MISSION OF PROOF (completed)

By SamanthaJayneDavison

692 13 8


MISSION OF PROOF (completed)

692 13 8
By SamanthaJayneDavison




Brad was sitting at the local café waiting for his order of a strong espresso.

 The waitress turned up with his order.

“Sir” the waitress said

Brad didn’t seem to be listening to the waitress

“Sir” the waitress attempted to get his attention

“Do you want milk or cream” The waitress still trying to get his attention

Still, Brad seemed to be in a world of his own

Cough, cough, Brad jumped. “sorry sir you were miles away” said the waitress.

“sorry, I have a lot of things on my mind right now” Brad apologised.

“anything I can help with” the waitress said

“Na, just some big meeting I have with my superiors” Brad said

“sounds serious” said the waitress

“maybe” Said Brad

“but anyway, I will have cream, Thanks” Brad said

“no problem, anytime you want to talk, just give me a shout” Said the waitress

“I might just do that. Thanks” Brad said

“Sorry I didn’t catch your name”

That’s because I never told you. Its Sally”

“ok Sally, well I’m Brad and maybe I will stop by we could go for a  drink sometime”

“yeah maybe, see you soon. Oh and good luck with your meeting”

“thanks, I think I’m going to need it”

Brad poured the cream into his espresso and dropped two sugar cubes in to the steaming strong coffee. Mixing it slowly whilst thinking of what this meeting was going to be about.

 After a short time, Brad stood up and started to walk towards the barracks in Hereford. On his way the weather started to change. The clouds started to connect and create what felt like a very heavy atmosphere. The sort of weather he felt comfortable in. The wind began to pick up and a mist of rain started to fall causing a distant fog.

As he approached the barracks his mind began to focus on the meeting with his commanding officer again, but was soon distracted when a voice shouts “STOP, ID PLEASE”

It was Geordie.


“Brad, is that you”

“Fucking right its me, who do you think it is”

“Sorry, thought I was going to have to shoot your arse hahaha”

“to be honest don’t think that would have been a bad thing considering”

“Considering what”

“got a meeting….”

“oh say no more, been there myself, go on through”

“cheers bud, see you soon………I hope haha”

As Brad walked past Geordie and the his dog on duty, they commented on the weather

“I hate this weather cold, wet, dark. I’m sick of it man“.

 Brad just shrugged his shoulders and replied

“it beats the sun Geordie get some balls or at least empty them.”

 It was pretty quiet in the barracks for a change, but there were a few that were being deployed to Afghanistan. Brad was one off them to his surprise especially after last time. Where he died and came back but very different. Stronger, quicker, better eye sight, better hearing, great sense of smell and a lot more violent. But he had a thirst for blood. Any sort really but he did prefer a human female either willing or not did not bother him they remember or wake up.

 As Brad stood there remembering that fateful night. He remembered going on patrol with his four man unit. They were patrolling a small village about fifteen miles north of Kandahar when there were shit loads of gun fire. They were well and truly screwed. All were shot and left for dead. All were even Brad he was shot in the stomach and legs. But a young strange man asked Brad if he wanted to live and get the bastards that killed his mates. Who wouldn’t jump at that chance? So Brad agreed weakly even though he didn’t move his lips and no sound came from his mouth.

He did notice his mouth was filling with blood he thought it was his so he swallowed it back and prayed he didn’t throw it up.

As he swallowed he felt dizzy and weak until the darkness came and took him. He woke to a child crying near him her farther was beating her. The kid had blood all over her small fragile body. Brad leapt up and in one fast smooth move he snapped the bloke’s neck.

He told the kid to run away as her mother walked in. Brad didn’t know what was happening but he grabbed her and pulled her head to one side to expose her neck. He sank his fangs in and drank her blood till she was still. Then he dropped her.

When he was finished he was shocked and he went to find a mirror. What he saw scared him shitless. His body was well built, toned, ripped to hell. His eyes were bright red instead of the emerald green he was used to seeing. He also noticed he was much taller instead of five foot eleven inches he was now six foot six. And stronger, faster, more deadly than he used to be.

‘Brad’ Yo’ Brad you in there Brad?’  ‘What’ he shouted. His boss was annoyed yet again. ‘We doing this thing or do you want some time to get hold of yourself’.

‘Pull yourself together, go for a drink tonight your going to need it’.   ‘What does that mean?’  ‘You will find out soon enough’ came his reply.


Chapter 2

In the commanding officer room sat a small slim news reporter called Kelly. She had a small build to her and a soft look to her. Her eyes were small and blue with small lenses and framed glasses. Her hair was brown shoulder length that had waves in.

Next to her was an assistant called Toni also female. She was taller with a bigger build on first impression you would think she was plump. She wasn’t plump she just had broad shoulders. Slight waist, wide hips, long legs. But that’s not what caught his attention it was her eyes deep brown. Long eye lashes slight face high cheek bones. Long brown hair but with streaks of red in it. He could tell she worked out.

The other thing that caught brads attention was the other two vampires standing behind the women. One was a British royal marine called rob. The other was Australian SAS soldier who transferred to the British SAS unit. He was called Jim.

When all three were together the room grew cold and the air seemed to stand still.

Brad wanted to know what was going on and he was about to demand what it was when Kelly stood up. Turned to all three and said “I’m investigating claims that members of the forces are dying and coming back as vampires.

Toni burst out laughing when Kelly said that.

When Toni finally stopped laughing she said “sorry Kelly but we are adults not fucking kids” “tell ya what if there are vampires out there sign me up as there first victim ok?”

Kelly said “trust me Toni they would want a human not a dog”. “Woof fucking woof was Kelly’s reply.

All the soldiers agreed with Kelly. The commanding officer informed the room they would be leaving on January the third. “Tomorrow” snapped Toni.  He nodded. Kelly looked at her “it’s my birthday” mumbled Toni. In the mean time spend time with family and loved ones. He excused the two women.

As they walk out Kelly said “it’s your birthday”

“No tomorrow is my birthday” replied Toni.

The commanding officer addressed hid men. “Firstly brad is lead this mission understood?” he got nods from them all.

“Well gentlemen as you can tell one believes and one does not“. “The one that does not believe is your blood bank if in emergency“. “They are both aware that you will need to travel at night in order to find vampires“. “The reported is a bitch watch her.” “Toni I don’t know about I can’t read her“.

“They are to be protected at all cost mainly Kelly”. “The BBC would kill us if anything should happen to her and do not let her find out the truth ok?”

He again got nods from his men.

“As you three don’t have families you can observe the two women or do your own thing but the more you find out the better“.

“I will observe Toni” rob said

Brad nodded.

“I will take Kelly” said Jim

Brad nodded

“Meet at the local? “

“Yeah ok” said brad “see you later and brad left to see sally

Kelly walked into her house and poured a large glass of wine and kissed her husband on the cheek. They watched TV. for awhile then went to bed. As she laid in his arms she told him “they exist I just need proof but that’s why Toni is there”

Jim thought the bitch is setting Toni up and she has no idea what she is headed into.”

Rob was watching Toni get out her ford kugar but she kept looking around. She headed for the door and he thought she looked tired. As he watched her he saw her take a sigh of relief. She unlocked the door and her phone was ringing and her answer machine kicked into life. Rob had to chuckle to himself when he heard her message tone. “Yep a typical Geordie”.

Her message tone said “it’s I’m out leave your name and number and if I can be arsed I will call you back”

The bloke on the phone said “yo happy bithday to you now where the fuck are you” he laughed “your only thirty once girl now drag your but down here see ya soon“.

Toni stood smiling but her finger hovered over the delete button. She left it and went upstairs and got changed. On her way down she grabbed her mobile and called a taxi.

She met up with her friends at the same place where Jim and brad were. Toni walked past them and they look amazed at her sight. Rob sat next to them and said “she looks nice I think one of us should pick her up later“.


“It’s her birthday”

Jim told them about Kelly.

“Fine I will pick her up” said brad

They watch Toni dance and drink with her friends she finally got home around four thirty am.

She went straight to bed and didn’t bother to cover herself.

She woke up to something touching her face.

She saw marc. He punched her over and over again.

Toni passed out and she woke to her mobile ringing. Her head felt like she had been struck by a truck “close she thought but it was just marc”

She answered her mobile “what” she snapped

“Get you arse into gear brad is on his way to get you and happy birthday”

Toni shut the call of and tried to move but she was sore.


Chapter three

“Fuck” Toni shouted as she got out of bed her head spun and her body hurt. She jumper in the shower and she could see the bruises starting to form. She finished in the shower and ran down the stairs then had a quick mug coffee.

By the time she had finished her cuppa Brad was pulling into her drive way. He killed the engine and got out the car. Toni opened the door before Brad had a chance to knock. She looked at Brad and caught his eyes she looked away fast. “I will just grab my stuff” “its fine Toni we got time plus you look rushed”  “are you going to let me in?”

“Erm yes sorry, come in Brad” she stood to the side and he noticed her looking down the street. Brad went straight to her kitchen. It was big and he could tell it was the heart of the house.

“I used to enjoy cooking” she said Brad nodded at her and sat at the table.

Toni went off upstairs to grab her stuff.

Brad had a full three hundred and sixty degree view if he wanted it.

He could tell a lot of blood had spilt in the room but whose he did not know.

Toni came into the kitchen and put her bag on the bench.

“Do you want a drink brad?”  Brad shook his head and looked at Toni.

“Get your self a drink Toni and sit for five minuets”

“Ok” she walked to the kettle and switched it back on she put one sugar cube into her mug and she went to the fridge and took out the milk and poured it into the mug. When she returned the milk the kettle finished boiling. She poured the water into the mug and stirred her then went and sat opposite Brad but she did not look at him well his eyes really as they did things to her.

When she finished her cuppa she stood up and washed it then she dried it and put it away.

Brad was standing close to her and he grabbed her bag “lock up we leave now ok“.

Toni nodded and she closed the doors in the house and switched on the alarm she then locked the door leading into her house then the porch door.

She turned round and Brad was close she was just touching his shirt. He looked at her “ready?” he asked as he looked down.

Toni nodded.

She looked down the street and saw him watching her. Her heart rate got fast and Brad noticed and he too looked at the man.

Brad placed his hand on her lower back and pushed her forward gently towards his car.

“I think I just take my car”

“Get in my car Toni”


“Toni look at me” she did “get in my car please”

As Toni and Brad got in the car Brad looked back at the watching them and realised he was a hunter. He looked at Toni  


Chapter Four

As Brad drove them to the army base Toni kept fidgeting and was looking anywhere but his direction. Brad got annoyed and demeaned to know what was wrong.

Toni snapped at him “i’m tired so drop it”.

“Drop what?” he snapped back

“The caring, the friendliness, the concern. Just drop it I don’t want or need it ok?”

Brad shook his head and gripped the wheel harder.

Brad though why is she so damn scared? Bet it’s the hunter that was watching us and who is now following us.

“Toni get some sleep ok“?

She nodded and closed her eyes. She thought why do I feel so tired all of a sudden? She fell asleep and dreamt that Brad took her phone and sent a text to Marc who was demanding where she was going and who she was with.

Toni jumped awake and looked at Brad. “Toni are you ok you have only been asleep for twenty minuets“.

Toni looked at him and nodded her phone was not in her pocket. “Have you seen my phone Brad?”

“Yeah it fell out your pocket here”

He handed her the phone and she opened the messages and checked Marc’s profile.

The message that Brad sent read “I am away with Kelly the reporter and we are to be protected by three soldiers.

“Why did you do that?” she asked him

“You were asleep and I didn’t want to wake you”

“Ok thanks” he nodded at her.

“Go back to sleep” he said

Toni snapped at him “why so you can send more texts no way am I going to sleep“.

The drive was long and quiet. Toni looked at Brad once or twice but looked away just as fast. She was not careful with her thoughts though. “Why do his eyes capture me and hold me like i’m his prisoner?”

“Why do I obey him so much but only when I look at those green eyes?

“Why do I want those hands touching and holding me?

Brad listened to her thoughts and coughed. Toni snapped out her trance.

“Were here” he said amused. Toni was still annoyed and got out the car grabbed her bag and slammed the door. Toni headed towards Kelly. “Nice of you to join us” she sneered. Toni thought about ripping her head of and using it as a football. The three soldiers looked at her and Jim said “she has got a mean streak hasn’t she?”

Brad told Jim and Rob about the man watching them and also about Toni’s out burst in the car. Oh the man who followed us is also a hunter.

Rob turned to look at Toni who was now arguing with Kelly. “Looks like a cat fight is about to commence”.

Jim shook his head “yo Toni give it a rest will ya” “you too Kelly”.

