Hard To Love

By xoxolazygirl

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"No need to be a d*ck. You know that's supposed to be a part of your body and not your personality, right?" ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2. New/Old Friends
Chapter 3. Karma is a B*tch
Chapter 4. Confrontation
Chapter 6. Shall we make amends?
Chapter 7. We are friends
Chapter 8. Sweet Dreams?
Chapter 9. Friendzone's a b*tch
Chapter 10. Start of something new
Chapter 11. Kisses, fights and more kisses
Chapter 12. Happy Birthday Emma
Chapter 13. It's over
Chapter 14. Friends in need
Chapter 15. Feelings
Chapter 16. Parties and Tequila shots
Chapter 17. A Different Birthday Celebration
Chapter 18. Make a move
Chapter 18. Part 2. The aftermath
Chapter 19. He's okay-ish
Chapter 20. Close
Chapter 21. Part 1. The Ugly Truth
Chapter 21. The Ugly Truth. Part 2
Chapter 22. This Is It
Love Me Harder.

Chapter 5. Disappointment

116 6 14
By xoxolazygirl

Emma's POV

I never thought Nate would come back into my life. At least not like that. Not with me calling him a dick and not with him making it clear that he wanted nothing to do with me. It wasn't supposed to be like that.
I may seem like a complete bitch sometimes, but that doens't mean that I have no feelings. I'm just really good at concealing them. I mean, acting like a bitch is a part of me, just not the biggest one.

All my memories from my life in Boston are associatied with Nate and Charlotte. How could he think I could ever forget? I tried, especially when me and Charlotte stopped talking but I couldn't. It's hard to shake off all the memories.

I never did.

Throughout the years Nate would cross my mind every now and then. When I'd watch old videos and come across old pictures or when I'd catch an old movie that his dad was in, or even at random times.
Whenever I thought about him there would be a smile on my face and a certain warmth in my heart. I always had that image in my head that when me and Nate saw eachother all we'd want to do was catch up and talk for hours, but that's obviously not what the big boss up here had in mind.
And that's exactly why I try to be realistic and not have fantasies that are most likely to fail.

Nate had been the guy I had a crush on since we became friends in first grade (He was in 2nd but what can I say? I like older guys.) I had a crush on him since that first day and as expected, no one forgets their first crush.

But I was gone for 8 years and I have absolutelly no idea who the person in front of me was. He really didn't remind me of my friend. His big brown eyes that would always light up when he'd see me, moments ago looked at me with nothing but anger in them. His hair still had that golden brown shade and he was a lot taller than me. His body... well let's just say he's not a kid anymore and leave it at that, because I'm supposed to be mad at him and not drooling over his abs.

But Nate, well Nathan, was right. We're not kids anymore. It was naive of me to think that if I ever saw him again we could be friends. It was absolutelly stupid and that's why I don't like having expectations about anything. We're not 10 year olds.
I guess sometimes things just don't work out the way you thought they would.

It didn't take a genious to understand why he's mad at me though. I'm blonde, not dumb.
I mean I can figure out why he's mad for the most part...He could also have turned into a walking dick though, who knows.

But I do know that he's mad that I never showed up at his father's funeral, that I never called or wrote, or did anything so show that I care. And you know what? He's right. I should have insisted on travelling with my mom or at least called. But he's wrong about one thing, I never forgot.

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

"God dammit Demi. You scared the bejesus out of me" I said placing my hand on my chest to slow down my fast beating heart.

"Sorry" She apologized getting away from the wall she was leaning on and walking to me "But seriously, what's wrong?"


"Emma!" she said glaring at me "I won't ask again. What the hell is going on with you?"

I sighed "Can we like, go somewhere else? Grab a coffee or something to eat? I wanna get out of here"

Her expression softened "Sure, come on. Let's go get my car" she motioned for me to follow her.


"So you're gonna tell me what's wrong now or what?" She asked when we took our seats at Starbucks.

"Dems, just drop it" I said trying to smile a bit "It's nothing important"

"I won't drop it. One minute you're fine, then ask about a random guy and the take off only to come out of a building a while later looking like you've been struck by a lightning"

"I'm sure I didn't look that bad" I said shrugging my shoulders.

She gave me the are you being serious right now look and I knew there was no way to avoid talking about it.

"Fine" I said giving up

"Who was that guy?" she asked "They guy you asked Stella about"

"Nathan Stone"

"Yeah, so...?"

"He's Nate" I pressed

"Yeah, I know, Nate is a short for Nathan. What's your point?"

"My point is that blondes are accused of being dumb when clearly brunettes can be equally as stupid." I said rolling my eyes

"Not funny. Help me a little here"

"Go get the our coffees first. The barista called our names" I said looking at her

She sighed and got up from our table and went to get out coffees. She soon returned. "You were saying...?"

I took a sip of my coffee "I was saying that you never pay attention to me when I'm talking"

"Okay, what's with the insulting today? Who is that guy and how did he manage to piss you off?"

