Beowulf (BoyxBoy, Werewolf)(B...

By Anissa_Eylene555

1.6M 74.4K 13.2K

[COMPLETE] Beowulf is a 17-year-old who just wants to be a Boxer. He doesn't do relationships anymore, and he... More

AUTHOR'S NOTE!! Please Read! :D
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 (Real chapter)
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46 FINALE
Sneak Peek at Sebastian
My Bad
Sebastian Is UP!!

Chapter 26

36K 1.6K 460
By Anissa_Eylene555


"Do you need a ride home now?" I ask Beowulf as we stand in the men's locker rooms.

"Ugh," Beowulf groans. "Unfortunately yeah,"

"I can give you a ride home if you want," I offer. I would be more than happy to give him a ride.

"Can you believe she took my baby away from me?" He scowls. I know he is talking about his truck yet my heart still jumps with jealousy. Will I ever be his 'baby'?

"What even happened?" I ask yet again, this has to be my fourth time asking him, I don't know why he doesn't just tell me already.

"Ugh," Beowulf groans as the bell rings signaling the end of the school day. "I ran into him this morning and he called me gay and a cocksucker," My heart jumps in my chest again. "I don't even know if I'm gay." He turns to look at me. "Am I gay now?"

Since Beowulf is my mate and I am a male that would mean that Beowulf is gay as well. I'm not sure how well Beowulf will take all this mate information in, that's why I'm taking things slow for now.

"I hope so," I finally say. Beowulf stares at me as he thinks, I can practically see the thoughts turning in his head. "I already told you, Beowulf, I really like you. I want to see where dating can get us, who knows, maybe we are meant to be."

"Do you really believe in all that meant to be shit?" He asks as we walk down the crowded hallways.

"Yes," I simply say. As a werewolf 'meant to be' is a real thing. "I do believe that two people can be meant for each other,"


I chuckle as I drag him out the Exit and to the parking lot. "Come on,"

Beowulf actually willingly gets in my truck this time. I smile to myself as he buckles up his seatbelt.

"So, right now might be a terrible time, but my mom wants you to come over for dinner," I say as I chew on my bottom lip.

"She knows about me?" He asks with wide eyes, obviously he is not yet comfortable with the idea of being gay, or maybe it's the openly gay part that gets to him.

"Not that we kissed, but she does know that I like you, plus she wants to meet my new friend who I keep hanging out with,"

I can hear him gulp as I pull out of the parking lot. "She knows you like me?"

"I'm open with my parents, Beowulf,"

"So they know you're gay?"

Well, newly gay, but I can't tell him that or else he might think that I'm going through some phase or something. I need him to trust me.

"Yes," I confirmed my mate was a male to dad, and he doesn't keep anything from mom so I'm pretty positive he clarified to her too that Annie Jo was telling the truth. "Plus, my baby sister wants to meet you,"

"You have a sister?" He asks with wide eyes, I forgot he is an only child.

"Yeah, she'll be six in January," I say with a smile. "Just like I turn eighteen in January,"

"January," He says to himself. "I'll have to remember that,"

"So, if I throw a party will you come?" I ask hopeful.

I catch Beowulf's smile before he quickly changes to chewing on his bottom lip.

"I don't know, if Niles finds out your having a party he is sure to invite himself," He says with a small chuckle.

"I'll invite him if you come," I bargain.

"I don't care if he goes or not, I actually prefer the guy when he's sober,"

"I probably won't have alcohol anyway," I say honestly. Drinking for a werewolf is different than a human drinking. Were's take a lot, and I mean a lot, more alcohol to get them even buzzed. We have special alcohol just for were's that actually get us pretty slammed with just a few drinks. But just like for humans, were's are not permitted to drink our own special alcohol until 21.

"Really? I thought all parties ended up with alcohol," He wrinkles up his nose in such an adorable way that it causes my wolf to scratch to be free so he can mate him already. "Someone always brings "extra" booze," He air quotes the word 'extra'.

"Yeah, I'm not a big fan of alcohol so I won't allow it,"

"I don't like alcohol either," He grimaces as he probably thinks about the night he got drunk at the party and made out with me.

"I quite liked you drunk though," I say with a smirk.

"Ugh," He groans. "Don't even remind me of that night,"

"I liked that night, I would have enjoyed it more if you were sober though,"

Beowulf's cheeks heat up with an adorable pink blush before it is replaced by another scowl.