Toni started to walk past them when Brad went to say something Toni told them to drop dead she instantly regretted saying it. Rob grabbed her arm and she saw that all three had fangs and they were about to bite someone. Toni ripped her arm free of Rob and snapped “what”. Rob allowed her walk away but he said “you really are a bitch”.

Toni ignored him and thought yeah i’m a bitch but i’m a pedigree I just married the fucking mongrel. Brad laughed in this head.

Brad said “Rob go and find out from Kelly what is up with Toni”.

Rob nodded and walked away.

“Yo Kelly do you know what is wrong with Toni?”

“Yeah she is hung over and she is nervous about flying”

“Ok cheers Kelly”.

Rob thought to Brad and Jim what Kelly told had told him.

Brad thought “just leave her to calm down” the commanding officer walked past Kelly and held up five finger indicating the heli would be here in five minuets. He went to give the good news to his men and noticed Toni was standing beside the car with her back to them all. He told Jim to get her.



As Jim approached Toni he gently put his hand on her shoulder. Toni straight away saw images of Jim, rob and Brad holding a woman and biting into her. There eyes were blood red. Toni saw a young, tall, and very strong and powerful man with a tattoo of a star over his left eye and a blood red sun over his right eye. Toni jumped and yelped away from Jim.

Jim laughed and said “sorry didn’t mean to scare you.” “It must have been one hell off a good night for you.”  Toni shrugged “its ok I was in a world all to my self and as for my night out it was just the same”

Jim looked at Toni a little too closely “Toni are you sure you are ok?”   

“I don’t like flying I get nervous” she replied in a weak voice.

“You will be fine plus we are all here with you” he smiled down at her.

Toni laughed and nodded then she said “thanks I think”

He laughed “you will be fine Toni trust me on this ok?”

“Ok fang boy” she replied and laughed. Toni walked towards Kelly and stood next to her as a heli touched down in the compound.

Neither Toni nor Kelly noticed Jim rob and Brad stand behind them.

The little colour Toni had left in her face soon faded and Jim gently took her arm. Again Toni saw images of the three men but they were semi naked this time.

“I can’t do this” and she began to shake. Jim started to lead her towards the heli both Brad and rob looked at Toni and shock there heads.

“You not nervous you are scared” said rob it wasn’t a question it was a fact.

As Kelly climbed aboard first she looked back and said “don’t slip and hurt yourself we don’t want any blood”,

Toni replied “if any blood gets spilt trust me it will be yours”

“Fuck were looking after children” snapped Brad. Jim and rob both laughed hard rob waited till Toni and Jim sat down then he went and sat next to Kelly. He checked she was strapped in properly.

Jim reached over Toni who was still shacking and he noticed she help her breath and tensed up. Scared in case he touched her again.

“Toni you will be fine relax when we take off try and sleep ok? Jim looked at her and shook his head. Toni didn’t move or speak.

Brad demanded a report from his men and to his surprise he got two thumbs up from both Jim and robs.

Toni glared at Brad and said “you ever heard of please or thank you?”

Brad looked at her and said “shut up and enjoy your flight”. Kelly and rob both laughed. Kelly sat there with a huge grin on her face until Brad told her remove it. He told the pilot they were good to go.

Toni thought to herself “I don’t what is worse this or last night”.

Brad said “Kelly, Toni get some sleep this is going to be long enough without you two bitching at each other”. He looked at Kelly who nodded then he looked at Toni. Toni would not look at him so he said “Toni look at me” when she did she found his eyes. “Go to sleep you will feel better oh and happy birthday”.

Toni nodded slowly and Kelly started to snore the three soldiers started to laugh.

Toni turned her head and closed her eyes but she could not quiet fall into the darkness she didn’t trust herself too.

Brad turned to Jim and rob “it will be nearly daylight when we land so head straight to the shelter the women must remain with us understand?” Jim and rob both nodded.

Jim said “so why do you think Toni reacts that way when we touch her?”

“Maybe she doesn’t like you two” said Brad laughing.

“Maybe but we don’t really like her” said rob.

Toni jumped in her sleep and started to shake again Brad told Jim to move so he could sit next to her.

“Toni your ok”

“No its dark”

“Ok Toni where are you?”

“Its so dark i’m sore and scared”

“Toni what are you afraid off”

“You, you will hurt me again”

All three soldiers looked at her now with concern in there eyes.

“We communicate this way as of now and what the fuck was all that” thought Brad.

Brad watched as Toni’s body fell still all he could see was her chest rise and fall.

“Ok we must keep an eye on her as there is more to her than we know”  “I wish I could see her dreams” Brad admitted.

“I bet you do” said rob.

“She really did seem scared Brad” said Jim. “I think she knows what we really are mind” he told them about her comment.

Brad growled in his head. Rob who is the youngest said “so how did two become a vampire?”

Brad told them his story.

Jim who died at his now dead ex-girlfriends hands.

Here is my story from the beginning. I was on my way back from the shops with some wine for me and Lisa. I was going to ask her to marry me. But when I got home I saw her kissing some bloke who I have never seen before. I demanded to know what was going on when she turned round and stabbed me in the chest. I fell to the floor and the bloke who Lisa was kissing pushed her down into a corner she hit her head and was knocked out. The bloke asked me if I wanted to live. My first thought was yes. He bit into his wrist and put it to my mouth. He told me I needed to drink to be saved. As I drank my head spun and my breathing grew weak and shallow unit all was black. When I woke up I saw Lisa in the corner of the hall and I grabbed her I bit into her chest and as I did she tried to fight me off but it was useless she was dead in under five minuets. I felt so strong and alive that I have ever felt before.

“Ok rob your turn” said Brad

Rob nodded I was driving home to Portsmouth form Scotland the trip was going well apart from the rain lashing down. When I got onto the M1 it was really bad. The wipers were on full speed and still I could not see. I pulled into a lay-by to wait it out. When out of nowhere a big red truck slammed right into me. My car flipped and rolled over three times. I was thrown all over the car. The driver of the truck came to me and all I could see was blood and his red eyes and tattooed face. The star over his left eye and the “blood red sun over his right eye” said Brad and Jim together. It was the same bloke we got. Rob then told them how he drank his blood and then woke up in hospital to find a young girl who lived on the streets and took drugs. I thought under the circumstances no one would miss her so I took her. As she died she whispered thank you. It turned out her dad was the boss at the London mint office.

“Ok so there you go” he said.

Jim said “we now know we were all changed by the same bloke why we don’t know”.

Brad looked at the two women sleeping and said “you know I think there is something up with this mission, for one thing why would a news reporter go out her way to find a vampire if she really didn’t already know we exist, plus why the MOD would allow it also.”

“Ok guys start to wake them up ok” Brad said as he stood up so Jim could sit back down.

“Toni its time to wake up” Jim said.



Toni was dreaming of a tattooed man ordering Jim, Rob, and Brad to bite a woman and claim her as their own.

Toni jumped awake and looked at Jim with startled eyes and looked away. Brad, Jim and Rob looked at her.

As the heli began to descend onto the compound in the middle of nowhere and in scorching heat even though it wasn’t even daylight yet.

 From the view from the heli windows the compound was at least twenty miles by twenty miles. There were bunkers and tents scattered everywhere. There was a large tent with a big red cross which indicated medical centre. A large building with steam rising from its rafters could only be in Tonis view the naffy which was great as she was starving.

One the heli touched down Brad said “we move fast keep your heads down and head straight for the building in front of you”.

Jim unbuckled Toni from her seat and grabbed her bag. He motioned for her to stand in front of him. Rob done the same with Kelly. Brad looked back and said “Toni hold onto me and don’t remove your hand till I tell you too”

“Ok” she said as she grabbed his belt as it didn’t directly touch his body. Jim said the same to Kelly.

“Fine” she snapped Rob placed Kelly’s hand on Jims back then he grabbed her shirt.

“We ready?” Brad asked

Yes was his reply

Brad started to led them out and Toni kept thinking “please don’t let me touch and please don’t touch me”

Brad started to run towards the shelter “let me go Toni” she did and he threw the door open Brad pushed Toni inside the building and Toni saw brad biting Kelly’s neck till she was dead.

Toni staggered back shocked and stunned until she hit the wall and slid down it. “I don’t believe it, it can’t be true, I must be going mad, and they can’t be vampires.”

Brad looked at Toni shocked and then looked at the other two “please tell me you heard her”. They nodded and Kelly tripped Brad caught her and carried her to a bed.

“Are you ok Kelly?”

“Yes i’m fine thank you Brad”.

There were no windows in the building just two small vents in the ceiling one door which Brad was shutting tight. There were four beds but five people Toni just stayed on the floor she did not want to argue.

Rob sat on the floor next to Toni “take” Toni shook her head “i’m fine here understand?”

“Can you hear my thoughts Rob? “.

Rob stood and looked at her then he walked away he went to the far end of the room and sat on a bunk. He laid down and closed his eyes “she knows” he said

Rob stood up and took his shirt off. Toni noticed is body was perfect toned, ripped, smooth he was strength and power.

She looked at Jim as he took his shirt off he too was perfect.

Brad was talking to Kelly so he had his back to Toni as he took his shirt off. Toni tried not to look too hard but failed miserably. Toni saw his wide strong shoulders his wide strong arms as he turned round her eyes grew wide she looked into his eyes and thought “I know what you are but your secret is safe with me as I have secrets of my own”. Brad held her gaze and he looked deep into her. He found nothing so he laid down “I think she is telling the truth”.

The men appeared to be asleep and Toni saw Kelly hold up both hands indicating they all got a perfect ten out of ten. Toni laughed and agreed. Toni thought “yes ten out of ten of Jim and Rob but there is no score on earth for Brad if they are vampires please let Kelly keep my promise”.

Brad thought “i’m going to be sick if I drink from her” Jim and Rob both agreed.



“At least they agree on one thing” said Jim. Rob laughed and said “wonder what they look like”. Kelly got a score of eight and Toni got a six from Jim.

Rob scored Kelly a six and Toni a five but I will give Toni a ten out of ten for her eyes. Jim and Brad agreed and if Toni had heard them she would have been shocked to the core.

Brad scored Kelly a seven and Toni got an eight and a half. “Why” demanded rob. “I don’t really know” Brad admitted.

Rob said “you going sweet on Toni brad?” Brad stuck his fingers up at him. Jim laughed “it’s a good job they can’t hear us” Brad and rob both laughed hard as they agreed.

Toni took her shirt off and rolled it up into a ball and she lay down. As soon as she closed her eyes she fell into the darkness. Toni’s stomach was grumbling away she was hungry.

Rob woke up and looked at all the people sleeping on beds. He stood up so he could see Toni he heard her heart beat fast and hard but he wanted to watch her chest rise and fall.

He walked over to her and he saw that her arms and shoulders were covered with bruises. Rob didn’t like the look so he went to wake Jim and Brad up.

“What is it rob?” snapped brad

“Its Toni you both need to see her”

“Just tell us Rob” brad snapped

“Ok firstly she got lovely hair when it’s down and she is slim, she has got lovely chest huge tits.” “I can’t believe this but i’m attracted to her” replied Rob

Jim yelled “go to sleep ROB” “dream about or whatever just shut the fuck the fuck up”

“Both of you shut the fuck up” shouted Brad.

“Think I think about Kelly” said Jim

Brad growled and Jim and Rob both laughed.

“Guys i’m serious now, you really should see Toni”

Brad sat up and walked towards her looking really pissed off. He stood and watched her chest rise and fall fast. “She looks in pain, oh and rob I will agree with you regarding her chest and being attracted to her, but you did forget to inform me of her bruises”.

Jim rushed to her and looked. All three knelt beside her. “Toni wake up” said Brad. He moved some hair from her shoulder to expose a nasty new bruise starting to form on the  nape of her neck.



“Toni wake up now” she held her sides tighter.

Brad touched her cheek and she saw him bite into her neck while Jim and Rob bite into her wrists.

Toni jumped awake and stood up. They all looked up at her and Toni shook her head. Toni collapsed and Rob caught her and carried her back to his bed as he laid her down her vest top rode up to expose more bruising. When he placed her down on the bed Brad sat next her “wake up Toni” “Toni wake up now I won’t ask you again” Brad shook his head and touched her cheek. She opened her eyes and looked at him. “I know what you are”

“What are we Toni” said Jim

“You are all vampires”.

Brad laughed “I think who ever has beaten you gave you a head injury, I can help you if you let me?”

“If you won’t be honest with me then I won’t be with you” she snapped.

“What do you mean by that” demanded Brad

Toni stood up to fast and Brad caught her arm “what is wrong with you?”

Toni smiled at him and threw her arms around his neck. Brad was shocked and didn’t embrace her. “Thank you” she whispered.

