Bubblegum Girl • On Hold

By TheFallingWish

1.3K 317 7

What if I told you that being perfect can be destructive? •••••••••••• Hello, my names Kristina. Welcome to a... More

Bubblegum Girl
Prolouge - Starbucks
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 - Part 1
Chapter 11 - Part 2
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 13

36 12 0
By TheFallingWish

Kristina's P.O.V

I ran out of the museum, pounding the double doors as I exited. I actually can't believe he has a girlfriend! He led me on, I was actually starting to fall for him. I shook my head, trying to get my mind off it as I crossed the street to the park across the road. I shakily sat on a brown park bench, overlooking the huge green field in front of me.  No matter how hard I tried to forget what I just saw, I couldn't. What if he never really liked me the way I thought he did in the first place? Did we really have a connection at the Roxy? I mean I thought it was a date, but now I'm not so sure.

I saw a hot dog cart in the distance, I hadn't eaten in a while. I approached the cart and I paid the man $5 for a hot dog and a soda. I curled my fingers around the bun and chomped away. I started towards the bench and I sat down finishing it off and slowly sipping the soda. The image started to reappear in my mind. Is he in love with her? When he smiled at me it looked more guilty then friendly, he looked as if he wanted to run up to me and explain but their arms were wrapped so tight around each other he couldn't escape. Plus I bolted out of there in a blink of and eye. How could I be so stupid? I let myself fall for a guy without even getting to know him properly. But then again why didn't he mention her? It was all too overwhelming to handle.

An hour or so had past. I watched as a mother gently pushed her baby girl on the swing set and it brought a smile to my face. I look slightly to the left to see two brothers playfully fight as they slide down the slide. I took the last sip of my soda, I turned my back to the bench and headed to the nearest bin. I throw my can away and turn back around and my phone dings. I ruffle through my bag for it and I see it's a text from Ross.

It reads:
R: "Hey, are you still at the Museum? I need to speak to you."

K: "No. I'm not." I reply
Realising that was a bit harsh and I too wanted to talk to him. I sent him a following text saying.

K: "I'm not at the museum, I'm at the park across the street. I'm sitting on a bench next to the playground."

He replies.
R: "Ok. I'll be there soon."

I decided that I was going to confront him. Tell him how I feel. I know from experience that holding your thoughts and words back, hurt you more in the end. I start twiddling my fingers thinking of things I'm going to say when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I don't turn around, he feels the tension and accompanies me on the bench. "Hey Kristina." I don't bother greeting him back.

"Why didn't you tell me you had a girlfriend?"

He shrugged, "I didn't think it was important." I gave him a sarcastic look.

"Really? So you think you can just compliment a girl in London, talk to her again in LA, give her a freaking ride on your motorcycle and not tell her you're unavailable?" He scratches the back of his neck.

"This relationship I'm in isn't important." I raised my eyebrows, fed up, I started walking away. He followed after me.

"Kristina wait." I led him to the green field in the centre of the park. I tiredly stopped and turned around, waiting for an explanation.

He took a deep  breath, "For months I felt trapped in this relationship with my girlfriend. I didn't feel like myself. She made me see life in a perspective that was foreign to me." Confused I asked.

"So why are you staying in a relationship like that?"

"I was afraid that there'd be no one left out there for me if I did break up with her. Kristina we're all afraid of loneliness, we're all afraid to die alone." We both gave each other a familiar smile, remembering how he sang those lyrics to me at R5's concert. Then I turned away and shrugged, slightly understanding his point of view.

"So do you still see life in a way that you're not use to seeing it in?" He shook his head, a soft smile place on his lips.

"Once you see something a certain way, it's very hard to see things otherwise, that was until I met you. When we were at that concert, I felt like myself again."

"Ross, don't it's not fair. You can't lead me on like this, especially when you're still in a relationship." I shrugged and shook my head. I was about to leave again when his hand quickly caught my wrist and pull me backed.

"I ended it in the museum. I was planning to tell her when we got home but when I saw you standing there, looking gorgeous in that dress, I knew it wasn't fair to keep stringing her along. " Loud booms of thunder echoed around the field. I look up and dark clouds start to cluster. Ross inches closer to me.

"Ross how am I supposed to believe that you really broke up with her?" I replied; slightly shaking, hoping he did break up with her.

"You'll just have to trust me." He tucked a lose strand of my hair behind my ear. A drop of water balanced on my nose. Gravity pushes us closer together as buckets of rain pour down. We look straight into each other's eyes.

"Now what?" I ask him in just a whisper. He grabs my waist and pulls me into him. I wrap my arms around his neck and our lips push against each other. We stand there, in the middle of the field, our lips moving as if one. We laugh in between pecks. The thunder grows louder, eventually we stop and have a breather. He grabs my hand, running he leads the way to a small sheltered area not to far away. He takes off his hoodie and wraps me in it, pulling me in to kiss him again.

• Every love story is beautiful, but ours is my favourite •

A/N Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! For all you R5 and Courtney fans, I'm not hating on her, I think Courtney is a beautiful amazing human being. Remember this is a fan-fiction, I just wanted to add a little twist. Hope you stick around | 4:06 am
Chapter written by:
LoveMattersTheMost  💕😘

Just a quick shoutout to some people.

Don't forget to

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