"Why?" He asks suddenly.

"Why what?" I ask half confused, stealing glances at him out of the corner of my eye.

"What do you see in me? I haven't done anything remotely interesting to spark anyone's interest,"

If only he knew.

If only Beowulf knew that every action he does interests me. Every breathe he takes makes me sigh in relief that he is alright and unharmed. Every time I see those dark bright green eyes with little flecks of lighter green it makes my heart swell with admiration at the unique beauty of them. And how whenever I look at him my eyes manage to spot the four little freckles on his left cheekbone you wouldn't be able to see unless you were looking for them. How every time I hear his voice, especially his laughter, it makes my heart swell almost painfully.

"Sure you have," I say as I near his house. "You're the best Boxer that school has," Better not let him know just how fixated I really am about him just yet.

"Okay, I'll admit I have Boxing going for me, but that's about it,"

Is that really all Beowulf sees in himself? Does he not realize how handsome he is? Does he not notice the stares that follow him around?

"You speak French like it's your first language," I continue.

"So do you," He replies back as I idle my truck by the curb in front of his house. His eyes wander to his lifted truck sitting in the driveway.

"We're not talking about me though," I say as I stare at the side of his face. I can see the four freckles on his cheekbone perfectly at this angle.

We sit in silence for at least a minute as I watch Beowulf chew on his bottom lip. Oh how I so wanted to take that lip from his teeth and suckle on it myself. The thought of kissing Beowulf again has my mouth watering and my wolf scratching to be let out.

After sitting in silence for another three minutes I was starting to wonder if Beowulf forgot he was supposed to get out and walk up the sidewalk to his house, but then he turns in his seat to look at me with defiance in his eyes.

"Let's go," He says before looking straight ahead. "She thinks me hitting Braider is disobeying her? Let's see how she likes me ditching dinner tonight,"

"Beo-," I start but he cuts me off by groaning.

"Just drive, Ridge, please," He almost begs.

I remove the car from 'park' and pull away from the curb. I realized he only calls me by my name in certain situations, such as now. When he is mad he calls me Ridge, when he was drunk he called me Ridge, when he was clouded with emotions as we made out just yesterday, he called me Ridge.

But when he calls me Ridge it makes my heart jump. The nickname, Newbie, has grown on me, but when Beowulf calls me Ridge it is the most beautiful thing ever. I never thought I'd enjoy hearing my before. Although, Beowulf is the only one who can make my name sound so wonderful, and he is the only one allowed to call me Newbie too.

"Do you want to go to my house then?" I ask almost timidly. I can feel Beowulf's anger, sadness, and confusion rolling off him in drowning waves.

"Yeah," He finally says after staring out the windshield in silence for at least a minute as he chewed on his bottom lip. "You've met my mom so it's time I returned the favor."

I bite my bottom lip from smiling. My mom will be ecstatic to meet Beowulf finally. I know I will have to talk to Annie Jo first though, I need to make sure she doesn't blurt anything about being werewolves or mates or anything of the supernatural while Beowulf is there. Jojo knows not to talk about our kind outside the pack house, but she is still only a child and children make mistakes, plus, we will be at the pack house, a place where she can talk freely.

"So what's your mom like?" Beowulf finally asks after sitting in more silence as I turn the truck down a dirt road that leads into the forest. The silence isn't awkward or suffocating like you would think, at least for me it isn't. The silence left room for our thoughts, to get a hold of ourselves before we are sure to be bombarded by my parents.

"Uhm," I say and rub my jaw with my thumb and forefinger. "She's cool,"

"Again with the cool?" He chuckles.

"You'll just have to see how she is for yourself," I say with a chuckle myself. "My opinion of her is biased since I'm her son,"

"True," He says with a head nod. "You think my mom is cool and I don't,"

"Your mom is cool, and pretty scary actually," I say as I remember today at lunch. Kaylene looked like she could wrestle a bear, or even a werewolf, and come out the winner and completely unscathed.

"Yeah, I've never seen her like she was today," He says quietly. "I think what upset her the most was Braider saying she wasn't his mom,"

Beowulf hasn't told me much about Braider and his situation of being at his house, but he did tell me that his mom, Beowulf's aunt and also Kaylene's baby sister, has been sick with cancer. I can't imagine how Kaylene alone is taking this, she grew up with the woman for goddess's sake!

"I'm sorry about your aunt, Beowulf," I say quietly. I don't know how he will react with me talking about her considering I don't know his relationship with her.