Toni released Brad and walked away but as she went back to her corner she had to sit on Jim’s bed as she went very dizzy and felt sick. Toni wrapped her arms around her body and yelped out in pain.

Brad put his hand on her shoulder and she jumped but held her steady “you are going to sleep her on this bed till Kelly wakes up understands?”

She walked away from him and bent down to grab her shirt and put it on. Toni sat down.

“Toni I ment what I said”

Kelly woke up and started to stretch dramatically.

“Do you think it was the same bloke that followed you Brad?”

“Yeah I think so Rob”

“We will sort it when we get home even if we have to chain her up she has not got a choice” growled Jim.

There was knock at the door “what” Bead shouted

“Wake up call” said another soldier.

Toni watched as Brad put his top on he looked at her and she shook her head. Brad went to open the door and Toni stood up. As she started to walk past him he put his arm out to stop her but not to touch her. “Where are you going?”

“I need food that’s why I collapsed unless there is something you wish to tell me?”

Brad lowered his arm so she could walk away. As Toni headed towards the naffy she noticed the air was still sticky warm and dry as hell even though it was nightfall.

Toni sat and ate toast in silence and drank her coffee as Kelly walked over to her. Brad, Jim and Rob followed suit.

Kelly started to delegate her orders out. “Toni I want the spare film and check the equipment is working.”

Toni nodded.

“You three I want you find me somewhere to film“.

Brad mentioned they would need to take a land rover and only carry what they really needed. The three soldiers stood up and started to walk away. Kelly quickly followed after them. They all headed for a large building it was much bigger than there is. Bigger than the naffy. The building was in complete darkness and had a solid heavy steel door just like theirs



The windows were covered with bars and had shutters on them. It was so dark that Toni couldn’t tell if they were inside or not.

Kelly was felling round the wall for the light switch. But Brad, Jim and Rob could see perfectly clear so Rob went and switched it on for her.

Inside the building was guns, vehicles, knifes, uniforms, more guns and shit loads of ammo. Brad told Kelly to find a small hand gun plus ammo and knifes and uniforms for both her and Toni.

Kelly nodded and did as she was told walking away from the three men. She found a small semi automatic pistol and clips. One each she thought. She also found four knifes two each. The uniforms were next a size eight for her and a twelth for Toni she will need a belt but tough.

As Kelly continued to look around Brad, Jim and Rob were in another room which had a fridge in it. Brad closed the door so Kelly could not see them and Rob took out three bags of blood and passed them out to Jim and Brad.

Jim said “I don’t mind drinking it this way but I do prefer to have a female in my arms while I drink”

Both Rob and Brad agreed with that statement.

“Toni asked me to be honest with her and that she would be honest with us also” said Brad

“I still can’t believe Toni is our walking, talking, blood bank I hope we never have to use her”

Brad laughed “think we all feel the same way Rob, we all like her more than we should”

“You mostly Brad I see it in the way you look at her” said Jim. Rob agreed.

Rob went to see what Kelly was shouting about as he had finished his third bag of blood. As soon as Kelly saw him she showed him what she found and got the thumps up from him. He walked past her and went over the land rovers to find a large one. When he did he took the keys and put them in his pockets.

Brad and Jim were just finishing there third bags of blood when Brad nodded at Jim “yeah I like her but i’m scared to tell her the truth, I fell for her back in the office.”

“We all like her but she has only got eyes for you Brad, but how ironic that we should all fall for her” said Jim laughing

“What do we do now?” said Rob

“Tell her put the ball in her court” said Jim.



“Well this is just great” thought Rob.

“What is” said Brad.

“What do we do now” said Jim

“Simple really we use Kelly instead, it’s not like she will live to tell the tale plus she will get her proof.” said Brad.

“Good plan one hitch though” said Jim.

“What hitch” replied Rob

“Toni will know for sure then” said Jim

“I was going to tell her anyway right before I mated her” said Brad

“What about us” snapped Rob?

“Calm down Rob and are you willing to share her with us Brad” said Jim

“I suppose so but we are all agreed she is mostly mine right?” said Brad

Both Jim and Rob nodded.

Brad and Jim headed back to Kelly.

“Good so you found some weapons now lets show you how to use them” Said Jim

“Wait till Toni is with us saves you doing it twice” she snapped

“Ok” said Brad

“Jim go and find Toni and take her back to ours so we can this show on the rod” ordered Brad.

“Ok bud think she will still be in the naffy I will check there first”.

Jim walked out of the ammo building and headed for the naffy. He knew before he got there that she had already left. He followed her scent back to their building and found her with her music blaring into her ear drums. All he could hear was bass. Toni had no clue he was there watching her. She bent forward checking the cameras and microphones. Jim noticed more bruising on her back.



Jim could hear Toni’s Thoughts and she was thinking of the way she had her arms around Brad and how he felt against her but she wished he held her also.

Toni didn’t even know Jim was there watching the way she moved her body trying to limit the pain wincing when she moved to fast. Toni didn’t hear the others return until Kelly walked unto Toni and ripped the headphones out of Toni’s ears. Kelly barely touched Toni but she saw her take some kind of liquid and Brad bite into her neck and drank from her till she was dead. But then Brad died also.

Toni jumped up fists clenched and she went for Kelly. Brad grabbed hold of Toni and snapped “calm the fuck down now”. Toni was struggling against Brad’s hold on her. “You bitch what is your problem?” shouted Toni. Brad spun Toni round till she was facing him and he was between both Toni and Kelly.

Kelly shouted to Toni “I pay you to work not listen to music”

Toni shook her head and snapped “you don’t pay me your husband does”.

Kelly snarled “at least I have a husband”

Toni thought “so do I, I just wish I didn’t”. She thought about all the times he beats her.

The three soldiers grew very cold and dark as they listened to Toni thoughts. Kelly broke the very long silence by snapping at Brad “you going to teach us or not?”

Toni side stepped Brad and approached Kelly. Toni said to Kelly “if you ever talk to him or anyone else in this room like that again I will kill you do you understand?” Kelly laughed and stepped back.

Brad pulled Toni back and stood back he handed Kelly a pistol and then he handed Toni one. Before Brad could even begin to tell them what to do. Toni checked and loaded and removed the safety catch from her pistol she began to aim it at Kelly. Brad stood in front of Toni looking amused and Rod and Jim looked shocked and raised there eye brows at Brad who was smiling. Toni looked at Brad and snapped “i’m an army brat what did you expect a perfect manicured trophy woman, sorry to disappoint you all but i’m a Geordie not a glorified news reporter.” Toni looked at Kelly and said in a harsh voice “a lot of offence intended”.

Brad laughed and touched her hand Toni saw him lying on his bed dying and he needed her to live. Brad was also nasty to her but why Toni could not see.

Toni jumped and thrust the gun at him she grabbed her ipod and headed for the door. “Where are you going?” Brad demanded.

“I need some air and to be alone and think” Toni said in a weak voice.

“We don’t have time for personal needs” he snapped at her.  “Plus I want to see how you do with knifes” Brad handed her the knifes and Toni took carefully so she didn’t touch him. She could not look at Brad.

“You will take Jim on as he will go for you do you understand?

Toni nodded. Jim smiled and lunged for Toni but she side stepped him and put the knifes to his rib. They all looked at her shocked

“I’m a Martial arts expert plus i’m handy with blades all kinds”  “now can I leave” Toni moved away from them all and dropped the blades to the ground.

Jim stood up and looked at her “yes you can leave now” Toni nodded at him and wished them all the luck. Toni ran hard and fast until she was in too much pain,

She thought about all the times her husband Marc would beat her if she failed to pull a move of correctly or if he was in a bad mood after he had been out hunting. He would beat her.

Marc was tall, strong, and fast and he was good in bed. He also had power and he really was not afraid to use it. Toni learnt the hard way. She was to be seen not heard and she was to obey his every command if not she soon would learn too.

She eventually escaped him by placing a restraining order against him. Even though it doesn’t stop him he enjoys watching her while she sleeps, watching her house, her every move, who she was with. “I’m going to pay for getting in the car with Brad” she said as she cried and for the first time she could not stop.



Back at the building training was going very slow. Checking the weapon Kelly was good at slamming the clip home she struggled with. Jim thought she is taking the pure piss out so us. Brad agreed. “Did you see the way she looked at you when you held her hands and showed her again” said Rob

“Her eyes and body nearly fell to the floor” said Jim.

“I’m going to take a break “said Brad “im also going to get Toni” Jim and Rob both nodded at him.

Brad caught her scent and ran towards her. She was sitting in the dark holding her sides crying. But she was also thinking. Brad decided to stand back and watch and listen to her. “Do I tell them the truth?” “Or do I betray Marc even after all he has done to me?”  

“Why do I feel so alone?”

Brad heard enough and walked around the corner “there you are” he said “what’s wrong Toni and tell me the truth i’m sick of you shutting us out”

Toni looked at him and stood up she started to walk away when he grabbed her. Toni saw him weak and very annoyed.

He turned her around and grabbed her face gently “why are you crying are you in pain? Toni took at me please”

Toni opened her eyes and saw his green eyes burning into hers giving her the answer she both wanted and needed. She jumped and put her arms around Brad and cried again Brad lifted her up so she was closer to his face. “How tall are you? “She asked between sobs. Brad laughed “i’m six foot nine inches, hence the reason I picked you up, now you going to tell me what’s wrong or are you just going to cry on me some more?”

“Ok I will tell you but you wont believe me I don’t believe me” she whispered. She told him about all the things she had seen, and that she was scared they would come true and she even admitted she was scared to loose him.

“Look at me Toni” she did and he kissed her Toni saw all three bite her. “I’m real don’t worry” she looked at him stunned “what did you see this time “he said in a sarcastic tone.

“Nothing i’m just stunned you kissed me” “so what do you need Brad why come looking for me”

“Kelly is taking the piss and we all know you two hate each other so you are going to get her to use the weapon propley”

Toni knew this was not a request not even an order but a command. She nodded and waited for Brad to lead the way. He would not talk to her or even look at her. When he did look at her he saw a woman in a Childs body. Toni thought great i’m the outcast again the one person no one can stand. No wonder I get beaten almost every night. I’m really surprised he kissed me it felt soft and gentle. Bet he thinks i’m a mad woman I can’t blame him I do think that too.

Toni sighed and Brad looked at her “why are you so down Toni”

“Why do you care, why are you being nice to me, i’m not used to people being nice to me”

“Toni was my kiss that bad?”

“What no it was just right thank you but to be honest I can’t remember the last time I was kissed like that” she looked away and put her head down and held her sides again

“You need to give people and yourself a chance” Brad said

Toni shrugged her shoulders and yelped.


“Please don’t Brad its bad enough you know about them don’t try to make it better”

He shook his head. Brad stood to the side as Toni walked in grabbed the weapon and threw it at Kelly “do it now and don’t take the piss” she snapped. Kelly glared at her and then the three soldiers then she loaded the weapon checked and removed the safety switch.  In one fast move Toni removed the clip and expelled the round from the chamber and dropped it to the floor.

She turned to the soldiers “do you require anything else as I want to take a shower and get a drink”

Jim said “water for me”

Kelly snapped “water”

Both Brad and Rob shook there heads.

Toni walked towards the shower blocks’ as she walked in she went to the far corner and started to get undressed she saw the bruises and hated herself even more. She quickly washed her hair then her body before rinsing off and getting out and getting dried.

She changed into the combats that Brad insisted they wore. They were a little big but she was not going to complain.

She walked out into the hot night air and headed for the naffy grabbing three bottles of water and some toast. As she sat and ate her toast she thought about what a shower would be like if one of them was with her but she could only think of person she really wanted and her thoughts drifted to the kiss. As she looked at her watched she noticed the time was four thirty am. “I best get my butt moving” she thought. She picked her bottles up and headed back when she walked in she passed Jim his bottle. Brad walked past heading for the door. Toni threw Kelly’s bottle at her. Brad caught it and handed it to her he glared at Toni who just watched him close the door. Jim laughed “Toni why do you look like you about to bolt out that door before he finishes closing it?” she looked at Jim and smiled at him and shook her head.

Brad laughed “even if she tried she would fail, I would have to do is touch her”

“With your lips I hope” she thought. Brad glared at her.

Toni sank on the floor. “I feel like a fucking vampire sleeping all day awake all night” said Kelly.

Brad turned on Toni “we have only been here for one day” he snapped.

Toni recoiled against the wall and shook her head “I didn’t say anything” she put her headphones in and played her music.

He turned to Kelly “tomorrow we leave for a small village about fifteen miles north of here ok Kelly” he snapped.

