Guyfriends ~ Luke Hemmings

By RealityEscaperx1999

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Kimberly had made a lot of friends in her life. She loved them all and she always felt loved when she was wit... More

Description A/N
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 10

67 3 11
By RealityEscaperx1999

(A/N: Now I'm finished with updating for today... Enjoy all these updates lol)  

Wait, let me think... What day was it again? Oh, right, it was Tuesday, sorry.

I haven't spoken that much to Luke, Mike, Cal and Ash, but I was fine with that. We had those 'normal' conversations like 'Good morning, how r u?' 'Yeah I'm good hbu?' 'I'm good 2, thnx for asking x'. You know, that kind of texting.

Which was okay, because I have other friends too. I don't have to leave them all suddenly, just because I met four cute and funny boys from Australia, although that was a pretty good excuse to me. But we all have our own personal lives and I'm glad we all understood that.

So, as I said, it was Tuesday, which meant that all students from my grade had a really short day of school.

"I actually don't really want to go home yet. All I can do there is make homework or listen to music. Actually, since my mom got that babysitting job, I can only make homework..." I told Melissa, Anne and Anouk.

"I don't want to go home either, I can never have any peace with all those screaming siblings." Anne sighed.

"Well, we could just head into town to waste time for a bit. It's not like we have anything better to do, right?" Anouk asked us.

"Oh, that's a great idea! I still need to buy some new black combat boots, these things don't even have normal soles anymore. Look! you can see my sock right through it!" I pointed at my things that call themselves shoes. Pfft, there not even worth it being called slippers.

"Great, you do that and we'll go to Starbucks. I want a pumpkin spice latte! I demand us to go to Starbucks!" Melissa shouted, but my addiction was screaming at me for coffee.

"You can't just do that to me! I want to go to Starbucks too!" I protested. "Fine! I'll ask my mom to buy me some new shoes, have it your way!" I pretended to be mad at her and I crossed my arms while stomping my foot on the ground like a spoiled angry toddler.

"Awe, thanks bee bee! Love you!" She stroked my cheek roughly and began walking away. "Well, let's let going then, you slow ass turtles! I can't wait forever to get a pumpkin spice latte!"

And so we began walking towards Starbucks, telling each other stories, that we had all probably heard eight times already. It didn't matter though, because most stories were hilarious and never failed to make us laugh and have a good time.

"No! I swear, Tristan likes you! Didn't you see how he was nervously shuffling his foot when he asked if you wanted to hang out sometime?" Passers-by were weirdly staring at us when I exclaimed that. I admit, I was maybe being a little too loud.

"No way! I told you! There's no chance Tris will ever like me!" Melissa almost shouted back.

"Okay, I am not a fan of yelling about cute boys or something, but I actually agree with Kim! I am 690% sure Tristan likes you! Yes, pun intended. I mean, just look at how he smiles when you're around! And like Kim says, he asked you to hang out with him, alone, just the two of you, with no one else there. You get my point?" Anne suddenly piped in.

"Thank you! Finally someone who sees how whipped he is for Melissa!" I exclaimed and I slung an arm around Anne's shoulders. She shrugged my arm of and looked at me, a deadly look in her eyes.

"No, just... No." She told me. I put my hands up in surrender, shrugging my shoulders.

"It's not my fault you're not used to human touch..." I muttered. She gave a look and I smiled innocently. "Just kidding, you know I love you!"

"Hey! You're only allowed to love me!" Melissa spoke up.

"But what about Michael, then?" Anouk began. "I thought 'Kichael' was real?"

"'Kichael'? Come on Anouk, you can do better than that! 'Michly' is much better." Anne said. (A/N: You pronounce it like 'Mike-Lee') They argued a little more, including Melissa, they all agreed that 'Michly' would be mine and Michael's ship name. Ugh, we aren't ever dating and probably never will.

I groaned and was happy we were at Starbucks now. We walked in and Melissa almost ran to the counter, ordering her pumpkin spice latte with a glint in her eyes. God, if dating food was possible, I was sure the wedding was within half an hour.

