21 Dares (Full Novel)

By JcGatlin

1.4K 62 3

What happens when a party game turns deadly? For her 21st birthday, Abbie Reed's friends throw her a surprise... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-four
Chapter Twenty-five
Chapter Twenty-six
Chapter Twenty-seven
Chapter Twenty-nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-one
Chapter Thirty-two

Chapter Twenty-eight

23 1 0
By JcGatlin

Josh pushed open the apartment door. Clem strutted out, meowing and winding between Abbie's legs. Abbie picked up the cat as she peeked into the living room. Everything looked quiet. They stepped into the dimly lit apartment. Josh in front. Abbie, cradling Clem in her arms, one step behind.

A lamp shined in the living room. The TV was showing an old episode of the Twilight Zone. Wrapping paper and uneaten cake still lay scattered on the coffee table. Clem meowed as Abbie turned toward the kitchen.

Dharma came around the corner, her black lace dress flowing. She carried a plate with a slice of cake on it. Josh jumped. Clem leaped out of Abbie's arms and landed on the floor. Dharma screamed and dropped the plate. Chocolate cake spilled to the carpet.

"Dharma," Abbie screamed. "What are you doing here?"

"I came over to check on you." Dharma put a hand on her chest, as if feigning a heart attack. She took a couple of breaths, then leaned down to pick up pieces of crumbling cake in the carpet. She straightened, placing the soiled cake on the plate, and licked her fingers. "Your door was unlocked. Wide open in fact."

"We left the door open?" Abbie looked back at it, then over at Clem. She was glad the cat didn't run out. She stared at Dharma. "What are you doing here?"

"I didn't want you to be alone. Not after everything that happened." Dharma finished licking her fingers then waved her hand as if she were drying her nails.

Abbie rushed to her and wrapped her arms around her, hugging her tightly. Just a few hours ago, Dharma was a nameless classmate in Professor Cunningham's class. Now she was a familiar face. One Abbie was thankful to see.

Josh brushed past them, checking the apartment. He walked into Susan's bedroom. Abbie ignored him.

"I'm just in shock." She sat down on the sofa.

"Me too." Dharma sat beside her. She placed the plate of chocolate cake crumbs on the coffee table. "I didn't know Susan very well, but she seemed nice."

"I hope she pulls through." Abbie watched Josh walk out of Susan's bedroom then disappear into her bedroom. She looked back at Dharma. "She was still in surgery when I left the hospital."

"She'll make it." Dharma covered Abbie's hands with her own. "She's a strong woman."

Josh came out of Abbie's bedroom. He moved to the side chair and sat on the arm, shaking his head.

"It's all clear," he said. Clem crossed the rug in front of Josh, tail swaying.

Abbie looked down at her chipped cell phone. She typed a message then waited for an answer.

"What are you doing?" Josh leaned closer to her.

"I'm texting Charlie Hicks."

He took her phone and set it on the coffee table. "I told you to leave this alone. I'm turning it off. "

"But I have to do something."

"There's nothing else you can do tonight but get some sleep."

"Who's Charlie Hicks?" Dharma asked.

"He's the man that's been following me. He was on top the roof at that old cigar factory." Abbie watched as Clem laid down beneath the coffee table, licked a paw, pawed his face. Abbie looked back at Dharma. "He helped me up and said he was protecting me."

"Protecting you?" Dharma asked. "I don't get it."

Josh stood and reached toward Abbie. "I get it. He rescued you when you were a child. That's a powerful influence. But I don't think you're seeing this for what it is."

Abbie moved his hand away. "And what exactly is it?"

"I don't exactly know. But whatever it is, he's not protecting you."

"Charlie Hicks. Charlie Hicks. Charlie Hicks." Dharma lay down on the sofa, using the armrest as a pillow. She got out her cell phone.

"Who are you calling?" Abbie watched her.

"I'm Googling Charlie Hicks." Dharma was already typing. A moment later, she was reading her search results. "He was discharged from the Tampa Police Department and he has a record," she said, without lifting her gaze from the screen.