Kelly nodded and took her top and boots off then climbed into bed. She turned over so her back was to Toni. Rob, Jim and Brad all followed suit. She sipped her water and played with the top. Jim took his bottle and passed it to Brad who removed the cap and threw it at Toni to get her attention. “What” she snapped “I meant what I said you will fail in your attempt at the door so don’t bother trying oh can I have the cap back” Toni shook her head and passed him the cap she put her head against the wall.

Kelly started to snore and Toni smiled and saw Brad watching her “what” she said he shook his head and closed his eyes. After about ten minuets they all seemed asleep. Jim listened to the heart beats of the two woman” does Kelly’s seem slightly fast for being asleep” Rob and Brad both agreed. “Ok I will listen to it, till it slows down.

“Toni’s heart rate is fast” thought Rob

“She is awake” said Brad. Brad told them about when he found her and what she had said to him and about the kiss. Jim thought “do you think she is a predictor?” “If so i’m glad we found her” they heard movement and Brad looked and watched as Toni lay down and turned over to face the wall.

Toni fell straight to sleep them all listened to her heart beat slow down till a steady rhythm. Jim and Rob both stood and went and sat on Brad’s bed so they could watch her breath.

Rob thought about how he would love to make her heart rate increase as she took him.

Jim thought how he would make her heart rate increase as he licked her core.

Brad thought nice but me I would do it slow at first and then take her rough but I would be never far from her neck and my wrist would be on her mouth permentally then when I come I would take her vain and we would be locked together.

Damn I would to have her as my own Brad thought.

“wonder if we change her or if we could get tattoo face to change her for us, but at what cost though?”



“No idea” came the reply from the other two. “The biggest question is are we willing to pay the price” said Rob.

Brad “yes I would”

Jim shrugged

Rob shrugged

The three soldiers fell silent as they watched her. Toni could hear a voice “the spider will kill you if you move, I will see you very soon”

Toni’s heart rate shot through the roof Jim was with her first and what he saw surprised him. He saw a spider and she was wide awake and so scared she didn’t dare breath.

Jim bent down and picked her up and placed her behind him. She was shacking so hard she didn’t get any images. Brad went to Toni and she climbed into him arms. He carried her to his bed but he kept her in his arms “Shh its ok go back to sleep Jim killed the spider“.

“He said it would kill me” she mumbled as her face was buried into Brad’s chest.

“Shhhhhh its ok we are here and who said it” whispered Brad.

Toni looked up at Brad “thank you” then she stood up and went towards the door.

“Take my bed Toni I will stay on the floor ok?”

Toni nodded “ok thanks Jim” she went to his bed and curled into a ball. They all watched her.

When a voice came from the corner “she never did answer question did she Brad?”

He shook his head he said why are you here tattoo face?”

“Think its time me and Toni had a catch up” he walked towards her and sat next to her. He placed his hand on her back. Toni saw him throw her to Brad. She woke up and saw him. “Its time to repay Toni and you know why”.

Toni nodded at him “what do you want me to do erm, erm”

“My name is tattoo face and you will be mated to them three, Brad will have you body and mind as he is the strongest and if he should die Jim will then get your body but his wand Rob will already have your mind”.

“Why Brad then Jim then Rob I don’t understand” she said

“simple Brad is six foot nine inches he is also the strongest and fastest, Jim is six foot 5 inches but not as strong or fast, and Rob is six foot and weaker than them two but when all three are together they are unstoppable”

Toni laughed “ok was that the punch line”

Tattoo face threw her to Brad who caught her easily she saw him bite her neck. Toni was trying to fight him off when tattoo face grabbed her arms and pulled her to his massive body and he held her there.

Brad, Jim Rob please show your woman your true forms they all nodded. Tattoo face released Toni “why me” he laughed and looked down at her “you are strong and a fighter plus you keep them in check” now look at them.

Toni turned round slowly and looked at Rob who had glowing red eyes and fangs. Toni took a step back. Then she looked at Jim who was the same and she took an even bigger step back. She then looked at Brad and saw his red eyes watching her every move Toni turned and ran for the door but Brad was there first. “Go to Jim and Rob and I won’t hurt you”

“You do but you don’t know how much”

“What” he demanded

“I knew you were vampires I even asked you to be honest with me and you let me think I was going mad, plus you can’t possibly be human your too perfect”.

Brad laughed “thank you” he spun her round and gently pushed her forward. Toni stood and looked at Kelly.

“Oh don’t worry she won’t wake up as you wont scream”

“Oh think I will” she mumbled

“Nope I won’t let you” Brad said

“You’re enjoying this” she said

“Enough” snapped tattoo face “Brad you get her neck Jim you get the left wrist and Rob you get the right wrist understand”

“Yes” they all said together.

Toni shouted “no, no I won’t let you no stay the hell wait from me”

They all laughed

“Grab her” tattoo face commanded

Toni backed up towards the door when all three grabbed her and she saw Jim and Rob force her in the showers and Brad watched. The pain got too much and she passed out.

When she came round tattoo face asked if she was ready to try again.

“Please not all at once it hurts too much”

“Ok” he smiled “Brad sit on your bed Jim stand to his left side Rob take her over to the others please“.

Rob bent down and helped Toni up he led to Brad who pulled her down on the bed next to him he held her to his body her back to his chest and he placed  his legs over hers.

Toni was about to plead again but Brad put his hand over her mouth. He moved her head to the side. Toni could not move.

Tattoo face laughed “ok Jim take her arm”

As he did Toni tried to move it away from him Brad applied pressure to her and kissed her neck “be still it wont hurt much”

Rob took her other wrist. Toni was really trying to fight but it was useless.

“On my count gentlemen”


“Two” Toni tried again to fight and scream


They all bite together. Toni arched her back and tensed up Brad applied more pressure. The more she tried to fight the pressure Brad applied to her body. Toni gave up and Brad released some of the pressure he didn’t want to hurt her anymore than he was.

Rob thought “she tastes so good, rich, and pure.

Jim agreed “I can see her life she has been through some shit”.

“Watch it, it gets better” said tattoo face.

“I see her standing behind walls a lot of walls with barb wire” said Brad.

“You all need to take her there too and it will take all of you, you all need to work together to brake her walls she is strong minded don’t underestimate her, when you have her I will do my part and you can help” said tattoo face.

Brad showed up at her walls and saw her stroking a black stallion “what’s his name?”

Toni turned to look at Brad “his name is Major” Brad smiled at her with his green hypnotic eyes.

Jim turned up next “nice horse can we come in?” he smiled at Brad then at Toni.

Toni laughed “no if you want me I will make you work to get me” she allowed her horse to roam free.

“Wow she is strong minded isn’t she?” said Rob

“You three have no idea how strong I am” she said

“Oh but I do remember that our sweet” said Jim.

Rob walked along her wall and kicked it. The first wall fell. He smiled at Toni “please don’t tell me that’s all you got?”  He tried it again on the second wall but with no luck. “Jim you want to have a go?” said Rob

“Yeah ok bud” he kicked it and the wall shock slightly. Both Jim and Rob shouted for Brad who just slammed his foot of the wall and it fell fast and hard.

“Final wall Toni then your mine sorry ours” all three were working as a unit. Toni knew it would not take them long so she ran towards her horse but a cage came round her trapping her.

“What the fuck?” she shouted

“You left me no choice” said Brad who was standing next to her cage.

“Nice touch bro” said Rob

Jim opened the cage door and Toni went too run but he held her fast. He took him into the centre of the cage so Brad could remove it from them.

Once the cage was gone Toni demanded to be released Jim let her go and took a step back “don’t try anything silly Toni” he warned her.

“With us here she won’t stand a chance” laughed Rob.

She looked at them all who were talking among them selves.

Toni gave up and sat on the grass watching her horse graze the grass.

Brad bent down and stroked her cheek he held his hand out and she took it. He pulled her up and pinned her against him.

“How are you going to do it again when your all so tall?”

Brad laughed and put his arm around her waist and picked her up.  



Toni begged them not bite her again.

“I’m sorry Toni but I must show them what I saw” Jim kissed her hand. She tried to fight them off and shout but Brad put his hand over her mouth and added more pressure to her waist. Rob locked her wrist into place.

Jim showed them her as a little girl who enjoyed travelling the world with her adopted dad. He was in the army. She went through school, college and then university. When her mother died she helped her farther care for her younger sister as her dad was still in the forces.

She farther disowned her after she got married because of the beatings and the weight loss. Her dad thought she was drug addict.

“Did you see who her dad was?” said Rob

Jim nodded and showed them. There commanding officer.

Brad growled and Toni tensed up “he was the one who said she is to be our blood bank”

Toni had tears running down her cheeks and onto Brad’s hand. Brad stroked her cheeks “its ok baby you belong to me now not him or Marc but we really do have to bite you again”

“Do you still want me to stop you from screaming or will you be good” he asked. Jim and Rob looked at her and shook there heads.

“Toni do you want me stop you or not?” demanded Brad.

“Just stop me it’s like I get a choice” she snapped at him

“He did give you the choice” said Rob,

“Ok then I chooses for you not to bite me”

Brad laughed “you were right Toni you don’t get the choice” he kissed her neck “it’s on my count guys”




They all bite together and Toni opened her mouth but Brad was fast to cover it. Toni’s body started to sway and she went limp in Brad’s arms and she fell into the darkness.

“Return Brad”

“Return Jim”

“Return Rob”

“Well do you have her?”

Brad smiled down at her as she was semi conscious “yes we have her it took some doing but we got there” he noticed blood still flowed from her bite marks and he scrapped his finger against his fang. He then rubbed it into her neck to close the wound. He told Jim and Rob to do the same and they did.

Tattoo face walked up and sat next to Toni and Brad “I will now give her my blood she will have to keep drinking from till her heart stops beating; you might need to tell her to do it though.” “You’re mated so she will listen to you and you are now all connected so she can hear you now.”  “Oh and as for the price Brad you must drain Kelly”. Brad nodded.

Toni barely opened her eyes and she tried to shake her head “its ok” tattoo face bite into his wrist and held it to her mouth. Toni pushed his hand away and Rob held it while tattoo face but his wrist back. Toni went to speak so he pushed it in further. Toni tensed up Jim grabbed her other arm. Toni felt a few drops of blood drop on her tongue. Brad held her tighter “I just got you i’m not about to loose you now drink”.

“This is why I turn men women are so stubborn but she is the worst I have come across.” said tattoo face

“DRINK” shouted Brad

Toni drank and tattoo face smiled and nodded at Brad they all listened to her heart rate slow down and then stop.

“When she wakes up she will be weak look after and she must feed from you all, she really is a gift oh and Brad if you should fail in your deed I will take her and you wont stop me do you understand?”

“Yes tattoo face I got you” he snapped. Tattoo face vanished.



Toni began to wake up and Brad allowed her to move “Shh i’m here” he said “we are here” corrected Rob.

Toni moved away and sat up all three looked at her “you ok Toni” Jim asked. Toni jumped and went to shout but Brad said “say it in your head we will hear it”

“Have you always been able to hear me?” she asked in a weak voice. They nodded “so not fair” Brad laughed and kissed her then he stood up. “Almost better than the last one” Brad laughed.

Jim kissed her cheek and Brad glared at him Rob kissed her head “your pushing my Rob” snapped Brad.

Toni stood up and Jim approached her “your weak and need to feed take my wrist” Toni looked at him stupid and then she struck with force she drank hard and fast “Brad control your woman before I do” he snapped Toni growled and they laughed. Toni let Jim go and moved away fast horrified by what she just done.

“Toni can I show you something?” she nodded he showed her how all three hated her and thought she deserved all she got. Even though they like her now they would not go out there way to be mated with her. But you belong to Brad now body and mind. “I know that” she snapped. Toni backed up to her corner but Brad caught her and held her against him while he lay down. “Its only ten am gets some sleep“. “We all need it.” “Do you remember when you asked me if I wanted a coffee?”


“I wanted to kiss you”. “I have always liked you just never admitted it till now “he kissed her again and pulled her against him and they fell asleep.



As Toni slept in the comfort of Brad’s arms she dreamt of him drinking Kelly and draining her. As he did Toni would be lying down in her corner crying but she was not facing them as she had bigger thing to worry about.

“Brad wake up” Rob thought to him. Brad woke and looked “do you think she is seeing something”

“No as we are not touching her skin”

Brad slowly got up and walked away.

“Shh its ok were here and you’re safe” said Rob. He glared at Brad

“What” Brad Demanded?

“its just you get the woman body and mind she truly belongs to you but all me and Jim get is her fucking mind unless you die” Rob snapped”

“We didn’t ask for this” snapped Brad

“But would you change it” snapped Rob

“To be honest I don’t know” Brad replied.

