Mates of a Werewolf Hunter

By ValentineWinters

1.6M 39.9K 4.7K

Sixteen-year-old Valentine Winters has always known her destiny as the youngest daughter of an Alpha. On her... More

Chapter 1 Valentine's Ordeal
Chapter 2 Unraveling Souls
Chapter 3 Burning Bonds
Chapter 4 Tread Lightly
Chapter 5 The Allure of Irresistible Craving
Chapter 6 The Magnetic Pull
Chapter 7 Embers of Animosity
Chapter 8 Shots Fired, Shadows Loom
Chapter 9 Lethal Alloys of Wolfsbane
Chapter 10 Breaking News
Chapter 11 Unveiling Fate's Chains
Chapter 12 Entangled Vows
Chapter 13 Fiery Temptations and Frozen Rejections
Chapter 14 Academic Alchemy
Chapter 15 A Teen's Unrelenting Odyssey
Chapter 16 Blades of Regret
Chapter 17 Shattered Trust
Chapter 18 Eclipsed by Ambiguity
Chapter 19 Unknowingly Marked
Chapter 20 Lurking in the Shadows of a Rogue's Mind
Chapter 21 Fear
Chapter 22 Sacred Boundaries
Chapter 23 The Lupine Metamorphosis
Chapter 24 What Have I Done
Chapter 25 Fleeting Hope
Chapter 26 So Close Yet So Far
Chapter 27 Ensnared Allies
Chapter 28 Run
Chapter 29 A Retreat to Elegance
Chapter 30 Listen To His Orders
Chapter 31 Who Did You Call
Chapter 32 On the Verge of Freedom
Chapter 33 Heat
Chapter 34 Octavius Get Out
Chapter 36 Punish His Sins
Chapter 37 Torment Unleashed, Daughter's Cry
Chapter 38 Hunter and Vortexzy
Chapter 39 Vulnerability
Chapter 40 Wrong Move
Chapter 41 Unexpected SheWolf
Chapter 42 Expect The Unexpected
Chapter 43 Moonlit Deceit
Chapter 44 Playing Scissors
Chapter 45 Dream Or Vision
Chapter 46 Blundered
Chapter 47 Jaw Of Death
Chapter 48 Biological Argent Son
Chapter 49 Unthoughtful Death
Chapter 50 Can I Eat You ?
Chapter 51 Evelyn Ra
Chapter 52 Devil Virgin
Chapter 53 Mission Saving Damsels
Chapter 54 Four Warrior Brothers
Chapter 55 TMNT 666
Chapter 56 Mated At Last
Chapter 57 Gabriella
Chapter 58 Happy New Year
Chapter 59 An Eye For An Eye
Chapter 60 Pregnancy Test
Mates of A Werewolf Hunter (Book 2)

Chapter 35 Wolf's Battle for Control

15.7K 415 62
By ValentineWinters

Valentine Winters P.O.V

The pain eased a bit, and I wasted no time trying to get away from him. My legs felt wobbly as I stumbled into my washroom, quickly locking the door behind me. Leaning my back against the door, I slid down as the pain hit me again like a ton of bricks, just before the harsh banging started.

Crawling away from the intrusive noise, I reached the toilet seat and closed it. Pulling my aching body up, I sat, cradling my stomach, tears welling in my eyes from the relentless pain. In this state, I had created another trouble for myself just outside that door.

"Vortexzy," I heard him growling lowly, calling out my wolf. "Let me in. I can make you feel so good, Vortex. I can take the pain away," he moaned.

Feeling my wolf rising to the surface, I let her out. I wasn't strong enough to push her back, and there was no reason to even try. "Jacque, control yourself. Let Octavius out," I pleaded with a frail command.

"Say my name again," he purred.

"Give Octavius his control back," I ordered, trying to assert some semblance of dominance.

"No," he boomed before breaking the door. He looked like a starved animal, hungry for something that went beyond the physical.

Approaching me, my wolf whimpered, pleading for mercy. I tried to regain control, but weakness held me captive. The stage was set for a battle of wills, a struggle that promised to unfold in the unpredictable dance of dominance and surrender.

He effortlessly lifted me, placing me on the cold sink, and slid in between my legs. His movements were a tantalizing dance, a dangerous seduction that even my wolf couldn't resist. A low purr escaped her as he rubbed against me, easing some of the pain that had gripped us.

"Jacque," she warned, a cautionary note in her voice. He moaned, overpowering us by pinning both of our hands above our heads with one hand while the other circled my hips, keeping me firmly in place.