He shrugs his shoulders as I park my truck in the multi-park garage next to the pack house.

"Thanks, but it doesn't change anything. The way my uncle acted was like she was already dead. I miss her with all my heart, but missing her isn't going to make her better again,"

"I know, but sometimes it helps," I say and bite my bottom lip afraid of saying something out of term.

Beowulf sighs loudly before unbuckling his seatbelt. "Alright, enough of the depressing topics already," I remove my own seatbelt and jump out of the car as he does. "It's time to meet the family,"

"My mom is a hugger so be warned," I laugh as I lead him to the door that leads into the laundry room.

The second Beowulf steps into the room he takes a step back, smacking into me in the process, only it doesn't bother me like it would if anyone else were to run into me.

"Holy shit," His hisses as he looks around the laundry room that smells strongly of laundry detergent. "This looks like a laundry mat,"

I scan the room that I rarely use. I guess it does look like a laundry mat with all the rows of washers and dryers. One wall is lined with a giant built in shelving unit that holds all the detergents, stain removers, and anything else people use for laundry.

"Only we don't have to pay to use them," I joke.

"Who does the laundry in this place?" He asks with wide eyes.

The parents, Omegas, and a few people who like to do their own laundry.

"The parents mostly, but we do have a few random people who like to do their own,"

"So you do each other's laundry?"

"Not really. Like my parents only do our families clothes, while everyone else takes care of their families. But we do have a few people who collect stray clothing and wash them." They would be the Omegas who pickup stray clothing.

"Whoa," He says, his eyes still wide. "I can't imagine the electricity and water bill at this place,"

I laugh as I drag him through the rows, there has to be at least five rows of each washer and dryer.

"We each do our share in the house, and we all pay for the utilities equally," And we do. At the pack house we have our pack jobs, then our "regular" human jobs. I guess you could say each family pays rent to live at the pack house, but no one complains since it all goes to the functioning of the pack. "Do you smell that?" I ask as I sniff the air.

Beowulf sniffs the air before he raises an eyebrow. "All I smell is laundry detergent,"

I sniff the air deeper. "Smells like brownies and cookies," I almost moan as my mouth starts to salivate.

Beowulf gives me a look that suggests I'm crazy so I continue to drag him along. I fling the laundry door open that leads out into a hallway. The chocolatey smell of brownies and the sugary smell of cookies attacks my senses. I take another whiff of the air and smile.

"Now can you smell it?" I ask him as I gulp down the extra saliva in my mouth.

"Yeah, now I can," He says as he sniffs the air.

"Let's hunt down the source and see if we can steal some," I say cheerfully as I grab his hand and drag him down the hall.

The hallway is long with doors lining either side. I stop at a swinging door on our right halfway down the hall and push it open. The door swings to hit the door-stopper on the floor by the wall and bounces back to me, which I stop with my hand so it doesn't hit me in the face. I can't even count on my hands and feet together how many times this door has swung back to hit me in the face during my excitement to get to the source of food.

In the large kitchen there are multiples of each stainless steel appliance, an island that reminds me of the one in Beowulf's house, a large pantry, and a medium sized table that would normally fit a family of eight. The room smells of brownies and cookies. I spot my mother's head of blond curls with her back turned to me as she digs in one of the fridges.

"Ma," I say to grab her attention, only it sounds like I yelled it since the room is so empty of people. My mother jumps and spins on her heels, a cookie dangling from her lips with a guilty expression suggesting she was stealing it.

"Ridge, baby," She says once she takes the cookie out of her mouth. "I didn't hear you come in,"

"That's alright, I came to see if I could steal whatever is making that delicious aroma," That could be taken two ways. I could be talking about the baking sweets, or I could be talking about Beowulf who still stands behind me with his hand in mine. My mother's eyes land on our clasped hands and Beowulf quickly snatches his hand away. I glare at my mother who just smiles sheepishly.

"You brought a friend?" She asks, only I understood the silent question, 'is he your mate?'.

"Yeah, this is Beowulf," I say and step aside so my mother and Beowulf can better see each other.

"Beowulf," I am surprised my mother's face doesn't split in half from the smile that lights up her face. "I am disappointed in my son for keeping you away for so long,"

Beowulf clears his throat before walking past me to shake my mother's hand, only she swats his hand away and pulls him into a hug. I did warn him. Beowulf looks awkward at first before his arms circle around her small frame. My mother is a petite woman as it is, but standing next to Beowulf's 6'0" she looks almost puny in his arms.