Toni woke up and saw all three looking at her she relaxed.

“Brad please don’t take Kelly”

“Rob she needs to feed” he snapped “Brad what’s wrong?”

“Nothing i’m tired and weak the sun is at its peak” he said

“Brad she don’t smell to good me but i’m new this”

“Drink from Rob and don’t argue” he glared at her.

Rob but his wrist to her mouth and she struck harder and fast. Rob looked at Jim then at Toni. Toni let him go “i’m so sorry”

“It’s ok Toni you will learn how much force is needed”

Toni walked up to Brad who was now lying down on his bed “please don’t touch her”

He looked up at her “go to sleep” he snapped “it’s just a dream”

“Take it easy on her Brad” said Jim.

Toni shook her head and sat in her corner she kept thinking “dreams don’t come true”

Brad growled “go to sleep Toni it’s a dream they don’t come true and they wont fucking hurt you now sleep”

Toni jumped “I didn’t realise dead people could dream” she whispered. And she lay down and turned away from them all.

“Toni what did you mean by that” Brad demanded “just go to sleep forget I said anything”

“Fucking tell me now” he shouted

“I can do one better I will show you” and she opened her mind so they could see when she died before. “Marc came home annoyed and he stormed into the kitchen and turned Toni around he hit her and when she went to hit him back he stabbed her and twisted the knife before pulling it out”

“There is more if you really want to see it”

“Go on Toni but only if you want too” said Jim

She showed them that when she fell to the floor he kicked and stamped on her ribs breaking them all and puncturing her lungs. She showed them when she woke up in hospital tattoo face was there he told he saved her live but she would repay later.

Brad was well beyond annoyed now “I will kill him now you do now that right?” he shouted Toni jumped and walked away from him “you don’t know what he looks like but i’m guessing you will do as please anyway” she saiD

“I do know what he looks likes it’s the same bloke that watched you and the same bloke that followed us” he growled.

“I didn’t tell you as I didn’t want you to get hurt I have learnt how to deal with it”

Before Toni knew it she was in Brads arms “I will deal with it not you”

“He is going to kill me but not for being a vampire but because I got in you car” she held him and Jim punched the wall Toni jumped but Brad held her tight “Toni kiss me” she did.



Kelly began to wake up and Brad kissed Toni hard “we go on like nothing has happened ok” Toni nodded and he kissed her again,

When was wide awake she looked at all o them. “Good we are all ready to go” she said

“Your bubbly today” said Toni.

“Drop dead” Kelly sneered.

“Been there, done that, next” Toni thought

“Enough Toni” snapped Brad.

“I would say stop me but you are strong and faster than me plus you lips just do the trick” she thought.

“Toni enough” he snapped in her head.

“Fine you all win”

Brad mentioned to Kelly that he needed to get some more things from the ammo building. Kelly snapped “well we must hurry then” Toni can come with me for a change plus she can carry some of the stuff. “Why don’t you get some coffee or something” he said.

Brad walked to the door and opened it he then walked back to Toni and grabbed her arm as he pulled her out the door she saw Jim and Rob watching her take her shower with glowing red eyes then they pounced on her and forced her while Brad watched he hated her after that.

He let her go and kissed her.

“I am going to go and drink some blood before you take my neck ok why don’t you go and have a shower?”

“Ok” she said

“You look worried why” he asked as he rubbed her face

“I don’t know but I think something bad is going to happen” she said

He kissed her again and walked away.

Toni could not stop smiling to herself as she went for the shower blocks. She walked in and turned it on the water was warm. She undressed and stood under the water. She washed fast and went to grab the towel. Then she noticed four bright red eyes watching her every move. “It’s a shame waste that Brad is the only one who can have your body” sneered Rob “unless he dies” replied Jim.

“Tell me you two are taking the piss”

She moved forward to get her clothes when they pounced on her Jim was under her and Ron forced his cock in her mouth they took her while Brad watched from a distance but all he saw was Toni enjoying herself.

“Interesting shower Toni join me when you’re finished fucking about” growled Brad.

Toni got dressed as Both Jim and Rob laughed hard.

Toni punched Rob but he caught her “you belong to me remember that” Jim agreed with him.

“Great i’m a vampire sex slave” Jim slapped Toni right across he butt “if you were a slave I would have treated you as one” Jim said.

“You both just did” she replied. “Brad is now psycho mad and I have to deal with him so thank you”

She ran out and rounded the corner and headed for the ammo building she saw him standing by the door. When he saw her he opened the door and stood to one side.

“Brad please let me explain”

“Get inside now” his voice was hard and flat. She put her hand on his arm and she saw him throw her of the door.

Toni walked inside and stood waiting. “What do you need me to do or carry” she asked.

“what’s wrong Toni you all sexed out for your own mate?, I will only say this once so listen up I do not want you to touch me nor do I want anything from you, the only thing I want to feel from you is your fangs and lips other wise I do the holding understand?”

“Do not treat me like a dog” she said

“You are a dog” he sneered.

“I will not feed from you when you’re like this” she whispered she started to turn away from him.

“What did you expect open arms”

“You will bite me but after that I will carry on hating you understand?”

She nodded but would not look at him.

“If I had my way I would not have you feed from me at all” he snapped.

“Fine by me” she walked away

“Feed from me now bitch”

Toni spun round and pushed him against the wall and reached up for his neck but he smacked her hand away. She was hurt but she wouldn’t show. She went back to the way she used to be.

“Don’t you dare touch me” he yelled at her.

He grabbed her and picked her up as she struck his neck he cringed from her touch Toni pushed him away.

“You need more blood from me” he said

Toni shook her head as he reached for her she moved away “look at me Toni”

“Why should I when all I see is hate and your blood tasted like acid, i’m sorry but I wont feed from you” she walked to the door but her put his hand and foot against it “if you don’t feed you will die”

“Move or do you own the building and me?”

“I don’t own the building but I do own you” he grabbed her again and put her to his neck she shock her head but he grabbed her nape and held her to his neck. Toni struck him and drank fast. Brad shut her out of his mind but he kept playing the images of the shower room.

Toni felt him release her neck and she let him go. “You bastard” she yelled Brad burst out laughing and Toni pushed and pushed him he grabbed her face and threw her of the door.

“Thank you” she whispered

“For what” he snapped

“Reminding of what my life is”

He laughed “what is your life?”

Toni got up and opened the door “i’m just a punch bag thank god I know how to deal with it”

She walked out.


“Forget it Brad I deserve all I get remember” and she walked into the night.



Once Toni got round the corner she ran for the shower block. Tattoo face was there waiting for her.

“What do you want?” she snapped

He shook his head and laughed

“I want a chat is that a crime?”

She turned to him fists clenched fangs drawn. He was much faster than she first thought he would be. He caught her arms and pushed her to the far end of the shower block. She hit the wall and fell to the floor. She started to get up but he was right there and he placed his foot over her throat and pinned her back down. “Who’s a naughty girl” he snarled at down at her.

“Look at me Toni”

As she looked at him she saw he was very tall.

“Wow how tall are you” she thought

“I’m six foot eleven inches” and you are “five foot six inches”

“You really should have finished feeding from Brad as he is the strongest and your  mate” he said.

Toni thought “did you mate him to me because I fell for him or because you knew he would hate me?” “Did you know he will die if he takes Kelly” she asked him

“You tell me Toni you’re the predictor not me” he smiled down at her.

“I wish I knew” she snapped at him.

“You can save him Toni all you need to do is drink my blood, but he must choose to bite you, if and when he does he will be good as new and you can even feed from him”.

“What do I need to do in order to pay you and save him?”

“Every time Brad bites you I will treble it, I will take you sexually, if you get too weak I will allow you too feed from me but I will take your blood, what is your answer Toni?”

“I will do what it takes to save him but you must allow Brad, Jim and Rob to choose there own mates” she said

“Is there anything else Toni?”

“Yes allow us to hear each other but we don’t have to feed from each other please” she said looking up at him.

Tattoo face looked at her hard and shrugged his shoulders. “Ok I will honour your requests Toni but if mention this conversation to anyone the deal is off and I will take you understand?”

“Yes” she thought.

“Brad is looking for you do you wish to see him?” tattoo face said

Toni thought very fast “no”

“I will mask your scent then, Toni did he hurt you?”


Tattoo face shook his head.

“Toni where are you answer me now please” Brad thought damn she shut the world out fuck I must of hurt her even though she deserved it I still should not have done it.

“Toni are you ready to take my neck but I must ask you if you are sure you wish to do this and pay the price I have stated” tattoo face looked at her with wide eyes.

“Yes i’m sure, I will be your sex slave”.

He smiled at her and remover his foot from her throat. She started to get up slowly but he bent down and placed his arm around her waist and lifted her up easily so she looking at him from his height. “I will ask you one last time you sure?” she nodded and he moved his head to the side and she move her head to his neck and struck him gently as she drank she place one arm on his bicep and the other on his shoulder he felt solid and so muscular. “Wow she thought you taste as good as you feel”

He laughed “yes i’m strong and fast and powerful but so is Brad and he is yours Toni.”

She went to pull away but he held her tight against his neck with his free hand “what about our deal” she quickly added.

“I will keep it if he survives Toni” he said

“Tattoo face” bellowed Brad.

“Toni he wants to see me and you have taken enough of my blood now” he said as he allowed her to release his neck but he did not release her body Toni you are now connected to me as I am to you” he said but he smiled at her.

He lowered Toni down to the ground and she started to walk away but she turned and ran to him he caught her as she jumped at him and she kissed his cheek “thank you for saving him and releasing them all” she kissed him again.

Tattoo face was surprised at her outburst but said “you don’t get anything out of this and you know that don’t you” it was now Toni’s turn to smile.

She walked away and went home only to find Brad pacing the floor “where the hell have you been” he demanded as soon as he saw her.

“I went for a walk I didn’t realise I was now a slave” all three glared at her and snarled. As she walked past Brad she looked anywhere but his direction and picked her Ipod up and put the headphones in and turned it on she laid down in her corner and turned over. “Tattoo face” he bellowed again and Toni jumped. “Look Toni i’m” she shut him out again and closed the door.

 “I’m here Brad what do you want? Tattoo face asked.

“Is your mate ok Brad” he said looking down at her.

Brad just shrugged his shoulders “I don’t know or care” was the reply.

“Where is Kelly” tattoo face demanded

“In the naffy” replied Jim

“Are we going to do this or not” snapped Brad

Tattoo face growled and the air turned icy cold he grabbed Brad “don’t you ever talk to me like a dog or like you do Toni” he released Brad and backed off.

Kelly walked out the naffy on a high as tonight they were going out. She walked into the building and saw Toni lying down “ha it is where dogs sleep but i’m glad everything is back to normal, Toni seen but not heard or liked bet she cant wait to get back home and have Marc beat her while he holds the knife to her, bet he kills her for getting in the Brad i’m so glad I told Marc about it” she thought.

Jim and Rob both snarled in there heads brad mentally shrugged his shoulders

“She deserves it” he thought

“Why do you wish her harm when you are mated to her” thought Rob.

“I maybe mated to it but it was not by choice and as for the harm I don’t wish it but I will not stop either” he snapped.

Tattoo face coughed to clear the air “oh hello where my manners are my name is Kelly and you are?”

“My name is tattoo face” he said “and before you ask i’m here to make sure he does what is needed to be done”.

Tattoo face walked to the door and slammed it shut Toni jumped again.

“Kelly your proof is in this room” said Brad she look straight at tattoo face who nodded so did Jim and Rob she looked at Brad and he grabbed her and spun her round he sunk his fangs in and drank hard and fast.

Toni started to cry silent tears. Tattoo face knew she was scared incase Brad did not drink from her.

Jim and Rob could see that Brad was weaking fast they went too help him but tattoo shook his head this is his price to pay not yours.

Brad still drank hard and he saw into her head he saw her take something “fuck Toni was telling me the truth she is a predictor” thought Brad. Tattoo face nodded.

Brad kept looking and saw that she hated Toni with a passion but she did feel bad about the baby. Her mind went black after that and he dropped her to the ground. He staggered past her dead body back towards his bed he paused at Toni and shook his head. When he got to his bed he collapsed onto it.

“I have paid the price now give me the cure please” brad whispered.

“You should ask her not me” tattoo face said.

“What could that have anything to do with this” demanded Brad in a whisper.

Tattoo face walked to Kelly and grabbed her arm “ask Toni not me” he said then he vanished with Kelly.

“Do you want me to get her Brad” said Jim.

Brad nodded. Jim bent down and removed the headphones she saw him and Rob annoyed she actually felt scared of them all for the first time and they saw it. She saw Brad find her darkest secret but she kept that hidden as the pain was unbearable.

