Trick or Treat


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Trick or Treat
Chapter 3
Trick?? Or......

Chapter 2

133 8 3

James lead the way fearlessly as the darkness of night forced the rest of us to follow closely or risk being left behind. The only light now was from the tall candle post in front of the enormous mansion.

"James are you sure you want  to do this?" I asked, he didn't respond but  continued towards the house as if drawn in by some mystical force. I looked back at  the other guys following closely behind me. The fear of terror on their faces now solidified, each knowing that we shouldn't have done this. The walk from the gates to the mansion was silent, the anxiety and fear was so strong that it could be sliced with a knife.

As we got to the house, we noticed a chandeliar hanging in the porch. It was beautiful, mesmerising but  the wild winds flickered the candle flames casting scary shodows on the walls. We were so scared that we couldn't even breathe.

The house had atleast 5 steps to reach the gate. No one wanted to climb or go beyond this. No one but James. He was the first one to climb the few stairs up to the door without even stopping to think. Turning back to us."Aren't you coming?" he sneered. 

It was now or never. If I did not go ahead, James would bully me all my life. This fear alone was enough to get me moving.

"Yes." I said being the second oldest it was also my duty to go.

"Wait don't go" A new kid to the neighborhood named Cody said.

James quickly turned back from the door to the kid. "Why should we stop?"

"Doesn't this seem kind of stupid and dangerous?" Cody asked

"Since your new to the neighborhood I will let  you go this one time you little nerd." He sneered. A bullying James was a scary story in himself.

Cody placed his hands on his glasses pushing them in a better position on his nose almost as if

stalling for time to think of something to say.

"Well ummm I just thought..."


A loud sound came from the darkness causing us all to jump. 

"What .. what  was that?" I asked.No one responded as I looked to James. His face had begun to show the fear he had until now successfully concealed. It was pale with fright. 

To save face and his status he wouldn't admit it for anything now. It was too late for him to back off.

"Since you can't come up with a good enough reason I am going to do this." James whispered and slowly turned back around untill he was facing the door. 

I looked at Timmy and Cody. Timmy was only eight and Cody looked to be about ten only a year younger then me and two years younger then James. Followed by Ryan and Marcus a pair of twins each only a mouth younger then me, neither really spoke but I could tell from their body movement it would only take a little more for them to scream there heads off.

As my attention stayed focused looking at the others,  James yelled out. A sound of fear. A deep mind numbing sound of fear.


I quickly turned to see what was wrong "Whats wrong James?"

James finger was extended pointing at something "spi spi spi spi spi SPIDER." 

James was terribly afraid of spiders. It was his phobia, the only thing that even he couldn't hold himself back from screaming at. It was a sight that could make him wet his pants.

I moved from behind him to see the spider he was talking about  once seeing it  

I couldn't do anything but laugh.

There, in the door was a brass knocker. It was huge. Designed as a spider with intricate details. The flicker of the candle ights gave it a real look.

"James that isn't a real spider its the doorbell." As he heard these words he instantly stopped only for the sound of the other laughing to roar in the dim light of the flickering chanderliar..

 It lightened the atmosphere. Nothing was eeirie now, we all let our guards down. 

"Shut up it isn't funny." James said angered at being laughed at by little kids. His mind went on autopilot as he slammed his fist into the door. The kids went quiet as the outcome of what James had done came to life as the door flung up and James flew into the house as if pulled by some invicible force.

 I saw nothing more before falling out from fear onto the front steps of the house.

The concrete stairs hit my head as a dizziness came over me the only sound I heard as I lost consciousness the scream of little kids as they yelled out for James and me.

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