The Writer *Sequel to She Is...

By Boring_Ole_Erin

429 5 2

"We're fading! Don't you see?" I say, trying not to unravel in front of him. "No, we are not. It's only in yo... More

The Writer *Sequel to She Is Love-Justin Bieber*

Chapter 1

52 1 1
By Boring_Ole_Erin

Hi :) I know, I wasn't planning on writing a sequel since I already have two other stories I really need  to write, but I really, REALLY wanted to use this idea on something, so why not this one! Ok, well, I'll write now. BYE.



I layed there in that stupid bed. Alone, always it seemed. I should have known. It was obvious. I sat up in my place and stationed my feet on the cold wood floor. Standing, I made my way to the sky blue room down the hall. I found the rocking chair in the dark and sat down. Staring at the empty crib, only wishing that it could be filled.

"Is it my fault?" I asked myself.

"No, because two people have to make an effort in this kind of thing" I turned around to see Justin standing in the doorway. I sent a light smile his way, then turned back to the crib.

"I've been waiting four hours, you know"

"I'm so sorry, Sarah. I really didn't expect rehearsal to run that long, but-"

"No, forget it. I didn't expect you to want to settle down right now anyways. Maybe in a few years" I got up from my spot in the chair and pushed my way past him and down the stairs.

"Sarah, please. You know I love you so much, I couldn't dream of doing anything other than starting a family with you" He replied, following right after me.

"That's obviously not true, Justin. You've got your dream already and you're still young! We're both still young. It was a crazy idea to want to do this" I went to the kitchen to grab a glass of water, before I turned back around to see Justin standing centimeters away from me.

"Baby, please-"

"I'm going to sleep now. Come up when you're ready" I made my way back up the stairs and into our bedroom. This time there were no footsteps following after me. I sighed and layed back down in my previous spot.

It seemed as if my body had made a permanent dent in the mattress of the bed. Each night, I would lay in the same spot, knowing the only reason I would move from it was to fight with him again. It wasn't so much a fight, as was a discussion that neither of us would end up winning. It had been five years since Justin and I got engaged. We ended up not getting married in the five months that we had planned to. It actually took longer than that. 2 years longer, to be exactly. We got married in a courthouse in Louisiana. I wasn't able to wear a dress, due to the fact that I didn't plan on getting married out of the blue and in a room with only Erin and Chaz as our witnesses. Justin was on tour at the time in Atlanta and had two free days off while he was there. I had a signing and small benefit concert in Louisiana the following day. So Justin, being the one with the private jet, flew with Chaz (who was with him on the tour) to New Orleans and Erin and I met him there. After we got married, I didn't see him for another 3 months. We would talk on the phone and skype each other, but that was only for the first month.  Later in the year, it seemed as though we would just wait to see each other on tv or in the tabloids to make sure the other was at least alive. After awhile, it didn't even feel like I was married.

"Sarah?" I heard a soft voice bellow in the dark. I faked being asleep to get out of the conversation Justin wanted to have. I heard him undress, then slip in and under the covers beside me.

"Was this all a mistake? Are we too young for this?" What was he talking about? "Were we both just too naïve to believe that this would work?"

I can't believe this.

I could not believe that he had just asked himself that. I felt tears welling up in my eyes and I tried my hardest to keep from letting out a loud sob. My cheeks began to become damp and the salt of the tears tainted my dry lips. I heard Justin roll over and face away from me before his faint snores filled the room. I waited a bit to make sure he was fully asleep, before slipping out of bed and into the bathroom. I couldn't be too loud due to the large size and its' incredible way of making even the slightest sound travel throughout the entire upper half of the house. Thankfully the closet was large enough to fit an elephant. Or two, so I slipped in there and closed the double doors behind me. I sat down on the loveseat near my half of the wardrobe and layed back. Letting out all that I was holding in, I twisted around the wedding band on my ring finger. It didn't have the usual glimmer I used to believe was there. It seemed heavy, like a paperweight. I wanted to take it off, but something inside me wouldn't allow it. I violently grabbed a box of tissues from the make-up table to the left of me and wiped away the remainder of tears coming from my eyes. Knowing I probably wasn't gonna go back to the bed, I curled up on the loveseat and turned off the lights.


"Chaz I swear, if the microwave is on fire when I walk out of this room, I will take what's left of it and make you eat it"I growled, pulling on my black oxfords. He poked his head out from the kitchen and smiled.