I can't stop the smile that finds its way onto my face as I watch my mother and mate hug for the first time. This moment is the second greatest time I have ever seen him, the first being the first time I ever saw him in Walmart. The thought of them being future mother-in-law and son-in-law makes me want to almost cry. Almost.

My mother pulls away first, probably sensing his nerves. She smiles a warm smile at him before wiping a stray tear from her cheek.

"I'm sorry," She sniffles. "It's just," Sniffle. "I love meeting new people, and although Ridge doesn't talk much about you to me, I know he cares deeply for you," She knows I would give my life for Beowulf, just as she would for my father.

"Uhm," Beowulf clears his throat again and takes a step back. "It's nice to meet you too,"

"Oh, how rude of me," Mom shakes her head, probably to clear the sudden emotions that hit her. "My name is Lydia Shylding,"

"Nice to meet you Mrs. Shylding," My mate says politely.

"Oh no, don't call me that, please," Mom says before scoffing to herself. "Just call me Lydia and we will be just fine,"

"Then you can call me Wulf, or Beo, I prefer Wulf though since my parents call me Beo,"

"Wulf?" Mom asks as she lists her head to the side. "Odd," She mutters to herself.

"Mom," I say to grab her attention away from Beowulf's name. "Brownies? Cookies?"

"Oh, right," Mom says with the snap of her fingers. "I almost forgot about them," She hurries over to one of the ovens and pulls out a tray of cookies. "Perfect," She says as she transfers the deserts to a cooling rack.

"What are you baking for?" I ask curiously as I plop down on one of the bar stools by the island, Beowulf following only after I motion for him to sit next to me.

Mom shrugs her shoulders before getting out a plate from one of the many cupboards. "I was in the mood," She piles cookies onto the plate. "I still have to make more though since if I make some everyone will want some," I nod my head in agreement. Whenever someone cooks or bakes they are expected to share since we've had fights start before.

Mom slides the plate in front of me and my mouth salivates again. "Thanks," I say cheerfully as I pick one up and bite into it. The chocolate chip cookie is still warm and the insides are gooey in all the right ways. A moan escapes me as I chew the cookie slowly.

"Are they good?" Mom asks.

I quickly nod my head and push the plate to Beowulf who shakes his head.

"Screw the no sugar and try one," I say leaving no room for him to argue. "If you really feel bad about it you can just workout with me later,"

Beowulf scowls at me before picking up a cookie. I watch as he takes a small bite and his eyes widen before taking a bigger bite. I smile in triumph at him, which only causes him to scowl even harder at me.

"I'd let you have a brownie but I'm saving those for dinner, besides, there still cooling," Mom says as she puts another batch of cookies into the oven.

"That's okay, ma, these are perfect," I mumble around half chewed cookie in my mouth.

"Don't talk with your mouth full," Mom scolds.

I gulp down the cookie and smile sheepishly at her. "Sorry," I mutter.

Beowulf laughs beside me as he bites into another cookie.

"What are you laughing about?" I ask as I chomp off a big piece of cookie.

Beowulf shrugs his shoulders as he continues to laugh. I slump in my stool as I pout, all while holding my delicious cookie with both hands and nibbling on it like a rodent would.

"So Beowulf, I hope you're staying for dinner," Mom says as she watches me with a raised brow.

"I'm also staying the night," He says. I almost choke on my cookie, gaining me an odd look from my mother.

"You are?" I ask. "Won't Kaylene be even more pissed?" Don't get me wrong, the idea of Beowulf staying the night is fantastic, but I am fearing for him because of his mother's anger today.

He shrugs his shoulders. "Better to let her cool down before I go back home," He says as a sneer finds its way onto his handsome face. "Besides, maybe if I'm not there she'll take her anger out on Braider, he deserves anything she can come up with,"

I nod in agreement. "True,"

"So, it's settled then, you'll stay for dinner and the night," Mom says happily like she knows some kind of secret. Mom does know a secret though, she knows that Beowulf is my mate.

"Thanks," Beowulf says. I can tell he is starting to get more comfortable being around my mom already. My good mood just soars higher and higher by the second.

"Good," Mom says as she grabs a bowl and mixer. "Now off you go until dinner,"

"Thanks ma," I say and hop down from my stool.