"What else?" Abbie slid across the sofa next to her as Josh crowded around.

Dharma typed furiously for about twenty seconds, then read some more. "Looks like he was acquitted for the murder of a teenager," Dharma said, sitting up and giving Abbie and Josh more room. "He was stalking this girl. Her body was found in Hick's lake house. Looks like her throat was cut with a razor blade and Officer Charlie Hicks was charged with the murder. Looks like he was acquitted though. He still lost his position on the police force."

Josh stood. "This guy is doing the same thing again. He's stalking you."

"But he said he was trying to protect me."

"Protect you from what?" Dharma asked. "If you ask me, he's a repeat offender."

"He's not protecting you, Abbie. He wants something." Josh took Dharma's phone and scanned the article. "I've seen this before. This guy might be hearing little voices in his head, but he's got a master plan, and he's not going to stop until he sees it through."

Abbie watched Josh as her breath seemed to solidify in her throat. The ferocity of his passion frightened her.

"Stop it, Josh," Dharma said. "You're scaring her."

"No, I'm okay," Abbie said.

"You should be scared." Josh moved to sit on the arm of the sofa. "This man is organized. He's driven by something, probably something from his past. He orchestrated this whole night and he has something planned for his big finale. He has a point to make."

"Stop it, Josh!" Dharma got up from the sofa. "That's enough."

Josh looked at Abbie. "Well, don't worry. I'm not going anywhere. You can get some sleep till your dad gets here."

Abbie looked at her watch. It was after three AM. "I can't sleep. I'm too wired."

"I'll stay with you too." Dharma stretched out on the sofa. Josh plopped down on the adjacent chair.

"We'll be out here, catching some shut eye while you go to bed," he said, putting his arms behind his head. Abbie smiled at him.

"I couldn't ask you to do that," she said.

"You're not asking." He let out a big yawn and stretched his arms. "Besides, I'm too tired to drive home anyway."

Abbie thanked them both, then went into her room and grabbed the pillows off her bed. She brought them to Josh and Dharma. Josh locked the door and put the chain link clip in the door frame.

"I really appreciate this," Abbie said. They nodded. She picked Clem up off the floor and returned to her bedroom. Shutting the door, she threw Clem on the bed. Abbie walked to the widow and gazed out at the night.

Charlie Hicks was out there.



* * * *

Some sixth sense brought Abbie fully awake. She glanced at the clock. It was four AM, barely an hour since she laid down. Still something woke her. She climbed out of bed, disturbing Clem. He stretched, scratched at the comforter a couple of times, repositioned himself then curled up in a ball and went back to sleep. Abbie cracked open the bedroom door.

She stepped into the living room. Dharma was passed out on the sofa, like Susan had been the other night. Josh was nowhere in sight. She looked toward the bathroom. The door was open, light off. There was a note taped to the front door. Abbie walked to it and read it.

"Talking to the Landlord. Be right back. –Josh"

At four AM? Abbie thought. She looked around the room and found her phone on the coffee table. She turned it on. The shattered screen lit up. More text messages came through. She ignored them, then noticed a new voicemail. She looked at the number and saw it was from Clinton Reed. She clicked the icon to listen to the voice message.

"Hi Abigail." Her father's voice crackled through the speaker. Abbie looked at Dharma. Dharma stirred and turned over on her side, but didn't wake. Abbie turned back to her phone and turned down the volume. "I just got a message from your therapist. He said that you're not doing well and wants me to pick you up at our old house. What are you doing there, Abbie? Call me as soon as you get this. I'm worried about you."

The voicemail ended.

Abbie thumbed the icon closed the best she could on the cracked screen, then brought up the text messages.

"I dare you to find me"

"I dare you to find me"

"I dare you to find me"

"I dare you to find me"

Abbie froze. There were more than thirty identical messages. All were from Charlie Hicks' phone number. Looking around the room, she saw Dharma's purse and car keys on the coffee table. Dharma was sound asleep. Abbie stepped over to the table and picked up the keys.

She slipped out the front door,careful not to wake Dharma.

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