Hotel Nade

Bởi MetaCross

38 0 4

Come in and enjoy your stay at Nade!, since we kind of don't own the place, you can stay for free (but you st... Xem Thêm

Hopolis the City of Wonders!
The Other One
Broken Egg
The First One
NADE... a Home

Madness in Aranzazú

9 0 0
Bởi MetaCross

New chapter :D it's nice to see you, guys, again so soon!
I'm surprised I got this one finished so quickly, but not that much when I remember I'm on vacations and have lots of ideas on my mind. So please enjoy this definitively calm and with zero-action chapter :)


After our protagonist talks with the owner of the hotel she stayed in, she decides to start her new adventure with... A trip to the museum!


It wasn't until I got out of the hotel that I could actually see how big it was. It must be at least fifteen rooms WIDE (and mine wasn't small at all). I felt sad knowing most people only stay their first night because it was free, I couldn't understand how he was okay with that.

I stood there some minutes, admiring the building and wondering...

Finally, I forced me to turn my sight away and start walking to Hopolis.

Also, it should be worth mentioning that the hotel was just in the middle of nothing and everything at the same time. How?, because there were no buildings around it, just an unpaved road that, after several yards, diverged into four paved highways that probably led to a different city each. They weren't exactly perpendicular to one another.

I got here last night... on a subway... how again?

I thought for a second and remembered that, in my dream, I was on a bus after being on the subway.

That was probably it.

I walked to this crossing and stared at a sign that said:

U-plank to Hopolis

L-plank to Littleville|R-plank to Ginebra

D-plank to Atztlan

The sign only confirmed what the owner had told me.

I turned my head to see how long was the trip and, after I couldn't look further away because of a hill, I sighted.

'You'll be there in no time' he told me. 'Just around the corner' he said.

Like, seriously, was he expecting someone to just walk that distance just below the Sun?!

Then I found out that two figures were walking beside the highway. It was Art and big man (I wonder what's his real name, I should've asked him).

–Screw this –I said and raised my right arm, in which I always have my bracelet on.

I pointed with the red crystal to the hill.

I started imagining being on the hill in the middle of the highway, with the pave in my feet... No, actually, I imagined being NEXT TO the road, I didn't want to be surprised by a truck. The grass touching my feet, softly caressing my legs and the wind moving my long hair backwards.

The red crystal started glowing more intensely each moment.

I closed my eyes and slowly imagined myself floating above the pave and losing all my weight until I was as light as the air...

A red flash passed in front of my eyes, a sound similar to lighting reached my ears and I felt like if my whole body was being crushed.

Suddenly, it stopped and I opened my eyes only to see I was standing on the hill and with the city of Hopolis being almost in front of me, not that far actually.

I liked doing that. Feels funny.

So I walked, swinging my arms freely with each step... Too freely. Didn't I have...

I forgot to imagine the sword in my hand.

I looked to the spot I was just a minute ago and I saw a sparkle.

–Awwwwwwwwwww– I imagined I was next to the sword –wwwwwwwwww –closed my eyes –wwwwwwwwww –flash, lighting –wwwwwwwww –grabbed the sword –wwwwwww –took a deep breath.

I imagined myself back on the hill... now holding the sword.

The flash appeared again, the sound too.

I returned to where I was...

Good think I was alone.


One word is sufficient to describe how I felt (and it isn't exactly one):


Maybe it's because I'm used to living in a place with graffiti in every single wall and people yelling at each other in the streets or this is really the city of wonders like the owner told me.

But just looking at it made me feel like if I just traveled to a whole different world.

The buildings were almost as tall as the clouds and they were clean! There were no graffiti to be found (well, eventually I found some doodles on the entrance to a store, but whatyougonnadoaboutit).

The cars were in perfect conditions, as if they have been just made a second ago! No scratches, no rust and they didn't produce smoke like if they were my carer!

Also, there was this pole with three lights. I didn't know at first, but apparently you have to stop with the green one while the cars moved, and you walk with the red one (there was also a beep while it lasted). I don't know what the yellow means tho', probably just a warning or something.

There were so many stores and markets and each one with so many things on sale! I mean, I think you could even find one of those watches if you looked carefully enough.

And the people, the place was filled with people. It was even difficult to walk between them, but still, none of them pushed me brutally, not even ONCE! Their clothes were so clean and their hair wasn't covered with dust and dirt. But mine was a bit...

They were chatting, some stopped at the stores, others crossed the streets, but they still didn't scream at each other.

It was... beautiful.

So I kept walking. Walking and admiring.

I can confirm this, indeed, was the city of wonders.

Something caught my attention as I crossed a street.

A giant poster hanged on the middle of the building that was in front of me. And like if it was put there just for me it said:

The Aranzazú Hystory Museum invites you today to see our new exhibitions with ancient relics recently found by our explorers. But not only we invite you to be part of history today, but, thanks to Logout for sponsoring us, you can also come for free and appreciate invited exhibitions from the Ginebra Great Museum of Arts and History!

We're waiting for you in front of the Colomos Forest!

After that it just said the opening hours.

–Looks like I have a mission –I said to me as I walked forward with determination straight to the Museum, just in front of Colomos.

But I didn't know where one of those were.

After finding the right person I spook firmly:

–May you tell me where the Museum is?


And so, after hearing his indications, I finally saw the forest. A nice place, I'd like to go there some day.

There was a lot of people entering the Museum, they weren't as many as the streets I just leaved, but still.

Before entering you had to go through some kind of inspection.

Two lines formed in front of the two inspection posts, each located on opposite sides of the entrance. I walked to one.

A woman with a severe expression looked like she was the one supervising the inspection, and just when I was close enough to her...