He pushed aside strands of my hair, exposing the mark Lucifer had branded on my neck, his canines elongating in a primal display. Fear surged through me – was he going to mark me?

As he buried his face in the crook of my neck, scraping his teeth over the mark, my wolf erupted in protest. The audacity of marking me forcefully sent a shiver down my spine.

"No," she growled ferociously. "I'm not yours. I'm already marked," she declared, regaining control as the pain subsided temporarily.

That was all she needed. With a surge of her alpha strength, she pushed him away, her command ringing through the room as she ordered him to leave. The room filled with the sound of my door opening, and a familiar scent wafted in.

"Valentine? Octavius?" Zachary's voice echoed, his eyes widening as he took in the chaotic scene.

"What in the gods' world happened in here?" he shrieked, his astonishment adding a layer of tension to the already charged atmosphere.

"Zachary, take Jacque away from here," my wolf commanded, her authoritative tone cutting through the confusion that hung in the air.

"Jacque? Octavius's wolf?" Zachary questioned, casting a bewildered glance between us. His eyes finally landed on me, and the pitch-black depths must have given away that I wasn't currently in control.

"Vortexzy?" he hesitated, recognizing the shift in my demeanor.

Jacque growled, resisting my wolf's command, and it all clicked for Zachary. Lucky me, winning the sarcasm-laden lottery.

"You're fortunate I have greater control over my wolf," he declared, attempting to drag Octavius away. "Sorry for this," he added, delivering a swift blow to Octavius's head, rendering him unconscious.

"Thanks, Xavier," my wolf expressed gratitude.

"Still, Zachary, Vortex. Just because I made him unconscious doesn't mean Xavier helped me," Zachary clarified, dragging Octavius out of my room. Before disappearing, he left me with a reassuring smile.

"Val, it's great to see you. I'll meet you once everything is over and in control," he promised before closing the door.

With Vortexzy relinquishing control, I sank onto the bed. "Thanks, Vor."

"It's fine. I just pity Jacque. He's always been protective of me. He just couldn't control his animal instincts," she reasoned.

"He's going to regret it when he comes back to his senses," I mused, contemplating the aftermath of this tumultuous encounter. The room settled into an uneasy calm, a temporary respite in the storm that had swept through my life.

I let the hot water cascade over me, attempting to wash away the lingering scent of him that clung to my skin like an unwelcome shadow. It made me cringe; his scent, though pleasing, felt like an intrusion. I wasn't his possession and having his essence on me felt fundamentally wrong. With a sigh, I turned over on my bed, feeling the weight of weakness and vulnerability.

Disgust and repugnance washed over me as I replayed his actions in my mind. I longed to reclaim my strength, independence, and courage. I wanted to embody vigilance, be valiant, and hold onto my valor. I was a robust individual, and my wolf even more so. Yet, in his presence, it felt as though our energy had been siphoned away.

I felt pathetic and poignant. Just because I was a female didn't mean I couldn't stand up for myself. Just because someone was born male didn't grant them mythical powers. Thoughts of him made me shiver, and I despised that vulnerability he had imposed on me. He had shattered me into fragments, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't piece myself back together. It felt impossible, paradoxical, and like an irreversible process.

What had I done to deserve this? Why me? Did I merit having him over anyone else? To endure rejection repeatedly, subjected to various forms of abuse and crying out in pain – did I deserve this punishment without reason?

Had I ever disrespected my family or looked down upon anyone? Was I a conceited and overbearing soul? Was I responsible for his mother's death? The cause of his actions and undoings? Did I secretly wish to be kidnapped and enslaved?

The questions echoed in my mind, a dissonant symphony of self-doubt, confusion, and the painful realization that sometimes, there are no answers to the torment we endure.

Was I stomping on my own foot, wishing for him to be my mate? What twisted gain could I possibly derive from this cruel dance orchestrated by fate? If only everything could fall into place neatly. Why couldn't I be the author of our lives, penning a tale without the complications that gnawed at my emotions?

If only Lucifer had a different lineage, if his father wasn't a werewolf – we wouldn't be entangled as mates. What if I had a mate who was wonderfully loving? I could have been the happiest woman alive, yet in the depths of my heart, I still yearned for him.

Did I love him? The question echoed, each beat of my heart drumming out the confusion that swirled within me. What if Alpha Zades had Gabriel as his first son? Their bond could have been tighter, and I would have been spared from this mess – nearly murdered, slapped, hurt, abused, defeated, almost raped, shot, and tethered to someone I could never love.

