
Por billiejayy

431K 12.5K 3.8K

This story is about....well you'll have to read it to find out. Happy reading!(NOT A FAN-FICTION) If you're n... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chaper 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Author's Note!
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34 Part 2
Chapter 35 Final Part

Chapter 33 Part 1

5.5K 210 47
Por billiejayy

Sorry for any errors! Enjoy!

Nelly's POV

I watch as Grayson crinkles his eyebrows together in his sleep and smile at his handsomeness. Then I yawn and try to sit up on the bed, but his arm, that's wrapped around my stomach, instantly pushes me back down on the bed. I cry out,"Ahhhhh!" And Grayson quickly snaps out of his sleep and look at me with concern written all over his face saying, while breathing frantically,"What's wrong baby?!" I wince and say weakly while pointing to my stomach,"M-My ribs Gray... You pushed your arm in them to pull me down when I tried to get up."

He notices his hand still wrapped around my stomach and quickly pull it away saying,"I'm so sorry princess, I-I didn't mean to I promise." Before I can say anything, he quickly climbs on top of me and run his hand across my stomach softly then start kissing it repeatedly saying,"I'm so so so so so so sorry." I smile and lift his head up and notice that his facial expression now looks like he's about to cry and my heart drops at the sight. I cup his face in my hands saying,"Baby... It's okay alright? It was an accident see, I'm fine."

He saids, while cupping my face in his hands,"Are you sure princess?" I smile at him lovingly and say,"I'm positive prince." He halfway smiles not fully convinced and say,"Okay beautiful, if you say so." Then he closes his eyes slowly as he starts to lean in and kiss my lips. I close my eyes as well and let all the passion, desire and love sink in as our lips flow in perfect sync with each other's. He thrusts his tongue across my bottom lip eager for it to roam my mouth and I allow him full access. As his tongue intertwines with mine, he taps my thigh, indicating that he wants me to put them around his waist and I gladly do that.

He grinds his hips forward against me and I through my head back moaning his name, causing him to groan and grind harder while rubbing my thigh. He pulls back and start kissing my neck saying,"I love you so much beautiful, you just don't know..." I moan as he finds my sensitive spot,"I love you more baby, you have no idea.." He pulls back and smile down at me as I breathe heavily, then he saids,"I have something for you baby girl." I smile and lift up my right eyebrow in confusion saying,"Really baby? For what?"

He kisses my neck one last time then get off of me and walk towards the couch saying,"I was gonna give you these things when we got back to Atlanta, but seeing that you might be in here for a while I wanna give them to you now." He's such a sweetheart... I smile and watch as he grabs three boxes and a gift bag from......Victoria's Secret! Along with another gift bag! Yay!! I gasp and say,"Babyyy." He smiles from ear to ear and say, handing me the box labeled in pink print 'Star Beauty Apparel',"Here open this one first."

It feels like Christmas! I take it out of his hands and sit it in my lap opening it anxiously. My eyes widen as I see a pink silk robe with pink feathers at the tips and words going across the back saying 'Grayson's Queen'. I feel my eyes start to water up at how beautiful it is and turn to him saying,"Thank you baby! I love it!" I hug him and he chuckles while taking the box from my lap saying,"Don't thank me yet mio amore..."

I grow more anxious as he hands me another box labeled 'For My Love' and I sit it on my lap and open it slowly. I smile in excitement at all of the t-shirts, socks, candy, and a sparkly pink studded microphone. I say,"Gray!! This is amazing!" He chuckles and peck my cheek scooting closer to me saying,"Anything for you my love, now I got you this mic because I know you love to sing and you do it like an angel so maybe you can start doing it more often, and I have the speakers for it back at my house. I love your voice baby girl.." I smile at him tenderly and kiss his cheek saying,"And I love you Gray."

He saids,"I love you more sexy, now come on come on, you have one more box left and then these bags." I chuckle and nod as he hands me the last box. This box is labeled 'Puma'!! No he didn't... I open it and squeal saying,"Yess! Thank you Gray!" I hold up the pink puffy Puma slides and examine them as Gray just chuckles watching me. He's the best boyfriend ever! He takes the shoe box away from me and place a bag in my lap saying, while licking his lips,"Now open this one..."