"Don't let Annie see those cookies, I don't want her to spoil her dinner," Mom says in a serious voice that means trouble if Annie Jo gets a cookie.

"I won't," I say as I take the plate. I nod my head to Beowulf to tell him to follow me.

Once Beowulf hops down from the stool I lead him back out into the hallway. The house slowly fills with people getting home from school. I ignore everyone as I lead Beowulf through the large house and up one of the 'U' staircases. My room just so happens to be all the way at the end of the hall on the second floor. Such a long walk. Just kidding, I'm not that lazy.

I am awfully aware that Beowulf is right behind me, about to see my room, about to spend the night with me. My wolf purrs inside my head and scratches lightly to be let out, he is satisfied to be with Beowulf right now, but I know later he will be more demanding to get out.

"So," I say as I push my bedroom door open. "I don't have an Xbox up here, but we do have a game room with T.V's and all sorts of game consoles. My T.V gets Netflix if you want to watch something on it though," I ramble on as Beowulf takes in my room.

You can tell I grew up in this room. The walls are painted blue, the carpet an odd shade of beige that in some areas had to be re-patched twice because I accidentally tore it when I was first learning to shift and control myself. The bed has changed to accommodate my now larger frame, as well as the blood red sheets and comforter to fit the king sized mattress. The dark wood dresser is the same, it even has the airplane and Cars stickers I once stuck on it. On the wall above my computer desk is a shelf that has miniature models of cars I have found fascinating over the years. A family portrait sits in a picture frame on the desk as well as my own MacBook. Just a family photo taken when Annie Jo was two. My plasma T.V is mounted to the wall across from my bed so I don't have to strain my neck to watch it.

I stand awkwardly as Beowulf strolls to my desk to admire the car models. He doesn't touch them which makes me happy since I don't like anyone touching them. He just stares at the models, tilting his head once in a while to get a better look.

"How much do you like cars?" He chuckles as he turns to look at me.

I shrug my shoulders and walk to my bed. "Pretty much a lot," I say as I jump onto the bed.

Beowulf's smile has my heart pounding in my chest. What I wouldn't do to see that smile every day. What I wouldn't do to wake up in the morning and see his handsome smiling face next to mine.

"Pretty much a lot, huh?" He repeats before flopping on the bed next to me. "So you like fast cars then?" He asks as he lays on his back and props his head up by clasping his hands behind his head.

I smirk down at him. "Well, depends," I say. "Do you like fast cars? I'm sure I could slow it down to your liking no matter what though," The smirk on my face deepens as his face goes from confused to one almost comical in a matter of seconds.

"Why?" He groans as he grabs a pillow and covers his face with it. I don't think I was meant to answer him but I do anyway.

"Because, it's good to know what your partner enjoys and dislikes during intimacy," I say as I pry the pillow from his grasp. His face is as red as a tomato which only makes me want to kiss him.

"Intimacy?" He whispers.

"Sex," I bluntly say. "When two people have sexual intercourse, usually to procreate, others to be whores, most to make love," I say with a smile, all the while watching his face turn alarming shades of red.

"I know what intimacy is," He mumbles. "But how do guys even have sex together?"

I bite my tongue from laughing, he might take my laughing as a bad sign. "Well, some like the good old fashioned sticking things in holes. While others just do oral. Just depends on what you prefer the most,"

I can hear him gulp as he stares wide eyed at me. I can feel the nerves sliding off him in waves.

"But hey, why are we talking about sex again?" I ask as I rub the back of my neck.

"You were trying to make a joke," He says.

"Right," I bite my bottom lip nervously.

"It was kinda funny though," He says with a smile.

I smile back at him as I run my fingers up and down his arm. "I really want to kiss you," I whisper.

I count to five in my head before he responds. "Then why don't you?"

I look up to find him watching me. "I can kiss you?" I ask hopeful.

Beowulf smiles before pulling me down by the neck until our lips meet. I smile into the kiss and keep my body propped up as to not crush him with my body weight.

My lips slide against his perfectly. I can never seem to get enough of him whenever I kiss him, granted I've only kissed him a few times, but still. Whenever I feel his lips against mine I get all giddy and my wolf starts to howl with joy. It's even harder to concentrate when my lower region starts to stir.

"Ridge," He mumbles against my lips as he pulls my face closer to him by pulling on my neck.

