*

We were currently at the police station to report Carter's disappearance.

"Carter's missing?" Officer Monroe said in disbelief.

"Um yeah do you know her?" Aston asks. Officer Monroe scoffs.

"Do I know her? She was basically like a second child to me." Officer Monroe smiles.

"Really? How do you know her?" Luke asks.

"Well, I see her practically every week." Officer Monroe smiles.

"You do?" I ask. How did I not notice her leaving over the weeks.

"Yeah she visits her parents here." Officer Delainey adds in.

"Her parents?!?!" We say simultaneously. Officer Delainey and Officer Monroe laugh shaking their heads.

"I'm not trying to be offensive or anything, but aren't you guys supposed to know this stuff." Officer Delainey asks. The door opens Elijah walking through.

"Oh hey Eli." Officer Monroe greets.

"Sup." Eli smiles. Does everybody know more about Carter than we do?

"Anyway we'll see what we can do on finding Carter, I'm sure everyone in the station would help to find Carter. She is friends with all the officers here." Officer Delainey tells us.

"Thanks you." We all say.


3 Months Later
*Carter's POV*

I spit the blood on the concrete floor. Jason hits me again with his new baseball bat. I wince at the blow, coughing up new blood.

Jason sighed.

"This is getting boring, scream or do something."

"Glad to be of service to you." I smile tipping my invisible hat. I let my mind wander off as Jason starts to beat me again.

Will he just give it a rest? If not I might run out of blood to cough up.

Maybe they did forget about me. They don't love me. They never did I was just a publicity stunt.

That's what Jason said and I'm starting to believe it. Maybe they've already replaced me with a prettier, skinnier girl.

What about Le? Le surely would try to find you wouldn't he?

The past couple of months have been a living hell. I got beaten for eating and he did some other "things" too.

I haven't seen my appearance since I've gotten kidnapped. I've lost count of the days and I can feel myself getting weaker and weaker.

The only thing that has kept me alive is Kevin. He always went against his dad when it came to me. While Jason was asleep he would sneak me food and water, we would even chat for a while. It was the highlight of my day.

I feel weaker and weaker every second. I'm going to die soon for sure.

And maybe that's not such a bad thing, dying on my birthday.

"Carter." Someone whispers. It was Kevin. I open my eyes and try to sit up. Whimpering in pain I almost lay back down. Kevin helps me sit up.

"Jason's asleep."


"I brought you something."

"What?" I ask. Kevin pulls out a small red velvet box and hands it to me. I open it and gasp. It was a ring. The ring that I wanted from a store some time ago. Once when we were 13 and Jason wasn't in the picture, me and Kevin went shopping. I saw a ring with five colored gems on it and I immediately wanted it, but at that time I had no money so we walked away and I never got it.

Kevin takes the ring from the box and slips it onto my left pinky finger. I admire it and all of the colored gems.

"There's a meaning you know." Kevin whispers. I laugh quietly nodding.

"You once said everything you buy someone has a meaning." I say. Kevin nods.

"The dark red gem is when you go through all your troubles with my dad, but since I'm the real MVP I always save you." I laugh quietly at his sassiness.

"The yellow gem is when me and you used to spend everyday and every night with each other and we were happy.

The green one is for the time Skittles changed their lime Skittle to green apple and you were sad so I bought all the Skittle packets that I could that had lime in it just for you.

The blue one is for all the times we cried together, no matter if it was Faith's death or you forcing me to watch the fault in our stars and making me cry.

And finally, the light purple one is for our future. We don't know the next time we will ever see each other, but we do know we will see each other one day once again."

By the time Kevin finishes I have the biggest smile on my face. The most that I've smiled in a while.

"Kevin I-I I don't know what to say." I say smiling looking down. Kevin gently puts his hand under my chin and lifts my head up to look up at him. I blush. My feeling for him were coming back. and fast. I looked at him. His black hair and light green eyes.

We stared into each others eyes. Jaylen would never do something like this. The most he would do for my birthday is give me a boring card. Nothing with meaning. I look down at the concrete and look back up at him. My stomach bursts into butterflies. Just by looking at him. My face is on fire from blushing so much.

"Carter. I have a thing for you. I like you. I have a crush on you. Hell I even love you." Kevin says looking into my eyes.

I look at him with wide eyes.

"I love you too." I whisper without hesitating or thinking.

