Stolen First Times

By juliannav135

676K 28K 4.7K

Elijah Reed is my enemy, uh I mean neighbor. He gives a whole new meaning to the term "bad boy" and I would l... More

1. My First Kiss
2. My First Crush
3. My First Date
4. My First Detention
5. My First Apology
7. My First Homecoming Proposal
8. My First Homecoming Dance
9. My First Party
10. My First Encounter Narrowly Escaping Death
11. My First Time Being a Fan Girl
12. My First Job
13. My First Double Date
14. My First Time Ditching Class With a Boy
15. My First Boyfriend
16. My First Concert
17. My First Poster
18. My First Lie...Sort Of
19. My First Time Sleepwalking
20. My First Breakup
21. My First Time Gardening
22. My First Time on a Ferris Wheel
23. My First Time Stealing a First Time
24. My First POV - Part 1
25. My First POV - Part 2
26. My First Time Being at Fault
27. My First Choice - Part 1
28. My First Choice - Part 2
29. Our First Times
30. Our First Time Visiting Mrs...Reed
31. Our First Fight
32. Our First Day of Senior Year
33. Our First Breakup
34. My First Masquerade Party
35. My First Time Playing Kiss Pong
36. My First Time Being Fought Over
37. Our Last Chapter
Update! More Updates to Come!
38. My First Update in a While
39. My First College Fair
40. My First Time Being Experimented On
41. My First M&M
42. My First Time Running a Marathon
43. My First Day of College
44. My First Marriage Proposal - Part 1
45. My First Marriage Proposal - Part 2
46. My First Trip to Italy
Bonus Chapter: 6 Years Later
Bonus: My First Child(ren)
i. My First Story in Years
1. My Bad Habit
2. Stolen Good Times
3. Who's Counting?
Book Two?
Sneak Peak!
4. Let's Have a Good Time

6. My First Prank

16K 731 136
By juliannav135


My mother ushered us into the dining room where she had set up six chairs around our large table that we ate at once or twice a year. Fancy dishes and silverware sat on top of placemats around the table. In the center was my mom's famous lasagna.

My dad took a seat at the head of the table as Mr. Reed took the opposite side. My mom sat next to my dad and I sat across from her. Uriah and Elijah followed into the room, each taking a seat beside their father.

And of course, Elijah chose to sit next to me. Uriah gave me an apologetic look from where he was sitting next to my mom. I shot him a helpless look. Elijah watched our exchange with a strange glint in his eyes.

"Let us say grace for this wonderful meal," my father said as he grasped my mother's hand in his. She nodded, reaching for Uriah's hand. I took my father's hand in mine and laid my other hand in my lap.

A warm hand firmly grasped mine under the table and squeezed. I squeezed back harder, hoping I could inflict some pain on Elijah. I glanced up to see his reaction, but he had his head bent with his eyes closed, hair hanging in his face. I looked around the table to see everyone doing the same.

"Thank you for this meal and a great night," my father said.

I bent my head, closed my eyes and said, "Amen," with the rest of the table.

I immediately snatched my hand away from Elijah's, hitting my full glass of water. My mouth dropped open as the entire contents of it spilled.

Right into Elijah's lap.

"Oh dear, Veronica. Hurry, get some napkins," my mom said, rapidly handing me some napkins.

I quickly dried the table and dumped a pile of the napkins on Elijah's pants, patting them dry.

"My bad," I said, still dabbing at his lap. Elijah cleared his throat. I took one look at his look of pure anger before deciding that I was in deep trouble. I froze.

I could hear Uriah trying to stifle his laughter underneath his fist and it took all I had not to let my face turn a deep crimson color.

I dropped the napkins in his lap and glanced around the table. Various looks of shock stared back at me. Uriah was the only one who found amusement in this whole situation. My mom's jaw was practically to the floor and my father's eyebrows were raised.

I had just been patting the bad boy's pants in front of everyone. I didn't think I could be any more embarrassed.

"Sorry," I mumbled as Elijah grabbed the napkins and placed them on the table. So low that no one could hear, Elijah murmured in my ear, "You got me wet."

I choked at his innuendo and he smirked.

Mom grabbed the lasagna and served everyone. The whole situation was quickly forgotten as we all took a bite of the lasagna. It melted in my mouth and everyone complimented my mom's cooking. It really was amazing.

We made light conversation throughout dinner until it was time for the Reeds to leave. They thanked my mom for the hospitality and headed out the door. Exhausted, I helped my parents clean up and then went upstairs to my room.

I stripped out of my clothes, throwing them on the floor. I had been so uncomfortable in that outfit since I never usually dressed like that. A whistle from my bedroom window made me freeze.

"Damn, Vicky. I thought you'd be as flat as a board-"

I whipped my head around to my open window, at the guy who had just complimented my chest. Elijah's green eyes shone from his bedroom window. Except, he wasn't focused on my face. His gaze dipped lower and I glanced down at myself.

I was standing in my black bra and matching underwear with nothing else on. I threw my arms across my chest and yanked the curtains over my window. I dashed around my room to find my pajamas and threw them on. Breathing heavily, I collapsed on my bed, plopping my head on the mound of pillows.

Elijah Reed had just seen me practically naked. I angrily ran my hands down my face, vowing to get my revenge. I was so beyond embarrassed that it made me mad.

Taking a few deep breaths, I finally calmed down enough to get up and open my laptop. Placing the computer in my lap, I went on Youtube to search up pranks. A huge smile lit up my face when I hit the jackpot.

This was the perfect way to get back at Elijah for everything he has done to me. I would need Uriah's help with this if I wanted to do it right.


