Without you , I'm NOTHING.

By CloBo999

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Sequal to the book 'The Joker's Child'. The Joker. Best criminal in town. Best Father to Anita. Best Boyfrie... More

Without you , I'm NOTHING.
Toilet and Sink in 1
Ring Ring!!!
Is that you?
Opposites Attract.

Dead but not gone

274 7 5
By CloBo999


"WAKE UP YOU OL' FAGS!" Blasted Two-Faces voice into our box room through the speakers. " GET DRESSED IN 2 MINUTES AND LINE UP OUTSIDE!"

I laughed and touched the side of me , my hand searching for Mum. Although to my dissapointment she was not there. This sent alarm bells through my system. My heart beated hastely.

"Mum?" I spoke out loud.

It was silent. "Mum?..." I repeated. "MUM?!"

All of a sudden my door swung open. "GET OUT HERE NOW!" Screeched Two-Face.

"I'm not dressed." I told him.

"WELL...WELL...." He went to shout a threat but failed. "Just get dressed and get out here , clown."

I raised my eyebrows and dressed as fast as I could. Pulling over the uniform , I looked down at it. Just like the guard uniform but a short puffy dress. It was extremely slim! One half was plain white and the other a rotten black , like Two-faces revolting face.

Once I had sorted out my long blue hair , I opened the door.

"I'm here!" I laughed.

I looked down the hallway to find around 5 slaves in a line getting beaten.

"Oi oi mister!" I stormed over to Two-Face. "You shall not do that to ladies!"

He slowly turned his head in my direction. His eyes pulled together.

"Dear Child." He began. "Tell me when I said you shall speak?"

"RIGHT NOW!" I slapped him hard across the cheek and ran down the hallway.

Although I bumped into something hard and black.

I closed my eyes and took a big thud to the floor.

"Miss Anita.J" A Loud voice boomed. 

I opened my wide eyes to find Batman looking down at me. "Why are you here?"

"Why are you here?" I asked him back.

He rolled his eyes and reached his hand down to me. I took it and hauled myself up onto my bare feet.

"I'm hear because what you are being forced into is wrong." He shot a glare at two face. I nodded and looked back and forth them both in agreement. 

"Get outta'here Batman!" Said Two-Face.

"Harvey , I'm taking all 6 slaves with me."

"NO!" Two-Face got out his gun and pointed it at Batman.

Batman immediately kicked the gun out of his hand and it fell to the floor instantly smashing to pieces.

Then Catwoman came around the corner of the hallway!

"Only one gun , Harv?" She purred as she walked up to us. "Shame."

"TWO GUNS!" Screamed Two-Face.

Instantly he shot Batman.

"WELL WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" I complained.

I got on my knees by Catwoman who was checking Batman. Catwoman stood up , I followed. 

"Come on , Harv....Be a good boy. MEOW!" She clawed playfully in his face.

Then Batman got up off the floor and kicked Two-Face in the mouth , sending him falling to the solid ground.

"Woo-hoo!" I cheered.

"And I thought it was cats who had nine lives..." winked Catwoman.

Once Catwoman had spoke I felt a breeze brush past me and I thought I could hear my Father laughing.

"Don't become one of them." Whispered a voice that sounded similar to Jokers'. "Find Harley."

I smiled and turned to Batman and Catwoman.  "Mum has gone missing help me find her?"

Catwoman bounced through a window. "No , Thanks." 

I grinned at Bats. "Please?"

"Okay." He sighed.

We set down the long hallway. "Out saving Gotham without my Dad around? Where's the fun in that Bats?"

"You sound just like him." He spoke solidly.

"Who? Joker?"


"Well I am his lil' Joker. I'm the female version."

"Don't do the things he done."

"Ooops...To late!"

He rolled his eyes yet again and paused. "Your Mum is there."

I turned to my right to find her sitting in a rocking chair , her arms and legs tied down and ducktape over her mouth.

"Mum?!" I screamed.

I ran over to her and instantly undone the ropes. "Two-Face?" I pondered.

She nodded as I ripped off the tape.

"Lets get out of here!" I screamed.

"Wait Miss.J" Said B-Man.

I sighed. "YES?" 

"Have these shoes." He passed me a pair of black converse. "Thank You."

"And you Miss.Quinnzel." He passed my Mom a pair of white converse.

"It's Quinn" My Mom corrected.

"Quinn" Repeated Batman.

"Keep going my lil' Joker..." I heard a whisper of my Dad chuckling.

Even though he's dead he is still watching me. :]

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