I deepen the kiss until I am sure that both our lips will be bruised and swollen. I nibble on his bottom lip until he opens up for me. As soon as he opens up my tongue darts in to taste the inside of his warm wet mouth. My tongue grazes his teeth before our tongues start to wrestle. I am about to move my kisses to his neck before my sensitive hearing picks up on the familiar little feet running down the hall.

I jump back from Beowulf just as my door bursts open. Beowulf jumps from fright on the bed and scrambles to a sitting position. Annie Jo stands in the doorway with a furious little pout on her already beautiful face. Her hands are on her hips as she glares at me, just like my mother does when we get in trouble. She is literally the spitting image of my mother.

Today Annie Jo has on a purple tutu with sparkles all over it. Her purple shirt matches with little flowers on the left sleeve, as well as the matching purple tights. She even has little purple dancing slippers on.

"Jojo," I say after clearing my throat. "What's up, baby girl?"

"Don't baby girl me," She pouts. "You promised, Ridge, you promised me I would be the only one!" Her baby voice shouts.

I bite my lip as realization hits me. Jojo found out about Beowulf. But how? Was she spying on us?

"Jojo, let me explain," I start to say before she stomps her little foot and crosses her arms across her chest.

"No, Ridge, you broke your promise!"

"Baby girl, I know, and I'm sorry. It's just, you weren't around, and I was leading him since he doesn't know the house yet, and I'm sorry," I try to apologize. Having my five year old sister mad at me is one of the worst things for me. I am supposed to be the good big brother who she looks up to. How is she supposed to look up to me if she is mad at me?

"You could have come found me," She pouts. "All you had to do was come find me, Ridge," A tear slides down her cheek and my heart stops for a beat. I made my baby sister cry. I made her cry.

"Annie Jo," I stammer and take the few quick strides to her and kneel down to her level. "I'm so sorry, baby girl," I pull her into my arms. "How about you do it now? If he lets us,"

"You still broke your promise, Ridge," She cries onto my shoulder. My heart breaks as her tears soak through my shirt. I can't believe I made her cry, what kind of brother am I? "Mama was talking to daddy about you holding hands, you were holding hands, Ridge,"

"I know," I say pathetically. "But I swear, Jojo, I was only leading him around,"

"He's not a dog, Ridge!" Jojo screams in my ear, causing my ears to ring and me to cringe away.

"I didn't say he was," I say offended at the thought of even calling my mate a dog, although, technically, I am related to dogs somewhere deep in my genes.

"You said you were leading him around, you lead dogs around,"

I open my mouth but shut it quickly as I try to find words. I honestly don't know what will make her feel better now. I broke our promise by holding Beowulf's hand without her holding mine or his as well. I broke our promise. What a wonderful brother I am. Note the sarcasm there.

I can hear Beowulf getting off the bed and walking the short distance to me and Jojo. He crouches down next to me and smiles at my little sister with her tear streaked face.

"Hey there, beautiful," He says in a soothing tone I didn't know he harbored. "Why are you crying? Your gonna ruin this pretty shirt of yours," He says as he wipes the tears from her cheeks.

"Ridge broke his promise," She wails. "It was an easy one and he broke it!" More tears slide down her cheeks.

"What promise did you break, you bully?" He glares at me before wiping the tears away from her eyes again. Bully? Did he really just call me a bully?

"I wasn't supposed to hold your hand unless she was holding one of ours too," I say with a sigh. I honestly didn't think Annie Jo would get so worked up about this.

"Holding my hand?" He asks with a raised brow. "What's your name, beautiful?" He asks after he turns back to my sniffling sister.

"Annie Jo, but Ridge calls me Jojo, and daddy calls me Ladybug," She says, her voice cracking with the emotions she still carries.

"Well, Annie Jo," He says before standing back up. "How about you hold my hand and show me around? Your mean brother hasn't shown me around yet,"

Jojo's face lights up before she quickly nods her head. "Okay, only Ridge can't hold your hand now,"

"That's okay, he broke your guys' promise, I don't want to hold his hand now," He says before winking at me.

Jojo sticks out her tongue at me. "See, that's what you get when you break a promise, Ridge,"

My eyes widen as I stare at her. What? Where does she come up with this stuff?

"Come, I'll show you my room,"

"Are you a ballerina?" Beowulf asks as I follow the both of them out of my room.

"Yeah!" She cheers happily. "I'll even dance for you,"

Should I tell her that sounded bad and that she should never say that again? She probably wouldn't understand why though.

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