"I promise I didn't. It just cracked a bit, but it still works, I promise!" He replied, ducking back in. I couldn't help but laugh at my clumsy boyfriend. It's hard to believe that Chaz and I have been together for this long, yet we haven't even thought about getting married. I think it's because we see what's happening to Sarah and Justin, and we want them to be secure in their relationship before we're secure in ours.

"So, I'm meeting Sarah at that cafe on Finch before I go to rehearsal. Do you need anything while i'm out? Nothing that can melt, though, since I'll be out till about 5" I asked, making my way over to where he was. He spun around from his previous position in front of the broken microwave and pulled me in close by my waist. I could feel his warm breath on my neck, soon covered up by quick kisses.

"Nope, I just need a daily kiss from my girl, ja feel?" He smiled into my skin, making me giggle a bit.

"No more 90's rap music for you, my man" I answered. He chuckled and then moved his way up to my lips. When he kissed me, I always felt the same butterflies in my stomach that I did 10 years ago.

Ten years. That's a long time. A decade. I have been in love with this boy for a decade. There is not one bone in my body that could make me say that I regret staying with him this long.

"I love you" I mumbled into our kiss, which ended seconds later. He layed a hand on my cheek and smiled.

"I love you squared" He replied, making me laugh again. I let him go and made my way to the garage. I opened the door and went to get in my car. After getting in and doing all of the necessary duties, I drove to the cafe and met Sarah at the door.

"Hey! How have you been?" I asked her, giving her a hug and finding a table to sit at. We found one in the back and sat down.

"You want the honest truth or a happy-go-lucky answer?" She said, pulling her hair back into a messy bun.

"What do you think, blondie?" I rolled my eyes, leaning back into the plush chair.

"So far, worst than last month. It's just that he's coming home even later than usual and all we do is argue about this baby that we haven't even legitimately discussed. In March, he said that he would love to have a baby. Then came April, to which he said maybe in June we can try. Well, we're in June, almost July and I see no pregnant belly or even an attempt at a child. I understand that we're both young and maybe not ready for the responsibility, but I would rather him just tell me that he's not ready, instead of constantly putting it off and lying to me" She huffed, running her hands over her face.

"What does he say he's doing all that time that he's gone? Rehearsal doesn't run till 4 in the morning until like, August. That's only because the tour is coming closer. Sarah, do you think he's, you know-"

"I'm trying not to, but he is who he is, so I wouldn't be surprised," She looked down at her left hand and fiddled with the reflecting diamond ring, "Erin, do you think we made a bad decision with this whole marriage thing?"

"Of course not! I saw the way you guys would look at each other. It was like you two were made for one another"  I asked, scooting closer to the table.

"I don't think he loves me anymore" She whispered, her bottom lips quivering slightly.

(Sarah's POV)

"No, don't say that! Of course he loves you, maybe he's just stressed. Or scared of something"

"Like commitment? I've given up on these stupid excuses and just started to look at them like they really are; Erin, we haven't even slept in the same bed the whole night through since last year. That's not how a relationship is supposed to be. I'm feeling forced to get out of this; and I don't feel bad about it, either" In silence, we sat there. I could feel the tension after I said what I did. Erin was here through everything, and she was pretty protective of Justin and I.

"Sarah, you know that through whatever, I'll be there, right? Even if you two do end up...separated, I will be there.  This is your life, you need to do whatever makes you happy" Erin mentioned. I smiled and nodded.

"Thank you. I'm really gonna need some support for awhile" I said, picking up my coffee and taking a sip of my drink. We talked a little bit more about our lives, then said our goodbyes. Getting in my car, I leant my head against the steering wheel. I could feel tears brimming my eyes, but before they could fall, there was a knock on my side's window. I was startled by the noise, making me look up to see a guy standing there. A relatively attractive guy, to say the least. He looked familiar, but I couldn't pinpoint. Then, it struck me.

"Leo?" I spoke, and I guess that he heard me, because he smiled and waved.


THIS TOOK SO MUCH LONGER THAN I WANTED IT TO OH MY GOSH I SUCK AT DOING THINGS ON TIME. And it wasn't even that long, wow I'm horrible. I'm sorry you guys. Ok, I still hoped you liked it. Don't worry, things will get better for them and worse for another couple *wink*. Ok, well I'll go now and mope in disappointment.  <3 Erin.

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