I pondered the unfairness of my predicament. Always on the run from inconveniences I hadn't chosen – the life of a werewolf thrust upon me without consent. Hunters chose their path; we merely inherited our existence. Why must fate play games with me? Why couldn't those with a more malicious character be in my position? They were the ones who deserved the turmoil.

Despite my ordeal, I remained a virgin, my first kiss stolen by Lucifer. The mere thought of other girls being in my shoes, with Lucifer as their mate, fueled a jealous fire running through my veins. I hadn't experienced the wild abandon of getting drunk, smoked, or taken weed – yet the fates paired me with him. What was the moon goddess thinking? What benefit did this union bring, other than problems and thick tensions in the air?

Closing my eyes, I let the whirlwind of thoughts consume me. What had I done to deserve this perplexing and tumultuous journey? The question lingered, unanswered, in the silent recesses of my mind.

Lucifer Zades P.O.V

"I thought you clearly stated that you'd start searching for her at dawn," my wolf growled out, his impatience evident.

"I was thinking," I replied, sinking onto the hotel room bed, my mind tangled in the complexities of the situation.

'There isn't time to be thinking; you need to act,' he groaned, his frustration seeping through.

"Give me a break, okay? My life isn't all about searching for her and making sure she's always by my side," I argued, feeling the weight of the responsibility pressing down.

"Well, sorry to burst your bubble because I had been separated from the love of my life, sucked into a host with another soul, and reborn for a second chance of having her in my arms. Now that I've already found her, guess what? An overbearing soul rejected her just because he was born into an Argent's family and blames her for our mom's death. You hurt her! You abused her! And she was mine! She became yours because of me, and her human soul was fated with you because of your past life! You guys were in love. True love! So pure that you've also been given another chance and will always be together in every reincarnation! Everything was according to plan, and you ruined it. You destroyed everything," he erupted, the intensity of his words crashing over me.

"Remember, Lucifer, you're only good at everything because of me. Without me, you would have been a pathetic human just like the rest," he continued, leaving a heavy silence in his wake.

I fisted my hands, the agitation and truth of his words clashing within me. I closed my eyes, feeling the weight of the stress surpassing the battles with rogues.

'Rogues. She was almost killed by one,' my wolf blamed instantly.

I glanced at my hands, noticing the ring with her name carved on it. Suddenly, fear consumed me, stealing my breath. I toppled to the ground, struggling to breathe on my hands and knees for about 15 seconds. Placing my hands on the bed for support, I staggered to the washroom, grasping the sides of the sink, attempting to regain composure in the face of the turmoil that engulfed me.

I turned on the tap, letting the water cascade over my hands, trying to wash away the turmoil within. Splashing cold water on my face, I looked up at the mirror, and a sight that chilled me to the core greeted me. My eyes, once a familiar hue, had turned black as charcoal, and my canines elongated menacingly. My entire face was flushed red, as if the rage bubbling within me was seeking an escape. I felt like I had just emerged from a sauna or run a cross-country marathon, my breaths heavy, and sweat coating my skin.

"What's wrong with me?" I growled, directing the question to my wolf. He knew what was happening; he always did.

"Someone tried to mark what's ours," he snarled in response.

"What! Did he?" I questioned, the intensity of the situation hitting me.

"No. But he was close. Too close. Find her, Lucifer. Find her now!" he ordered, his rage palpable. Fur began to sprout on my skin as I wrestled to keep my wolf in check. All we saw was red, and the desire to exact vengeance on the one who dared to encroach upon what was ours consumed me. I wanted his head separated from his body and reduced to ashes.

I fell to my knees, my wolf's presence growing stronger as I struggled to control him. I hadn't learned the intricacies of the werewolf dictionary, only how to kill them. Now, I was one of them, and karma had a twisted way of working its magic.

I screamed, the sound echoing in the confined space, and finally, it stopped. But as the realization hit me that I was no longer in control, panic set in. My wolf was now at the helm.

He got up, gazing into the mirror with a triumphant smirk. He had seized control of the body, and I sensed he had no intention of relinquishing it.

"Give me back control, wolf," I commanded.

"My name is Hunter!" he boomed defiantly.

"Never. It's my turn now," he growled, each word laced with an ominous tone. A sinister smile crept onto our lips.

"I'm coming, my love, and no one's stopping me," he declared before striding out of the washroom, ready to unleash his wrath on the world beyond the hotel room.




- Valentine Winters

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