
By CatBugLive

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In the chaotic world of Zemlya, Pirates rule the four Mereas (seas), Celestial Blood controls the Government... More

Authors Note

Chapter 1

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By CatBugLive

I need to know if you like this story. This is my first shifter book so far, I hope you like it. So vote if you like, comment if you want more.

Chapter 1
I've Got a Hell Of A Story

I'm going to tell you a Story. A story about a pirate. A pirate who wasn't exactly who he said he was and a thief who wasn't a real thief. Six and a half future gods that went rouge. A planet in search of a true queen and a run away princess.

This. . . This is my life.

Now lets begin our story in present day. . .
Present day

Vier (April), 28, 2806

A fist slams right into my left eye. My body slumps into the corner of the boxing ring. "C'mon guys can't we just talk it over, I mean seriously Cap's getting his arse handed to him" the black haired man laughed. "Oh, stuff it Nick, or I'm making sure you pay a visit to Davy Jones, you wench!" I yelled.

Another fist hit my cheek, almost knocking my hat off. "Hey wench!" I said, he paused my beating and I upper cut that bespawler. Then quickly dropped down as he tried to swing a punch but I sweep kicked him, and knocked him down.

'Thud', score! I grabbed the bloody dunce by his shirt collar. "Mind the bloody hat you dunce!" I muttered to him with disgust. Then I punched him full force and just like that he was out. "Alright which one you lot is next?!"

So I'm betting you're a bit unclear about what is going on, or you might just be wondering what an attractive man (wink wink) of my stature is doing in a boxing ring? And why did that man call me cap? Is that his name?

To answer the first question, to what's happening. I would have to go back two years. The second question's answer is I'm not really a man Im a woman that looks and dresses up like a man hahaha (awkward laugh) that hat is for, my hair. To The third question. . . I guess you just have to read and find out . . . So why don't I introduce you to my world and answer your last question.

My name is Alethea Marie Cage princess to the first kingdom, and soon to be queen of Zemlya. Zemlya is our planet, our home. My family and the other seven rulers live in the sky, or in other words my home île (island). One of the twenty floating îles. It's positioned above Mt. Tyto or the military control central.

The human military are the only justice system we have. Their government is ruled by there monarchy or anyone with celestial blood. Celestial blood are like the royalties of the humans and privileged rich kids to us chosen. The humans are like peasants, a lot of them become pirates, and that is where the military comes into play. They protect the good citizens of our planet from the evil people of the world. The military kind of do their own thing, the only people they're not allowed to oppose is the celestial blood and the chosen.

The chosen are shifters we can turn into specific breed of animals, we are all giants compared to the real animal so you can always tell a chosen apart from a animal. The stronger the animal the higher the rank. There are eight kingdom rulers all chosen are seen as gods/goddesses. The eight families are the rulers above the rulers, our word is law.
You already know that each kingdom has a different leaders and there are eight. Well here is some more facts so you understand my situation.

The First Kingdom: The Fire Kingdom or The Dragon Domain. Its ruled by Ancalagon dragons or the true king and queen (above all the other kings and queens). Right now it is ruled by my parents, Seth and Clarian Cage. My father is the Ancalagon and my mother is a skeleton dragon. Their off spring are Alethea (me im a Girl obviously) age 17, Jackel (Boy) age 16 and some other kid we're not allowed to talk about because its a bastard child (sex unknown) age is about 20 ish give or take a year. Next in line is Lucky me Alethea Cage.

The Second kingdom: The water kingdom or the Sea Kings Domain. It is ruled by the ancient blood line of Livyotan Mevillei the largest sea creature known to man. Currently ruled by Dustan Uiscr. His wife Claira died from an assassination she was a black short face bear, and king Kazius's little sister. Their off spring are Gladius (Boy) age 18, and Jacob (Boy) age 10. Next in line is Gladius.

The Third Kingdom: The Ice Kingdom, or The Artic Domain. Ruled by the long blood line of large black short face bears the largest bear existing. The kingdom is currently ruled by Kazius and Kysa Medved. Kazius is the black short face bear, and Kysa who is a polar bear. Their off spring are Jade (Girl) age 15, and Parker (Girl) age 9. Next in line is Jade.

The Fourth Kingdom: The Jungle Kingdom, or The Tropic Domain. The kingdom is ruled by the great Liger. The current rulers are Andrew and Nyx Kal. Andrew is a Jaguar and Nyx is the great Liger. Their off spring is Bethany (Girl) age 17. Ran away at age 13 status is unknown. Next in line is to soon to call.