Toni jumped up and backed away “I tried to warn you” she said Brad closed his eyes and Jim said “ what did tattoo face mean ask you about the cure” Rob pushed her up against the wall “tell us now” he shouted and punched the wall right next to her head.

Brad opened his eyes in time to see her jump so much that she shook and had fear in her eyes “i’m the cure” she said “please let me go”

“What” whispered Brad?

“I’m the cure well my blood is you need to drink from me” she said but her voice shook

Rob dragged her to the bed and forced her to the floor “if he dies so will you”

“Leave us alone while he feeds if he feeds” she said not looking at any of them

Brad nodded and Jim and Rob walked out and closed the door.

“I will feed from you but you are not to touch me or look at me or even talk to me understand?

She nodded and handed him her wrist he bite her hard “that’s three” she thought Brad released her wrist and it fell down. Toni stood up and walked round to the other side of the bed and handed him her other wrist he again bite hard “that’s six”. He held her arm. Toni sated sitting on the floor looking straight ahead she didn’t think or talk “it’s a good job she is not human anymore she is sitting like a slave no a beaten woman” he thought “I have feed enough” and he watched as he let her arm go and it dropped down back to the floor. “ your still weak you need more just take me I will not look, or talk or touch you, but you need me to live so just do it” she said as she blinked away tears “Brad did you hear me”

“Yeah I heard you but I don’t understand why you would let me” he whispered.

“You would not believe me so get on with it please” she whispered back

“Fine” he snapped “give me your arm” she did and he bite into her elbow hard and drank hard. He let it go and again it dropped like a stone.

“Give me your other arm Toni” he asked her in a stronger voice. Either she did not hear he or she chose to ignore him and it pissed him off even more and he grabbed it and struck her hard and fast. The blood hit him she tasted sweet, strong, rich and healthy. Brad drank harder and faster. He saw into her mind and found a door closed and locked he tried to open it but it held fast. He knocked but answer came so he left her note it read take your top and pants off. He placed her arm down on the bed.

“Toni look at me” he said. She turned to him and opened her eyes but she saw hate and disgust in his lush green eyes. She looked away fast “do you need me do anything?” she asked in a strange voice. “Yes take your top and pants off” he snapped.

Toni stood up and began to remove her top and pants she even left her boots off.

She went to sit back on the floor but brad told her to sit on the bed.

She nodded and done as he said.

“Toni what are you hiding in that room of yours” he said

“Leave it alone” she snapped at him with a lot of venom in her voice.



Brad looked at ton’s semi naked body all she had was a bra and panties. He struggled to sit up but Toni didn’t move or offer to help him. One he was sat up he moved the hair from her shoulder and back. “What are you hiding from me” he demanded

“It has nothing to do with you just let it be” she snapped back.

“I will find out one way or another I promise you that” he sneered.

He bit into her shoulder then her other shoulder moving down her back. When he got to the clasp of her bra he undone it and removed it from her body. He bit her again his strength was slowly returning and so was his power. He was able to see more clearly. He saw all the places he had bitten her as they were still bleeding.

“Show me what’s in your room” he thought as he bites her lower back. There was no response from her so he bit her hip and entered her mind.

He kicked at her door but again it help fast and he got no response he was still annoyed and he stood up and pushed her down on the bed. He bit into her lip and she opened her eyes and looked at him but his fang went in further till she looked away. She closed her eyes and as he moved to her collar bone he went in her head again he struck her neck and she jumped but he had her pinned under his strong body. Brad bit into her other collar bone but harder this time he drank harder too.

Toni came out the door and closed it tight behind her she saw him leaning against the wall. “Why are you trying to hurt me you prick” she screamed at him.

He bent to look at her and she saw glowing red eyes and a deadly look on his face. She knew if she ran he would hurt her more.

“You hurt me first” he shouted “and you deserve all you all you get”

Toni punched him in the head and he growled and slammed her against the wall.

“Fuck” she thought and she closed her mind to him.

When Toni opened her eyes she really was against a wall and Brad dragged her to up to his height using her arms. Brad bit into her chest and the top of her shoulders. Toni felt herself getting weak. “Please Brad stop i’m weak” she said

“Shut up now” he barked into her face and she instantly closed her eyes.

“This was your idea so shut the fuck up” Brad was at her door again she kicked him out her head again. He bit into her breast and then the other and drank hard. Toni cried out in pain and weakness Brad was annoyed and he threw her onto the floor.

She landed on her side so he turned her onto her back “look at me when I talk to you” he shouted. Toni looked up at him with pleading eyes. “I’m going to cause you so much pain so you will know how much you hurt me do you understand?”

Toni closed her eyes as he bent beside her she turned her head away and nodded at him. Brad bit into her ribs and Toni’s body arched and Brad held her down “keep still” he barked at her.

He looked at her as he ran his finger over her stab wound. Toni looked at him and shook her head she reached out to grab his hand but he slapped it away fast and hard. Toni turned away she was stunned he hit her and she closed her eyes again.

“Look at me now” she shook her head so Brad put his hand over her mouth and dragged her face forward she opened her eyes to see him draw his fangs and he lunged for scar.

Toni felt her scar burst open and she screamed and her whole body arched Brad pinned her legs and held her mouth tight.

Her mind opened up before him and he saw her door was open he walked right in smiling he was pleased with himself. What he saw shocked him to the core. He saw her pregnant with a nice round bump and she kept touching her belly and talking to it.

“Why could you not just leave it alone” she said a sad voice.

He looked at her she went to walk away but  he held her tight to him. “Why did he stab you when you’re pregnant?”

“It was a girl and he wanted a boy” she said into his chest “please let me go I can’t watch it”

She felt his hold her release and she walked away without looking at him or the scene that was playing before him.

He watched as Marc came home he hit her she went to hit him back but he drove a knife into her belly. He kicked her and stamped on her while she laid bleeding and begging him to stop. The memory changed to when she was in hospital and he saw tattoo face holding the baby “i’m sorry I could not save her but I did save you will however pay a price later you will be mated to someone strong and nice you will see that” he told her.

“Can I show what you really happened at the shower blocks Brad” she barely whispered. His head snapped up to her her barely open eyes.

“No you cant I wont believe you anyway” he said in a strong voice.

She showed him anyway “stop” he commanded.

“Look i’m sorry I pushed you back there but i  think I like you” Toni showed him the ammo building

“I’m sorry for that two” he mumbled

“Toni look at me please” she lifted her head but it fell back down she smiled at him and thought “I forgive you and you will know that soon enough”

“What have you done?”

“I don’t and never will regret what I have done” she thought.

“Why would you and  to think I did like you” he shouted to her “you really do deserve all you get”

He drew his fangs and drove for her neck he bit hard.

Toni had no strength in her body to fight him off so she went and watched the darkness ascend around her.

“I’m just a slave and a punch bag she thought”

Brad bit her again and harder this time “I never hit you and never would hit you” he thought back

Brad released her neck and stood up his top was covered with blood he looked at her then her body. “Look at me” said Brad

Toni stayed as she was “please Toni look at me” she struggled but she managed to opener eyes. Her eyes closed and her head fell to the side.

Rob and Jim came in the room “good you up and about” said Jim

Brad shook his head “how long?”

“A full twenty four hours bud” said Rob

“Pass me a blanket” snapped Brad he hated himself for taking so much from her.

Rob grabbed one and Brad moved aside they all saw the state she was in.

“Fuck Brad how much did you take she needs to feed or we will loose her” said Jim

“You have already lost her” said tattoo face from the corner of the room. Brad showed them her real memory but he save Toni from having to relive it again by shutting her out.

“Why didn’t you tell us” snapped Jim glaring at tattoo face

“Simple not mines to share” was his reply.

“No fucking wonder she is so strong minded” said Rob.

“You saved the wrong on mate” said Brad

Tattoo face laughed hard “that’s so funny it’s what she said when I told her”

“When you told her what” snapped Brad

“That the baby was already dead by the time she got to hospital Toni was too weak and lost so much blood, she later told me that I should have let her go and saved the infant she believes she deserved it but she also believes her baby didn’t” said tattoo face.

“oh as for being mated you are no longer and that was her request, she wanted nothing for herself, brad she saved you even after I told her my price, she likes you too much to let you die” he said looking at him.

“What is her price” they demanded tattoo face laughed and shook his head.

Right now I will see what I have been left with “damn Brad you have nearly drained her, why the hell did she fall for you”. Said tattoo face.

“What” said Brad in a stunned voice?

“She fell for you hard Brad she saw what you would do to her and she allowed it to happen”

“Rob, Jim go get me some blood before she dies she is too weak to feed from me” tattoo face snapped.

Jim and Rob ran out the room

“She deserves all she gets” said Brad

Tattoo face smiled and stood up and faced Brad “run along boy chase up our blood, do not return till I tell you too”

Brad looked at Toni one last time and walked out he headed towards the ammo building and ran into Jim and Rob.

“I thought you would have stayed with her” said Jim

“Why he can do what he likes I don’t care” snapped Brad

Jim grabbed the blood from Rob and told him to stay with Brad.

Jim walked in and saw tattoo face looking at Toni she hadn’t moved “is she still with us” Jim asked in a concerned voice

“for now yes but she is very weak and she is watching the darkness it is surrounding her body but is not reaching for her yet, place her arms above her head and you know what to do” demanded tattoo face.

Jim walked up to Toni and gently took her hand she saw him and Rob admit what they did to her to Brad. He took her other hand and she saw that they were no longer connected at all she was tricked. Jim touched her hands and started to insert the needle in to her and she saw tattoo face annoyed “all done boss” Jim said as he looked at her. Toni now had four lines running into her hands and elbows.

Tattoo face nodded and told him to leave. Jim went back to the ammo building and walked to the blood room and Rob let him in.

“She has the blood now she will be fine” he said

“I don’t care” said Brad

“Did you know how much you were taking from her” said Rob

Brad shook his head “I lost control” he admitted

Jim and Rob both looked at him with concern and shook there heads.

Tattoo face bent down and stroked Toni cheek she tried and failed to open her eyes. “Toni wake up I need to tell you what i’m going to do to you” he said to her.

Toni nodded slightly “I will be gentle at first but as you get stronger I will get rougher you will obey or you will pay, when you are semi normal you will try to fight me but I will hurt you, I will bite you and heal you then bite and heal you but the third time I will not heal you that will down to Brad understand” he gently pulled her into his strong arms “do you understand me Toni” she whispered agreement.

He laid her back down and started her blood. Tattoo face undone his buttons on his shirt and looked at Toni who now had her eyes open but she saw still weak.

“Help me take me clothes of Toni” he said as he sat next to her.

She moved her hand up his belly then his torso feeling his body under her hands she moved he shirt over his shoulder but her hand dropped and he caught it. He held it while he looked at her then he kissed it and place it back above her head he then kissed her on the lips and stood up. ”watch me while I remove my clothes Toni, you will like what you see“. as she watch she saw his shoulders were huge muscular and powerful so was his back and torso his legs were impressive. “You sure you are a vampire and not a god” she asked weakly.

He laughed and kissed her again “kiss me back Toni” she did and he kissed her harder. Toni saw his shaft  it was big stiff and ready. Tattoo face stroked her face while he kissed her.



Tattoo face thought back “you will forget Brad for now you belong to me” Toni closed her eyes. She felt him kiss her body and lick her wounds as he waited for the blood to give her some much needed strength and energy. He ran his fingers over her breasts and watched as her nipple responded to his touch. He smiled as he kissed her and took her breast in his mouth.

He watched as her consumed four pints of blood. Tattoo face stroked her cheek then he ran his tongue over her lips

“Wake up Toni” he whispered

“Hmmm let me sleep” she whispered

He laughed hard and kissed her. Toni opened her eyes and looked at him.

“Take my wrist Toni you need to” he placed his wrist to her mouth but she was still too weak to bite him as she could not even draw her fangs.

“I’m sorry I can’t” she said

Tattoo face pulled her into his arms and cradled her like a baby as he bit into his own wrist and placed to her mouth. Toni allowed his blood drip into her mouth until she tasted it. His blood was strong, sweet, and full of power and body. Toni drank greedily and he gently laid her back down so he didn’t disturb her feeding. Once she back down him gently pulled himself over her body. He used his foot to move her legs apart and he kissed her belly then he took him while she drank hard. When he came inside her he pulled out and removed his hand from her. She reached out to grab it but he caught her arm he smiled and said.

