The Popularity Project (Origi...

By thebritishchick

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Alex is fed up of being mistreated and put in the background by the "popular" people. Her English teacher ass... More

The Popularity Project (Originally on Quotev)
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteeen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty

Chapter Nine

8.6K 321 24
By thebritishchick

"Kyle," I whined, sounding like a child who was denied ice cream, "Where are we going?"
He'd put a blindfold on me the second we stepped out of the restaurant. I hated not seeing things, it really makes me sympathizes the blind. He voice came from my right side, where he was steering the car to an unknown destination, "It's a surprise Abby. In order to be surprised, you have to not know about it."
I let out a huff and slid down in my chair, displeased. Our meal had been great, never a dull moment. I don't think teenagers should be allowed in restaurants that fancy though because we were creating quite a lot of ruckus, I feared we might even get kicked out at one point where Kyle was trying to imitate something he'd seen on television, a seal I think it was supposed to be. The stubborn part of my brain tried again, "Can I have a clue? Like are we going some place outdoors or indoors?"
"Abigail Taylor." He said in a stern tone a parent or teacher might take on, "We'll be there in a second. Just think about something else." He paused for a moment and I when I felt the car turn, I had to grab for something to hold, "Are you looking forward to the musical?"
"First of all when we turn please tell be so I can be prepared. Yeah, I am. It's going to be a lot of work though. Especially with all the homework we have to do. Did you know, Mr. Carter assigned us five pages of science questions to be filled out over the weekend? It's like they enjoy torturing us." I quit ranting as I felt the expensive car roll to a stop, "Are we here?"
He laughed and got out to come open my door seeing as I well, couldn't see, "Yes. Now just relax, I'll take the blindfold off in a second, we have to walk for a minute or two to get there." I reached aimlessly for his hands and eventually got a good enough grip to get out of the passenger side, tripped slightly. Kyle luckily grabbed my forearm before I could face plant into the gravel.
I brushed myself off and attempted to see out of the thick fabric, it didn't work, "Thanks. Um which direction are we going in." I giggled and added a terrible joke, "Hopefully it's in One Direction to see my favorite band."
"Oh so you're a One Direction fan? I might have to reconsider taking you out on another date." Kyle entwined his fingers with mine and pulled me off somewhere.
I hurried to keep up but struggled with the heels, "I'm not just a fan, I'm a Directioner. There is a difference. And who ever said I would go out on a second date with you? I mean you haven't even asked."
He swung our conjoined hands and I heard the faint laughter of people mixed with yelling, "Maybe another time. But for now, we're here."