"I'm not exactly pissed off Demi. I'm just thinking. I'm sorry for snapping at you. But you're not making this any easier for me. Really" I said looking at her "I had another friend before moving. I've told you about him plenty of times"

She made a face like she was thinking at then her eyes widened " Ah yes. Wait that was him?"I nodded "That's great Emma, why aren't you happy?"

"Because apparently he wants nothing to do with me"


"Really. And trust me he wasn't polite about it." I shook my head.

I ended up telling Demi the whole thing that went on between Nathan and me.

"Wow. Rude much?" she said

Enough with the self pity already. "Let's just forget about him okay? I just went down the memory lane. I'll be alright"

"It's his loss anyway. You're an amazing friend babe"

I smiled a bit "I know"

I walked back into my dorm a while later feeling a bit better. Being with Demi has that effect on me and I'm not the person who over-thinks things. I usually brush them off but I'm sure that the whole thing with Nate, pardon me, Nathan, will be as hard as brushing off the thing with Charlotte.

I let my things down and grab my guitar before sitting down on my bed. I strumed a few chords trying to come up with something to play. Peace filled my mind and I was instantly calm by the sound of my guitar. I learned how to play the guitar around the age of 12 and I've been attached to it ever since. Words have always been easy for me. I can express myself better through a paragraph or a few lyrics.

Writing lyrics has helped me accept the things I can't change or just express what I'm feeling at times. I love the feeling of getting lost in the music and the freedom it gives me when I'm playing my guitar and singing.

I actually want to write about the thing with Nathan right now. It's the only way to get it out of my chest. Lyrics usually come up to me at the most random times. My purse is stuffed with napkins with lyrics on them and now that I want to write, I can't. Great.

I fooled around for a while not being able to come up with something of my own.

I shook my head and put my guitar down on its stand after some time. Time for studying. Distraction until I get my shit together.


I walked into the diner the next day around 11, okay you can't call it exactly an early morning shift but still, I could be in bed right now.

I greated Gloria when I walked in the kitchen and headed to the back to put on my t-shirt with the logo of the diner on. I kept my phone in my jeans' pocket and then waked out to see what it is there for me to do.

"Where's Christina?" I asked Charlotte before pouring a cup of coffee for me.

"She's out to pay some bills, she sould be back in a couple of hours. Stefan is doing dishes in the back"

"Oh okay" I said taking a sip of my coffee "Charlotte?"

"Yeah?" she asked looking away from teh orders in front of her and looking at me

"Did you know that Nathan was going to this school too?"

She seemed surpised for a second "Yeah, I've seen him around before"

"And you never thought of mentioning to me that he was around?" I asked irritated

"I didn't think it would be a big of a deal, I have barely talked to him myself, but why? What happened? Is everything alr-"

"Just stop okay? It was a stupid question. Don't pretend like you care" I shook my head "Just drop it"

Charlotte remained silent. A few seconds of silence later Demi and Stella walked in the diner.
Thank God.

I turned my eyes to Charlotte "I'm gonna go get their orders"

Demi and Stella took their seats at one of the tables and I took their orders after having a small talk with them since the diner wasn't very busy. They spend a couple of hours at the diner and I got them to meet Stefan who as expected was his charming self.

~A couple days later~

The only thing that you could possibly hear in the kitchen of the diner was the running water and my huming to the song that was playing through my earbud on my left ear. Gloria was somewhere in the kitchen making burgers or I don't know what but considering the fact that she hadn't told me to shut up yet I guess I wasn't bothering her. I swayed my hips along the music

"Day drunk into the night

Wanna keep you here

Cause you dry my tears

Yeah, summer lovin' and fights

How it is for us

And it's all because

Now if we're talking body

You got a perfect one

So put it on me

Swear it won't take you long

If you love me right

We fuck for life

On and on and on"

"She's got looks, she's got moves and she's got lungs. Damn it girl, where have you been all my life?" Stefan said suddenly making me jump.

I turned off the faucet and wiped my hands turning around to face him "Avoiding you, obviously." I said smirking and he pouted "How much did you see?"

"Let's just say I was here long enought to appreciate the booty shaking." He answered, now being the one smirking.

"Stefan" I said glaring at him playfully. He raised his hands in surrender stance "What did you want?"

"It's getting crowded out there. Charlotte could use some help and I'm only one person having to do 3 people's jobs."

I chuckled "Alright" I walked past him and when I was at the door Stefan called my name

"Hey Emma..."

"What?" I turned around to face him

"Was it a threat or a promise?"

I raised a brow at him, waiting for him to go on.

"That if I love you right" he paused "We fuck for life, on and and on and on" He quoted the lyrics of the song in a singy voice.

I shook my head chuckling "You're hopeless"

This guy is the epitomy of crazy. He keeps flirting shamelessly to everything with legs and boobs.

I turned around and walked to the front spotting Charlotte.