Wait, what? Dating food? I believe my lack of sleep is already getting to me.

I was debating with myself about ordering a coffee, an ice coffee - because those things just come straight from heaven, believe me – or just a Frappuccino. Life is hard, especially when you can't make this kind of decisions. I swear, I can't make my mind up with that kind of stuff.

One time, I was standing in a super market for seriously more than half an hour, because I didn't know if I wanted to buy chocolate or cookies. I'm not even kidding. You can ask Natasha, because she was there with me. After a while she was so annoyed with me, she just threw the chocolate in my hands and pushed me towards to check out.

After contemplating a few things, I decided to order an ice coffee, because those things make me un-nessicarily happy. (A/N: Just when I was writing this, my parents came back from grocery shopping and they seriously bought me an ice coffee. Well, actually it was a cold latte macchiato, but you know, they're all so amazing!! So as I'm writing this, I'm actually enjoying my great drink. Now, you can read on if you want, I just felt like telling you lol)

Anne and Anouk both ordered a hot chocolate, because they were by far not as fond of coffee and Melissa and I were, but they can enjoy it too. We sat down and before you know it, me and Anne were convincing Melissa again of Tris liking her.

"I know you're just saying it to make me feel better, but you don't have to." She replied.

"Melis, you know we would never say these things just to get your hopes up for nothing. We're not lying, he really likes you!" I told her. We all just sipped our drinks at the same time, before she replied.

"No, he doesn't. He would never like me like that..." She frowned. We knew better, so we just decided to let it go. (A/N: I swear, if you make a comment about Frozen, I'll hunt you)

We just talked a little bit more and finished our drinks. When we walked out, Melissa began squealing suddenly. She grabbed my arm and shook it wildly. "Oh my God! Do you see that guy? He is hella cute!"

"If you'll talk like that, Tristan will never ask you out." I said to her. She pouted but shrugged her shoulders.

"It's not like he would anyway." I just ignored it and we all walked towards one of the so many shops to look for some new shoes for me, because we still didn't feel like going home.

We walked in and began searching for something. Anne suddenly yelled "Kim, come here! I think I found something!" I walked towards her and saw her holding some boots in her hands.

"Awe, you know me so well! Those are the same exact boots as I'm wearing right now! I have been looking for them for forever, because they're so comfortable and nice." I thanked her and tried them on. They fit perfectly and I was very happy. I love the boots very much, so to find the exact same ones made it less harder for me to throw my old ones away.

When shoes or clothes are really nice and they fit perfectly, I can have trouble with getting rid of them. I seriously have a bond with some things of mine, just because they're so comfortable, I just never want to take it off again.

Melissa found some nice shoes too, so she tried them on. They were like these boots-kind of shoes, but very different from mine. Mine were more 'punk', even though I'm not, and hers were a little more feminine, because of the heels that were underneath them. They were very cute and we all liked them, so she decided to buy them.

We paid our stuff, walked out and thought about what we were going to do now. "Is it bad that I want another drink at Starbucks?" Melissa asked. "I want a coffee and maybe, just maybe, I want to know if that cute guy is still there." She added.

"You know, I'm not against that idea. I want to try their Thai tea." I said. Anne and Anouk looked at each other, probably having a conversation with just sharing a few looks.

"Okay, I guess we can go back. I want to try that pumpkin spice latte too." Anouk said.

So, we walked back to Starbucks and the girl behind the counter looked a little weird at us when we stood there again. I understand, because it hasn't even been two hours since we last were here.

Melissa was kind of disappointed that the cute guy wasn't here anymore, but we didn't really care, because we didn't even know him.

Since Melissa was kind of annoyed with us talking about her and Tristan too, we discussed our exams. We were already shitting ourselves – figuratively speaking, of course – because we were all afraid to not pass.


After a while I was talking to Anouk and Melissa and Anne were talking to each other. "I feel kind of stupid though, because I have absolutely no back up plan. If I'm not accepted in that school, I'm seriously doomed." I told her.