“Good i’m glad to see you have some strength back so I can finally begin my games”

“Just get on with it” she said in a stronger voice

“I intend to” he replied

He kissed her and removed the now empty lines from her arms. He grabbed her arms and pulled into his arms and kissed her. Toni ended up sitting on him and he thrust into her

“You will enjoy me while I take you” he said

“Do I have to, will you force me, can I pretend?” she said

“You will enjoy me and yes I can make you” he snapped

He caught her nipple with his mouth and sucked while he thrust into her harder. He released her arms and wrapped them around her waist she placed her arms onto his wide broad shoulders and dug her nails in hard. Toni cried out as his seed shot into her. He mover his arm up her back and caught her nape of her neck and dragged her down to kiss her.

“I will get harder and rougher with you after all you are my slave” Toni shook her head and stood up and started to stagger away.

Tattoo face laughed hard as he stood up he reached out and grabbed her pinning her against a wall.

“Why do you keep smiling at me” she asked as she looked up at him into his red eyes.

“I get you anyway I so choose, you really should of thought about this Toni” he sneered

“I done it to save Brad and to release the others” she whispered against his chest she kissed it and gently bit it. He picked her up and took her again she felt him get bigger in every aspect. When he was done he released her and kissed her.

Toni placed her head on his chest and he ran his hand down her spine I will save your neck till last.

“Having me was you idea all along wasn’t it?” she said outraged

“Yes it was” he said as he picked her up again and took her.

“You will enjoy this and me” he snarled

“Nope” she hissed throw drawn fangs.

He moved with such speed she didn’t see him move until she felt his belt go round her throat.

“Put your fangs away and I will remove your leash” he sat into her ear.

“You bastard” but she done as she was told

“Turn round now I want you this way” he said

“You already do treat me like a slave” she barked

“Think you mean dog” he said as he thrust into her harder this time and he bit into he shoulder. He drank from her while he took him hard and fast. He looked into her mind and saw her looking at the time when Brad kissed her.

“You’re getting weak and you should feed” he pulled out and closed her wound he walked to Brad’s bed and sat her.

“I think its time you done some work on me; I know the perfect way for you feed”

“I will not take you while you sit on Brad’s bed or anywhere” Toni snapped at him.

Tattoo face laughed hard “come here Toni”

She stood there shaking her head

“Come here now Toni you belong to me and you are also paying a price”

Again she shook her head

“Fine” he snapped andusing  his long legs he crossed the room and retrieved his belt. He moves to where Toni was standing she felt him grab her wrists and he bound them in his belt.

“Now you are a slave” he snarled into her ear.

“Remove your belt now” she shouted

He laughed and slapped her. She winced in pain and he picked her before biting into her chest. He carried her back to Brad’s bed then he dropped her down as he sat on the bed.

“You will take me” he said mocking her

“No I won’t” she stammered

He grabbed her hands and pulled her down with his other hand he grabbed her nape and made her tilt her head right back.

He released her hands then he moved his hand under Brad’s pillow and pulled another belt out.

“Look at me” he ordered her. Toni looked at him with hate in her eyes and he used Brad’s belt right across her face then her chest.

“I do believe you will take me now kneel like the dog you are”. As he waited for a reply he tapped the belt of her leg.

Toni obeyed but she never took her eyes of the belt.

“Good girl now put your hands around my neck” he said

Toni looked at him hard then she felt the belt go across her legs. He grabbed her hands and placed them here himself. He made a long deep cut along his ready and waiting shaft  the blood rushed out.

“You may take me now”

“No I can’t” she said

Tattoo face dragged her head down and forced his cock into her mouth as the blood hit her tongue she drank hard and fast while he whipped her. He pushed her head down further until his cock hit the back of her throat. She sucked hard and heard him moan out.

“Brad, Jim, Rob”

“Yes tattoo face” said Brad

“You never told me that Toni is a great sucker” he showed them what she was doing.

Rob was livid “i’m going to kill her, I want to kill her, and I want to hurt her”

Tattoo face laughed

Jim was angry also she could hear him calling her everything under the sun.

Brad was emotionless as he said “i’m glad you and it are mated”

Tattoo face laughed so hard his seed and blood rushed into her mouth. She swallowed and he kept her there he used the belt against her arse. Toni sucked again.

“I’m sorry to disappoint you Brad but we are mated. He said laughing

“Well that’s a pity” said Brad

“Why do you say that Brad” tattoo face commanded

“She is dead to me that am why” snarled Brad.

Tattoo face shut them all out and Toni could feel the tears starting to form in her eyes. Tattoo face bit into her elbow but she was too stunned and shocked to notice. She had no idea what tattoo face done to her as she was in a daze the daylight hours passed by fast.

Something inside Toni seemed to snap and she woke from her blurry dream and noticed she was now on Rob’s bed as he was taking her. He did not bite her but he did whip her over and over again. Toni cried out as he thrust inside her and he whipped her again.

“Wow Toni you need to feed again and you know how I like it” he grinned down at her. He got her and dragged her over to Jim’s bed he laid down and made another cut he then grabbed her and pulled her down top of him she could feel his hand on her arse and he licked her as she sucked him. He slapped her arse and whipped her back Toni drank hard and fast.

He was about to finish when he bit into her top of her thigh. Toni screamed and before he could stop her she was off him and ageist the wall the opposite side of him. The blood poured down her leg.

“Get back here now” he shouted

Toni stood shaking

“Get back before I really hurt you” the room went very cold and she shook even harder he moved to her.

“I warned you and now I will leave you with nothing but marks and bite marks on your body” he grabbed her and threw her of a wall.

She got up and he held her tight as he thrust into her and he drank from her till he was finished.

“If you were still human you would be dead by now” he laughed and he threw her again of another wall and took her then another wall and took her again. He threw her of the last wall but she was still standing which surprised her she looked and noticed blood was everywhere. Tattoo face slammed her against the wall and took her.

“Turn round slowly and open your mouth” he barked

As Toni turned round tattoo face whipped her fast and hard. He put Brad’s belt over her mouth and tied it tight.

He thrust deep into her  and bit into her ears and face and chin moving slowly down her right hand side of her body when he was done he thrust into her again hared this time and repeated the process.

Toni tried to fight him but he cut her with his nails or he would slap her where he had bitten her already.

He pushed her to the floor and took her over and over again. He bit her lips then he undone Brads belt.

“Give me your tongue”

She did and he bit into it hard he noticed she was too weak to continue so he undone his belt.

“Good slave” he said while he stroked her body he bit her elbows and when she moaned or cried out he whipped her.

She watched him walk round and he took her other arm he bit again the before she had time to register he bit into her thigh again she cried again and he slapped her hard.

He stood up and walked to get his clothes she watch his powerful body get covered once again but when he turned round his fangs were long wide and they looked very sharp.

His head tilted to the side and he lunged for her neck he took three times but he did heal two marks.

“you’re a mess but I did enjoy myself, oh you did keep you side of the bargain but I have changed mine, don’t fret he will be fine and your are still mated to them but you are not connected either in order to regain the connection you must feed from them and they from you”

He laughed

“You bastard” she whispered

“Yes I am” he replied

He threw her clothes into her corner and kissed her head then he vanished.

He went straight to the ammo building to find Brad, Jim and Rob. He knock on the door

“What” snapped Jim?

“I’m now finished you may return to her if you so choose” replied tattoo face.

“Tattoo face are we still mated” asked Brad

“No she kept her side of the bargain and I changed mine” he replied laughing

“What do you mean” demanded Brad

“I think he has left” said Jim

“Should we return to her” Jim asked

“Fuck no” shouted Rob “I will kill her if I do”

“No plus she is dead to me” said Brad in a harsh voice

“Well if you two are not going then i’m not too” said Jim.

Toni fell into the darkness

“Come to me” said a familiar voice she turned to see Brad and she approached him his eyes turned a vivid red.

Toni jumped awake her body screaming in protest at the thought of moving but she half dragged and half crawled over to Robs bed once there she grabbed his blanket and cover her self with it. She fell back into the darkness and saw Brad again.

She woke up and using Robs bed for support she slowly stood and headed for the door she slowly opened it and the sun light hit her arm and badly bleeding leg she screamed as the sun burnt her and she fell back Toni hit the floor and she dragged her body to Kelly’s bed but the darkness washed over her.

Hours later but to Toni it felt like seconds she woke up only to find herself alone she cried as no-one had been to her.

Toni barley stood but she managed it she staggered to the door which was still ajar from her first attempt.

She knew she was weak and dying she could feel her body breaking down.

“Please I need help” she thought out desperately but got no reply

“Oh I forgot he changed his deal” she fell against the door which slammed shut. She dragged her dying body up and opened the door she staggered and fell so she just got up and fell again she ended up dragging her body to the shower blocks.

“I need a shower something comforting I don’t regret saving him but i’m dead to him” she cried as she pointed all the shower heads into the middle of the shower and turned them all on. Toni allowed her body to fall into the hot water that was jetting down. Toni moved so her body covered the drain. It was nice and it felt warm to her but it ran red she was too weak to even care. This time when she fell asleep she wanted it she did not see Brad but the darkness seemed to hold her and comfort her.

“You are a predictor and they need you to win the war against the hunters and Marc”

“I don’t know what you mean”

“You see things on touch and they come true yes?”

“Yes” she whispered

“You’re a predictor”



Jim kept pacing the room

“Why are you so fucking agitated” snapped Brad

“I don’t know but i’m going back” Jim replied

Brad shrugged his head

“I don’t why it’s not like she deserved it”

Rob looked and nodded at Jim and watched him leave. Jim paused at the door

 “Please tell me i’m doing the right thing here”

“No your not” snapped Brad

“Yes and no but go make sure is ok”

Said Rob

Jim walked out and headed towards there building when he smelt raw beef burgers and for some reason he wanted one. But as he drew near he knew it was burnt blood and he ran towards there building. What he saw horrified him. He saw blood on every wall, bed, and the floor he even noticed the burnt blood.

“Brad, Rob get here quick”

He thought.

“Toni where are you”

Still no response

“Toni please where are you”

Rob turned up

“Whats the Toni answer us now don’t make us hunt you down”

Brad walked up last

“What is the fucking emergency you two?”

Rob spun Brad round

“You do see what we see don’t you?”

Brad pushed him away and he walked to the ammo building and grabbed some blood he drank a few first in case she fed from him.

As he walked back he was smelling and trying to feel for her but he couldn’t. He saw the trail of blood foot prints which ending looking like she was being dragged.

He walked into the shower block and saw her. He turned all the showers off.


 He got no response


 He shouted, she slowly opened her eyes but she lost him and her eyes closed again

Brad watched her fight with herself

“Toni look at me”

 She opened her eyes and lifted her head but it fell and landed on the hard floor.

“You got what you deserved and you know that”

He snarled as he walked up to her she could just see his red eyes glaring at her.

she barley whispered at him

“I done it to save you and set you all free, so yes I got what I deserved and more, why are you here”

She heard some muffled sounds


“What” he snapped

“Did you come to gloat or to cheek i'm dead” she fell into the darkness

“Toni” he shouted

“Mmmmm” she replied

“Oh so are still here then”

 He threw the bag of blood to her

 “Drink it you need it, why did he not heal you”

Toni was in the darkness yet again

Brad walked back to the ammo building and then the blood room

“Tattoo face”

He bellowed

Toni heard him and she jumped but the darkness held her

“Shh its ok you are safe, i’m recovering and you really do need the rest i’m sorry I lost control”

Toni jumped awake and saw the blood Brad had thrown at her. She threw it at the door and then she dragged her body to the far end of the shower block.

Brad walked back to there building and walked in.

“Did you find her” asked Rob

Brad nodded

“How is she?” asked Jim

“All sexed out”

 Snapped Brad Jim lost it and slammed him of the wall

“Why do you fucking hate her so much when you like her more than we do?”

Brad threw Jim of the wall and held his throat “you fucking know why you had her and she enjoyed it” he growled

“Your wrong Brad we took her we also lost control but she was all for you”

 Said Rob he showed him the same image that Toni had showed him.

Brad sank to the floor and cried out in pain and sorrow

“Why did you do that to her and me?

“We were told to” Jim said

“By who” demanded Brad?