I split it open a little and peek my head in, but I quickly close it back up and look at Grayson shocked. He just sits there and bite his bottom lip smirking then say,"Come on baby girl pull it out.. Tell me what you think..." I shake my head and pull out the red hot thong with specks of gold on the helm and say,"Really Grayson?" He just smirks and say, while rubbing my thigh,"You know you like it gorgeous... I can't wait to see you in it..." I laugh and place the thing back in the bag saying,"In your dreams Gray. I don't even like thongs! They just sink into my butt not covering anything! How did you know my size though?"

He chuckles and say,"I may have probably kept one of your panties... And besides, you don't have to wear it all the time sweetheart, just on.... occasions..." I tear my eyes from his sexual taunting eyes and say,"U-Umm next bag please." He chuckles again and reach for the other bag saying,"I know you'll love this one." I take it hesitantly noticing that it's the one that saids VS and split it open, taking a glance inside. I squeal again and look through the bag full of cute panties, lotions, bras and a True Religion perfume bottle. I smell it and say,"This smells amazing Gray.."

He pushes my hair over my shoulder and kiss my neck smoothly saying,"You smell heavenly princess.." I groan at the feeling saying,"Thank you baby..." He pulls away and smile, saying,"Like I said before, don't thank me yet princess, what's that at the bottom?.." I reach down to the bottom of the bag and pull out two...... Oh my God... I immediately scream out in complete happiness and yell,"Thank you Gray!!! Thank you so much!! Your the best!!" What I'm holding is two tickets to Disney World!! I've always wanted to go and for him to get these hella expensive tickets for me, means a lot to me.

I quickly hug him and he chuckles saying,"Your more than welcome beautiful, you deserve it. All of this stuff. Now I have one more surprise for you, okay my love?" I smile widely and say,"Okay." He stand up and reach into his coat pocket, pulling out a velvet r-ring case... I watch as he gets down on one knee and say,"Nelly. Baby you are the most gorgeous, beautiful, stunning, sexy, adorable, foxy, attractive, divine, ravishing, prepossessing, woman I have ever met and ever will meet. From your beautifully rooted soul, to your heavenly graced attributes, and I love every part about you. I love every single aspect of your body and your soul, princess I love everything that has to do with you! I need you in my life baby girl! I need you so bad it hurts! I wanna spend everyday, every second, and every millisecond of my life with you princess! You and only you! Nelly..." He stops mid sentence and wipes the tears from my eyes as as I wipe away his, then he continues,"Nelly, sweetheart, the love of my life, the chocolate to my vanilla swirl, the ying to my yang, my beautiful goddess, will you promise me, with this promise ring, that you will do this one thing for me? Stay with me. Never leave me princess. Never get tired of loving me. Keep our love strong and unbreakable until infinity and beyond that?" I break down in tears of joy and nod saying,"Of course Grayson. I promise."

He smiles at me and open up the box revealing two beautiful diamond studded gold infinity rings. I cover my left hand over my mouth in shock at how beautiful they are and say,"Ohh Grayson I love youu!" He quickly engulfs me in a big hug saying as he cries softly,"I love you more Nelly!"

We pull back and chuckle while wiping each other's tears away, then he saids,"Can I have your left hand gorgeous?" I smile lovingly and hand him my left hand, where he slides the beautiful ring onto my ring finger and wink up at me causing me to blush. Then I take the box out of his hand and say,"Do you promise me Grayson B. Dolan?" He nods eagerly and I slip the ring on his ring finger, watching as he watches me do so. Then he holds onto both of my hands saying while looking deep inside my soul,"I'm forever yours princess and you are forever mines, and we will stay in this thing together and forever. All we need now is two more and we will be complete... You see these rings here, they light up every time we touch hands, where it saids 'Nelly and Grayson forever'. The spark will never die my love, because it is like our love, endless. I'll do anything for you princess and you know this... All I will ever want and need is for you too stay with me baby girl." I say,"I promise I'll stay with you Grayson, till infinity..."


One month and a half later...

I'm finally getting out of this hospital!! Wooohoo! Grayson just went to the receptionist on our floor to sign me out and I'm getting together all of our things. I have on a pink cropped hoodie Gray bought me that saids in white cursive letters going across the chest area 'Baby girl' and a pair of jeans rolled up at the bottom with my pink Pumas!