Suddenly I felt two arms around me and I heard a deep, Australian voice in my ear. "Hi, gorgeous."


Anne and Melissa heard it and turned their heads towards us. Suddenly Melissa's eyes became so big I was afraid they would fall out of her head. I was mentally screaming at her to catch them if it ended up happening.

She then turned to me. "YOU LYING, CHEATING, BITCHING WHORE! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU WERE FRIENDS WITH FREAKIN' 5 SECONDS OF SUMMER? I TOLD YOU THAT MICHAEL DUDE SOUNDED A LOT LIKE MICHAEL CLIFFORD!" Okay... Thanks Melissa for that. All the people inside were staring at us, wanting to know what was happening.

I felt Luke tense behind me and he let out a small 'Shit'. I looked behind me and saw that Luke, Michael, Calum and Ashton were all stood there. They all had very different faces, but they had a few things in common. They all looked scared, shock practically written on their forehead and their eyes were even bigger than Melissa's just were.

I was confused and turned back to Melissa. "What do you mean? I can't exactly follow you." I said unsure and confused.

"You're not that smart, are you?" She asked me. I looked to Anne and Anouk, but they had the same look on their faces I probably had.

"Let me guess," Michael spoke suddenly, "you're Melissa?" He asked her. She nodded her head excitedly and looked towards me with a smile on her face.

"You told them about me?" She asked me and I snorted.

"Of course I did, why? Is it that big of a deal?"

"Kimberly, you of all people should know how much I talk about 5 Seconds Of Summer, right?" I nodded slowly. "Then I'm very surprised you haven't figured out that you're friends with them!! And pretty close friends too, might I add."

Suddenly I got what she was saying. I tensed and looked behind me. All the guys were still standing there, uneasy looks on their faces, probably not wanting to know how I was going to react.

"Is it true? What she is saying? Are you really 5 Seconds Of Summer?" I asked them. They only nodded and I looked back at Melissa, not waiting for them to actually say something.

"How was I this stupid?" I asked myself. How could I have not seen it? All this time it was literally right in front of me. Am I really this stupid?

"We're really sorry..." I heard Luke say quietly. Then I heard shuffling and when I looked up and behind me, I saw they were quickly but still quietly leaving and walking away.

What just happened?

"Kimberly, are you okay?" Anouk asked me and I just nodded my head.

"I just don't understand. I don't understand how I could be so blind and I certainly don't understand why they didn't just tell me. I thought we were friends." I said.

"Maybe you need to talk about everything. They can explain themselves and then you can stay friends." Melissa said.

"Can you be there with me?" I asked them. They all nodded and said things like 'Of course'. I was very lazy, so I decided to call Luke and ask him if they can come back.

After not even two rings he picked up the phone. "Kimberly?"

"Hey, Luke." I sighed. "Can you guys please come back? I want to talk about this."

"Kim, I understand if you're mad, but believe us we had- "

"I'm not mad, Luke." I cut him off. "Really, I'm not mad, I just don't understand why you wouldn't tell me. But if you just come back here, we can all talk things through and maybe we can give Melissa a chance to fangirl like it's supposed to be."

He chuckled and said "Okay, thanks by the way!"

"Thanks for what?" I asked. I didn't do anything, did I?

"For giving us a chance, that's all. Thanks." He hung up after that, making me raise my eyebrows at my phone, but I wasn't complaining.

"Are they coming back?" Melissa asked, literally jumping up and down in her chair. I nodded with a smile on my face and she squealed, very loudly, again.

After waiting for a while, Melissa nearly fainted, so I knew the boys were back again. I mentally rolled my eyes at her, but I understood her. I mean, what if Alex Gaskarth suddenly walked in? I turned around and they were walking towards us.

"Hello again." Luke said shyly. Michael and Ashton didn't say much, but Calum waved slightly, reminding me very much of Baymax. Baymax is sooo cute!

"Hi guys. I think we need to talk about this, don't we?" I asked them with a nervous smile on my face. They nodded slowly an sat down next to us.

(A/N: Word count: 2486 words)

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