Bubblegum Girl • On Hold

By TheFallingWish

1.3K 317 7

What if I told you that being perfect can be destructive? •••••••••••• Hello, my names Kristina. Welcome to a... More

Bubblegum Girl
Prolouge - Starbucks
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 - Part 1
Chapter 11 - Part 2
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 12

44 12 4
By TheFallingWish

Kristina's P.O.V
1 year ago

"Come on Jake. Let's go! There's only 10 minutes left until it closes. Come on!" I exclaimed with glee, pulling him towards the ferris wheel, a goofy smile was plastered onto his face.

"Alright, alright. Give me a minute, the more you pull me the more I resist." He explained, I let go of his wrist and ran towards the brightly lit carnival ride. A few seconds later he was beside me, he gave money to the ride operator who only grunted in response. I frowned at him seeing as he was so rude, then he opened the gate and motioned us to go inside and sit on the ferris wheel seat.

We then sat down and I pulled the bar down to secure us into the rides, I felt our car slowly lift off from the ground, as we got higher my hand closed in tighter on Jake's arm. The reason for that is, I wasn't particularly fond of heights, I wasn't even sure why I wanted to ride this ride. I then heard a low chuckle beside me, I looked up to see Jake looking down at me with his sweet baby blue eyes.

The deeper I looked into his eyes the more, the world around us disappeared. It was like it just became me and him, everything just escaped my mind, my fears, my doubts. The more I started at him the closer our faces inched closer, eventually our lips had connected. I smiled against his lips, but a part of me told myself that it didn't feel right, but all I did was ignore  the part of me said those crude things. I didn't care, soon our lips drifted apart. There we just sat in a comfortable silence, enjoying the view from the top of the Ferris wheel.

After a few more minutes we exited the Ferris wheel car, we left hand in hand, we were surprised to see that it was only us and 2 or 3 people left in the carnival. Soon we reached Jake's car, it wasn't one of those fancy cars but a good enough car that could get him around. Once I got in, I checked my phone and saw that it was 11 pm. We then left the carnival parking lot, during our journey back I could feel myself slowly drift off to sleep....

Kristina's P.O.V

I soothed out my emerald lace dress, I was getting ready to go to an art museum. They were holding an exhibition, I was invited since the artist being presented was one of my friends. It was at 7 pm, it was currently 6:50 pm. I finally looked at myself for the last time in the mirror making sure my hair and makeup was intact. Thankfully it was, I exited my apartment and closed it behind me. I used the elevator to get down to the parking lot. The elevator lightly dinged, indicating I was already there, I walked to my white Range Rover.

As I was walking I could hear my 5 inch heels loudly tap against the concrete floor. Soon enough I reached my car, I slid into it carefully, I've I was all set I drove off to the art museum. Slightly excited to see all her artworks being hung up I couldn't believe that she was already quite famous, since she was only 18 ears old. It was already 7:05 pm when I got to the exhibition, I was surprised to see that there were only a small amount of people in the Museum. I was actually surprised to see that it wasn't flooded with people. As I was looking at some on the art pieces a certain thing had caught my attention.

It was Ross, I was about to approach him when I saw a girl came up to him, she gave him a kiss then Ross wrapped an arm around her wait and pulled her closer. Weirdly I felt....jealous. Hurt? Why should I even be feeling like this? It's not like I like him, right? Or do I? Before I moved on and tried to forget about Ross and his girlfriend, Ross looked behind him and saw me. He smiled at me but all I did was scurry away from him.

• Don't be so quick to judge •

A/N Hi guys! I'm so happy! I can't believe I actually got to chapter 11 already, let's just hope I continue this book until I finish! So here is this chapter. I think Chapter 13 will be written by LoveMattersTheMost  again! So wait for her! Yeah bye | 11:40 pm

P.S Sorry for such a bad chapter! It was super rushed and I'm so sorry for that! I apologise!

Don't forget to

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