As I'm grabbing all the gifts together, there's a knock at the door and I raise my eyebrow in confusion on who that could be because Grayson would have just walked in.. I walk to the door and open it slightly to see who it is and its Genesis so I smile and let him in saying,"Hey Genesis! What are you doing here?" He smiles widely at me and pull me into a hug saying,"Hey Nelly! I wanted to see how you were doing."

I start to pull back as I feel his hands start to travel down my back and say highly uncomfortable,"Well I'm all better so umm..." He just stands there staring at me making me feel even more uncomfortable and I say,"Is that all you needed?" He finally breaks his stare from my face and his eyes start traveling down my body causing me to say playfully but serious,"Hey my eyes are up here boy." He chuckles and say nervously,"Oh haha my bad.. Where's Grayson?"

I say,"He went to the receptionist to sign us out... You didn't see him when you asked to come see me?.." He saids shaking his head,"No I didn't, I took the stairs. I-I came to see you when you were in your coma, but Grayson told me to leave." I lean my bottom on the railing of the bed at the end and say, folding my arms across my chest,"He did?" He nods and I think to myself... Grayson would have only done that if he thought that something wrong, not just to be mean or anything..

I say finally looking at him,"Did he say why?" He sighs and stuff his hands in his pockets saying,"Well I think he thinks that I like you.." I let out a sigh and say, not wanting Grayson to be mad,"Maybe you should leave then.." He saids,"B-But Nelly I just want to talk to you, there's this girl that I like and she's black but I always freeze up when I'm around her, I just need some advice from you, a black girl, on how to ask her out. Don't get me wrong, you are strongly attractive, but I would never do that to Grayson."

I smile and sit in the side of the bed saying,"Okay Genny, I'll give you some advice, why didn't you just tell me in the first place?" He chuckles and stand in front of me saying,"I don't know I guess I was just kinda of embarrassed." I say,"Okay then we'll first things first, don't be a dog! Don't be feeling on her too much or she'll think your a creep. Don't bring up race like 'I've never asked out a black girl before' just nothing racial okay?," he chuckles and I stare at him completely serious, causing him to stop immediately. I continue,"And if y'all do start dating, never and I mean never say nigga. Okay? It's just disrespectful and it could get you killed."

He nods vigorously and say,"Of course, I know better than that. I don't even do it now." I smile and say,"That's great Genny. Now another thing, complement her.."


Grayson's POV

As I finish signing the last sheet of paper, I hand it to the nice receptionist and head back to the room thinking about how much fun me and Nelly are about to have. I'm taking her to DisneyLand, and we are both very excited but I think she is more than me. Haha.

As I walk to the door, I hear laughter coming from the room belonging to her and some guy! I feel my temper get high and I look through the window on the door and see her sitting on the bed and see Genesis standing in front of her? WHAT THE FUCK?! I throw open the door and storm over to them and say, before I get physical,"Why are you here?!"

He stumbles to find an answer and Nelly saids walking over to me,"Baby calm down we were just talking okay?" I pull her closer to me in a possessive way and say, not even questioning what she said,"Okay baby, but did he try anything?" She chuckles softly and say,"Of course not Gray, he just wanted some dating advice." I say,"Why didn't you ask me?" He saids, chuckling a bit,"Because you were so strung up on thinking I liked Nelly!" I hear Nelly giggle in my arms and that automatically mad me chuckle saying,"Alright man, but I'm not sorry." He saids,"It's whatever Grayson, can I help you guys carry all these bags and boxes to your car?"

Before I can say anything, Nelly pulls away from me and start getting her bags saying,"Yess please! We need all the help we can get!" He nods and start gathering some boxes, and I walk up behind Nelly and wrap my arms around her saying,"Hey be careful baby girl, remember the doctor said to take it easy." She turns around in my arms and say,"But I don't feel any pain." I say while kissing her forehead,"That's because of the pain medicine he gave you princess, now just take it easy a bit okay? Let me help you with that."

One hour later...

(Their car)

We are now all set and ready to go on our full fourteen hours and fifty eight minute drive all the way to Orlando Florida. This is gonna be so much fun! I have a HUGE surprise for bae, I don't think she'll see it coming...

We both wave at our parents as we pull out of the driveway and head down the road. I chuckle and take a glance at a smiling Nelly, then I grab her legs and put them across my lap as I drive and say,"Lay back and relax princess, cause this is gonna be a loong ride." She giggles and say while leaning her back against the door,"Well I'm glad I get to spend it with you handsome." I blush and rub her thighs saying,"Me too princess, me too..."