"Uriah, hey, I need your help."

I told him everything. Once I was finished, Uriah burst out laughing and promised to help me. I grinned and hung up.


My alarm blared at five thirty in the morning, waking me up way earlier than I was used to. I sprung out of bed, threw on a sweatshirt, and ran out the door. Uriah was waiting for me outside his house with a camera in his hand. I silently joined him on the porch as he lifted a finger to his lips.

Uriah lead me inside his darkened house. I took careful steps and tiptoed up the stairs behind him until we reached the upstairs hallway. The walls were still bare and a few boxes littered the floor. Looked like the Reeds weren't moved in yet. Uriah snatched one of the boxes that was half the size of me and slipped into a room with the door already opened. Two other doors, one across the hall and one next to the room Uriah had just gone in, were both closed. I followed Uriah inside the room with the open door.

I quietly shut the door behind me and joined Uriah by his desk. It was dark in his room, too, so I couldn't see much. From what I could see, Uriah had only unpacked the bare necessities. Large boxes were spread out around his room with different labels. He rifled through the box he had grabbed in the hallway and emptied the contents onto his bed until the box was empty. Then he set it on the floor in front of me.

"Elijah won't wake up for about another hour. He usually gets up at around six thirty to take a shower before school so we can just chill until then."

I nodded, not trusting myself to speak. I was suddenly getting nervous being all alone with a boy in his bedroom. I took a seat on the chair in front of his desk and stared at the floor.

"I'll go set up the camera in his room now. He sleeps like the dead so he won't hear me. I'll be right back." With that, Uriah left the room with a tripod and camera in his hands. A few minutes later, he slid back in the room and sat at the edge of his bed, running a hand through his hair. He looked at me and grinned. I unconsciously bounced my knees up and down.

"Nervous?" Uriah asked.

I wasn't sure if he meant because of the prank or because I was alone with him. I decided it was for the first reason.

I shook my head. "I'm actually excited. I've been wanting to get back at your evil brother for a while now."

Uriah laughed and we kept talking about a bunch of random things until it was time. At ten minutes past six, Uriah poked small holes on the sides of the box with a pen and we were ready. He lifted the box off the floor and stepped out into the hallway with me on his heels. As slowly and quietly as possible, he opened a door and set the box down inside. I followed blindly into the room and stepped inside the box that Uriah had placed next to a large bed. He closed the flaps over my head after giving me two huge thumbs up. I returned the gesture. I heard the door click behind me as Uriah left the room.

I figured that with all the boxes already in Elijah's room, he wouldn't even realize there was an extra one that didn't belong in here. He was about to wake up to a rude awakening real soon.

In just a few minutes, my muscles started to cramp as I crouched in the box. Elijah better wake up soon or else I didn't think I would be able to make it without stretching out my legs. I started to sweat in the tight space. I was ready to jump out. Forget about the stupid prank, I couldn't take this anymore.

Suddenly, the bed creaked and I held my breath. I shoved my face against the side of the box to try and see out of one of the breathing holes. I shut one of my eyes and squinted through the hole. I couldn't see anything in the darkness. A small light clicked on, I guessed it was a lamp or something on a table next to Elijah's bed since it didn't offer too much light.

I still couldn't see anything.

Opening my eye even wider, I tried to focus on anything. Uriah had made the holes too small and I couldn't tell if Elijah was still asleep or not.

The bed groaned as a body slumped off of it. I could hear footsteps coming closer to the box. I tightened my hand around the can of silly string that Uriah had given to me and waited until I heard the footsteps right outside of my box.

At the last second, I sprung out of the box, screaming "Rah!" as I sprayed silly string all over Elijah. His green eyes widened into saucers and he tripped backwards until he sprawled over his bed. The silly string rained down, getting caught in his hair and falling limp against his bare chest.

"What the fu-"

I shook the can and sprayed more silly string right in his mouth.

"You have a dirty mouth," I said once all of the silly string was gone.

Elijah wiped his mouth, shook his head, and stood up to his full height. He towered over me with a very pissed off look on his face. I flipped him off, gave a thumbs up to the camera, and bolted out of the door before he had the chance to do anything to me.

I collided right into Uriah who was bent over in uncontrollable laughter. We tumbled to the floor, laughing hysterically. Elijah thundered out of his room, stopping at our fallen bodies.

Uriah and I immediately shut up.

"You think this is funny?" Elijah roared.

Bits of bright pink silly string hung off Elijah's hair, stuck to his shorts, and wrapped around his neck. He looked ridiculous.

Uriah snorted and we exploded in laughter again. In between sporadic breaths, I forced out, "No, it's silly!"

Uriah laughed harder and said, "Very punny."

At least Uriah thought my pun was funny. Someone else didn't think it was funny at all.

Elijah bent over and plucked me off the ground, throwing me over his shoulder once again. 

This so wasn't funny anymore.

"Eli, put her down," Uriah said.

Elijah plowed down the hallway until we reached the stairs. He didn't hesitate as he carried me down the stairs. I banged against his back with the empty can of silly string. My shirt started to ride up, making my skin touch Elijah's warm skin. My body ignited under his touch as he adjusted his grip on me and his hand grasped my bare hip.

Uriah's protests died at the top of the stairs when he realized he couldn't win this time. Elijah threw me down on the swing in front of my house. I bounced once and froze.

He looked menacing standing over me.

"I'll show you something funny."

With that, Elijah walked back to his house. That statement almost made me regret pranking him. Almost. Then I remembered his priceless reaction and the fact that I got it on tape and I no longer regretted it.

I was just worried about what Elijah meant by showing me what was funny. I couldn't wait.

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