 “Let me guess tattoo face”

They both nodded

“You best go to her and win her back” said Jim

“We wont stop you both this time trust us bro” said Rob

“I did that’s the problem I trusted you two and not her”

“No mate you didn’t want to believe her that’s the difference” said Jim

Brad ran back to the shower blocks to see the blood at the door. He walked up to Toni and looked at her. He shook his head and sat next to her and watched her sleep. He moved his legs and she jumped and the blanked fell from her leg he saw the burnt leg and the marks that were visible

“Toni why did you do this” she turned and the blanket completely from her Brad saw every mark on her side and he removed his shirt and placed it over her then the wet blanket

He stroked her cheek gently and she stirred she opened her eyes and saw his green eyes burning into hers

“Shh don’t move or speak”  

He said

He carefully lifted her up into her arms she cried out in pain

“Shh its ok i’m going to take you back home Shh”

 Her head fell against his bare chest and she was not aware if she managed to shake her head or not. She tried to move but she failed at just the thought

“Shh it’s ok but you are not to touch me”

 He whispered into her ear

Toni fell to the darkness again as Brad carried her back home Toni licked at his neck

“Do not touch me” he snapped

 “I’m sorry I didn’t mean too” she said in a panicked voice

“Shh its ok Toni just rest you’re very weak”  

Brad commanded Toni fell silent in his arms breathing in his scent.

He walked in and placed her down on his bed her head fell and he saw the bite mark on her neck which was pouring with blood.

“Jim grabs that blanket please oh and when I remove the wet one be warned she is a mess”

Said Brad

Jim grabbed it and approached as Brad removed the blanket they all saw the bite marks and bruising and whip marks.

Toni stayed in the darkness watching them watching her.

“Toni please tell us why done this”

 Said Rob in a firm voice.

She continued to sleep.

Brad went and sat next to her on the bed

“Toni wake up and look at me please”

They watched as she struggled to open her eyes she finally managed she looked and saw Brad.

Toni turned her away as tears began to fall.

Brad wiped the tear away and as he touched her she jumped and tried to move away but she cried out pain.

“What do you want Brad”

She snapped

Rob hissed and Jim shook his head as he sat on the other side of her.

“Don’t you dare talk to me like that?”

 Snapped Brad just as fast

“Why did you bring me back here don’t you think I have been through enough, you really are a bastard”

 She sniped at him

“You got what you deserved” he spat

Rob approached her

“The guilt trip won’t work on us”

Said Jim

“So don’t bother trying”

Hissed Rob.

Toni pushed Brad away from her and he stood back he watched as she stood painfully slow.

“What are you doing?”

 Said Brad in a concerned voice

“I’m going back to the showers I may have deserved what happened to me but not this”

She whispered

“I don’t think so Toni you are too weak you need to feed, stop walking away from me as I talk to you damn it”

He shouted in rage

“You’re not talking Brad your shouting”

She whispered.

“I’m sorry Toni but Brad is right you’re too weak so i’m taking you back to the darkness to rest.”

Came tattoo face voice inside her head.

Toni collapsed and Brad caught her.

“She needs to feed”

Said Jim

Toni just managed to mumble a single word


 She was mentally fighting the darkness and they  could see that from her face. Rob bit into her wrist and placed it to her mouth.

“Wait till I lay her down please Rob”  

Said Brad

“I won’t feed from anyone”

 She whispered and thought like mad

Rob again placed his hand to her mouth Toni pushed his hand away with the very little strength she had left but he was not going to push her.

“Why did I take so much blood from you and why did I not heal you?”

 Whimpered Brad

“Brad you did not do this to her, she allowed it to happen”

Said Rob hoping his friend and commanding officer would hear his words and there meaning.


  Said Brad as he sat next her

“Toni please wake up and look at me”

He stroked her cheek and ran his thumb over her lips.

“Let me go tattoo face”

She screamed at him

“No I want to see what he does”

He said gently

“Why did you not heal me, I know you said you wouldn’t but I just wanted to know”

She asked as he held her tight

“Simple I told you every time Brad bites you I would treble it so if he had healed you so would I”

 He said gently

“Oh I see why is it I can feel you but I cant see you?”

  She asked puzzled

“It’s a very good question you see I am the darkness the king of vampires and you are a very special gift as we have already discussed”

 Jim goe and gets some blood. Rob grabs that stand and brings it here please.

“Yep so you’re going to save her then?”

Said Rob

“I’m going to try but i’m still not sure I want her to take from me”

“I’m not taking from anyone”

She weakly replied

Brad and Rob sat each side of her looking at her. When Jim ran he threw the blood and Brad caught it and placed it on the stand and took her arm Toni instantly began to remove it.

“Your weak so don’t bother trying to fight me”

 Said Brad smiling

“You may return to them”

Said tattoo face and she felt his hold on her go but she knew he was still there

“Thank you tattoo face” she smiled

Toni continued to wake and drift back off while blood flowed into her arm. During the time it took Toni to consume one pint of blood she woke up five times and mumbled. Brad and Rob stood and started to walk around the room waiting for her to wake up and stay awake.

“She is healing slowly but not fast enough”

Confessed Brad with concern in his voice.

She is still too weak to feed from us”

 Said Jim

“The bigger question is will her?”

Said Rob in a strained voice.

“She has no choice”

 said Brad as he walked back to her and removed the now empty bag of blood and forced the line connecting to bag to the needle in her arm into his and he sat next to her watching his blood flow into her.

Jim sat the opposite side and saw Brad move the hair from her neck so he could watch it heal and close.

Jim stroked her hand and she started to stir and wake up she saw Brad.

“What do you want?”

  She snapped in a stronger voice


Snapped Jim


 She shouted and regretted it as her hand shot to her neck

“A thank you would not go amiss”

 Snapped Brad


 She croaked and she saw the line connecting them she ripped it out and threw it him.

He shook his head and removed it the rest of the line from his arm.

“Why when i’m dead to you? Why save me?”

She whispered

She did not  wait for an answer she told Jim to move. He looked down at her and shook his head.


 She snapped

“Brad get out of my way”

 She pushed at him

“I just saved your fucking life so a little gratitude would be nice” he barked at her.

“I went though hell to save your life and release you all but you still treat me like i’m a fucking dog, why don’t you put a leash on me and whip me?”

  She pushed him again.

He shook his head and stood up.

Toni stood a little too fast, Brad steadied her

“Your weak and you need us”

 He said trying to be nice.

Toni looked up into his green eyes and she melted again

“I have taken enough for now and I won’t take anymore yet”

 She whispered

Brad released her

“Your arm and leg is still badly burnt”

 Said Rob from the corner

“Oh goody you’re all here”

she replied acidly

“Dont start on me you will regret it if you do”

He warned

“I hate how we are all snapping at each other and not being connected at all”

Said Jim in a strained voice

“I agree with you bud”

Thought Rob

“What can we do though?”

Thought Brad.

Brad looks at her and moved away from

“Do as you wish but you are not to leave this building till you are fully recovered understand me?”

 Said Brad with authority he waited for an answer and knew he would not get one as she would meet his gaze he touched her face and she saw him pull her into his chest while she cried.

Toni nodded at him and looked away

“Just leave me alone please”

“Sorry we can’t the sun is up”

Said Jim

Toni shook her head and headed towards her corner each step hurting but she would not show it

“You ok Toni?”

 Asked Brad as he watched her walk

She nodded

 “You need to sleep and gain your strength Brad so go to sleep and please use your bed”

“What about you”

 He asked amused

“I will take my corner”

 She whispered

“You are not sleeping on the floor”

 He growled at her

Toni ignored him and slowly sat down at her corner she picked her headphones up and put them in.

Brad walk over to her and sat in front of her he removed the head phones and asked quietly

“Are you a predictor Toni?”

“Yes I think so, as I see thing on touch and come true in the end”

She looked away then she felt his hand on hers she did not see anything. She looked at Brad and shook her head

“Sorry” she sighed

“It’s ok Toni”

“Brad do you want your shirt back?”

 She asked

“Nah you keep it, it looks good on you”

They both laughed at that.

“You need to sleep Toni”

Toni looked at him shocked and nodded

“So do you but will you help me”

She said in a weak voice

“Yes Toni just tell me” he said looking deep into her

“Its nothing forget I asked”

She looked away she was scared not by him but him knowing all she done for them but her caught her face

“I will help just tell me what you need ok?”  

He stroked the tears away

“Ok Brad can you help me with my bra please from there I will manage”

She saw him nod

Toni took a deep breath and turned so he was facing her back she slowly put it on and replaced the blankets. She felt his hands pull the blanket away from her back and the hiss that came from him had her shaking she went to move away but he done the clasp and she  bit her own lip as the pain hit. Brad replaced the blanked and kept his hands on her shoulders.

“Thank you”

She said crying silently

“Toni look at me and tells me what happened from the beginning”

She shook her head and then she felt his hand touch her face and he drew her near her into his arms and chest crying he held her while she bit into her lips drawing blood and drinking her own blood.

“Shh its ok im here”

He said and he held her tighter

Toni pushed away from him.

“Why did you bite your own lip when you were, fuck you wanted to bite me without my permission”

He was angry

He quickly stood and moved away from her.

“I bit my lip to stop me biting you”

 She whispered


 Demanded all three

“I want you but you don’t want me so I won’t bite you”

 She whispered

She laid down replacing her head phones and was about to putt it on full volume.

“Toni I”

Toni cut him short

“Go to sleep Brad”

And hit play

“I don’t know what to do, I do like her and want her but will she” he thought

“You going to have to try because if you don’t win her back tattoo face will get involved and mate her to someone else”

 Said Jim

“She is a predictor I asked her and she admitted it”

 Said Brad

“I even touched her but she saw nothing or if she did she would not tell me”

He looked at her and noticed she was asleep and the blanket fell her slightly

He walked over and covered her over he touched her skin and she saw that he did wanted to be mated with her even after she told him everything.

She woke up and looked at him


She asked

“Shh sleep its still daylight and you are still weak”

He quickly grasped her hand then he let her go but he noticed her eyes grow wide

“What did you see?”  

He demanded

“I have to reconnect us all”

 She said scared

“Why did you stay with me?”

 She asked Brad

“In case you needed me”

He smiled down at her

She fell back to the darkness and he held her tight again “he wants you let him in” he released her

And she woke alone

“Good I best get dressed before they get back”

She thought. She put her head phones back in and got lost to the sound of the music

“I’m going back to check on her”

Said Brad

Jim and Rob both nodded at him and watched him leave.

As Brad walked back he thought about how he would get to mate him and before he knew where he was he saw her and listening to the music slam into her ears. She removed the blankets and his shirt. He waited till she was dressed then he walked up to her and wrapped his arms around her.

He removed the head phones and whispered

“Shh it’s ok it’s me and your safe please tell me what he done to you”

Toni put her hands over his and she told him everything. When she was done she lent against him

“Will you look at me?”

As she turned around he pulled him towards her and kissed her hard on the lips.

Toni pulled away and looked at him

“Brad why did you do that?”

 She looked stunned

“I want you i’m sorry”

 He muttered

Toni laughed and jumped into his arms. He smiled down at her and carefully lifted her up his body and smiled at her.

“Do you want me Toni?”

“You fool of course I want I never stopped wanting you; I just wanted you to be sure you wanted me also”

“Feed from me Toni please your weak and i’m scared i’m going to loose you again”

He pleaded

“Alright Brad you win I will feed from you but there is thing I must tell you first”

She said as she kissed his perfect bare chest

“I always win”

He said laughing

“You will feed first then talk ok?”

He kissed her hard until he could feel her nodding with his lips engaged with hers

He put her legs around his waist and sat down on his bed he pulled away from her lips

“Drink now”

She kissed his neck and drove her fangs into his neck he did not jump or flinch he held her tight. As she drank

She moved her hand up his chest and across his shoulders.  His blood tasted pure, sweet, strong and powerful.

She started to pull away but he held her tighter to his neck

“Shh i’m not letting you go till you have fed”

Toni saw into his mind and she saw Brad take Marc on Brad reached out to her and held her as the image faded around them

“I’m going to thank him then I will kill him”

Confessed Brad

“Why” she said puzzled

“He hurt you and killed your baby but I will thank him as now your mine”

They both laughed at that fact

Brad held her close while she kissed his neck and then finished the connecting period

“We just have the mating to go”

He said into her ear

“we are mated he tricked me”

She released both his neck and mind and heard him straight away.

“Do you want me to reset the connection with Jim and Rob?”

She thought

“You do not get the choice Toni”

Came tattoo face’s voice

Toni jumped when she saw him and Brad held her behind him

Rob and Jim walked in and saw the two men at a stand off

“Jim take her away to safety please”

Asked Brad

Jim walked right up to Toni and took her arm and she saw them forcefully bite into her and made her drink from them.

Toni screamed and ran into the middle of the room

“I will reset the connection but Brad must be here when I do it and I will only do it till I have you minds understood?”

She looked at Jim and Rob who both nodded and Brad approached her and held her while Jim and Rob bit into her wrists and they saw both Toni and Brad in her mind

They released her and she took Jim first and she heard him in her mind

Then she took Rob and she heard him also.

“So how do we take these hunters on then?”

She asked

“You will see my love”

Replied Brad


sequal to arrive shortly

its called the hunter becomes the hunted

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