Six hours later... In North Carolina..

As I'm driving Nelly taps my arm and say,"Baby can you pull over to that Dairy Queen, I gotta pee." I chuckle slightly and say,"Okay baby." Then I pull over to DQ and she quickly hops out the car before I can even put the car in park! I quickly park the car and get out following behind her. I open the door for us and she jets to the bathroom saying,"Be out in a minute." I nod and get in line to get me and her something sweet.

As I'm waiting in line, I fell my phone vibrating in my pocket, so I pull it out and see that Andrew is calling me... I groan and throw my head back in annoyance then answer it saying,"What?" He saids,"H-Hey umm, is Nelly there?" I say,"She's busy right now, what is it?" He saids hesitantly,"I just want to talk to her about something." I say, moving up in line,"About what?" I see Nelly turn the corner and start walking towards me with a questionable look on her face mouthing 'Who's that?'

I mouth back 'Andrew' and she lifts her eyebrow in confusion. I say,"Look we are quite busy right now so if it's not important than I'll be hanging up now-" Nelly takes the phone from me and say,"Hey Drew what is it?" I groan and rest my arm around her waist as we walk up to order. I say, already knowing what Nelly wants,"Hey, one large strawberry shortcake blizzard and one medium brownie dough blizzard."

As Nelly's talking to Andrew, I can't help but to get kinda jealous at the fact that she moved to the back of the line just to talk to him and away from me. What could they be talking about? Does she not want me to know? Does she not want to be around me? As I get lost in my own thoughts, I feel her wrap her left arm around my torso with my phone still to her ear. I relax a little but not fully because she's still talking to him! Then she puts her hand inside my shirt and start rubbing my lower abs.

I immediately get turned on and start feeling the tingles right where she's rubbing and she knows this. She knows what she's doing to me.. I wrap my arm her waist again and grab the phone out of her hand slowly saying,"Can I tell him you'll talk later?.." She looks up at me and say,"Yeah.." I bring the phone to my ear and say,"She'll talk to you later Andrew bye." I hang up the phone and slip it in my pocket, then place her in front of me and lean down to kiss her lips.

But before our lips can touch, they call out our order and I groan, causing her to giggle and grab the blizzards from the guy. She hands me mine and I say, as we walk out,"Hold onto your cup." Before she can say anything else, I sweep her off her feet and carry her to the car. She just smiles and laugh, then I open the car door and place her down softly on the seat and run over to the drivers side. I get in and close the door behind me and move our drinks to the side saying to her,"Come here baby girl."

She smiles her gorgeous smile and crawl over to me, and I place her on my lap, smiling also. She saids, as I start kissing on her neck, letting her know that I want her,"D-Don't you want t-to know why Andrew called?" I groan and grip her ass saying, while moving my kisses to her collarbone,"Not right now baby girl. I want you now." She moans and arch her back as I grind her hips against me softly. She starts kissing my neck and I moan saying,"Oh babyy..." She smirks against my neck and pull away saying,"Come her baby." She pulls my face to hers and we kiss each other with so much passion and desire, we completely forget about the world around us and all I can think about is.... This is the woman I want to be in my life forever... And I immediately know what I have to do...


End of this chapter guys! Hope you enjoyed it! If you did, comment what you thought and vote for it!

Quick Question ~ What is Grayson gonna do? Have any idea?...

Okay SHOUTOUT TO ALL OF MY BEAUTIFUL READERS!! I love all of y'all! BUT! I gotta shoutout my mains! So here goes, and if I missed any names, lemme know and I'll add em okay?

1. @AllyBrooks5
2. Felicia-Keys
3. futurebabymuva
4. @gabgabmcnab
5. @internet_20
6. @bored_and_afraid
7. eleanortheshywriter
8. @WritingIsMyLifee
9. @neshaevans
10. BossCurtis
11. Melticz
12. imani231
13. @dejac9089
14. @hallkaya
15. @jlross34
16. @fbowens
17. @Alyssabella15
18. DanitaGriffin
20. TanitaGriffin7
21. @Forever_Bae14
22. @Mami-Kay
23. @Androus2G

These are only a few!😁🙄😆 I'll say the others on my next chapter so yeah! Love y'all and continue reading until the next chapter..

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