Kevin's eyes flicker to my lips and he looks at me as if asking for permission. I look at him and nod. He smiles softly leaning in slowly. Our lips collide and if feels better than anything I've ever done. Butterflies flutter in my stomach.

I wrap my arms around his neck pulling him closer ignoring the pain in my ribs where Jason had bashed me earlier. He bites my lower lip asking for entrance and I allow him in. Our tongues fight for dominance, him winning. I run my fingers through his silky jet black hair causing him to moan. Ugh thats so hot. His arms wrap around my waist as I straddle him.

We pull away to get air and he says something.

"Happy Birthday Carter."

Best. Birthday. Ever.

30 Minutes Later

I'm eating Chick Fil A brought to you by Kevin. Thank God for him.

Kevin sits next to me. His eyes watering. He looks me.

"Carter you know.." He trails off giving me a knowing look. My eyes widen in realization. My eyes start watering. I nod. I finally realize. We can't be together. No, not because of Jaylen, but because of Jason. If I dated Kevin it would be long distance.

Jason would drag him to the next place after a week of staying at the first place. Besides I would have to follow him wherever he went, he's not allowed to use a phone with his dad being a criminal and all. Jason doesn't want him to be giving out information about him.

"So this is goodbye? After I leave." I ask. He nods sadly. I look down. Tears threatening to spill out. He kisses the ring. My ring. Our ring. I open my arms for a hug but he leans in and kisses me as hard and as passionate as he can. I run my hands through his hair. I hear the door open.

"WHAT THE HELL?!?" I hear a voice boom. It was Jason. We pull away as fast as possible. We're sooo screwed. Well I am anyway. Jason rushes over pushing Kevin away into the same corner. Jason grabs the gun that was on the table and aims at me. I tremble.

"No. Please. Please Jason. I'll do whatever. I'll tell you where Faith is. Please." I beg, my voice trembling and cracking at the last word. I start to cry. Looking over at Kevin who had the most horrified look on his face. This is it. I'm about to die. We make eye contact. I mouth something to Kevin.

I love you

He shakes his head.

My heart breaks. Did he reject me? I close my eyes as I hear Jason take the safety off.

I hear a loud scrape against the ground and a sound of something hard hitting something. I open my eyes and see Kevin standing there with his dads metal baseball bat. I look at the floor and see Jason's passed out. Not dead but passed out.

I sigh in relief and take all my strength to stand up. I run to Kevin. He drops the baseball bat and hugs me tight. We let go and he kisses me again. Again the butterflies explode in my stomach.

Kevin looks at me and smiles.

"I love you too.

"Carter are you sure?" Kevin asks unsure. We're in the car in front of the house. I take a deep breath and nod.


"You want to forget everything? Even me? Us?" My eyes start to water. I nod slowly. I lean from the passenger seat to his and kiss him. One final kiss before I forget everything.

He hands me a brown blanket. I cuddle up into it. He gives me the drink. The drink that his dad made so I could forget things he did to me. I take it like a shot and everything gets hazy. I feel sleepy. I hear Kevin sigh. As I drift off to sleep I can feel him take me out of his truck and put me on the door step. He kisses my forehead and whispers.

"I will never forget you Carter." I fade into sweet nothings.

*Luke's POV*

I sat on the couch eating popcorn while watching TMNT then suddenly the doorbell rang. I sighed and got up ready to yell at whoever tried to bother me on her birthday.

No one deserves to be alone on their birthday, no one.

I opened the door to find a brown blanket on the ground covering something. I took off the blanket and gasped.

It was Carter. But not the Carter we knew.

It was a different Carter. She was skinny, very skinny like she hadn't eaten since she had gotten kidnapped.

What happened to her was all I could think. She had scratches, bruises, and a black eye.

She was just in her undergarments and her ribs were showing, but they looked out of place. She layed there looking so peaceful.

I was home alone so I grabbed my phone.

"911 What's your emergency?"

"M-my daughter, she's hurt."

"The ambulance are on their way. Calm down sir."

"Happy Birthday Carter." I whisper tucking her hair behind her ear. Carter gave a faint smile opening her eyes. The ambulance had come and were getting the stretcher.

"Who are you?" She asked with confusion on her face as the ambulance took her away.



Hey guys. Have you heard Girls Talk Boys yet cause if not what are you doing with your life. Anyway ohh amnesia. I hope you enjoy reading this book as much as I enjoy writing it. Talk to you later.


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