I shouldn't have snapped at her the other day. I know it's not her fault but still she should have told me. So since I managed to calmed down I've been civil to her.

"Alright, I'm here. What do you want me to do?"

"Thank God. It got full out of nowhere. Please go take their order" she pointed at a couple of tables and my eyes followed her hand making sure I got it right.

My eyes stopped at one particular table.

"Can't you take 12 for me?"

"Emma" she whined "I'm already taking care of seven tables and I gave you five. Go"

I groaned "Fine"

I took orders from all the tables, leaving table #12 last.

I took a deep breath before walking t the table keeping a smile on my face.

"Hey James" I paused "Nathan"

Hm, seems like Stella's brother and Nathan are close. Poor James.

James lifted his eyes up to me but Nathan hasn't looked at me yet.

"Hey" James said giving me a smile "It's Emma right?"

"Yes" I said "What can I get you guys?"

"I'll just have the basic burger with some onion rings on the side and a coke"

I nodded and wrote it down. "And you?" I said looking at Nathan.

He lifted his eyes from the menu and finally looked at me, his face showing no emotion "I'll have the same minus the onion rings"

I wrote it down and nodded "Coming right up" I said before walking away.

When I got them their drinks James decided to speak up. "So everything okay in Alex's class?"

I chuckled "Yeah. Turns out he's not that bad" I said "Did Stella tell you about the place? Because I haven't seen you here before"

"Yeah she recomended the place and I know why" He looked around "It's pretty busy today I see"

I nodded "Yeah. I'm just glad I only have two hours left but it gets more quiet after this time of the day usually."

I nodded "Any chance I can get the number of the cute waitress over there?" he asked motioning at Charlotte with his head .

"Sorry man, can't help you. I don't have her number" I said honestly.

Nathan scoffed "Bullshit"

"Excuse me?" I asked looking at him raising an eyebrow.

He looked up at me "You heard me" he turned to James "She's lying. She's her bestfriend, of course she has her number."

"Oh wow. I prefered it when you were ignoring me. Please get your facts straight before opening your mouth." I said getting irritated. I took a deep breath in and forced a smile and looked at James "Shes's not my friend" I told him. "I'll be back with your food" I said before walking away.

Why does he have to open his mouth? If it means he's going to be calling me a liar he might as well shut up.

A few minutes later I placed their order down on the table "Enjoy your meal guys" I said before walking away, refraining from adding 'Choke on it while you're at it'.

I helped around the other tables and tried to keep myself from looking over to Nathan's table.

He's not even worth my time. Okay buddy, you don't want to be my friend, I get it, no need to be a dick about it.

I looked at Charlotte "I need to go to the bathroom, will you manage for a few minutes without me?"

"Sure, they're all taken care of. Go ahead"

I gotta pee, I gotta pee, I gotta pee. Damn it.

What? I'm a girl, we pee too, it's no secret.

I washed my hands before walking out of the bathroom only to find Nathan outside, he must have been going to the men's room.

I crossed my hands over my chest leaning against the wall slightly "For wanting nothing to do with me, you sure as hell appear around me a lot" I said with a smirk on my face

"Get over yourself. I was going to the bathroom"

"I know"

"Did I upset you back then?"He asked with a smirk "Weren't you like -what do you girls call it- BFFs?"

Okay he's back to being a dick. And here I was thinking we could have a civil conversation. Nope, my bad.

"It takes a lot more than that to upset me."

"Hm it sure looked like it. People get upset over the things that matter to them" he mocked my response from the other day but he continued "Unless you forgot about her too" he said now in a colder tone.

Hm, who's upset now buddy?

"What happened with me and Charlotte is none of your bussiness" I took a deep breath in and decided to apologise now because I didn't know when I'd get the chance again "Look, I'm sorry that I never showed up and that I never even called after your father..." I trailed of "But it didn't mean I didn't care. I was just a kid that didn't know what to say... You don't have to be so hard on me about this"

Nathan nodded but remained silent.

"I should get back to work. See you around"

He nodded again but remained silent still.

Jesus don't talk that much dude, you're causing me a headache.

Thank God Nathan and James left shortly after mine and Nathan's bathroom encounter.

I finished my shift and walked out of the diner after saying goodbye to everyone and instantly checking my phone.

I have an obsession what can I say?

I checked the time. Okay, I have to wait half an hour for the bus back to campus.

Hm, how can I kill half an hour? Candy Crush it is.

"Hi" said a voice and I lifted my eyes to the person talking to me.


What do you think of Nate's behaviour towards Emma?
What about her behaviour towards Charlotte?
Let me know by leaving a comment (or more)

Chapter 6 Preview: I motioned for her to follow me. "Do you live on campus?"



She got on the bike and I could tell she was nervous about whether she should hold on to me or not. "I don't bite Emma, hold on." I said

"You're not planning to kidnap and kill me right?" She asked wrapping her arms around my waist.

I smiled "I should" I said mimicking her previous answer.

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