I bounced a bit on my toes and he struggled to untie the knot he had made in the blindfold. I blinked for a few seconds to readjust my eyes and took in the scenery of where he had taken me. It was a little cove on a beach with a market set up on the grass embankment. There were all different color tents and things being sold. With the fairy lights someone had set up draping the stalls, it looked almost magical. "Wow." I breathed as I faced Kyle. He was still holding the blindfold. I narrowed my eyes, "You let me walk around in a," I turned my threatening, "Care Bear blindfold? God Bennett if this surprise wasn't nice you would be so dead right now."
Kyle chuckled, not seeming afraid, and held my hand again, "I knew I should have opted for the Harry Styles one."
"Darn right you should have." I let the subject drop and we walked over to the beginning row of stalls. I oohed and awed at some of the things they had for sale until I let my eyes settle on a necklace made from black rope with a dream catcher pendent attached. "Kyle look at this. Isn't it pretty?" I looked at the price tag which said twenty dollars, money I didn't have. I sighed and put it back on the makeshift table.
"Too much?" I nodded sadly and began to walk away from the stall. "Excuse me, I'd like to buy this necklace." Kyle was handing the woman a twenty.
"What are you doing?" I asked even though I had an idea what he was in fact doing.
He glanced at me for only a second before giving the money to the lady, "Buying the necklace."
"No! You can't do that. You took me to dinner you can't go spending more money for me." I tried to stop him from taking the pendent she was holding out even though he'd already paid.
"But I want to. I get a huge allowance, it doesn't affect me. You really wanted the necklace and so I got it for you. Now stop complaining." I scowled as he did the clasp behind my neck and lifted my hair through.
When I looked down and saw it though, sitting there just above the neckline of my dress all the defiance washed out of my system. "Thanks." I said softly and gave him a peck on the cheek, blushing slightly. When I spotted an ice cream truck parked not far from the little market I tugged Kyle's hand towards it, shouting playfully, "I get to buy the ice cream in exchange." I had enough money for that after all.
I was slightly out of breath when I got there and recovered while the man spoke, "Hello. What can I get for you two today?"
"I'll take a white Magnum please."
He smiled and dug it out of the freezer then to Kyle said, "And for you."
"Um can I get one of the swirly cones with strawberry sauce?" The guy nodded and got to work on his order. I hunted through my clutch ignoring Kyle's complaints, "I don't like not paying for stuff.
I laughed at his hypocritical statement, "Welcome to my world." The guy gave Kyle his cone and I handed him a fiver, receiving a quarter in change, "Thank you. Have a great afternoon!" The guy called out thanks and tended to the next people in line.
"You're too nice, do you know that?" Kyle was trying to lick his ice cream faster than it was melting.
I tilted my head, confused at what he meant, "What? How so?"
He waved his free hand, "Just all that. You're polite and have manners and are just well, kind." I shrugged and thought of my title I had been given by the school, 'most humble'. "Like seriously my parents would insist I marry you or something if they met you."
"I guess I don't know anything else. Being thoughtful to other people comes naturally." I felt a boost of confidence go through me, "Why do you hang out with all those jerks anyway? Like that guy, Grant." 
His face twisted as he thought out an answer, "Well I guess because I'm on the team with them. Who else would I be friends with? Meg is the only real person in our group besides you that I genuinely like."
"Yeah. I feel like I've know you guys a lot longer than two or three weeks." We finished our ice creams and headed back to the car, the day drawing nearly to an end.
When we arrived back at Nancy's apartment I looked up at him, "This was fun. Actually it was the most fun thing I've done in a while." I knew when I reveal myself that Amber's anger will be probably even better than this date. It made my heart tug to remember I was lying to him. That he thinks I'm this insanely perfect girl I made up, I may be nice normally but I'm not nearly as perfect as 'Abigail Taylor'.
"Yeah. We should do it again sometime. In fact there's a party one of the guys from the team is throwing tomorrow because of our victory the other day. Want to go with me?" Kyle looked hopeful, I couldn't crush him by saying I hated parties because I knew Abby would go if she was real.
I nodded, forcing a smile, "Yeah that sounds awesome. Just don't get wasted on me." He laughed and kissed me on the cheek, not far from my lips.
"Bye Abby." Kyle waved and started to the elevator.
When he was gone I whispered, "Bye Kyle. Oh did I mention my real name is Alex but you can't tell anyone or it'll blow my cover." I exhaled and let myself into the apartment. "Hey Nance."
"OH MY GOD ALEX YOU'RE BACK! Tell me how it went! Mom's on Skype with us, she wants to know all about it as well." Nancy tugged me towards the couch where her laptop was open and our mom's smiling face was.
I tugged off my high heels, "Just let me get changed first okay?"
I cleared off my makeup, changed into my polka dot pajamas and shoved my hair into a mess ponytail before returning to the living room. I stopped short at the edge of the hall though, at the same door where Kyle had just asked me on our second date stood Matt, looking slightly panicked. I decided to eavesdrop as it would be idiotic to walk out at that moment. Matt with a stressed voice was speaking to Nancy, "Have you spoken to Alex or your dad recently?"
She shook her head, looking just as startled by his presence as I was, "No. Why?"
"There's been an explosion near where they live in Alabama." My mother, who was still on Skype, let out scream and burst out crying. I may  not have been there at the time but her ex-husband, with whom she was still on a friendly level and who she once loved, was. I had to choke back my own tears. Was he okay? I still talked to him every week on the phone even though he had moved to a different state to be near his siblings and parents. My mom and him were still very chummy and got along well, neither had cheated or anything dramatic, they had just decided a divorce was the best option. 
Nancy rushed to where the home phone was and dialed our father's number. It reached a dialing tone and she had to hand up. Matt was still standing awkwardly in the doorway, unsure what to do with the two crying women, one on a laptop, the other cradling a phone. Well three if he could see me.
What had happened?

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