The Witches Destiny

By blackrosebuds321

888 31 22

Arianna Cezweick had everything she could ever want. Great Parents, money and of course her best friend ever... More

Chap. 1- Mixed Feelings
Make Me Wanna Die
Ally Hendricks

The Witches Destiny

533 10 10
By blackrosebuds321

I walked down the cold, windless street listlessly. Not knowing where I was going; not knowing why I left. Life used to be good for me. I lived in a huge mansion with servants and of course my best friend, Chad. I had great parents who hardly ever went on business trips. Yet when they did we would always talk via video chat or phone. My parents were the best things that ever happened to me.

Everything was great… well, before the accident. My parents called less and less frequently. Every time I called them I would get their voicemail. Once, I even got my father but he said he had to go because he was busy. Me, confused shrugged it off and waited by the computer with the phone in my hand every night; dismissing the feeling of dread. The servants, even Chad, spoke when spoken to and cleaned when I wasn’t near. It was like I was a plague. I was close to insanity. I asked why they wouldn’t talk to me but they just looked at me with solemn faces and made up some excuse about cleaning. My anger was beginning to get the best of me. Then… it happened. I started a fire with my hands.

Confused I searched for something to douse it. Everything I tried was to no avail. I was getting very frustrated. Then I had and idea. What if I tried to use water?  As soon as I thought that a water sphere in the middle of my palm.  I thought of my parents and servants. They must’ve known, I thought, they just had to. Scared and confused, I left. Not wanting to hurt the ones I love. Then I got a letter that said:

Dear Arianna Cezweick,

You have recently found out about your powers. You are a witch. That being so you are cordially invited to take dorm at the Boarding School for super naturals. If you decide to go to this school, you will learn how to control your power and bend it to your will. If you would like to go press this button and you will be instantly transported to your dorm, which will be filled with clothes food and your roommate.


Ms. Gormornor.

Not knowing what I was getting my self into I pressed the button. I turns out Ms. Gormornor was planning to take over the human world and I was supposed to be her champion. I disagreed and we ended up having to battle. She managed to turn my friend into a Cyclops before I sent her to “detention”. I was kicked out of the school. So now I’m walking down the cold, windless street listlessly; wondering what I’m going to do next.

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