–Hey!, you can't get that thing inside here –she exclaimed, quickly grabbing my sword and taking me by surprise –. What are you, teens, thinking these days swinging such objects around like if they were maracas? –she said swinging the sword just in front of my face –I'm confiscating this, it's the second one today, AND DON'T HISS ME LIKE THAT –she yelled after I, well, hissed.

I gave her a deadly glare.

–Can I enter now? –I asked trying to contain myself from tearing up her mouth.

She stared at me for a while. Then she got her face closer to me. Ugh, she was even uglier from this distance.

–Yes, but you'll go through a special inspection –she said almost spitting in my face.

She then snapped her fingers, attracting the attention of one of her companions, and pointed to me.

He told me to get near him and I obeyed, but I kept staring to the woman which just walked inside the museum and locked the sword inside a room.

I'd go get it later, but for now, I just wanted to look what was in the museum.


There were so many things in there! From old paintings to ancient armors and a giant sculpture!

I also found it cool that there were lampposts on the hallways to illuminate the museum.

Worth it!

At this point I had already seen most things and was wondering what to do when a loud but serene voice spook.

'Ten minutes until the unveiling of the new exhibitions starts. Ten minutes until...' Yeah, she repeated the same like three times.

I decided to assist, and apparently everyone else too because as I came closer the amount of people ascended.

Finally, I arrived to a large and dark room which was lit only by some blue bulbs on the ceiling.

Some moments after, a man walked in front of a curtain and spook:

–Good afternoon, everyone. I come in repre...blablabla...

I didn't pay attention on what he said, until they dropped the curtains and we could finally see the new exhibition.

Well, I couldn't because I was almost on the back row, also they were realtiny. I had to listen to the man or be completely lost.

And so I listened.

–These small relics were found deep inside ancient ruins –an image of the relics appeared on several screens on the walls, huh, I didn't saw them when I entered.

There were two objects.

One was a small golden egg with some red diamonds on the sides.

The other one was more complex and kind of looked like a 3D star with six tips, four on the middle, one in front of it and one on its back. Each tip was hollow judging by the four big holes they each had.

–Really impressive objects, right? –the whole crowd nodded –. Our experts have studied them and they suspect they were used as lucky charms by the...

–Lucky charms? Wrong –a deep voice shouted behind us.

We all looked for the newcomer and we were all surprised by who... or what it was.

A 9 feet tall statue just entered the room, having to duck to enter. He was holding one of the guards from the entrance on his hand like he was a rag.

–Now, group on the walls if you don't want to be injured –he exclaimed.

–You heard him, MOVE!!! –a full body armor yelled while entering the room from the left and throwing two guards to the crowd, including the woman who confiscated my sword. Both had fainted.

Screams were heard after this scene and then everyone pushed me to the wall between the two entrances to the room and I almost trip over.

When we couldn't move more I tried to look to the statue but I could only see his head over everyone.

–On the floor, NOW!!! –shouted the armor while stepping so hard on the floor that it cracked.

Everyone sat (some ducked) on the floor immediately and I could watch the statue better.

Not much after that, a female statue entered from the right door and two nude angel statues stayed on both entrances, one holding a stack and another one a lamppost (well, half of it) like weapons.

–I want to hear complete SILENCE –shouted the statue –. Now, if you obey there shall be no dead today –continued the statue.

–And if you don't then maybe your corpses will! –shouted the armor.

Everyone obeyed.

You could only hear the sound of a muffled scream here and someone crying in silence there, this, combined to the dark blue look of the room, made the scene look nightmarish.

–Grab him –he told the female statue and she noded.

The statue walked slowly to the man that was expounding about the relics and lifted him from the back of his suit.

–You'll show me where the real ones are –she said.

–Y-y-yes, m-ma'am.

She then walked out of the room.

Maybe the worst thing after her departure is that the statue and the armor shut up, the armor looking straight to us (at least I think he was, his helmet didn't have eyes).

I had to do something, I couldn't just stand there looking pretty!

But how could I do something against those giant statues?! I had no change even if it was only one!

And I didn't have a weapon...

But I knew where to find it. My sword was locked away almost on the entrance, and if I was correct, it wasn't really far from there.

But first I had to get out of the room and pass through the nude guards.


I pointed my bracelet to the entrance and imagined I was there... and!

–WHAT?! –I heard the armor scream behind me.

–Kill them both! –yelled the statue. Both?, dude, you need glasses, there's only one awesome chick here and that's me. Yeah!

I heard the angel running towards me, too close.

I looked behind me and saw that it was using its wings for impulse.

–That's cheap! –then I pointed my bracelet to the end of the hallway – But I'm cheaper!

I appeared where I pointed.

But I conserved my momentum.


I slammed against the wall with my shoulder. I tried to ignore the pain.

Good thing I crashed just beside the room my sword was in!

Now, this took me a lot of effort, I hadn't do it many times before that moment, but I knew I didn't have time to practice.

I touched the door with my bracelet and projected an image of it into my mind. After I did that I pointed to my side and imagined...

–Got you, little girl!

...I pointed to the statue's face and imagined the door was right in front of it.

The sound of rock crashing into wood is indescribably pleasant.

I entered the room and found my sword on a metal table.

Now I just needed to yell a catchphrase.

–Prepare to be destroyed! –I shouted.

–Prepare to be destroyed! –a boy's voice shouted.

I looked at him at the other side of the place. He had a sword just like mine.

–WHAT?!!! –we both yelled.


Anyway, the Museum has been taken over by a bunch of not-friendly statues! If you want to help our two protagonists and the poor people trapped in the room then click on that little star on your screen, BUT PLEASE HURRY BEFORE SOMETHING HAPPENS TO THEM!!!
Nah, I was just joking with you, guys, heh, they're already doomed @v@
See you next time :)

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