From geek to chick

By ironmanxxxx

310K 5.9K 1.1K

What extent would you go to just to fit in like the rest of your school instead of being looked at like you w... More

From geek to chick
Being geek
Heart broken
Grooming the high heels
Girly time
Love,hatred and mixed feelings
Harsh moments and sweet memories
Lies, love and confusion
Love triangle
Busy busy busy
Broken , pain and tears
What? We just kissed and i liked it
Breaking up !
Mending hearts
Happiness, sadness ?
Tears of joy
Home sweet home
Hello to a beautiful life
The end
Authors note

Beauty queen

11.1K 313 77
By ironmanxxxx

Chapter 5

I walked inside and all i saw were everyones eyes on me, every single boy was stunned and looked at me , i heard expressions like wow and 'hot'. Which made me want to giggle out loud, first i thought to myself what was i thinking but that was my fear talking and i wasn't going to allow my fear get the best of me, i was done being humiliated.

The boys that always laughed at me were shocked to see me.

Finally i saw Zac he was talking to Chelsea as his eyes moved slowly at me , he stood still as his eyes opened wide , Chelsea saw me and her eyes opened wide and her jaw dropped then she her gaze moved to Zac as she nudged him for staring , i walked passed him not even looking at him , suddenly behind me all the boys followed me as Zac stood still.

In class i sat down as all the boys offered me a place near them , i walked to my place as austin walked in he looked shocked to see me , he looked he was under a spell ,i bit my lip to avoid any laughter.

Then i felt so much better and comfortable as i saw Austin walk it, the one person that made me feel relaxed.

"Hey"i said smiling.

"You..look...soo ...pretty"he gasped as he his eyes glued to mine. I chuckled nervously, i felt like this was all too much!

I hugged him , as all the boys jaw dropped!

"Thanks , all ' this ' is   because of you " i said looking at him , i watched him look at every guy and glare at them, i giggled. He was irritated but he kept quiet for me.

In lesson no one could take their eyes off me .

Austin kept looking at me and i couldnt help but smile.

In the cantine all the boys offered me to sit with them , i rejected .

Suddenly my heart frantically starting racing fast as Zac came towards me. I can do this i told myself! Think of all the humiliation! I mentally told myself! I mean i hated him for what he did but at the same time i had feelings for him which i had to hide as best as possible. He had to know that i didn't care .

"Hey"he said smiling leaning over the table.

"Hi"i said back with no expression.

"Wow! Abby i cannot believe thats you , you look amazing"he said holding my hand.

"Thanks"i replied moving my hand away slowly to make him feel awkward.

"Want to come over and sit with me "he asked

"No its ok, theres other places in the cantine and out of all of them places i would sit with you? Dream on" i said and then slowly walked passed him. all the boys murmed oooh

As i laughed , i came and sat with austin.

Diffrent boys came and sat down with me and asked me to be with them , i just talked to them.

But suddenly austin went off , my mind went on him.


Zac's pov

I chatted with chelsea as my eyes looked at abby.

Wow!! She looked soo amazing , was my eyes deciving me , she looked beutiful.

All the boys followed her ,she went passed me not even noticing me , i thought she liked me , but then i remeberd what happend.

I felt bad , i needed abby , i wanted to make her mine.

And i was willing to do it .


In the cantine i walked over to her .

"Hey"i said to her

"Hi"she replied.

"Wow! Abby you look so amazing"i said to as i reached for her hands , she smiled as it reveled her dimple, i had fallen in love with her , i loved her so much.

"Wana come and sit me "i asked her.

"No its ok"she replied and walked off.

My heart beated low , she just rejected me ,all the boys booed me but i didnt give up , i loved her .


Austin's pov

I walked into class as there was a bunch of boy's around my table , i gulped as they moved out of the way.

Whahh!! Abby

I saw her she looked stunning, she looked so amazing and stood out in the collage , my heart beated fast , my feelings were changing towards her .

She came up to me and hugged me i was stunned .

Why was i feeling like this .

In lesson i couldnt take my eyes off her ,she looked amazing.


In the cantine we sat together but we couldnt even talk , so many boys came up to her , it was soo annoying.

I was getting pissed off , i had lost my appetite.

I angrily grabbed my phone and left my lunch and walked away .

I just couldnt stand her talking to boys , but why , im sopposed to be happy , i was the one who's sopposed to support her .


Abbys pov

At home time

I put my books in my locker as zac came up to me.

"Look abby i wanted to talk to you all day ,why have you been rejecting me "he asked me.

I got angry as i shut my locker

"Why ?,why do you want to talk to me , im the one who rejected you ,what about yourself zac that day you rejected me ? You hurt my feelings and now that ive changed you want me , no it dosent happen that way zac , you have to love some one from the bottom of your heart , i did but what did i get ,nothing "i cried

He stood thier quiet , as i grabbed my bag and walked out of collage .

I was angry .

I stopped up to austin as he was waiting for me .

"Hey "he said .

"Hey , guess what i just scolded zac , i told him everything i venterd my anger out , wait ill tell you in the car"i said to him happily.


"What , haha "laughed austin.

"Init , i had to tell him whos boss , i had to stick up for my self"i said to him as we walked upstiars.

"Yeah you did a good thing im proud of you"he said as he came close to hug me .

I hugged him tight , as we lost our balance and fell on the bed.

He fell on top of me , as we stared into each others eyes.

His face came close to me ,

Was he going to kiss me , i couldnt help but bring my face close .

Suddenly jake walked in.

We got up

"Mums calling you both for dinner "he said as he ran out.

I got up and straightend my dress.

I ran downstairs and had lovely dinner, my thoughts were on that moment upstairs , were we about to kiss?


Hey guys what did you think of this chapter.

Plz vote and comment , even if you like story or not .

Thanks xxx love ya'll very much

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