The Fifth Kingdom: The Desert Kingdom, or The Barren Oasis Domain. The kingdom is ruled but great Coyotes. The current rulers are Magnus and Alixei McCall. Magnus is Desert fox and Alixei is the great coyote. Their off spring are Godfrey (Boy) age 22, and Ronin (Boy) age 19. Next in line is Godfrey.

The Sixth Kingdom: The Air Kingdom, or The Avian Domain. The kingdom is ruled by the great Bearded Vulture. The current rulers are Død and Davina Mason. Død is the Bearded Vulture and Davina is a Harpy Eagle. Their off spring are Mørk (Boy/Twin) age 19, and Marcia (Girl/Twin) age 19. Next in line was Marcia but both of them ran away at age 13, status is unknown, to soon to call.

The Seventh Kingdom: The Forest Kingdom, or The Greenland Domain. Is ruled by the White lycanthrope​. Currently ruled by Malcom and Sierra Greene. Malcom is the White Lycanthrope and Sierra is a Black wolf that had the status of an Omega. Their off spring are Marcus (Boy) age 20 ran away at age 10 never met his younger brother, Daxton (Boy) age 10. Next in line is Daxton at the moment.

Finally The Eighth Kingdom: The Mountain Kingdom, or The Rocky Domain. The kingdom Is ruled by the Megalictis Ferox or the Great weasel. The current rulers are Jace and Raine Payton. Jace is Megalictis Ferox and Raine is a Honey Badger. Their off spring are Chastity (Girl) age 19, Next in line for the thrown.

You have to have at least 50% royal chosen blood and you have to find your mate or you can't be a ruler.

Every chosen has a match, human or chosen. The law is when you turn seventeen you have to have your blood tested to see if you have a match, its rare if you don't. Sometimes in serious situations they are forced to find them before seventeen.

Its not like we can't find our match on our own its just it takes longer to find them they have a distinct smell that only you are attracted to. Its you're destiny to find them, but the thing is I don't want a match. I want freedom not a relationship or mate that will tie me down forever. So this​ is where I'm going to start my story.

Sieben (July), 28, 2804

"Alethea Cage. . . is Alethea Cage present?" I slowly stood up as the nurse called my name. "Present" I said sheepishly. "Ah princess come this way," she said as she ushered me through the hospital halls. As we walk the only thought raging through my head is of the last five hours.
Five hours ago

"Seventeen, one more year and I can leave this hell hole" I sighed. "ALETHEA!" My father called, I slid out of bed groggily, I put on a short red bride empire dress with my pink rose flower crown and my bright green stilettos.
Its formal for a royal chosen to wear a belt and a sash with the kingdoms crest (the great animal that rules over that domain) and my family is lucky enough to have red and gold as our colors.

I honestly can't complain, the desert kingdom is bronze and iron, that would honestly suck, its like brown and a dark gray (not exactly the best colors to match together). I quickly brushed my hair and walked down the stairs as fast, and as lady like as possible and at the same time trying not to trip in my heels like a dunce. (Cause we've all done that at least once)

Finally making it to my father's study I opened to door, I tripped as I entered. To my great embarrassment the eight rulers of our kingdoms witnessed my untimely epic failure. "Ah, Alethea you finally decided to join us," my father called.

My father unlike me has sandy blond hair, blue green eyes and decently built, with a height of 5'11, and tan skin. He was wearing a white suit with a gold belt and red sash with his old man dress shoes. I quickly stood up, fixed my dress and stood up straight to appear confident infront to the rulers.

"Sorry for my unladylike. . . Uh, Entrance and for my tardiness father. . . If its not out of line. . . Why exactly do you need me here?" I said as pleasantly and cautiously as I could. It's not often you see all eight rulers in the same room unless its the annual conference, it's very, how would put it, uh. . . Intimidating seeing them all here.

"Alethea right?" The lady with the strawberry blond hair said. She was wearing a short light gray toga, iron colored pumps, a yellow flower crown, and a bronze sash with the desert crest on it. Automatically I assumed it was queen Alixei, I simply nodded.

"Well you see it's already, Sieben the seventh month and your seventeenth birthday was Vier the fourth month and you still haven't gone to Jacko to be tested, to find your match. Your father is getting old, he is ready for retirement and for you to take over, but because you have been selfish to your father and not to mention your future mate. YOU are going to JACKO Immediately!" chills ran down my spine as she said this. "Malcolm's personal guard, he will escort you to Jacko, and don't try anything funny girl!" She said with venom and power. (Just so everyone knows I have a long history with running away from responsibility, and my life every chance I get)

"I promise," I will do no such thing. "It will be a two day trip so pack your bags little hatchling," my father remarked. "Yes sir," I said with a mocking salute, he smiled in return. The black haired and yellow eyed man who was probably king Dunstan, was starring at me oddly as I walked out.

