The Roadie

By idjitlove13

49 3 0

Jensen Ackles is the newest rock n roll heartthrob and he's looking for a new roadie to join his team. Will y... More

Jensen Freaking Ackles!!

49 3 0
By idjitlove13

This is a Danneel and Jensen story.

"Two years after Stanford I'm still working in this crappy dive bar." you mutter to yourself while clearing off tables and refilling drinks. You work every Friday, Saturday, and sometimes Sunday nights at Dionysus' Palace, as a waitress and a bartender.
I hate it here but it pays well enough.

I can't wait till my shift ends. Then I can go, home turn off the light, and read a good book with a beer while my fave artist, Jensen Ackles. Ruggedly handsome with a whiskey voice and enchanting emerald green eyes. Absolutely swoon worthy.

My shift is ending. I gather my tips from behind the bar and go to the break room for my jacket and keys. But when I return, a find a pair of emerald eyes looking at me. Standing and blocking the hallway, I find myself frozen as I realize it's truly Jensen Ackles sitting at my bar, a beer in his hand. His usually rugged look is dampened down by the look of sadness crossing his face.

You knew you should turn and leave, why would a famous singer like Jensen even take time out for you. But you felt yourself moving closer and closer to him, before sitting down on the barstool next to him.
Jim the usual bar tender looked at you curiously. Raising a hand, you silently asked for two more beer, before passing Jensen one. He looked up at you, and you once again get caught in the emerald green eyes staring back at you. "Thank you." He said seeming surprised by your generosity.

"Rough day?", you ask.


"Well I'm sorry, do you wanna talk about it? I mean only if you want to you certainly don't have to and i know we just met and we haven't even been properly introduced and oh my gosh I'm rambling aren't i oh my goodness I am I'll shut up now sorry!"

Jensen chuckles lightly,"It's fine it was cute, I'm Jensen,though I have a feeling you knew that already."

"I'm Danneel,"

"It's nice to meet you Danneel." he said looking down at his drink with, wait was that, shyness? 

"So how long have you been here?" Jensen asked. "Oh my entire life" you responded. "Well if I had known that I would've come down here years ago." he said with a wink that sent your heart soaring and your stomach aflutter.

"Hey Jen, we been looking for you man!"
You and Jensen look towards the door to see a moose of a man and another  who looked to be Jensen's manager walking towards y'all.
"What can I get you boys?" Jim asks. "Two beers,please." "Coming right up." "Thanks."

You head to the back and gather the rest of your things. You decide to sit back at the bar a few seats away from Jensen and his gang. You try not to eavesdrop but you can't help it. You hear Misha say "You should invite her to the BBQ." "Dude, stay out of it. My love life is my business." He's got a girlfriend. I should have guessed. A chiseled jaw and amazing eyes like that there's no way he's single.

I gather my stuff to leave, but before I stand to leave, I feel someone behind me. Jensen taps me on the shoulder and smiles. "Hey, can I talk to you for a minute." You blink a few times before saying "Sure."
You both walk out onto the back patio letting the ragged screen door slam shut behind you.
There's an awkward silence that seems to last forever until Jensen asks, "are you okay, did my buddies scare you off cuz I can kick them out they can get obnoxious sometimes?" "no i just don't really do that scene." "oh ok, um can I ask you a question?" "you just did" you smirked causing Jensen to roll his eyes and smile softly. "Okay miss smarty pants, would you mind terribly, to be my guest at a barbecue for the band? I need a plus one I can't imagine anyone else I'd want to go with." "when is it?" you ask. "Its next weekend, its a pool party, and you don't have to bring anything." "yeah sure I can go i just have to get Kathryn to take my shift, what time and where is it?" " great, that's great, umm the time hasn't been set yet and I can pick you up if that's alright with you?"
Your heart is racing and your knees are wobbly. JENSEN FLIPPING ACKLES JUST ASKED YOU OUT. AND TO HANG WITH ANGELS AND DEMONS NO LESS. To say you were freaking out would be an understatement. Your mind was in full fangirl mode.
You and Jensen exchange numbers and head back inside. His hand is on the small of your back as he leads you back to the bar. You notice that Misha has left by now. "Where'd Collins go?" Jensen asks. "Oh he had to put the kiddos to bed, did you wanna give him a goodbye kiss?" Jared smirks. Jensen punches him in the arm. "Shut up man. Umm Danneel this is my best friend, Jared Padalecki. J this is Danneel." "its nice to meet you." you both say simultaneously.
Jensen chuckles at the two of you. "I had a feeling ya'll would get along."  You all talked for about an hour more and then left, Jensen making sure he had your number memorized.

Well that's chapter one tell me what all think.
Krazyk2314 and eeestes helped on this story they're amazing and great authors y'all go read their stories.

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