I ran to my room, locked my door and started to pack. I packed one short toga for the trip and a disguise, this is my only chance to leave and I was going to take it. I packed the bag full of jewelry to sell on the black market or trade it in for money some where, the plan was not going to fail. . . Well at least not this time. I walked down stairs with my duffle bag and waited for King Malcolm 'King' of the forest's personal guard to come and retrieve me. After a couple of extremely boring minutes of waiting he came.

He had black hair, honey brown eyes, and olive skin. Very muscular, I would say he's about 6'7. He was wearing a military calvery trench coat with the forest kingdom's crest on the back, khaki pants, a black shirt and brown military knee high boots. Most of the personal guards wore these types clothing.

"Hello princess, I'm John Norse. Im here to escort you to Jacko. Please come with me your highness, we need to be boarding the ship soon," and so began my three hour tip to Jacko with Mr. Norse in a stupid royal blimp.
Back to the real world and out of my lovely thoughts

"Can you please sit here, the doctor will be with you shortly" she said as I entered the room. Then she close the door gently when she finished talking. Five ish minutes later the doctor comes in, she has wavy blond hair that goes to her hips, black eyes, pasty white skin, she was wearing a black shirt and a pale pink pencil skirt with her doctors coat. She pulls out a needle from her coat pocket.

"I just need to extract some blood and put it in the computer to see who your match is. . . Just give me a second." She pulled out my arm out from my side and gently stuck the needle in my vein. I watched as she extracted my blood slowly. When she was done she put the blood in a vile and into the machine to process. Five seconds later it makes a 'Ding' and a light turns green.

"Your match is Prince Gladius Kylo Uiscr. You're very lucky your highness, you can leave now if you want," she said as she printed me a copy of the results. Great, this is just great, him out of all people, my life sucks! I walk out of the room with an unfazed face.

Okay just to give you some background. All the princess, princes, and children from privileged families went to school together. Gladius and his cronies (aka Ronin and Chastity) always bullied me because I was smart, and because I wanted to be free like the humans. I never want to be a ruler, a royal, or a goddess. I didn't want to be superior to anyone, I wanted to be human and live my dreams.
To be a girl with violent tendencies, to have a nasty choice of vocabulary, a bad habit of yelling when angry, to not act ladylike all the time, to be clever, to have kindred friends who actually like you and most of all egotistic in all aspects. Well good thing I haven't seen that Yaldson in five years, and that's because of my great decision to be homeschooled by my mom. I bet he doesn't even remember me, he was like the school slut anyway.

"Who needs him" I mentally said to myself. "We do, that who, but it's not like he ever cared for us anyway." Theo said angrily
"Oh I got it! Lets reject he arse," I said happily. "How about we just leave for a long time and not reject him. I wanna be free but I still want the option to settle down, I can't believe you just assumed rejecting him is the best option," Theo answered.

"Well it's nice to talk to you too, where the heck have you been?! You haven't talked to me in like four years!" Mentally yelling at her. "Sharing a body with you, sleeping, you know the usual. Well I could ask you why don't you let me out anymore? But I know your response will be mom wouldn't let you out side. but does it look like I'm complaining. . . Beside there's nothing to talk about really our life is boring."

"Geez attitude much, for a dragon your a pain in the butt" I said grumpily at her. "Says Ms.braty, you should probably stop talking or we could get into another fight, don't you think? Just let me be in control."

I didn't reply to her life ranting. I kind of just ignore her when she does that. When I got back, I waited for John to fall asleep, then quickly got dressed. I wore a gothic military calvery trench coat with nothing on the back, white pants, a white button up shirt, knee high brown military boots and a baggy news boy hat to hide my short shoulder length brown red copperish hair. I made sure to bandage my chest so they looked flat like a man's chest. Its not like I had much of a chest anyway. I looked myself over, satisfied, I snuck out quietly through the hotel window.

First things first I need to break into that hospital and steal the test results before they are posted and then dispose of them without getting caught. Then I can finally be free to do what ever I please.

Simple enough right?

Old English Definition
Arse- Ass

Wench- (an offensive term for) woman

Bespawler- Slobbering person

Dunces- slow at learning, stupid

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